12 research outputs found

    Change Management and its Influence in the Business Environment

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    The changes that are happening in businesses dictate the changes in all kinds of needed resources to develop the organization. The environment in which the organizations operate is in constant change and becomes more and more unpredictable. Managing these changes is a challenge that all enterprises face. The rapid changes that are happening in business are increasing the need to manage these changes. Enterprises have to develop and use different kinds of management models so that they can grow their performance in order to ensure a competitive position in the market. The changes in enterprises sometimes are not accepted by the organization employees, and seem to have negative effects towards them (exemption from work, reduction of working hours, reduction of income). Changes have negative and positive effects. Successful and rational managers can achieve having successful changes and minimizing the negative effects that come due to changes. Changes are vital for organizations so that they can replace the old plans and models with new and successful ones. In this paper we talk about the role and importance of managing the changes, the types of changes, models of changes, the resistance against changes and also the obtained results of the paper are introduced. Literature was used to support the research in the study field, and based on that to explain the role of changes in the business environment. There are quantitative methods and an inductive analysis used in this paper


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    The main objective of this study was to synthesize HMF analog having high percentage of palmitic acid in the sn-2 and high lauric acid in the sn-1,3 positions. More special the objectives of this study were 1) to obtain preparation method of high lauric fatty acid methyl ester from coconut oil through chemical methanolysis and dry fractionation, as raw materials for synthesis of HMF analog, 2) to determine the enzyme and the enzymatic hydrolysis condition to obtain high palmitate 2-monoglyceride from palm stearin, 3) to determine enzymatic esterification condition for producing HMF analog, and 4) to determine oxidation and hydrolysis stability of the resulted HMF analog. This research was conducted in 4 steps as follows: The first step was synthesis and fractionation of high lauric fatty acid methyl ester from VC


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dosis pemberian tepung cangkang keong mas yang terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kailan pada tanah gambut. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lingkungan Asrama PBS Ketapang yang terletak di jalan Perdana no.53A Pontianak. Penelitian berlangsung dari tanggal 22 Maret sampai dengan 30 April 2014. Tanah yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah tanah gambut. Penelitian menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 1 faktor, 5 taraf perlakuan pemberian tepung cangkang keong mas, dan 5 ulangan. Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 4 tanaman sampel. Perlakuan yang dimaksud adalah : k0 =  tanpa pemberian tepung cangkang keong mas, k1 =  60 gram/ polybag,  k2 =  120 gram/ polybag, k3 =  140 gram/ polybag, k4=  240 gram/ polybag. Variabel yang diamati  dalam penelitian meliputi: Volume akar (cm3), berat kering tanaman (g), jumlah daun (helai), berat segar tanaman (g). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian tepung cangkang keong mas dapat meningkatkan pH tanah gambut. Tepung cangkang keong mas dosis 240 g/polybag pada tanah gambut memberikan pertumbuhan dan hasil yang tertinggi pada semua variabel pengamatan tanaman kailan, namun dosis 60 g/polybag tepung cangkang keong mas merupakan dosis yang efisien

    Comparison of analgesic effects of intramuscular Pethedine to Diclofenac Na suppository among postoperative inguinal hernioplasty patients

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    Pain is a symptom of disease and most diseases accompanied with pain, specially among hospitalized post-operative patients. Several drugs and routes of administrations have used for post operative pain control. We compared post op analgesic effects of Diclofenac suppository to intramuscular Pethedine in post op inguinal herniorrhaphy patients. This study is a clinical trial on 40 patients who were operated due to unilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy. They divided into two groups incidentally. In Diclofenac Na group each patient received 100 mg Diclofenac Na supp every 8 hours. In Pethedine group each patient received 0.5 mg/kg Pethedine, intramuscularly. Pain severity of the patients controlled for 24 hours with visual comparation method and mean pain severity compared among 2 groups in the first 24 hours. Mean pain severity difference of Pethedine groups patients compared to Diclofenac Na group was 6.10 with standard error of 3.57 with (P<0.212) had no meaningful difference during first post operative phase. We concluded that Diclofenac Na is a suitable substitute of 24 hours intramuscular Pethedine for post op pain relief

    Analisis Kadar Serat Pangan Tidak Larut Air Snack Bar Bude (Ubi Jalar Ungu Dan Kacang Kedelai) Bagi Ibu Hamil Untuk Mengatasi Konstipasi

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    Konstipasi pada ibu hamil merupakan kelainan yang ditandai defekasi yang tidak komplit serta adanya kesulitan dalam buang air besar selama masa kehamilan. Serat tidak larut air mampu menghasilkan gas yang dapat mendorong feses dan menghasilkan residu yang mampu mengikat air sehingga mempermudah proses defekasi. Pemberian asupan sebesar 30% dari total kebutuhan sehari (10,5 gram) melalui makanan selingan yang mengandung serat pangan tidak larut air dapat mengatasi konstipasi pada ibu hamil. Serat tidak larut air mampu menghasilkan gas yang dapat mendorong feses dan menghasilkan residu yang mampu mengikat air sehingga mempermudah proses defekasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar serat pangan tidak larut air pada beberapa formulasi snack bar BUDE berbahan dasar Ubi jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas L. poir) dan Kacang Kedelai (Glycine maxx L.) sebagai alternatif makanan selingan pada ibu hamil untuk mengatasi konstipasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), dengan parameter uji kadar serat pangan tidak larut air menggunakan metode uji Enzimatik Gravimetri AOAC (Association of Analytical Communities) pada 3 (tiga) formulasi snack bar yang direplikasi sebanyak 3 kali sehingga dihasilkan total 9 (sembilan) sampel. Formulasi yang terdapat pada penelitian ini yaitu formulasi kontrol (P0) berupa snack bar komersial, formulasi P2 dengan kandungan ubi jalar ungu 80% dan kacang kedelai 20%, serta formulasi P3 dengan kandungan ubi jalar ungu 70% dan kacang kedelai 30%. Terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada kadar serat pangan tidak larut air snack bar BUDE (Kruskal-Wallis, p<0,05). Perbedaan signifikan antar kelompok formulasi menunjukkan adanya pengaruh komposisi ubi jalar ungu dan kacang kedelai pada kadar serat pangan tidak larut air snack bar BUDE (Mann Whitney U, p<0,05). Formulasi P0 (24,396%) sebagai kontrol memiliki kadar serat tertinggi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi komposisi kacang kedelai pada produk akan semakin meningkatkan kadar serat pangan tidak larut air. Formulasi P3 (19,346%) dalam satu porsi produk (30 gram) memiliki kadar serat pangan tidak larut yang lebih tinggi daripada P2 (17,704%). Konsumsi snack bar BUDE (P3) sebanyak 4 porsi dalam sehari dapat memenuhi standar kebutuhan makanan selingan pada ibu hamil dalam sehari (30%) dengan pemenuhan sebesar 35,7

    Thermisch-energetische Gebäudesimulation auf Basis eines Bauwerksinformationsmodells

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    Für eine Abschätzung des Heizwärmebedarfs von Gebäuden und Quartieren können thermisch-energetische Simulationen eingesetzt werden. Grundlage dieser Simulationen sind geometrische und physikalische Gebäudemodelle. Die Erstellung des geometrischen Modells erfolgt in der Regel auf Basis von Bauplänen oder Vor-Ort-Begehungen, was mit einem großen Recherche- und Modellierungsaufwand verbunden ist. Spätere bauliche Veränderungen des Gebäudes müssen häufig manuell in das Modell eingearbeitet werden, was den Arbeitsaufwand zusätzlich erhöht. Das physikalische Modell stellt die Menge an Parametern und Randbedingungen dar, welche durch Materialeigenschaften, Lage und Umgebungs-einflüsse gegeben sind. Die Verknüpfung beider Modelle wird innerhalb der entsprechenden Simulations-software realisiert und ist meist nicht in andere Softwareprodukte überführbar. Mithilfe des Building Information Modeling (BIM) können Simulationsdaten sowohl konsistent gespeichert als auch über Schnittstellen mit entsprechenden Anwendungen ausgetauscht werden. Hierfür wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die thermisch-energetische Simulationen auf Basis des standardisierten Übergabe-formats Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) inklusive anschließender Auswertungen ermöglicht. Dabei werden geometrische und physikalische Parameter direkt aus einem über den gesamten Lebenszyklus aktuellen Gebäudemodell extrahiert und an die Simulation übergeben. Dies beschleunigt den Simulations-prozess hinsichtlich der Gebäudemodellierung und nach späteren baulichen Veränderungen. Die erarbeite-te Methode beruht hierbei auf einfachen Modellierungskonventionen bei der Erstellung des Bauwerksinformationsmodells und stellt eine vollständige Übertragbarkeit der Eingangs- und Ausgangswerte sicher. Thermal building simulation based on BIM-models. Thermal energetic simulations are used for the estimation of the heating demand of buildings and districts. These simulations are based on building models containing geometrical and physical information. The creation of geometrical models is usually based on existing construction plans or in situ assessments which demand a comparatively big effort of investigation and modeling. Alterations, which are later applied to the structure, request manual changes of the related model, which increases the effort additionally. The physical model represents the total amount of parameters and boundary conditions that are influenced by material properties, location and environmental influences on the building. The link between both models is realized within the correspondent simulation soft-ware and is usually not transferable to other software products. By Applying Building Information Modeling (BIM) simulation data is stored consistently and an exchange to other software is enabled. Therefore, a method which allows a thermal energetic simulation based on the exchange format Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) including an evaluation is presented. All geometrical and physical information are extracted directly from the building model that is kept up-to-date during its life cycle and transferred to the simulation. This accelerates the simulation process regarding the geometrical modeling and adjustments after later changes of the building. The developed method is based on simple conventions for the creation of the building model and ensures a complete transfer of all simulation data

    Perbedaan Kadar Proksimat Dan Energi Pada Es Krim Yoghurt Kedelai Hitam (Glycine Soja (L) Merit) Sebagai Selingan Sehat Balita Stunting

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    Kacang kedelai hitam mengandung lebih tinggi protein daripada kedelai kuning. Kedelai hitam dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan campuran dalam pembuatan selingan sehat. Es krim merupakan produk yang banyak digemari oleh berbagai kelompok usia, salah satunya anak-anak. Meningkatnya pasar es krim di Indonesia membuat berbagai inovasi es krim terus berkembang, salah satunya es krim yoghurt. Produk es krim yoghurt dengan melewati proses fermentasi dapat meningkatkan daya cerna dari setiap bahan yang digunakan, disamping itu balita stunting membutuhkan asupan tinggi protein untuk tujuan tumbuh kejarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa perbedaan kadar proksimat dan energi pada es krim yoghurt dengan bahan substitusi tepung kedelai hitam sebagai alternatif selingan sehat balita stunting. Penelitian ini dilakukan 3 perlakuan dan 3 kali replikasi sehingga diperoleh total 9 unit percobaan menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perbandingan susu skim bubuk dan tepung kedelai hitam yaitu kontrol = 100:1 ; F1 = 75:25, dan F2 = 50:50 (%). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kadar protein menggunakan metode Kjedahl, kadar lemak menggunakan metode Soxhlet, kadar air menggunakan metode oven, kadar abu menggunakan metode pengabuan, kadar karbohidrat menggunakan metode by different, dan energi menggunakan metode by calculation. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada kadar proksimat dan energi. Dalam menentukan taraf perlakuan terbaik menggunakan metode de garmo dengan hasil perlakuan terbaik adalah F2 dengan kadar protein 10, lemak 4,74, karbohidrat 2,15, air 81,77, abu 1,25 serta energi 91,56 (%). Rekomendasi takaran saji es krim yoghurt kedelai hitam yang dapat diberikan untuk balita yaitu 110 ml yang dapat memenuhi energi dan protein sebesar 74,60% dan 553,85% dalam sekali makan selingan (10%)

    Analisa Tingkat Kesukaan Bakso Analog Jamur Shitake (Lentinula edodes) dan Tepung Kedelai (Glycine max) Sebagai Alternatif Makanan Penyandang Obesitas

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    Angka obesitas penduduk Indonesia meningkat dari 11,7% pada tahun 2010 menjadi 21,8% pada tahun 2018. Salah satu upaya penanganan obesitas adalah pengaturan pola makan dengan membuat makanan alternatif bakso analog berbahan dasar jamur shitake yang tinggi beta-glukan (43,87 g) dan eritadenin (600-700 μg/g berat kering) serta tepung kedelai yang tinggi protein khususnya varietas Anjasmoro (36,44 – 40,55%). Penggunaan bahan dasar tersebut sebagai bakso analog belum pernah dilakukan sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan berdasarkan mutu organoleptik (warna, rasa, aroma, tekstur, dan tampilan keseluruhan). Penelitian ini menggunakan uji hedonik 7 skala pada 25 orang panelis agak terlatih. Analisis data menggunakan uji Kruskal Wallis, dan uji Mann Whitney. Analisis taraf perlakuan terbaik menggunakan metode Zeleny. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan produk P2 (80% jamur shitake:20% tepung kedelai) menjadi perlakuan terbaik dengan hasil skor warna 5,08±0,76 (suka); rasa 4,36±1,22 (agak suka); aroma 4,40±1,19 (agak suka); tekstur 4,76±0,97 (agak suka cenderung suka); dan tampilan keseluruhan 5,40±0,82 (suka). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari segi mutu organoleptik P2 yang paling dapat diterima oleh panelis serta sangat direkomendasikan bagi penyandang obesitas karena menurut standar diet pembatasan energi oleh PERSAGI, satu porsi bakso analog dapat mencukupi kebutuhan energi 23,03%; protein 21,3%; lemak 7,03%; karbohidrat 27,76%; dan total serat pangan 5,53%

    Research Poster Session - Understanding Interdisciplinarity in Occupational Science

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    Background In a review of the occupational science literature, Molke et al. (2004) identified the field as “…being founded on and fueled by occupational therapy’s basic ethical and philosophical view of the world” (p. 275). This review suggested that occupational science has historically had an individualistic focus. However, this perspective has recently been challenged by leaders in the field (Rudman et al., 2008) suggesting that interdisciplinarity is contributing to the advancement of knowledge generation in occupational science. As Rudman et al. (2008) state, “clarifying what is meant by interdisciplinarity, as well as discussing the types of ties occupational scientists wish to make with other disciplines, may be steps forward in understanding occupation” (p. 140). The issue of interdisciplinarity was of interest to first year graduate students taking the foundational course in the field of occupational science. This interest was underscored by the fact that all four students were from different disciplinary backgrounds. Thus, students wanted to find out more about what interdisciplinarity means and how it is impacting occupational science. Purpose The purpose of this study was to understand current issues in the evolution of interdisciplinarity within the epistemic occupational science community at Western University. Method The first year occupational science students at Western University developed a survey consisting of 14 multiple choice and short-answer questions. Questions were developed through an exploration of interdisciplinarity within the occupational science literature, discussion, and revisiting of the survey objectives. Short-answer questions were designed to be open-ended, allowing for rich results and to encourage participants to reflect on their perspectives of occupational science. Ethics approval was received from Western University. The survey was administered online to a convenience sample of past and present graduate students and faculty of Western University’s occupational science community. All current and past members of the occupational science community were invited to participate via email; at this time we have a 36% response rate and data collection is still underway. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample to date and a thematic and content analysis is being used to analyze the qualitative data. Results Participants (N=12) included three current M.Sc and two current PhD students, four graduates of the program and three faculty members. Disciplinary backgrounds of these participants include occupational therapy (N=7), non-profit agency management (N=1), psychology (N=2), science and business (N=1), and health science (N=1). Preliminary themes included the specific challenges and promotion of interdisciplinarity within the science, the meanings of interdisciplinarity, and the types actions used to support it. Viewpoints on the expansion of occupational science from individual to broader, more complex perspectives were also reported. Some of the prominent challenges identified were relaying the understanding of what is meant by occupation and its relevance to other disciplines. Contribution This study will utilize the viewpoints of Western’s occupational science community to help understand the different ways that interdisciplinarity is being experienced and shaped, the meaning it has for the field, for present and future knowledge generation, and its relevance for future students. Keywords: Interdisciplinary, Occupational Scienc