25 research outputs found

    Optimización de recursos energéticos en zonas aisladas mediante estrategias de suministro y consumo

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    El desarrollo de esta tesis ha partido del estudio del esquema convencional de planificación de soluciones energéticas, encontrándose que corresponde a un esquema centralizado que ignora las necesidades energéticas de las zonas rurales, ya que su ejercicio no presta atención a los factores socio-económicos y medioambientales de las regiones. Lo que impacta negativamente cualquier proyecto de suministro energético y se aleja de el óptimo aprovechamiento de los recursos en la zona. Para dar respuesta a las necesidades del contexto actual en este tipo de zonas, se ha procedido a definir una metodología general que considera detalladamente los criterios, procedimientos y estategias necesarias para la planificación y operación óptima de los recursos energéticos en una zona aislada. Dada las características de las zonas aisladas, se recurrió al concepto de Microred, incluye generación, demanda y almacenamiento, gestionadas de manera avanzada. Se realizó una revisión de herramientas de soporte a la decisión en planificación energética aislada, existentes, dentro de las que se, seleccionó el software HOMER cuya lógica de simulación limita la complejidad, lo que permite un cálculo más ágil y práctico, haciéndolo uno de los más flexibles en cuanto a los sistemas que permite simular y optimizar. Se elaboró un procedimiento para explotar de manera eficiente la microred, que consiste en forzar las estrategias de control y operación a responder a la demanda, y adicionalmente identificar la demanda flexible para gestionarla, de manera complemente la operación eficiente del sistema. La metodología fue implementada en zonas que presentó la oportunidad de hacer un uso no convencional de la biomasa, mediante la utilización de la madera residual depositada por la desembocadura de un río en las costas, al realizar su encuentro con el mar. El estudio involucró la cuantificación, caracterización y cálculo del potencial energético de la biomasa, demostrando que este tipo de aplicación noveMuñoz Maldonado, YA. (2012). Optimización de recursos energéticos en zonas aisladas mediante estrategias de suministro y consumo [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16010Palanci

    Analysis Of Geothermal Energy As An Alternative Source For Electricity In Colombia

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    Geothermal energy is the energy that is stored inside the earth and which may be used by man either directly (with no transformation) or to generate electricity by means of a geothermal power plant. This article estimates the participation of geothermal energy in Colombia’s electricity market by the year 2025, based on a review of current installed capacity in the country; potential sources of geothermal energy for electric power generation; the existing regulatory framework for projects involving renewable sources, and the geothermal projects currently under development in the national territory. Demand for electricity in Colombia will continue to increase, which implies that new electric power generation projects must be undertaken in order to meet the country’s demand. The conclusion is that geothermal energy is a good alternative to help achieve this objective. By 2025, geothermal sources are expected to generate at least 1400 GWh of electric power per year, equivalent to 1.65% of total electricity estimate demand in Colombia. If the full potential that has been assessed were exploited, generation capacity could reach up to 17,400 GWh/year (equivalent to close to 20% of the country’s demand) by 2025

    Analysis Of Energy Production With Different Photovoltaic Technologies In The Colombian Geography

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    This research has analyzed the photovoltaic technologies, Polycrystalline silicon, Monocrystalline Silicon, GIS, Cadmium Tellurium and Amorphous Silicon; in eight cities of the Colombian territory, in order to obtain a clear idea of what is the most appropriate for each city or region studied. PVsyst simulation software has been used to study in detail each photovoltaic technology, for an installed capacity of 100kW knowing the specific data of losses by temperature, mismatch, efficiency, wiring, angle inclination of the arrangement, among other

    Analysis Of Mismatch And Shading Effects In A Photovoltaic Array Using Different Technologies

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    In this paper, we analyze the performance of a photovoltaic array implemented in the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia which consists of modules of different technologies and power, connected in series, in order to quantify the energy losses due to mismatch and the effect of the shadows. To do this, the performance of the modules was measured in operation under ambient conditions with field measurement equipment (AMPROBE Solar Analyzer, Solar - 4000), which allows the extrapolation of measures to standard conditions STC. For the data validation, measures under controlled conditions were taken to some modules in the flash test laboratory of the Institute of Energy Technology ITE of Valencia in Spain. Subsequently the array curves measured were validated with a photovoltaic array model developed in MATLAB-Simulink for the same conditions and technologies. The results of this particular array are lost up to 20% of the energy supplied due to the modules mismatch. The study shows the curves and the energy loss due to shadows modules. This result opens scenarios for conceivable modifications to the PV field configurations today, chosen during the design stage and unchangeable during the operating stage; and gives greater importance to the energy loss by mismatch in the PV array

    Simultaneous occurrences and false-positives analysis in discrete event dynamic systems

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    Simultaneous occurrences of events have been a crucial and hard problem since the beginning of the research about automaton and simulation theories of discrete event systems, for more than 50 years. This article addresses some diagnosis problems in industrial processes, situations such as simultaneity of events, false positives, and partial recognition of event sequences. V-nets are presented as a means to model dynamic processes without the state machine concept and, the robustness and capability to identify different sequences of discrete events. With the V-nets formalism, it is possible to identify the evolution of the discrete events, simultaneous occurrences of events, partial recognition, counting the number of times that each discrete event occurred in a temporal sequence and this formalism also has the capability to model sequences of sequences. An example of one industrial application is presented and a comparative analysis of the Time Petri Nets, Timed Automata, and Chronicles with the V-nets is exposed

    Techno-economic evaluation of a grid-connected hybrid PV-wind power generation system in San Luis Potosi, Mexico

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    This paper presents a study of the installation of a hybrid PV-Wind power generation system for social interest houses in the city of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. To assess the benefits of the implementation of this type of systems, a technological, economic and environmental evaluation is carried out based on the available renewable energy resources and considering a typical load profile of consumers. The obtained results show the feasibility of installation of small capacity hybrid generation systems in the city, however governmental incentives must be implemented to make more attractive and affordable the proposed systems for medium/low income users

    Determination of models of simple regression and multivariate analysis for the forecast of the electricity price in Colombia at 2030

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    The electricity price in Colombia responds to demographic, economic, climatic changes, among others, that generate uncertainty and therefore risks in the electric production. Considering that the decision-making process has a great importance in the electricity market and that the participation of generators in energy auctions is usually based on intuition and previous experience, the need to study the possible alternatives and methods that minimize the risks before deciding some important matter can be appreciate. In this article, the estimation of the behavior of electrical energy prices in Colombia at the year 2030 for different scenarios and there are propose the following scientific models: (1) Simple regression; (2) econometric model. As result are obtained forecasts for each model, identifying that the econometric model has the lowest margin of error compared to the historical data that considers the behavior of different variables for the forecas

    Prototipo de colector solar lineal Fresnel: Sistema artesanal para la producción de agua caliente y/o vapor de agua

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    The development of a prototype linear solar collector Type Fresnel, has a purpose the use of direct solar heat radiation for water heating and/or steam production, as an alternative to supply conventional water heating systems or steam generators, which consume energy from fossil fuels. For the development of the system, used the solar radiation of the UTS, located in Bucaramanga, Colombia, is identify the mathematical models to perform the sizing, then materials based on technical specifications and availability in Colombia, in order to perform the assembly and field tests, measuring the ambient and in the collector temperature to determine the efficiency of the model. It should be noted that, the model presented does not have a control system for flow, temperature, pressure and level, it has no solar tracking of any kind; Its movement was done manually with each reflex. Finally, the model does not have a hydraulic system forced, and has a preheater at the entry of the concentration point.El desarrollo de un prototipo de colector solar lineal Tipo Fresnel tiene como finalidad el aprovechamiento de la radiación solar directa en calor para el calentamiento de agua y/o la producción de vapor, como alternativa para suplir los sistemas de calentamiento de agua o generadores de vapor convencionales, que consumen energía proveniente de combustibles fósiles. Para el desarrollo del sistema, se utiliza la radiación solar de las UTS, ubicada en Bucaramanga, Colombia, se identifican los modelos matemáticos para realizar el dimensionamiento, posteriormente se seleccionan materiales basados en especificaciones técnicas y disponibilidad en Colombia, con el fin de realizar el montaje y realizar pruebas en campo, midiendo la temperatura ambiente y en el colector para determinar la eficiencia del modelo.   Cabe resaltar, que el modelo presentado no cuenta con sistema de control de flujo, temperatura, presión y nivel, no tiene seguimiento solar de ningún tipo; el movimiento del mismo se realizó manualmente con cada reflecto. Por último, el modelo no cuenta con sistema hidráulico de tiro forzado, y tiene un precalentador a la entrada del punto de concentración

    Analysis of the cardiorespiratory pattern of patients undergoing weaning using artificial intelligence

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    The optimal extubating moment is still a challenge in clinical practice. Respiratory pattern variability analysis in patients assisted through mechanical ventilation to identify this optimal moment could contribute to this process. This work proposes the analysis of this variability using several time series obtained from the respiratory flow and electrocardiogram signals, applying techniques based on artificial intelligence. 154 patients undergoing the extubating process were classified in three groups: successful group, patients who failed during weaning process, and patients who after extubating failed before 48 hours and need to reintubated. Power Spectral Density and time-frequency domain analysis were applied, computing Discrete Wavelet Transform. A new Q index was proposed to determine the most relevant parameters and the best decomposition level to discriminate between groups. Forward selection and bidirectional techniques were implemented to reduce dimensionality. Linear Discriminant Analysis and Neural Networks methods were implemented to classify these patients. The best results in terms of accuracy were, 84.61 ± 3.1% for successful versus failure groups, 86.90 ± 1.0% for successful versus reintubated groups, and 91.62 ± 4.9% comparing the failure and reintubated groups. Parameters related to Q index and Neural Networks classification presented the best performance in the classification of these patients.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Transition of Electric Mobility in Colombia: Technical and Economic Evaluation of Scenarios for the Integration of E-taxis in Bucaramanga

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    Globally, the transport sector has been directed towards electric mobility by policies, regulations, development strategies and economic incentives. The transport sector has an important strategic role in the economic development of a country, the sustainability of this sector has an impact on political and scientific discussions due to its environmental impact. In Colombia, the global targets for reducing polluting emissions begin to drive the renewal of the automotive park towards electric mobility, therefore, this research was carried out with the aim of carrying out a technical and economic analysis of scenarios for the e-taxis in Bucaramanga, the incentives applied in the two projects developed in the two most important cities of Colombia were taken as the basis to compare possible implementation scenarios in the short and medium term. Three technologies (gasoline, gas and electric) were evaluated that were tested using the TAC/km indicator, the financial viability was assessed based on two financial kindness criteria (NPV and IRR). The results obtained allow to conclude two strategies that make it possible to incorporate the e-taxis in Bucaramanga, 1) exemption from payment of taxi registration, in case of incorporation of a new vehicle; 2) economic incentive of more than 20% at the time of purchase of the EV, accompanied by a 25% increase in the cost of the minimum service fee, in the case of the replacement of a taxi.Keywords: electric taxi Colombia, e-taxi policies, electric mobility, electric vehicle, public transport sector.JEL Classifications: Q01, Q4, Q42DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.11084</p