79 research outputs found

    Ayudas ergogénicas en la prevención de pérdida de masa muscular en el deporte

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    La ingesta de ayudas ergogénicas nutricionales cada vez está adquiriendo más importancia en población deportista. Para obtener los efectos esperados es necesario individualizar los protocolos de suplementación de acuerdo con las características de cada sujeto. Uno de los posibles riesgos de practicar deporte es la aparición de fatiga muscular. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo se ha centrado en las ayudas ergogénicas nutricionales que han demostrado suficiente evidencia en la capacidad de prevenir la pérdida de masa muscular; y con ello, la aparición de fatiga periférica en deportistas. Estudio descriptivo de revisión bibliográfica sobre la eficacia de las ayudas ergogénicas nutricionales en la prevención de pérdida de masa muscular. Se ha realizado una búsqueda en base de datos Pubmed y Medline; se han revisado los documentos de consenso publicados en la Journal of the International Society of Sport Nutrition y se han obtenido datos de la U.S. Food and Drug Admnistration y European Food Safety Authority. Criterios de inclusión: estudios realizados en deportistas entrenados de larga duración, ensayos clínicos controlados y aleatorizados en castellano/inglés sobre las ayudas ergogénicas nutricionales relacionadas con la aparición de fatiga periférica en los deportistas. Existen pruebas de que la realización de un ejercicio de alta intensidad promueve la producción de radicales libres oxidativos responsables de aumentar los marcadores de daño muscular. Existe evidencia que realizar un correcto aporte de ayudas ergogénicas nutricionales en deportistas aumenta el almacenamiento en búffer de protones siendo posible así la disminución de los marcadores de daño muscular responsables de la aparición de fatiga periférica. En conclusión, el uso adecuado de ayudas ergogénicas nutricionales en el ejercicio de alta intensidad previene la aparición de fatiga muscular, mejorando el rendimiento.Grado en Nutrición Humana y Dietétic

    Creation of a podcast: didactic proposal for teaching English as a Foreign Language from an eclectic approach.

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    Para el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera no es suficiente con aprender listas de vocabulario y reglas gramaticales, sino que es de vital importancia practicar el idioma y plantear situaciones reales en las que comunicarse en dicho idioma. Es por ello que el método gramática-traducción, el empleado tradicionalmente en el aula de inglés como lengua extranjera, no es suficiente para desarrollar habilidades comunicativas al no hacer un uso práctico de la lengua, además de no resultar motivador para el alumnado. Vista la necesidad de emplear otros métodos para la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera, este trabajo presenta una propuesta didáctica en la que se trabaje desde un enfoque ecléctico, en el cual destaca el método de aprendizaje basado en tareas (ABT). En cuanto a la motivación del alumnado, se fomentará a través del uso de las TIC, en concreto mediante la creación de un podcast por parte del alumnado, ya que es un recurso innovador que involucra al alumnado directamente en su proceso. Abstract: In order to learn a foreign language, it is not enough to learn vocabulary lists and grammar rules. To actually acquiring the language, it is of paramount importance to practice it and to present real life situations in which to communicate in that language. Therefore, the grammar-translation method, the one used traditionally in the English as a Foreign Language class, is not enough to develop communicative skills, since it does not make a practical use of the language. In addition, this method is not motivating for students. Given the need of using other methodologies in the English as a Foreign Language class, this Master’s Thesis presents a didactic proposal from an eclectic approach, being the task-based learning (TBL) methodology the most used. Regarding students’ motivation, it will be fostered through the use of ICT, specifically by creating a podcast. It is an innovative tool which involves students directly throughout the process of creating it

    Eficiencia Energética de los Frigoríficos

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    En este trabajo de la asignatura de Eficiencia Energética en el Producto 2013-2014 se trata la refrigeración doméstica. En este documento se han plasmado todos los temas que son de interés general a la hora de tener que elegir un frigorífico en el mercado, centrándonos sobre todo en la eficiencia del mismo. También se han obtenidos datos reales de su consumo, y junto con la información recogida se ha creado un diseño de “frigorífico ideal

    Muscle Damage Biomarkers in Congestion Weeks in English Premier League Soccer Players: A Prospective Study for Two Consecutive Seasons

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    The current study was conducted to compare muscle damage biomarkers in single- vs. multi-match weeks in elite soccer players for two consecutive seasons. A secondary objective was to analyze the influence of playing position and exposure time on muscle damage in single- vs. multi-match weeks. This is a prospective cohort study performed in a professional elite soccer club in the English Premier League during the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 seasons up until the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected in the Medical Department Room of an English Premier League Club before and after the soccer game from a total of 29 elite soccer players (mean +/- S.D.; age = 27.59 +/- 3.83 years; height = 1.83 +/- 0.05 m; body mass = 80.16 +/- 7.45 kg) who were enrolled in the club during both seasons. The main outcome measurements were creatine kinase (CK), weight, lean mass, % fat DEXA, high speed running, total distance, density of total distance and high-speed running and wellbeing questionnaires. Significance was set at p < 0.05. Players who completed more than 60 min in the previous game had significantly increased pregame CK levels and fatigue in multi-match weeks. Midfielders had both significantly increased pregame CK and muscle soreness in multi-match weeks. Midfielders and players with an exposure time of at least 60 min showed higher pregame CK values that should play a key role for deciding substitutions.We thank all the Medical Department at Watford FC, specially Chris Mogekwu and all the Physiotherapy Department at Camilo Jose Cela University. Both helped us get the sample and with the kindly support for this research. The results of the study are presented clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, or inappropriate data manipulation, and statement that results of the present study do not constitute endorsement by IJERPH. Documen

    Cinco años de experiencia digital en los servicios informativos de TVE: una nueva gestión de contenidos.

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    Five years of digital experience in TVE news services: a new approach to content management TVE (Spanish public TV) news services have undergone a great changeover to a digital production system. The current situation after five years of experience is described, along with the evolution of tools, procedures and professional profiles during this time. The new design of content management is described, understood as the control of media from the point of entry to the production system to recovery from the digital file for reuse. In the center of this cooperative and integrated approach to content management is the content manager, that structures the system and the articulation between the different components. At the beginning of 2009, 100% of the Archive material came from videotape recordings. In 2012, only 18%: the other 82% were restorations from digital Archive

    Cinco años de experiencia digital en los servicios informativos de TVE: una nueva gestión de contenidos.

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    Five years of digital experience in TVE news services: a new approach to content management TVE (Spanish public TV) news services have undergone a great changeover to a digital production system. The current situation after five years of experience is described, along with the evolution of tools, procedures and professional profiles during this time. The new design of content management is described, understood as the control of media from the point of entry to the production system to recovery from the digital file for reuse. In the center of this cooperative and integrated approach to content management is the content manager, that structures the system and the articulation between the different components. At the beginning of 2009, 100% of the Archive material came from videotape recordings. In 2012, only 18%: the other 82% were restorations from digital Archive

    Five years of digital experience in TVE news services: a new approach to content management

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    TVE (Spanish public TV) news services have undergone a great changeover to a digital production system. The current situation after five years of experience is described, along with the evolution of tools, procedures and professional profiles during this time. The new design of content management is described, understood as the control of media from the point of entry to the production system to recovery from the digital file for reuse. In the center of this cooperative and integrated approach to content management is the content manager, that structures the system and the articulation between the different components. At the beginning of 2009, 100% of the Archive material came from videotape recordings. In 2012, only 18%: the other 82% were restorations from digital Archive

    Clinical, virological and phylogenetic characterization of a multiresistant HIV-1 strain outbreak in naive patients in southern Spain

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    Background: We describe the characteristics of an HIV-1 strain with six viral reverse transcriptase mutations (D67N, T69N/D, V118I, V179D, T215S and K219Q), which we have called the Malaga strain. This strain was detected in treatment-naive patients from southern Spain. Methods: The study was undertaken at the Virgen de la Victoria Hospital, Malaga, a reference centre for the study of HIV-1 genotype resistance in Andalusia (the 'Costa del Sol'), Spain. Genotypic resistance testing was done in an automated sequencer. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using a 630 bp region of the reverse transcriptase with the mutations mentioned. Results: Between 2007 and 2014, we detected the Malaga strain in 30 treatment-naive patients. All were MSM, seen at five hospitals on the Costa del Sol. In all cases, the HIV-1 was subtype B with viral tropism R5. Phylogenetic analysis based on the reverse transcriptase sequence showed consistent grouping (with a bootstrap value of the common node of 100%) of the isolates that shared the mutation pattern mentioned. This strain has not been detected elsewhere or in previously treated patients. All of the patients treated with first-line combination ART responded. Conclusions: We report a cluster of an HIV-1 strain with multiple resistance mutations that was transmitted over a period of >8 years, affecting 30 naive patients from the same geographical area. The strain was susceptible to first-line combination ART.Partially funded by the RD12/0017/0017 project (Plan Nacional R+D+I) and cofinanced by Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Subdirección General de Evaluación y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional

    Four chamber right ventricular longitudinal strain versus right free wall longitudinal strain. Prognostic value in patients with left heart disease

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    Background: There is no consensus on which right ventricle (RV) strain parameter should be used in the clinical practice: four chamber RV longitudinal strain (4CH RV-LS) or free wall longitudinal strain (FWLS). The aim of this study was to analyze which RV strain parameter better predicts prognosis in patients with left heart disease. Methods: One hundred and three outpatients with several degrees of functional tricuspid regurgitation severity secondary to left heart disease were prospectively included. 4CH RV-LS and FWLS were assessed using speckle tracking. Left ventricular (LV) systolic function was determined using LV ejection fraction and RV systolic function using tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE). Patients were followed up for 23.1 ± 12.4 months for an endpoint of cardiac hospitalization due to heart failure. Results: The cutoff value related to RV dysfunction (TAPSE &lt; 17 mm) was lower, in absolute value, for 4CH RV-LS (4CH RV-LS = –17.3%; FWLS = –19.5%). There were 33 adverse events during the follow-up. Patients with 4CH RV-LS &gt; –17.3% (log rank [LR] = 22.033; p &lt; 0.001); FWLS &gt; –19.5% (LR = 12.2; p &lt; 0.001), TAPSE &lt; 17 mm (LR = 17.4; p &lt; 0.001) and LV systolic dysfunction (LR = 13.3; p &lt; 0.001) had lower event-free survival (Kaplan Meier). In Cox multivariate analysis, 4CH RV-LS &gt; –17.3% (hazard ratio [HR] = 3.593; p &lt; 0.002), TAPSE &lt; 17 (HR = 2.093; p &lt; 0.055) and LV systolic dysfunction (HR = 2.087; p &lt; 0,054) had prognostic value, whereas FWLS did not reach significance. Conclusions: Although both 4CH RV-LS and FWLS have prognostic value, 4CH RV-LS is a better predictor of episodes of heart failure in patients with left heart disease, providing additional information to that obtained by TAPSE.

    Assessment of obesity stigma and discrimination among Spanish subjects with a wide weight range : the OBESTIGMA study

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    This study aims to assess the extent of rejection and instances of stigmatization linked to obesity within the Spanish population, encompassing a diverse spectrum of weights ranging from normal weight to morbid obesity. Additionally, the study seeks to identify the primary factors influencing these experiences and further examines the impact of bariatric surgery on such dynamics. Multicenter observational study with involving a total of 1,018 participants who were recruited from various Obesity Units. Negatives attitudes towards people with obesity were assessed through three questionnaires: (i) Antifat Attitudes Scale (AFA), (ii) Stigmatizing Situations Inventory (SSI) and (iii) Weight Bias Internalization Scale (WBIS). Subjects were categorized into four groups based on their BMI and history of prior bariatric surgery. The cumulative score across all questionnaires (AFA, SSI and WBIS) exhibited a progressive increase, from participants with normal weight to those with obesity (p < 0.001 for all). Within the AFA questionnaire, males showed more rejection towards people with obesity than women, also perceiving obesity as a disease linked to a lack of willpower (p = 0.004 and p = 0.030, respectively). The overall SSI score was negatively associated with age (r = −0.080, p = 0.011), with young participants encountering more stigmatizing experiences than their adult counterparts. Neither employment status nor educational demonstrated a significant association with any of the questionnaires. Interestingly, patients who underwent lost weight following bariatric surgery did not exhibit improved outcomes. Individuals with obesity demonstrate a heightened level of aversion towards the disease compared to those with normal weight. Concurrently, the incidence of stigmatizing encounters displays a concerning escalation among younger individuals