2,128 research outputs found

    Interference susceptibility of satellite 136 MHz telemetry link

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    Interference susceptibility of satellite 136 MHz telemetry lin

    Evolution of photoionization and star formation in starbursts and HII galaxies

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    We analyze the stellar and nebular energy distributions of starbursts using our evolutionary synthesis model PEGASE coupled to the photoionization code CLOUDY. The originality of this study is to relate the evolution and the metallicity of the starburst to the past star formation history of the host galaxy.We compare our model predictions to an observed sample of ~750 starbursts. the most striking feature from line ratio fitting is the decreasing spread in ionization parameter U at high metallicity Z. The best fits of emission line ratios are obtained with a combination of a high- and a low-ionization components. No additional source of ionizing photons --shocks or hidden AGN -- is needed. Colors and equivalent widths are fitted in coherency with emission line ratios. An underlying population is needed, even for small-aperture observations. This evolved population not only reddens the continuum and dilutes the equivalent width of the emission lines, but also participates in the ionization process. Its main effect on line ratios is to maintain a high level of excitation when the burst stops. Models combining underlying populations typical of Hubble sequence galaxies and instantaneous starbursts with ages between 0 and 8 Myr agree satisfactorily with all the data

    Pulling adsorbed polymers from surfaces with the AFM: stick versus slip, peeling versus gliding

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    We consider the response of an adsorbed polymer that is pulled by an AFM within a simple geometric framework. We separately consider the cases of i) fixed polymer-surface contact point, ii) sticky case where the polymer is peeled off from the substrate, and iii) slippery case where the polymer glides over the surface. The resultant behavior depends on the value of the surface friction coefficient and the adsorption strength. Our resultant force profiles in principle allow to extract both from non-equilibrium force-spectroscopic data.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication in Europhys. Lett., http://www.edpsciences.org/journal/index.cfm?edpsname=ep

    Tilstanden i sjøområdene ved Grimstad før start av biologisk renseanlegg på Groos

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    I 1995 ble Groosefjorden undersøkt for å dokumentere tilstanden før igangsetting av nytt biologisk renseanlegg. Det ble også gjort undersøkelser i andre kystområder i Grimstad kommune for å vurdere tilstanden. Undersøkelsene omfattet vannkjemiske målinger (oksygen, næringssalter, temperatur og saltholdighet), bløtbunnprøver, hardbunnundersøkelser (strandsone og dykk) samt undersøkelse av fiskeforekomster. Undersøkelsene viste at bunnområdene i Groosefjorden var tydelig påvirket av det kommunale utslippet på Groos. Bunnvannet hadde lave oksygenkonsentrasjoner og nær utslippet var bløtbunnsfaunaen dominert av arter som opptrer ved tung organisk belastning, men det var ingen større endringer i tilstanden siden forrige undersøkelse på 1980-tallet. Ved dykking ble det i tillegg registrert hydrogensulfid i sedimentene ved utslippspunktet. I overflatelaget ble det kun funnet svake effekter av utslippet. I Homborsund var det ingen større effekter av utslippet, men resultatene tyder på at området er sårbart for økning i tilførslene

    Elektronische Geruchsuntersuchung von Hölzern

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    Zusammenfassung: Ber Hoizgeruch wurde bisiang bei der Bestimmung der Holzart und Beschreibung des Holzzustandes nur marginal berücksichtigt. Mit Hilfe einer Anlage mit einer neuen Kombination von Gassensorarrays (Serien von gasempfindlichen Metallhalbleitern), verbunden mit neuronalen Netzen, wurden einheimische Nadel- und Laubhölzer sowie tropische Laubhölzer auf ihre Unterscheidbarkeit getestet. Eine gezielte Datenbearbeitung ermöglicht es, auch bisher schwer zu unterscheidende Arten über den Geruch zu trennen. Neben der Abhängigkeit des Geruches von der Holzart und weiterer Faktoren (mit dem Ort der Probenentnahme im Baum zusammenhängend) werden auch allgemeine Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Systems kurz diskutier

    Practice pointer: Using the new UK-WHO growth charts

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    The new UK growth charts for children aged 0-4 years (designed using data from the new WHO standards) describe the optimal pattern of growth for all children, rather than the prevailing pattern in the UK (as with previous charts). The new charts are suitable for all ethnic groups and set breast feeding as the norm. UK children match the new charts well for length and height, but after age 6 months fewer children will be below the 2nd centile for weight or show weight faltering, and more will be above the 98th centile. The new charts look different: they have a separate preterm section, no lines between 0 and 2 weeks, and the 50th percentile is no longer emphasised. The charts give clear instructions on gestational correction, and there is a new chart for infants born before 32 weeks’ gestation. The instructions advise on when and how to measure and when a measurement or growth pattern is outside the normal range. The charts include a “look-up” tool for determining the body mass index centile from height and weight centiles without calculation and aid for predicting adult height. The charts and supporting educational materials can be downloaded from www.growthcharts.rcpch.ac.u

    The Doctor is in, but is Academia? Re-Tooling IT Education for a New Era in Healthcare

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    Healthcare information technology is at a crossroads today. As legacy data systems converge with bleeding edge technologies, the technology environments of today’s hospitals and clinics are evolving rapidly, producing new care delivery models. As a result, we need to reassess how information technology education is meeting the needs of healthcare practitioners and institutions. The recent push to adopt Health Information Technology (HIT) with financial incentives and penalties attached was a bold move, but establishing policies is easier to pen than implement. The challenge faced by many healthcare organizations is the lack of technical and organizational infrastructure, as well as skilled man power. This special issue seeks to bring new approaches to the IT classroom, particularly with HIT curriculum, training, and education. Students entering the workforce or completing professional programs will have more career options with an understanding of how to leverage enabling technologies. Those in a healthcare management and leadership capacities will also benefit from this special edition as each of the articles presented address strategic level issues and the need for IT leadership in the planning and implementation of enterprise level systems, to ensure the safety, privacy and security off all patients are protected. The authors of this special issue offer interdisciplinary perspectives on key topics shaping HIT around the world. As members of academia, curriculum is at the heart of the matter and our authors offer justification and case studies on areas where academia needs to continue its growth to serve the healthcare industry

    Positive selection and propeptide repeats promote rapid interspecific divergence of a gastropod sperm protein

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    Male-specific proteins have increasingly been reported as targets of positive selection and are of special interest because of the role they may play in the evolution of reproductive isolation. We report the rapid interspecific divergence of cDNA encoding a major acrosomal protein of unknown function (TMAP) of sperm from five species of teguline gastropods. A mitochondrial DNA clock (calibrated by congeneric species divided by the Isthmus of Panama) estimates that these five species diverged 2-10 MYA. Inferred amino acid sequences reveal a propeptide that has diverged rapidly between species. The mature protein has diverged faster still due to high nonsynonymous substitution rates (\u3e25 nonsynonymous substitutions per site per 109 years), cDNA encoding the mature protein (89-100 residues) shows evidence of positive selection (D(n)/D(s) \u3e 1) for 4 of 10 pairwise species comparisons. cDNA and predicted secondary-structure comparisons suggest that TMAP is neither orthologous nor paralogous to abalone lysin, and thus marks a second, phylogenetically independent, protein subject to strong positive selection in free-spawning marine gastropods. In addition, an internal repeat in one species (Tegula aureotincta) produces a duplicated cleavage site which results in two alternatively processed mature proteins differing by nine amino acid residues. Such alternative processing may provide a mechanism for introducing novel amino acid sequence variation at the amino-termini of proteins. Highly divergent TMAP N-termini from two other tegulines (Tegula regina and Norrisia norrisii) may have originated by such a mechanism

    An In Situ Experimental Study of Effects on Submerged Vegetation After Activated Carbon Amendment of Legacy Contaminated Sediments

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    Activated carbon (AC) amendment has been shown to reduce bioavailability of hydrophobic contaminants in the bioactive layer of sediment. Unwanted secondary effects of AC amendment could be particularly undesirable for ecologically important seagrass meadows, but so far, only a few studies have been conducted on effects on submerged plants. The purpose of this study was to investigate effects on growth and cover of submerged macrophytes in situ after AC amendment. Test sites were established within a seagrass meadow in the severely contaminated Norwegian fjord Gunneklevfjorden. Here we show that AC amendment does not influence neither cover nor length of plants. Our study might indicate a positive effect on growth from AC in powdered form. Hence, our findings are in support of AC amendment as a low-impact sediment remediation technique within seagrass meadows. However, we recommend further studies in situ on the effects of AC on submerged vegetation and biota. Factors influencing seasonal and annual variation in plant species composition, growth and cover should be taken into consideration.An In Situ Experimental Study of Effects on Submerged Vegetation After Activated Carbon Amendment of Legacy Contaminated SedimentsacceptedVersio

    Air Propellers in Yaw

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    Report presents the results of tests conducted at Stanford University of a 3-foot model propeller at four pitch settings and at 0 degree, 10 degrees, 20 degrees, and 30 degrees yaw. In addition to the usual propeller coefficients, cross-wind and vertical forces and yawing, pitching, and rolling moments were determined about axes having their origin at the intersection of the blade axis and the axis of rotation. The tests showed that the maximum efficiency was reduced only slightly for angles of yaw up to 10 degrees but that at 30 degrees yaw the loss in efficiency was about 10 percent. In all cases the cross-wind force was found to be greater than the cross-wind component of the axial thrust. With a yawed propeller an appreciable thrust was found for v/nd for zero thrust at zero yaw. Yawing a propeller was found to induce a pitching moment that increased in magnitude with yaw