1,128 research outputs found

    Named Entity Recognition based on a Graph Structure

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    The identification of indirect relationships between texts from different sources makes the task of text mining useful when the goal is to obtain the most valuable information from a set of texts. That is why in the field of information retrieval the correct recognition of named entities plays an important role when extracting valuable information in large amounts of text. Therefore, it is important to propose techniques that improve the NER classifiers in order to achieve the correct recognition of named entities. In this work, a graph structure for storage and enrichment of named entities is proposed. It makes use of synonyms and domain-specific ontologies in the area of computing. The performance of the proposed structure is measured and compared with other NER classifiers in the experiments carried out

    Los combustibles en las lĂĄmparas del PaleolĂ­tico superior

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    El presente trabajo pretende arrojar algo de luz a la existencia de lĂĄmparas en el PaleolĂ­tico Superior, un objeto que ha pasado desapercibido para los grandes estudiosos de la Prehistoria. No cabe duda de que el fuego en la Prehistoria serĂ­a una materia insustituible para el hombre, ya que debemos tener en cuenta que estamos hablando de un periodo de la historia donde el frĂ­o estaba muy presente, por lo que se convertĂ­a en un instrumento ideal para caldear los recintos y sobrellevar el frĂ­o, al igual que era utilizado para cocinar, defenderse de animales salvajes, etc. Pero tambiĂ©n era muy Ăștil para la iluminaciĂłn, ver en la oscuridad de la noche o en la profundidad de las cuevas era algo fundamental para nuestros antepasados. La apariciĂłn de las lĂĄmparas hace unos 40.000 años coincide con uno de los grandes cambios culturales que se produjeron en la historia, la apariciĂłn del “arte”: pinturas, adornos personales, complejos sistemas de armas
 Parece evidente pensar que las lĂĄmparas hicieron posible el desarrollo del arte murario en las cuevas, ya que estos objetos permitĂ­an tener luz en las profundidades de las cuevas. Por ello es importante conocer quĂ© tipo de combustible y mecha utilizaban para fabricar las lĂĄmparasThe aim of the present study is to provide some information about the existence of the lamps in the Upper Paleolithic, an object that has not been studied in depth by the researches. There is not the slightest doubt that in the Prehistory the fire was really important to the humans, because of cold weather in that period. For this reason, the fire was an essential tool in order to heat the enclosures and to endure the cold, the same as cooking, to defend themselves of the wild animals, etc. Also the fire was usefulness to light up, to see in the dark night or in the depth of the caves, something fundamental for our antecedents. The appearance of the lamps 40.000 years ago coincides with one of the great cultural changes of the history, the appearing of Art: paintings, personal ornaments, complex systems of weapons
 It seems evident to think that the lamps made possible the development of the rock art in the caves, considering that these objects afforded to have light in the depth of the caves. Because of this it is important to know the type of fuel and wick used by the prehistoric people to manufacture the lamp

    Generalized Henneberg Stable Minimal Surfaces

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    We generalize the classical Henneberg minimal surface by giving an infinite family of complete, finitely branched, non-orientable, stable minimal surfaces in R3. These surfaces can be grouped into subfamilies depending on a positive integer (called the complexity), which essentially measures the number of branch points. The classical Henneberg surface H1 is characterized as the unique example in the subfamily of the simplest complexity m = 1, while for m ≄ 2 multiparameter families are given. The isometry group of the most symmetric example Hm with a given complexity m ∈ N is either isomorphic to the dihedral isometry group D2m+2 (if m is odd) or to Dm+1 × Z2 (if m is even). Furthermore, for m even Hm is the unique solution to the Bjšorling problem for a hypocycloid of m + 1 cusps (if m is even), while for m odd the conjugate minimal surface H ∗ m to Hm is the unique solution to the Bjšorling problem for a hypocycloid of 2m + 2 cusps.Universidad de Granada/CBUA CEX2020-001105-M/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) Spanish GovernmentEuropean Commission PID2020-117868GB-I00 Junta de Andalucia P18-FR-4049 A-FQM-139-UGR1

    MREM: Una red recurrente con estados neuronales generalizados

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    PresentaciĂłn de una generalizaciĂłn de las redes de Hopfiel

    Aplicaciones de SIG en programas de desarrollo: Experiencia de ISF-ApD en Tanzania

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    Los programas de agua y saneamiento, como el de ISF-ApD en Tanzania, llevan asociada una gran cantidad de información y varios años para su implementación, lo que justifica la necesidad del establecimiento de un sistema de monitoreo riguroso. El Mapeo de Puntos de Agua, como herramienta de SIG participativa, tiene un gran potencial para crear conciencia en la población, socios y organizaciones de la sociedad civil sobre el estado de su acceso a los servicios. Por otro lado, es una herramienta que facilita la planificación por parte de los Gobiernos Locales, ya que posibilita el anålisis de las desigualdades de cobertura en el territorio de una manera mås fiable. Palabras clave: Sistemas de Monitoreo de Puntos de Agua, Sistemas de Información Geogråfica (SIG), Tanzania.Peer Reviewe

    #informetwitter: qualitative analysis of the social network’s advanced user.

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    Dentro del contexto de la denominada Sociedad del Conocimiento, resulta vital conocer en profundidad cĂłmo interactĂșan los usuarios en las redes sociales y muy en concreto con la interfaz de Twitter. Hasta la fecha, se han realizado infinidad de investigaciones sobre la relevancia comercial, reputacional, de alcance o de penetraciĂłn de este microblog. Casi todas ellas, han puesto de manifiesto la importancia de tener presencia personal o empresarial en esta red social. No obstante, con este informe realizado por Redbility, Influenzia, y la Universidad Europea de Madrid, se pretende reconocer cĂłmo los usuarios emplean esta herramienta desde sus diferentes dispositivos y descubrir cuĂĄl es la manera mĂĄs eficiente de participar en esta red social.Within the “Knowledge based society” context, it is essential to know how users interact in social networks and specially with the Twitter interface. Up to now, it has been the object of several scientific research and studies on the microblog’s commercial relevance, reputation, significance or introduction. Almost all of them have shown the importance of personal or business presence in this social network. However, the report produced by Redbility, Influenzia and the Universidad Europea de Madrid, tries to show how users use this tool via differents devices and find out what is the most efficient way to participate in this social network

    Modelación numérica de un pilote individual cargado lateralmente

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciĂłnLa modelaciĂłn de pilotes cargados lateralmente en el software PLAXIS 8.2 (versiĂłn estudiantil), es el resultado del trabajo de grado. Con el ĂĄnimo de observar el comportamiento en desplazamientos de diferentes combinaciones de secciones, longitudes y geometrĂ­as; ante una carga constante para las modelaciones y aplicada sobre el nivel 0.0 (rasante), simulando posibles cargas de viento, marea e incluso una fuerza cortante que intente dar volcamiento a la sĂșper estructura.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    A Highly Available Cluster of Web Servers with Increased Storage Capacity

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    Ponencias de las Decimoséptimas Jornadas de Paralelismo de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha celebradas el 18,19 y 20 de septiembre de 2006 en AlbaceteWeb servers scalability has been traditionally solved by improving software elements or increasing hardware resources of the server machine. Another approach has been the usage of distributed architectures. In such architectures, usually, file al- location strategy has been either full replication or full distribution. In previous works we have showed that partial replication offers a good balance between storage capacity and reliability. It offers much higher storage capacity while reliability may be kept at an equivalent level of that from fully replicated solutions. In this paper we present the architectural details of Web cluster solutions adapted to partial replication. We also show that partial replication does not imply a penalty in performance over classical fully replicated architectures. For evaluation purposes we have used a simulation model under the OMNeT++ framework and we use mean service time as a performance comparison metric.Publicad

    Single-layer economic model predictive control for periodic operation

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    In this paper we consider periodic optimal operation of constrained periodic linear systems. We propose an economic model predictive controller based on a single layer that unites dynamic real time optimization and control. The proposed controller guarantees closed-loop convergence to the optimal periodic trajectory that minimizes the average operation cost for a given economic criterion. A priori calculation of the optimal trajectory is not required and if the economic cost function is changed, recursive feasibility and convergence to the new periodic optimal trajectory is guaranteed. The results are demonstrated with two simulation examples, a four tank system, and a simplified model of a section of Barcelona's water distribution network.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft
