20 research outputs found

    Interacciones virus-hongo-insecto en la enfermedad del chancro resinoso de los pinos

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    The ascomycetous fungus Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O'Donell is the causal agent of pine pitch canker disease (PPC), one of the most devastating forest diseases worldwide. PPC has been reported in fourteen countries throughout America, Africa, Asia and Europe. So that, it is though that more than ten million hectares of pine forests and plantations are threatened by this disease in Europe. F. circinatum is mainly considered a necrotroph when it infects conifers via stem,however its ecological role as an endophyte in several herbaceous plants as well as a possible saprophyte in litter have been recently reported. The overall aim of this Thesis was to analyze the interactions that take place among members of the PPC pathosystem . For this purpose, we carried out six scientific works focused on the study of relationships between three main elements of the PPC: viruses, fungi and insects. Firstly, a review about the use of fungal viruses (mycoviruses) in biocontrol of forest diseases was elaborated. Secondly, the complete genome of F. circinatum was used as query for in silico annotating five candidate genes putatively related with fungal virulence. The proposed annotation was based in the comparison with previously characterized genes in other Fusarium species and gene ontology. Fungus-virus interaction was addressed in a third study by high throughput sequencing of RNA. In this work, we studied the anti-viral response performed by the fungus against three previously described Mitovirus spp. (FcMVl, FcMV2-1 and FcMV2-2). As a result, new data about FcMV2-2's genome were provided in addition to new insights about the RNA silencing process in the fungus. In a fourth study, deletion mutants of F. circinatum lacking the earlier annotated gene Fcrhol were generated. Our results revealed not lethal effects of gene deletion even though Fcrhol was an effective regulator of vegetative growth in vitro. Otherwise, we evaluated the effect of single and co-infection by FcMVl and FcMV2-2 in lacease enzyme production, mycelial growth and fungal pathogenicity in Pinus radiata D. Don seedlings.Departamento de Producción Vegetal y Recursos ForestalesDoctorado en Conservación y Uso Sostenible de Sistemas Forestale

    Intervención educativa para alumnos con dificultades de aprendizaje en la ESO: una aplicación de metodologías innovadoras en el ámbito científico-matemático de los programas de mejora del aprendizaje y el rendimiento (PMAR)

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    La enseñanza de ciencias en los programas para la mejora del aprendizaje y rendimiento escolar (PMAR) requiere de la elaboración de recursos dinámicos y altamente motivadores, capaces de atraer el interés del alumnado. La presente propuesta de intervención educativa se diseña para dar respuesta a esta necesidad en un caso real. Para ello, se recurre a las materias de Biología y Geología como nexo para el desarrollo de un total de seis actividades educativas fundamentadas en el currículo del ámbito científico-matemático de segundo curso de PMAR. Las actividades propuestas aúnan metodologías de enseñanza innovadoras tales como el trabajo colaborativo, las actividades creativas, el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el aula, la ciencia escolar, la gamificación educativa o la aplicación de rutinas de pensamiento. La intervención se ha diseñado con una vocación práctica, por lo que incluye la temporalización de las actividades y sus métodos de evaluación, así como una previsión de recursos necesarios para su puesta en práctica en el aula.Science teaching in the learning and school performance improvement programs (PMAR) requires the development of high motivating resources. This work provides an intervention designed to meet educational needs in a real study case. We designed a total of six activities in agreement with the scientific-mathematical curriculum of the second course of PMAR. The design was based on the use of Biology and Geology subjects as linking element between the proposed activities. The educational intervention includes innovative methodologies such as cooperative learning, creative tasks, use of information and communication technologies, school science, gamification and thinking routines. In addition, the proposal provides all required elements for effective implementation at school (i.e. timetable, evaluation instruments and required resources).Departamento de PedagogíaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Propuesta de intervención educativa: aplicación de metodologías innovadoras en la enseñanza de Biología con estudiantes del Programa de Mejora del Aprendizaje y del Rendimiento Escolar

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    Science teaching in Learning and School Performance Improvement Programs (PMAR) requires the development of high motivating resources. This work provides an intervention designed to meet these educational needs. We designed a total of three activities in agreement with the scientific-mathematical curriculum of the 2nd course of PMAR. The design was based on the use of Biology as linking element between the proposed activities. The educational intervention includes innovative methodologies such as cooperative learning, creative tasks, use of information and communication technologies (ICT), gamification and thinking routines. The proposal is described to be used as practical resource for educators.La enseñanza de ciencias en el Programa de Mejora del Aprendizaje y del Rendimiento Escolar (PMAR) requiere de la elaboración de recursos dinámicos y altamente motivadores, capaces de atraer el interés del alumnado. La presente propuesta de intervención educativa se diseña para dar respuesta a esta necesidad docente. Para ello, se recurre a la materia de Biología como nexo para el desarrollo de un total de tres actividades educativas fundamentadas en el currículo del ámbito científico-matemático de 2.º curso del PMAR. Las actividades propuestas aúnan metodologías de enseñanza innovadoras, tales como el trabajo colaborativo, las actividades creativas, el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), la gamificación educativa o la aplicación de rutinas de pensamiento. La intervención se ha diseñado con una vocación práctica, por lo que se describe de un modo que permita su aplicación en aula

    Fenología migratoria y tiempo de parada del carricerín cejudo (Acrocephalus paludicola Vieillot) en la laguna de La Nava (Palencia)

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    Acrocephalus paludicola, es uno de los paseriformes migratorios más amenazados (Vulnerable) a escala global. Se llevaron a cabo campañas de anillamiento en La Nava en el periodo 2000-2008 en las que se capturaron 683 ejemplares. Se obtuvo el índice “Acrola” que apuntó una elevada importancia del enclave en la ruta migratoria. El número de capturas varió con la quincena y descendió a mayores niveles de sequía. La tasa media de engorde diario calculada fue negativa, se detectó un retraso progresivo de la llegada a lo largo de los años y una migración adelantada en los adultos. El tiempo de parada mínimo fue similar al obtenido mediante un modelo CJS, que fue constante. En consecuencia, se observa una fenología similar a la documentada en la ruta más atlántica, así como un estado subóptimo del humedal intensificado por la gestión hidrológica y un posible efecto del Calentamiento Global en la migración postnupcial.Producción Vegetal y Recursos ForestalesMáster en Investigación en Ingeniería para la Conservación y Uso Sostenible de Sistemas Forestale

    The use of mycoviruses in the control of forest diseases

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    Producción CientíficaFifteen families of mycoviruses have been described and 80% of these catalogued. However, their evolutionary relationship with fungi is not clear. The mycovirus genome can be formed by single- or double-stranded RNA or single-stranded DNA. The effects of mycoviruses range from the induction of a cryptic state (asymptomatic) to promotion of hyper- or hypovirulence in the host. Horizontal transmission of mycoviruses is determined by the presence of different vegetative compatibility types and mating types. Biocontrol of chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) has been found to be a successful mycovirus-based treatment and is considered a model in forest disease management. Development of this type of biological control tool for use in other forest pathologies requires a sound knowledge of viral symptomatology and transmission. The present review focuses on the application of mycoviruses and the prospects for future use in the biological control of forest diseases as well as on advances in mycovirus-applied research in forestry, landscape and culture of woody plants.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project AGL2012-39912

    New qPCR protocol to detect Diplodia corticola shows phoretic association with the oak pinhole borer Platypus cylindrus

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    BACKGROUND: Botryosphaeria canker (causal agent: Diplodia corticola) is considered one of the most important diseases of cork oak (Quercus suber) stands since it necrotizes the subero-phellodermic layer preventing cork regeneration after harvesting. One of the most intriguing etiological issues of this disease is its plausible spreading through trunk borer insects. In this study, we highlight the phoretic relationship between D. corticola and the oak pinhole borer Platypus cylindrus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) which massively colonizes debarked cork oaks in southern Europe. We extracted DNA from 154 adults of P. cylindrus collected in six cork oak stands in north-eastern Spain during the summer of 2021. We developed a new nested quantitative PCR-based protocol for quick detection of D. corticola carried by insects. RESULTS: The use of real time amplification of a highly specific mitochondrial marker allowed us to detect spore loads down to a single conidium within the first 29 cycles of qPCR. The 29.62% of insect pools (corresponding to 31.16% of studied insects) resulted in an estimated spore load higher than one conidium/insect, with a moderate value of mean spore load for the whole dataset (~33 conidia/insect). Estimated spore load was significantly higher in May and August, regardless of insect abundance in the field. CONCLUSION: This study provides new tools for diagnosis of this emergent pathogen that would be useful for developing monitoring strategies and epidemiological studies

    Cork harvest planning and climate: High air humidity favors availability of airborne inoculum of Diplodia corticola

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    Producción CientíficaThe canker disease caused by Diplodia corticola is one of the most important emerging pathologies of cork oak (Quercus suber) in western Europe. The fungus is dispersed by borer insects, although it is also thought that the spores can be dispersed by wind and rain. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of airborne inoculum of D. corticola in managed cork oak stands during cork harvesting season. Semi-passive spore traps were set in eight sampling plots in Catalonia (north-eastern Spain) in summer of 2020. Traps were replaced every week and the number of D. corticolas spores per sampling event was estimated based on a specific nested-qPCR protocol. Spatial-temporal distribution of airborne inoculum accumulation along sampling areas was analyzed using generalized additive models (GAMs). The availability of airborne inoculum resulted rather low with noticeable accumulation peaks in some of the sampled areas. The fitted GAM revealed a positive effect of high air humidity during the sampling period on the availability of spores. This study represents the first attempt to model the spore release of this emerging pathogen, and it provides insights for developing D. corticola canker control strategies based on the precise timing of cork harvesting operations.Centro de Ciencias Forestales de Cataluña (CTFC) (E-25-2020-0115755

    Evaluation of Chestnut Susceptibility to Cryphonectria parasitica: Screening under Controlled Conditions

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    Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill) M.E. Barr (Sordariomycetes, Valsaceae) is the causal agent of chestnut blight. This disease is a major concern for chestnut cultivation in Europe. The fungus colonizes vascular tissues and evolves generating cankers causing severe dieback and the death of the tree. Excised and debarked well-lignified shoots of 28 C. sativa genotypes (assay A) and of 10 progenies (assay B) were inoculated with C. parasitica strain FMT3bc2 (vcg: EU2). Fungal growth was measured along the longitudinal axis on the 3rd and 6th days after inoculation. Results indicated the inoculation methodology works and the results were clear after 6 days. Differences in susceptibility to chestnut blight among C. sativa trees of Montseny have been detected both at the individual genotype level and at the progeny level. Nineteen genotypes and four progenies showed a susceptibility to Blight not significantly different from C. mollissima. The methodology was easy to apply in extensive/preliminary selection screenings to assess the susceptibility of C. sativa materials to the Blight.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antagonistic effect in vitro of three commercial strains of Bacillus sp. against the forest pathogen Diplodia corticola

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    Botryosphaeria canker of Quercus suber (causal agent: Diplodia corticola) poses a major threat for cork production along the western Mediterranean Basin. Infection by D. corticola induces cankers, which reduce tree vigour and compromise phellem regeneration. European policies in forest health advise the use of environmentally friendly methods, such as biocontrol, rather than the use of chemicals in natural stands. In this study, we assessed the antagonistic potential of three commercial products involving bacteria (Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus mojavensis) using two culture media [potato-dextrose-agar medium (PDA), and PDA amended with copper oxychloride, an inorganic fungicide] against D. corticola. Five indices based on colony dimensions showed significant antagonistic effects of bacteria on fungal growth in vitro. The copper salt showed high toxicity against D. corticola. Preliminary results suggest that the three commercial products might be used as biocontrol agents against D. corticola, whose control capacities in the field deserve further investigation