31 research outputs found

    Robust phenotyping of highly multiplexed tissue imaging data using pixel-level clustering

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    While technologies for multiplexed imaging have provided an unprecedented understanding of tissue composition in health and disease, interpreting this data remains a significant computational challenge. To understand the spatial organization of tissue and how it relates to disease processes, imaging studies typically focus on cell-level phenotypes. However, images can capture biologically important objects that are outside of cells, such as the extracellular matrix. Here, we describe a pipeline, Pixie, that achieves robust and quantitative annotation of pixel-level features using unsupervised clustering and show its application across a variety of biological contexts and multiplexed imaging platforms. Furthermore, current cell phenotyping strategies that rely on unsupervised clustering can be labor intensive and require large amounts of manual cluster adjustments. We demonstrate how pixel clusters that lie within cells can be used to improve cell annotations. We comprehensively evaluate pre-processing steps and parameter choices to optimize clustering performance and quantify the reproducibility of our method. Importantly, Pixie is open source and easily customizable through a user-friendly interface

    Natural and Vaccine-Mediated Immunity to Salmonella Typhimurium is Impaired by the Helminth Nippostrongylus brasiliensis

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    The impact of exposure to multiple pathogens concurrently or consecutively on immune function is unclear. Here, immune responses induced by combinations of the bacterium Salmonella Typhimurium (STm) and the helminth Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Nb), which causes a murine hookworm infection and an experimental porin protein vaccine against STm, were examined. Mice infected with both STm and Nb induced similar numbers of Th1 and Th2 lymphocytes compared with singly infected mice, as determined by flow cytometry, although lower levels of secreted Th2, but not Th1 cytokines were detected by ELISA after re-stimulation of splenocytes. Furthermore, the density of FoxP3+ T cells in the T zone of co-infected mice was lower compared to mice that only received Nb, but was greater than those that received STm. This reflected the intermediate levels of IL-10 detected from splenocytes. Co-infection compromised clearance of both pathogens, with worms still detectable in mice weeks after they were cleared in the control group. Despite altered control of bacterial and helminth colonization in co-infected mice, robust extrafollicular Th1 and Th2-reflecting immunoglobulin-switching profiles were detected, with IgG2a, IgG1 and IgE plasma cells all detected in parallel. Whilst extrafollicular antibody responses were maintained in the first weeks after co-infection, the GC response was less than that in mice infected with Nb only. Nb infection resulted in some abrogation of the longer-term development of anti-STm IgG responses. This suggested that prior Nb infection may modulate the induction of protective antibody responses to vaccination. To assess this we immunized mice with porins, which confer protection in an antibody-dependent manner, before challenging with STm. Mice that had resolved a Nb infection prior to immunization induced less anti-porin IgG and had compromised protection against infection. These findings demonstrate that co-infection can radically alter the development of protective immunity during natural infection and in response to immunization

    Elevated IgG responses in infants are associated with reduced prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection

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    Background: It is unclear whether antibodies can prevent Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection. In this study, we examined the relationship between total plasma IgG levels, IgG elicited by childhood vaccines and soil-transmitted helminths, and Mtb infection prevalence, defined by positive QuantiFERON (QFT) test. Methods: We studied 100 Mtb uninfected infants, aged 4–6 months. Ten infants (10%) converted to positive QFT test (QFT+) within 2 years of follow-up for Mtb infection. Antibody responses in plasma samples acquired at baseline and tuberculosis investigation were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and ImmunoCAPÂź assay. Results: QFT− infants displayed a significant increase in total IgG titers when re-tested, compared to IgG titers at baseline, which was not observed in QFT+ infants. Bacille Calmette-GuĂ©rin (BCG) vaccine-specific IgG2 and live-attenuated measles vaccine-specific IgG were raised in QFT− infants, and infants who acquired an Mtb infection did not appear to launch a BCG-specific IgG2 response. IgG titers against the endemic helminth Ascaris lumbricoides increased from baseline to QFT re-testing in all infants. Conclusion: These data show raised IgG associates with a QFT-status. Importantly, this effect was also associated with a trend showing raised IgG titers to BCG and measles vaccine. Our data suggest a possible protective association between raised antibody titers and acquisition of Mtb infection, potentially mediated by exposure to antigens both related and unrelated to Mtb.</p

    CNS-border associated macrophages respond to acute ischemic stroke attracting granulocytes and promoting vascular leakage

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    The central nervous system (CNS) contains several types of immune cells located in specific anatomic compartments. Macrophages reside at the CNS borders surrounding the brain vessels, in leptomeningeal spaces and the choroid plexus, where they interact with the vasculature and play immunological surveillance and scavenging functions. We investigated the phenotypic changes and role of these macrophages in response to acute ischemic stroke. Given that CD163 expression is a hallmark of perivascular and meningeal macrophages in the rat and human brain, we isolated CD163+ brain macrophages by fluorescence activated cell sorting. We obtained CD163+ cells from control rats and 16 h following transient middle cerebral artery occlusion, after verifying that infiltration of CD163+ peripheral myeloid cells is negligible at this acute time point. Transcriptome analysis of the sorted CD163+ cells identified ischemia-induced upregulation of the hypoxia inducible factor-1 pathway and induction of genes encoding for extracellular matrix components and leukocyte chemoattractants, amongst others. Using a cell depletion strategy, we found that CNS border-associated macrophages participate in granulocyte recruitment, promote the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), increase the permeability of pial and cortical blood vessels, and contribute to neurological dysfunction in the acute phase of ischemia/reperfusion. We detected VEGF expression surrounding blood vessels and in some CD163+ perivascular macrophages in the brain tissue of ischemic stroke patients deceased one day after stroke onset. These findings show ischemia-induced reprogramming of the gene expression profile of CD163+ macrophages that has a rapid impact on leukocyte chemotaxis and blood-brain barrier integrity, and promotes neurological impairment in the acute phase of stroke.Supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (SAF2014–56279-R and SAF2017–87459-R). JP and MG were supported by a PhD fellowship from the Catalan Research Agency (AGAUR) and the ITN program of the European Community (NeuroInflammation, FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN-n°607962), respectively. FMM is recipient of an ICT award by the Pla estratùgic de recerca i innovació en salut (PERIS) of the Departament de Salut, Generalitat de Catalunya

    High-dimensional single-cell analysis reveals the immune signature of narcolepsy

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    International audienceNarcolepsy type 1 is a devastating neurological sleep disorder resulting from the destruction of orexin-producing neurons in the central nervous system (CNS). Despite its striking association with the HLA-DQB1*06:02 allele, the autoimmune etiology of narcolepsy has remained largely hypothetical. Here, we compared peripheral mononucleated cells from narcolepsy patients with HLA-DQB1*06:02-matched healthy controls using high-dimensional mass cytometry in combination with algorithm-guided data analysis. Narcolepsy patients displayed multifaceted immune activation in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells dominated by elevated levels of B cell-supporting cytokines. Additionally, T cells from narcolepsy patients showed increased production of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-2 and TNF. Although it remains to be established whether these changes are primary to an autoimmune process in narcolepsy or secondary to orexin deficiency, these findings are indicative of inflammatory processes in the pathogenesis of this enigmatic disease