64 research outputs found

    Recent developments for the calculation of elastic and non-elastic breakup of weakly-bound nuclei

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    In this contribution, we review some recent theoretical advances for the calculation of breakup cross sections in reactions induced by weakly-bound nuclei.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FIS2013-41994-P, CSD2007-00042Junta de Andalucía FQM160, P07-FQM-02894European Commission 60037

    Service for the pseudonymization of electronic healthcare records based on ISO/EN 13606 for the secondary use of information

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    The availability of electronic health data favors scientific advance through the creation of repositories for secondary use. Data anonymization is a mandatory step to comply with current legislation. A service for the pseudonymization of electronic healthcare record (EHR) extracts aimed at facilitating the exchange of clinical information for secondary use in compliance with legislation on data protection is presented. According to ISO/TS 25237, pseudonymization is a particular type of anonymization. This tool performs the anonymizations by maintaining three quasi-identifiers (gender, date of birth and place of residence) with a degree of specification selected by the user. The developed system is based on the ISO/EN 13606 norm using its characteristics specifically favorable for anonymization. The service is made up of two independent modules: the demographic server and the pseudonymizing module. The demographic server supports the permanent storage of the demographic entities and the management of the identifiers. The pseudonymizing module anonymizes the ISO/EN 13606 extracts. The pseudonymizing process consists of four phases: the storage of the demographic information included in the extract, the substitution of the identifiers, the elimination of the demographic information of the extract and the elimination of key data in free-text fields. The described pseudonymizing system was used in three Telemedicine research projects with satisfactory results. A problem was detected with the type of data in a demographic data field and a proposal for modification was prepared for the group in charge of the drawing up and revision of the ISO/EN 13606 norm

    How patients with COVID-19 managed the disease at home during the first wave in Spain: a cross-sectional study.

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    Most patients with mild COVID-19 had to stay at home trying to implement an optimal quarantine. The aim of this study was to describe the COVID-19 cases during the first wave of the pandemic in Spain, how they managed the disease at home, focusing on differences by age, as well as differences in knowledge, attitudes and preventive practices, compared with the uninfected population. An online survey was used to conduct a cross-sectional study of individuals who were 14 years or older living in Spain during the COVID-19 lockdown. The main variable was a COVID-19 case. Logistic regression models for COVID-19 cases were obtained using a backward stepwise procedure to assess the association between social variables, disease knowledge, attitudes, prevention practices and emotional impact. 3398 people completed the survey. Participants' mean age was 49.6 (SD=14.3). COVID-19 was significantly more prevalent among married people (5.3%) and those currently doing an on-site work (8.7%). Most of the COVID-19 cases stayed at home (84.0%) during the episode. There were significant age-based differences with regard to self-isolation conditions at home during the disease. COVID-19 cases showed better attitudes, practices and knowledge about disease symptoms and transmission than the uninfected population. COVID-19 cases also felt more depressed (adjusted OR: 3.46, 95% CI 1.45 to 8.26) and had better preventive behaviour than the uninfected population, such as always wearing a mask outside the home (adjusted OR 1.58, 95% CI 1.06 to 2.30). COVID-19 cases found it difficult to comply with recommended home self-isolation conditions, with differences by age group. COVID-19 had an important impact on care dependency in non-hospitalised patients, who were mostly dependent on their families for care. It is necessary to reinforce social and health services and to be ready to meet the care needs of populations during the different waves or in future epidemics.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the National Tropical Diseases Research Network (RD16CIII/003/001RICET). The funders had no role in study design or in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, or the decision to submit the article for publication.S

    A new surgical model of skeletal muscle injuries in rats reproduces human sports lesions

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    Skeletal muscle injuries are the most common sports-related injuries in sports medicine. In this work, we have generated a new surgically-induced skeletal muscle injury in rats, by using a biopsy needle, which could be easily reproduced and highly mimics skeletal muscle lesions detected in human athletes. By means of histology, immunofluorescence and MRI imaging, we corroborated that our model reproduced the necrosis, inflammation and regeneration processes observed in dystrophic mdx-mice, a model of spontaneous muscle injury, and realistically mimicked the muscle lesions observed in professional athletes. Surgically-injured rat skeletal muscles demonstrated the longitudinal process of muscle regeneration and fibrogenesis as stated by Myosin Heavy Chain developmental (MHCd) and collagen-I protein expression. MRI imaging analysis demonstrated that our muscle injury model reproduces the grade I-II type lesions detected in professional soccer players, including edema around the central tendon and the typically high signal feather shape along muscle fibers. A significant reduction of 30% in maximum tetanus force was also registered after 2 weeks of muscle injury. This new model represents an excellent approach to the study of the mechanisms of muscle injury and repair, and could open new avenues for developing innovative therapeutic approaches to skeletal muscle regeneration in sports medicin

    EXTRAE: EXTRaction of Associations between Diseases and Other Medical Concepts

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    El propósito de este proyecto es investigar en la mejora de las técnicas de extracción de Reglas de Asociación (RA) entre enfermedades, o entre enfermedades y otros conceptos médicos. Estas reglas permiten representar el conocimiento médico subyacente a un conjunto de Historias Clínica Electrónica (HCE). Concretamente nos planteamos explorar técnicas semisupervisadas que nos permitan alcanzar resultados equiparables a los de las técnicas supervisadas con una mínima supervisión. El proyecto se propone realizar avances significativos en la selección de reglas de asociación relevantes en el dominio de la salud, que pueden tener una alta aplicabilidad en la ayuda al diagnóstico y en la prevención de enfermedades.This project aims to improve the techniques for extracting Association Rules (AR) between diseases, or between diseases and other medical concepts. These rules allow the representation of medical knowledge underlying a set of Electronic Medical Records (EHR). Particularly, we plan to explore semi-supervised techniques that allow us to achieve similar results to those obtained using supervised techniques, but requiring minimal supervision. The project intends to make significant progress in the selection of relevant AR, which may be applied in the health domain for developing diagnostic help systems, or for disease prevention.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por los proyectos EXTRAE (IMIENS 2017) y PROSA-MED (TIN2016-77820-C3-2-R)

    Follow-up with Telemedicine in Early Discharge for COPD Exacerbations: Randomized Clinical Trial (TELEMEDCOPD-Trial)

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    The results reported by different studies on telemonitoring in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have been contradictory, without showing clear benefits to date. The objective of this study was to ascertain whether an early discharge and home hospitalization telehealth program for patients with COPD exacerbation is as effective as and more efficient than a traditional early discharge and home hospitalization program. A prospective experimental non-inferiority study, randomized into two groups (telemedicine/control) was conducted. The telemedicine group underwent monitoring and was required to transmit data on vital constants and ECGs twice per day, with a subsequent telephone call and 2 home visits by healthcare staff (intermediate and at discharge). The control group received daily visits. The main variable was time until first exacerbation. The secondary variables were: number of exacerbations; use of healthcare resources; satisfaction; quality of life; anxiety-depression; and therapeutic adherence, measured at one and 6 months of hospital discharge. A total of 116 patients were randomized (58 to each group) without significant differences in baseline characteristics or time until first exacerbation, i.e. median 48 days (pp. 25-75:23-120) in the control group, and 47 days (pp. 25-75:19-102) in the intervention group; p = 0.52). A significant decrease in the number of visits was observed in the intervention versus the control group, 3.8 ± 1 vs 5.1 ± 2(p = 0.001), without significant differences in the number of exacerbations. In conclusion follow-up via a telemedicine program in early discharge after hospitalization is as effective as conventional home follow up, being the cost of either strategy not significantly different.This study was awarded a Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias/FIS) grant, dossier No. PI12/01161 of the Carlos III Institute of Health and the Ministry of Sciences, Innovation and Universities.S

    CXCL12-mediated murine neural progenitor cell movement Requires PI3Kß activation

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    The migratory route of neural progenitor/precursor cells (NPC) has a central role in central nervous system development. Although the role of the chemokine CXCL12 in NPC migration has been described, the intracellular signaling cascade involved remains largely unclear. Here we studied the molecular mechanisms that promote murine NPC migration in response to CXCL12, in vitro and ex vivo. Migration was highly dependent on signaling by the CXCL12 receptor, CXCR4. Although the JAK/STAT pathway was activated following CXCL12 stimulation of NPC, JAK activity was not necessary for NPC migration in vitro. Whereas CXCL12 activated the PI3K catalytic subunits p110α and p110β in NPC, only p110β participated in CXCL12-mediated NPC migration. Ex vivo experiments using organotypic slice cultures showed that p110β blockade impaired NPC exit from the medial ganglionic eminence. In vivo experiments using in utero electroporation nonetheless showed that p110β is dispensable for radial migration of pyramidal neurons. We conclude that PI3K p110β is activated in NPC in response to CXCL12, and its activity is necessary for immature interneuron migration to the cerebral cortex.BLH received an FPI predoctoral fellowship (BES-2006-12965) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. This work was supported in part by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SAF 2011-27370), the RETICS Program (RD08/0075/0010, RD12/0009/0009; RIER), the Madrid regional government (S2010/BMD-2350; RAPHYME), and the European Union (FP7-integrated project Masterswitch 223404).Peer reviewe

    HAZLO: Plataforma de telesalud basada en tecnologías mhealth para el despliegue de programas personalizados de rehabilitación cardiaca fase II

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    CASEIB 2015. XXXIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. Madrid 4, 5 y 6 de noviembre 2015.Actualmente, los Programas de Rehabilitación Cardiaca, tanto en provisión presencial como domiciliaria, afrontan la necesidad de incrementar sus tasas de adopción y adherencia, y en estos retos, los servicios de telesalud basados en mhealth comienzan a jugar un papel relevante, aunque la evidencia es fragmentada y de baja calidad. Se ha implementado un servicio de telesalud que despliega un programa basado en actividades terapéuticas de rehabilitación física (marcha) y psicológica (relajación), contenidos educativos para la autogestión, y herramientas para la interacción virtual (mensajería, videollamada y foros). Se presenta en este trabajo la descripción del servicio y los resultados del pilotaje (41 pacientes, 5 meses), para evaluar la viabilidad en términos de operatividad-funcionalidad en cada uno de sus componentes y adherencia a los protocolos por parte de los pacientes. Se ha iniciado un ensayo aleatorizado controlado (128+128 pacientes) para estudiar la no inferioridad en resultados clínicos del modelo de provisión basado en telesalud frente al tradicional; adicionalmente, se estudiarán la mejora en calidad de vida, satisfacción y usabilidad.Este trabajo está siendo financiado por la AES 2012, PI12/00389 y PI12/00585 (coordinados), y PI12/00508, y la colaboración de REDISSEC RD12/0001/0001.N

    Crítica, periodismo y divulgación musical en espacios digitales

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    Mediante el presente proyecto se ha ofrecido formación en recursos y prácticas de crítica y periodismo musical, profundizando en la importancia de la divulgación en espacios digitales. Se trata de la continuación del anterior proyecto de innovación no 21 "Herramientas de comunicación y divulgación musical orientadas a la transferencia: entornos digitales 2.0". El nuevo proyecto se ha centrado en los ámbitos de la crítica y el periodismo, concretamente en la actualidad de la prensa escrita y la radio, así como ha tenido en cuenta el uso extendido de redes sociales y plataformas online en tareas de divulgación de contenidos. Dicha formación ha querido dar respuesta a la necesidad de que el profesorado y el alumnado en Musicología actualice y refuerce su conocimiento sobre los códigos, recursos, y entornos en los que se desarrollan estos campos, ya que se trata actualmente de uno de los ámbitos principales de proyección profesional de los egresados de Musicología, a través de la demanda de publicaciones digitales que requieren especialización en música, , radios - en las cuales la interacción con el usuario de internet es crucial-, e instituciones culturales y musicales que necesitan reseñas, crónicas, y breves escritos enfocados a sus espacios de difusión y promoción en internet. Se trata de un proyecto interfacultativo e interdepartamental ya que ha implicado a profesionales, docentes, investigadores y alumnado del Departamento de Musicología, el ICCMU (ambos de la Facultad de Geografía e Historia), y el Departamento de Periodismo y Nuevos medios (Facultad de Ciencias de la Información)