191 research outputs found

    Caracterización morfológica de 21 accesiones de Capsicum spp. del banco de germoplasma de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Palmira

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    Se realizó la caracterización morfológica de 21 accesiones de Capsicum spp. Se utilizaron 50 Descriptores morfológicos del IPGRI 1995, 9 cuantitativos y 29 descriptores cualitativos, 12 se descartaron por su homogeneidad. El Diseño Experimental fue de bloques completos al azar con dos repeticiones, se realizó en el lote 4 de investigación del Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Centro Agropecuario de Buga Valle del Cauca, ubicado a los 3°53’21.954742” N y 76°18’46.866624”. El análisis de Frecuencias arrojó alta diversidad y varibilidad fenotipica. La variabilidad observada entre los Capsicum evaluados es de 76,96% (Análisis de Componentes Principales). El análisis de agrupamiento no permitió distinguir entre especies C. annum, C. frutescens, C. chinense. El análisis discriminante arrojó relación entre las especies de Capsicum y por tanto, mayor parecido genético entre C. chinense con C. Frutescens distando en su relación con C. annum. Se identificarón las accesiones que presentan diferencias estadísticas significativas al hacer uso de la prueba de promedios de Tukei; a través del grafico de dispersión se ubicaron los materiales que pueden presentar Valor de Importancia Económica para su conservación y ampliar de esta forma la oferta varietal del género Capsicum para el Centro Experimental de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Palmira.//Abstract: The morphological characterization of 21 accessions of Capsicum spp. We used 50 morphological descriptors of IPGRI 1995, 9 quantitative and 29 qualitative descriptors, 12 were discarded for their homogeneity. The Experimental Design was a randomized complete block with two replicates, was carried out in lot 4 of the National Service of Learning Agricultural Center of Buga Valle del Cauca, located at 3 ° 53'21.954742 "N and 76 ° 18'46.866624 ". The analysis of Frequencies showed high diversity and phenotype variance. The observed variability among the evaluated Capsicum is 76.96% (Principal Component Analysis). The clustering analysis did not allow to distinguish between species C. annum, C. frutescens, C. chinense. The discriminant analysis showed a relationship between the species of Capsicum and therefore, a greater genetic similarity between C. chinense and C. frutescens distando in relation to C. annum. Accessions with significant statistical differences were identified when using the Tukei averages test; Through the dispersion graph were placed the materials that can present Value of Economic Importance for its conservation and to expand of this form the varietal offer of the genus Capsicum for the Experimental Center of the National University of Colombia Sede Palmira.Maestrí

    The Limits of Forgiviness in International Relations: Groups Supporting the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan and Political Tensions

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    Visits (or attempts to visit) to the Yasukuni Shrine by Japanese officials have generated a series of controversies and tensions between the countries occupied by imperialist Japan during the Pacific War. The central dilemma is that Yasukuni, emblem of Japanese militarism, questions the coherence and consistency of the requests for forgiveness made by different Japanese prime ministers to countries in the region in repentance for atrocities and violations of human rights committed in the past. The weakness of the apologies is not an exclusive problem of Japan. On the contrary, the official pardon granted by one state to another has become an increasingly common practice, but questioned in international relations. The limits of apologies in the process of reconciliation between states have led to a new research strand, aligned with the debates on transitional justice, which discusses dimensions of the level of forgiveness in terms of rectification processes. From this perspective, previous research shows that there is a tendency to analyse the case of Yasukuni without delving into the social groups that support the shrine and define the agenda of prominent personalities of local politics, especially linked to the ruling party, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), who claim Yasukuni. Faced with this gap, this article examines the characteristics and modes of action of the groups in favour of Yasukuni and the responses from China and South Korea to the visits to the shrine by officials, in order to understand the peculiarities and scope of forgiveness in East Asia.Fil: Alvarez, Maria del Pilar. Universidad del Salvador. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lunaklick, María del Mar. No especifíca;Fil: Muñoz, Tomás. No especifíca

    Learning L2 grammar constructions through audio-visual input: The role of aptitude

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    Original version (OV) TV series supported by captions have been found to be a fruitful source of input for L2 vocabulary learning and content comprehension (Vanderplank, 2016). Up till now, very little is known about possible learning of L2 grammar constructions from extensive viewing of OV TV series, or the learner-related factors that may affect it. Previous studies on grammar learning from audio-visual input have mainly focused on the possible advantages of different captioning modes (standard captions and enhanced captions in Lee & Revesz, 2018; no captions and enhanced captions in Cintrón-Valentín, Garcia-Amaya, & Ellis, 2019). The researchers concluded that the enhanced condition was the most beneficial; however, the aforementioned studies did not compare all three captioning modes in the same experiment and had a short exposure to the audio-visual materials. This study extends this area of research and looks at extensive exposure to OV TV series with three captioning modes. Additionally, previous research suggests a mediating effect of language proficiency and WM capacity on language gains from audio-visual input (Vanderplank, 2016). Yet, no previous studies on L2 grammar learning from audio-visual input have taken these learner-related factors into account. In order to fill this gap, data were collected from 108 university non-Linguistics learners of English. The pre-/post-test design included extensive watching of 10 full-length episodes (218 minutes) of English OV TV series with three groups: Standard Captions, Textually Enhanced Captions, or Non-Captions. The participants also completed proficiency, WM capacity, and language aptitude tests. Preliminary findings suggest a significant role of learner related factors, and only a minor advantage of the textually enhanced captions condition for grammar learning from this type of input. In our presentation, we will discuss the significance of these results and their applicability to the language learning process both in and out of the classroom

    Informal grammar learning from OV TV series: Captioning mode, watching strategies, and feeling of learning

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    Our presentation revolves around the preferences and perceptions of EFL students towards extended L2 viewing. Specifically, we explore what they feel they learn when watching audiovisual material in the L2 and how this is mediated by the viewing mode. We are not going to discuss watching strategies as it is indicated in the presentation title


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    En las últimas décadas muchas cofradías y hermandades se han incorporado a las redes sociales, actuando de la misma forma que cualquier otro agente social. Con el propósito de ayudar a estas instituciones a conocer realmente cuál es su posicionamiento en las redes se propone la elaboración de un ranking que permita poner de manifiesto las fortalezas y debilidades de su estrategia de comunicación en este medio. Para ello, se utiliza el método multicriterio PROMETHEE, aplicado a las 31 cofradías malagueñas que tiene presencia en Facebook. Los resultados muestran que tener un alto número de seguidores o realizar muchas publicaciones no implica que la estrategia de comunicación sea la adecuada. Se plantea, por tanto, la necesidad de que estas entidades deleguen en profesionales la gestión de sus redes sociales, ya que puede redundar en un mejor aprovechamiento de estos canales para conseguir sus objetivos

    Automatic classification of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder using brain activation

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    Nowadays, there is an active fi eld of research in neuroscience trying to fi nd relations between neurofunctional abnormalities of brain structures and neurological disorders. Previous statistical studies on brain functional Magnetic Resonance Images (fMRI) have found Attention Defi cit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) patients are characterized by reduced activity in the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) during response inhibition tasks and in the Ventral Striatum (VStr) during reward anticipation tasks. Interpreting brain image experiments using fMRI requires analysis of complex data and diff erent univariate or multivariate approaches can be chosen. Recently, one analysis approach that has grown in popularity is the use of machine learning algorithms to train classifiers to discriminate abnormal behavior or other variables of interest from fMRI data. The purpose of this work is to apply machine learning techniques to perform fMRI group analysis in an adult population. We propose a multivariate classifi er using diff erent discriminative features. Furthermore, we show how temporal information of fMRI data can be taken into account to improve the discrimination. We demonstrate that our new approach is able to diagnose the ADHD characteristics based on the activation in the executive functions. Previous results on the response inhibition task did not find di fferences between activation responses. Opposite to these results, we achieve accurate classifi cation performance for this task. Moreover, in this case, we show that classi fication rates can be signi cantly improved by incorporating temporal information into the classi fier

    Perceptions of learning from audiovisual input and changes in L2 viewing preferences: The roles of on-screen text and proficiency

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    Previous research on audiovisual input attests to a significant effect of on-screen text and proficiency on learning gains. However, there is scarce research on whether these factors affect viewers’ feeling of learning, a variable that can affect overall second language (L2) learning outcomes (Ellis, 2008). Moreover, there is a lack of research exploring whether viewing experience prompts viewers to switch from one viewing mode (subtitles, captions, no on-screen text) to another and what factors affect those choices. This study explores learners’ perspectives on learning from audiovisual input and their preferred viewing mode before and after participating in a prolonged viewing intervention. A total of 136 participants of varying L2 English proficiency levels (from A1 to C2) completed pre-viewing and post-viewing questionnaires. The results show that vocabulary and expressions were perceived to be learnt the most. The elementary proficiency group were more likely to be positive about learning from the intervention than higher proficiency students. Concerning the preferred viewing mode outside of the classroom, the participants favoured no on-screen text or first language (L1) subtitles over L2 captions. At the end of the intervention, the elementary-level participants found that viewing without any L1 support was too challenging for leisure viewing, while the intermediate- and advanced-level students gained confidence in watching without any textual support

    Representación iconográfica de las mujeres en la publicidad de perfumes

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    The female iconographies represented in perfume advertising are analyzed from a sample of fifty graphic advertisements published from 2000 to 2015. The applied methodology was iconographic, from which categories were created: Olympian goddesses, princesses, cinematographic myths, woman and snake and woman and feline. The results show that the survival of these mythologies in graphic advertising establishes feminine stereotypes and sexualized beauty canons in the collective subconscious that reaffirm the idealized survival of well-known myths in graphic advertising in this sector.Se analizan las iconografías femeninas representadas en la publicidad de perfumes a partir de una muestra de cincuenta anuncios gráficos publicados desde el año 2000 hasta el 2015. La metodología aplicada fue la iconográfica, a partir de la cual se crearon categorías: diosas del Olimpo, princesas, mitos cinematográficos, mujer y serpiente y mujer y felino. Los resultados muestran que la pervivencia de estas mitologías en la publicidad gráfica instaura en el subconsciente colectivo unos estereotipos femeninos y cánones de belleza sexualizados que reafirman la pervivencia idealizada de conocidos mitos en la publicidad gráfica de este sector.The female iconographies represented in perfume advertising are analyzed from a sample of fifty graphic advertisements published from 2000 to 2015. The applied methodology was iconographic, from which categories were created: Olympian goddesses, princesses, cinematographic myths, woman and snake and woman and feline. The results show that the survival of these mythologies in graphic advertising establishes feminine stereotypes and sexualized beauty canons in the collective subconscious that reaffirm the idealized survival of well-known myths in graphic advertising in this sector

    An end-to-end framework for intima media measurement and atherosclerotic plaque detection in the carotid artery

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    Background and objectives: The detection and delineation of atherosclerotic plaque are usually manually performed by medical experts on the carotid artery. Evidence suggests that this manual process is subject to errors and has a large variability between experts, equipment, and datasets. This paper proposes a robust end-to-end framework for automatic atherosclerotic plaque detection. Methods: The proposed framework is composed of: (1) a semantic segmentation model based on U-Net, with EfficientNet as the backbone, that obtains a segmentation mask with the carotid intima-media region; and (2) a convolutional neural network designed using Bayesian optimization that simultaneously performs a regression to get the average and maximum carotid intima media thickness, and a classification to determine the presence of plaque. Results: Our approach improves the state-of-the-art in both co and bulb territories in the REGICOR database, with more than 8000 images, while providing predictions in real-time. The correlation coefficient was 0.89 in the common carotid artery and 0.74 for bulb region, and the F1 score for atherosclerotic plaque detecting was 0.60 and 0.59, respectively. The experimentation carried out includes a comparison with other fully automatic methods for carotid intima media thickness estimation found in the literature. Additionally, we present an extensive experimental study to evaluate the robustness of our proposal, as well as its suitability and efficiency compared to different versions of the framework. Conclusions: The proposed end-to-end framework significantly improves the automatic characterization of atherosclerotic plaque. The generation of the segmented mask can be helpful for practitioners since it allows them to evaluate and interpret the model's results by visual inspection. Furthermore, the proposed framework overcomes the limitations of previous research based on ad-hoc post-processing, which could lead to overestimations in the case of oblique forms of the carotid artery