627 research outputs found

    Focusing on Actors, Scaling-Up, and Networks to Understand Co-Production Practices: Reporting From Berlin and Santiago

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    In different policy agendas, such as the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, co-production is introduced as a desirable urban planning practice to validate the engagement and inclusion of diverse actors/networks. Nevertheless, some scholars argue (e.g., Watson, Robinson) that the Western planning approach faces difficulties incorporating rationalities beyond the Global North-South division. In this context based on the research project DFG-KOPRO Int for the German Research Foundation on Chilean and German cases and the local context, this article seeks to explore how local groups are undertaking co-production, which means of legitimacy are used, and which socio-spatial results develop. In doing so, the research focuses firstly on the negotiation processes (governance) between stakeholders by undertaking network analysis and, secondly, on understanding the impulse for urban development by analysing the project's socio-spatial material patterns. Chile's neoliberal context and the case studies showcase diverse cooperative forms that try to close governance gaps within strong political struggles. In the German context, actors from different areas, such as cultural institutions, universities, and private actors undertake diverse mandates for testing regulatory, persuasive, or financial instruments. As different as local realities are, the overall results show that co-production occurs mostly in highly contested fields such as housing projects and highlights a three-part constellation of actors - state, private, and civil society - in urban development. However, negotiation processes take place, ranging from conflictive to cooperative. Hence, co-production challenges prevailing social and political structures by providing an arena for new forms of collective and pluralistic governance

    RED SOIL, Aplicación de la imagen impresa a productos publicitarios en el ámbito de la música

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    [ES] Desde hace años intento unir los dos mundos que me apasionan: la música y las artes gráficas, mediante la realización de carteles, logotipos, fotografías e ilustraciones consigo estar en contacto con ambos ámbitos. Este trabajo es para mí el proyecto más ambicioso al que me he enfrentado hasta ahora, pues se trata de realizar toda una campaña publicitaria para el nuevo disco de la banda Red Soil, el cual está siendo preparado y se prevé lanzar a la venta el próximo año. Para la realización de este proyecto, trabajaré mediante técnicas de grabado, ya que es un medio con el que me siento cómoda y con el que aún estoy en proceso de aprendizaje. Además de la realización de las ilustraciones, la parte de la maquetación también será una parte importante y esencial de mi trabajo.[EN] For years I tried to connect the two worlds that I love the much: the music and the plastic arts. I get to be in contact with both worlds by making posters, logos, photos and illustrations. This work is the most ambitious to which I have faced so far, this arrying out the advertising campaign for the new record of the band Red Soil , that is being prepared for the next year. For to do this project, I will work through engraving techniques for the illustrations and in addition to digital layout.Lázaro Moya, P. (2019). RED SOIL, Aplicación de la imagen impresa a productos publicitarios en el ámbito de la música. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/130345TFG

    Bacteroides uniformis CECT 7771 ameliorates metabolic and immunological dysfunction in mice with high-fat-diet induced obesity

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    Background: Associations have been made between obesity and reduced intestinal numbers of members of the phylum Bacteroidetes, but there is no direct evidence of the role these bacteria play in obesity. Herein, the effects of Bacteroides uniformis CECT 7771 on obesity-related metabolic and immune alterations have been evaluated. Methods and Findings: Adult (6–8 week) male wild-type C57BL-6 mice were fed a standard diet or a high-fat-diet HFD to induce obesity, supplemented or not with B. uniformis CECT 7771 for seven weeks. Animal weight was monitored and histologic, biochemical, immunocompetent cell functions, and features of the faecal microbiota were analysed after intervention. The oral administration of B. uniformis CECT 7771 reduced body weight gain, liver steatosis and liver cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations and increased small adipocyte numbers in HFD-fed mice. The strain also reduced serum cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, insulin and leptin levels, and improved oral tolerance to glucose in HFD fed mice. The bacterial strain also reduced dietary fat absorption, as indicated by the reduced number of fat micelles detected in enterocytes. Moreover, B. uniformis CECT 7771 improved immune defence mechanisms, impaired in obesity. HFD-induced obesity led to a decrease in TNF-a production by peritoneal macrophages stimulated with LPS, conversely, the administration of B. uniformis CECT 7771 increased TNF-a production and phagocytosis. Administering this strain also increased TNF-a production by dendritic cells (DCs) in response to LPS stimulation, which was significantly reduced by HFD. B. uniformis CECT 7771 also restored the capacity of DCs to induce a T-cell proliferation response, which was impaired in obese mice. HFD induced marked changes in gut microbiota composition, which were partially restored by the intervention. Conclusions: Altogether, the findings indicate that administration of B. uniformis CECT 7771 ameliorates HFD-induced metabolic and immune dysfunction associated with intestinal dysbiosis in obese mice.Fil: Gauffin Cano, María Paola. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Santacruz, Arlette. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos; EspañaFil: Moya, Angela. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos; EspañaFil: Sanz, Yolanda. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos; Españ

    Condiciones laborales en enfermería y la seguridad del paciente

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es cuantificar el número de publicaciones científicas sobres las condiciones laborales en enfermería y la seguridad del paciente, para la consecución de este objetivo se realizó una revisión bibliometríca en 4 bases de datos Ebsco, Embase, Biblioteca Virtual de salud BVS y el descubridor del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, encontrado 60 publicaciones en 28 años de investigación sobre el tema, encontrando que las publicaciones se pueden clasificar en 9 ejes temáticos de los cuales el 46.6% de las publicaciones manifiestan que el estado ha fallado en la realización de políticas laborales y en segundo lugar se encuentran la Falta de programas que promueva la satisfacción laboral con un 21,7% .Abstract. The goal of this paper is to quantify the number of scientific publications on the work conditions in nursing and medical patient safety. In order to accomplish it, a bibliometric review was realized in four different databases: Ebsco, Embase, Virtual Health Library (Biblioteca Virtual de salud BVS) and the search tool of the national system of libraries of the Unal (Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia). It was found sixty publications over twenty-eight years of research on the topic, which can be classified in nine thematic axis. Among the publications, 46.6% show that the goverment has failed in the making of laboral politics. Secondly, we found the missing of program prommoting laboral satisfaction with a 21.7%.Otr

    Los valores sociales y la disciplina escolar en los estudiantes de la I.E. Luis Fabio Xammar Jurado

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    El trabajo: “LOS VALORES SOCIALES Y LA DISCIPLINA EDUCATIVA EN ESTUDIANTES DEL C.E. LUIS F. XAMMAR J.”, es el compromiso de estudio para alcanzar la licencia en Educación en la carrera de Ciencias Sociales y Turismo en la UNJFSC, Huacho. La sistemática utilizada se localiza en el estudio básico es de condición Básica, de rango característico, correlativo, no práctico y la teoría trazada es: “Los valores sociales se relacionan con la disciplina escolar en estudiantes del C.E. Luis Fabio Xammar Jurado.”. a fin del estudio, el colectivo es de 1076 educandos y el modelo de estudio fue de 283 estudiantes. La herramienta primordial utilizada en el estudio es la consulta, aplicada a la inicial y sucesiva mudable. Los efectos demuestran que hay un vínculo de magnitud muy buena entre los valores sociales y la disciplina educativa en estudiantes del C.E. Luis F. Xammar J

    The economic performance of urban gardening in three European cities – examples from Ljubljana, Milan and London

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    Urban gardening is not a new phenomenon but it has received considerably more practical and academic interest in recent years. Studies on economic aspects such as crop yields, inputs and outputs of production, productivity, gross margins and the contribution to home economics are rare, especially in Europe. While urban gardening plays an important role in the Global South, its role in Western Europe for food productivity and home eco- nomics is currently under-researched. The aim of this study is to analyse European urban gardeners\u2019 economic performance and self-sufficiency on a household level, as well as to reach a better understanding of their con- tribution to food self-provision and food security in the metropolitan areas. In a study carried out in 2014 with on-site personal and with online questionnaires participated 180 urban gardeners from three case study cities (Ljubljana, Milan, and London). Results from the economic analysis showed that although for most urban gar- deners, profit is not their main motivation, the economic calculation shows that productivity in small urban plots can be comparable to market garden production. Urban gardeners are saving money, especially when, compared to retail prices for regular produce or organic produce, their input is included in the gross margin calculation. We conclude that, in the case-study cities, the self-provisional potential of urban gardeners\u2019 households to ade- quately cover the annual vegetable need of five-a-day servings can be met under three conditions: (1) sufficient garden size; (2) increased area productivity, and (3) sufficient labour-hour inputs

    Auditoría Integral al Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Parroquial Rural de Dureno, del cantón Lago Agrio, provincia de Sucumbíos, período 2015

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    La Auditoría Integral al Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Parroquial Rural de Dureno del Cantón Lago Agrio, Provincia de Sucumbíos, período 2015, con el fin de conocer la razonabilidad y veracidad de la información financiera, la eficiencia, eficacia y economía en la gestión administrativa y el nivel de cumplimiento de la normativa y disposiciones legales de sus operaciones. Para ello se realizó una evaluación al sistema a través del método COSO I, con la cual se determinó el nivel de confianza y riesgo del control interno. Además, se utilizó la Auditoría financiera, de gestión y de cumplimiento, con lo cual se detectó las principales deficiencias o hallazgos que se da a conocer en el informe de auditoría con sus respectivas conclusiones y recomendaciones a fin de ejecutar acciones correctivas para que dichas falencias puedan ser contrarrestadas y mejorar la gestión administrativa, financiera y de cumplimiento de normas vigentes que permita una toma de decisiones oportunas y así cumplir con los objetivos de la entidad.The comprehensive audit applied to “Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado Parroquial Rural Dureno” located in Lago Agrio County, Sucumbíos province in the year 2015, whit the purpose to know reasonableness and veracity of the financial information; besides the efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the administrative management and the level of compliance about regulations and legal provisions of its operations. It made and evaluation to the system through the COSO 1 method, which was useful to determine the level of confidence and risk of the internal control. In addition, it used the Financial, Management and Compliance Audit detecting the main deficiencies or findings that are disclosed in the audit report, whit their respective conclusions and recommendations to execute in order corrective actions for the mentioned shortcomings that can be counteracted and improve the administrative, financial and compliance management; according to existing standards to mike timely and relevant decisions for the fulfillment of objectives of the entity

    La resolución de problemas a través de trabajos prácticos de laboratorio como estrategia para el aprendizaje de conceptos químicos en estudiantes de décimo grado de Educación Media

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    This work corresponds to a proposal in which practical laboratory work was developed across the resolution of problems, it approached the contents corresponding to the handled ones for the institution and contextualized way to their environment. It developed with students of tenth degree of Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé, sought to wake the interest up towards the learning of the chemistry, where the laboratory works turned a strategy to develop in them a series of scientific skills. It was begun of a basic form up to a more complex form, which allowed to relate in a suitable way, the theory, the practice and the resolution of daily problems. This project began in the second semester of 2014 with a characterization of the strategies of education that the students had in the area of sciences and the strategies of interest on the part of them for the period 2015, already in the year in process the situations applied problem to themselves guided for a question problem that the students had to solve from, the theory and the practice. Levels of scientific expertise acquired students were determined with the proposal. El presente trabajo corresponde a una propuesta investigativa en la cual se desarrollaron trabajos prácticos de laboratorio a través de la resolución de problemas. Se abordaron los contenidos correspondientes a los empleados por el Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé y de manera contextualizada a su entorno. Este proyecto se realizó con estudiantes de grado décimo de dicha institución y se buscó despertar el interés hacia el aprendizaje de la química, ya que los trabajos de laboratorio se convirtieron en una estrategia para desarrollar en ellos una serie de habilidades científicas. La idea fue comenzar de una forma básica hasta una forma más compleja, que permitió relacionar, de manera adecuada, la teoría, la práctica y la resolución de problemas cotidianos. Este proyecto se inició en el segundo semestre de 2014 con una caracterización de las estrategias de enseñanza que los estudiantes tuvieron en el área de ciencias y las estrategias de interés por parte de ellos para el periodo 2015. En el año en curso se aplicaron las situaciones problema guiadas por una pregunta problema que debían solucionar los estudiantes desde la teoría y la práctica, y finalmente se determinaron los niveles de competencias científicas que fortalecieron los estudiantes con la propuesta.

    Referential calculation of particulate matter in the air as a factor of environmental pollution in the urban area of the city of Pujilí

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    This is a preliminary investigation on the environmental quality of the city of Pujilí, made from the collection of samples of particulate matter and vehicular traffic counts on six points of the city. The methodology is based on the provisions of the Unified Text of Secondary Environmental Legislation for measuring atmospheric particulate matter, and the use of count tables for vehicle registration. The results reflect the impact of vehicular traffic, the characteristics of the rolling road layer, soil erosion, and climate on air pollution and its impact on the health of the population