43 research outputs found

    S&T culture: a blooming dimension

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    In this paper we present an overview of available indicators and discuss new elements of analysis, qualitative and quantitative, drawn from the practices involved in the promotion of scientific culture. In this exercise, indicators for scientific culture and literacy were matched with a broad set of data covering S&T, social and economical aspects. For this purpose we have resorted to Eurobarometer data (2001) on the relationship of Europeans (EU15) with science and technology and current socio-economic indicators in the various Member States. Forty-six variables were grouped into sets of composite indicators, which represent eight major dimensions: scientific culture and literacy, Investment in education, Educational attainment, S&T activities, technology diffusion and innovation, economic performance and structure, social and institutional development, and access to information and culture. Cluster analysis grouped countries into four sets whose weaker and stronger aspects are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tratamento de efluentes industriais através de processos fotocatalíticos com nanopartículas de TiO2

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    Dissertação de Mestrado (Ciclo de Estudos Integrados Conducentes ao Grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Materiais)Nos últimos anos, novos materiais têxteis têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos, através da utilização de ferramentas de base nanotecnológica. Estes têm sido amplamente investigados com o intuito de serem empregues em várias áreas da ciência e tecnologia. Esta multidisciplinaridade de alteração de superfícies torna-se, desta forma, uma estratégia essencial com o objetivo de combinar diferentes propriedades físicas e químicas para obtenção de um material multifuncional. O desenvolvimento de superfícies têxteis com propriedades autolimpantes possui um enorme potencial combinando a possibilidade de reduzir o impacto ambiental relacionado com fenómenos de poluição (provocada por efluentes líquidos), bem como a sua versatilidade no que concerne à sua aplicação a quaisquer geometrias de peças. A libertação de efluentes líquidos não tratados, provenientes principalmente das indústrias têxteis e esgotos sanitários, em rios e lagos provocam um sério desequilíbrio nos ecossistemas. A necessidade de materiais versáteis que minimizem a ocorrência deste tipo de poluição torna-se quase que vital para o momento atual. Neste contexto, a atividade fotocatalítica dos nanomateriais à base de dióxido de titânio (TiO2) em aplicações têxteis tem sido identificada como um vetor estratégico com um elevado impacto industrial. A utilização da fotocatálise heterogénea representa uma solução com elevado potencial de aplicação tecnológica a muitos setores de atividade industrial. Nesta dissertação foram funcionalizados substratos de vidro e substratos têxteis. Os substratos têxteis utilizados foram o algodão (100%), o ácido poli-lático e a intertela. A deposição de nanopartículas de TiO2 foi efetuada com recurso à utilização de duas técnicas diferentes, nomeadamente a técnica por dip-coating (imersão) no caso dos vidros, e por foulardagem no que se refere aos substratos têxteis. As amostras foram caracterizadas através da utilização das técnicas de Microscopia Eletrónica de Varrimento, testes de molhabilidade (medição de ângulo de contacto) e espectrofotometria UV-Visível. A atividade fotocatalítica das amostras foi estudada pela avaliação da degradação de uma solução aquosa do corante Rodamina B. Para o efeito, a solução aquosa do corante Rodamina B foi sujeita à ação de radiação ultravioleta na presença de um fotocatalisador, o dióxido de titânio (TiO2), e a variação da sua concentração foi monitorizada ao longo do tempo através de espectrofotometria UV-Visível. A variação da concentração da solução aquosa do corante está diretamente relacionada com a eficiência e velocidade de degradação fotocatalítica das amostras.In recent years, new textile materials have been developed through the use of nanotechnology-based tools. These have been extensively investigated in order to be employed in various fields of science and technology. This multidisciplinary of changing surface becomes thus an essential factor in order to combine different physical and chemical properties for obtaining a multifunctional material. The development of self-cleaning textile surfaces with combined properties has a huge potential to reduce the environmental impact related pollution (caused by effluents) and its versatility of application to any geometry. The release of untreated wastewater, mainly from textile industries and sewage in rivers and lakes cause a serious imbalance in the ecosystem. The need for versatile materials that minimize the occurrence of this type of pollution becomes almost vital to the current moment. In this context, the photocatalytic activity of nanomaterials based on titanium dioxide (TiO2) in textile applications has been identified as a strategic vector with a high industrial impact. The use of heterogeneous photocatalysis is a solution with high potential for technological application in many sectors of industrial activity. In this dissertation glass and textiles substrates were functionalized. Textile substrates used were cotton (100%), poly lactic acid and -intertela (polyester based). The deposition of TiO2 nanoparticles was performed with the use of two different techniques, including by dip-coating technique (immersion) in the case of windows, and padding with regard to textile substrates. The samples were characterized by the use of electron microscopy SEM, tests of wettability (contact angle measurement) and UV-Visible spectrophotometry. The photocatalytic activity of the samples was evaluated by measuring the degradation of aqueous dye Rhodamine B. For this purpose, the aqueous solution of Rhodamine B dye was subjected to the action of ultraviolet radiation in the presence of a photocatalyst, titanium dioxide (TiO2), and the variation of their concentration was monitored over time by UV-Visible spectrophotometry. The variation of the concentration of the aqueous solution of the dye is directly related to the efficiency and speed of photocatalytic degradation of the samples

    Introdução de cobertos de leguminosas anuais em olival

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    Em olivais regados, intensivos, superintensivos ou tradicionais em que tenha sido introduzida a rega, bem como em pomares de outras fruteiras regadas ou cultivadas em regiões sem ou com reduzido défice hídrico estival, a manutenção do solo com cobertos vegetais não é, hoje em dia, um tópico tecnicamente muito relevante. Nos contextos agronómicos referidos podemos e devemos ser tolerantes com a vegetação herbácea. O desenvolvimento vegetativo dos cobertos, sejam naturais ou semeados, é controlado com destroçadores da vegetação. Exceptua-se a linha de rega onde habitualmente se aplicam herbicidas com um componente de acção residual, devendo aquela ser a mais estreita possível

    “Looking beyond Mental Health Stigma”: An Online Focus Group Study among Senior Undergraduate Nursing Students

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    Evidence highlights the need for professionals to be aware of their stigmatizing attitudes and discriminatory practices in order to minimize the negative impact on the people they take care of. However, nursing students’ perceptions of these issues have been poorly studied. This study explores the perspective of senior undergraduate nursing students on mental health and the stigma around it, by considering a simulated case vignette of a person with a mental health problem. A descriptive qualitative approach was chosen and involved three online focus group discussions. The findings show various manifestations of stigma, both at an individual and collective level, which indicates that it is an obstacle to the wellbeing of people with mental illness. Individual manifestations of stigma concern its effect on the person with mental illness, while at the collective level they concern the family or society in general. Stigma is a multifactorial, multidimensional, and complex concept, in terms of identifying and fighting it. Thus, the strategies identified involve multiple approaches at the individual level, aimed at the patient and family, namely through education/training, communication, and relationship strategies. At the collective level, to intervene with the general population and specific groups, such as groups of young people, strategies suggested include education/training, use of the media, and contact with people with mental disorders as ways to fight stigma.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Weather year-to-year variations determine the influence of kaolin and salicylic acid in olive fruits and oil phenolic composition

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    Olive tree (Olea europaea L.) growing area is threatened by the current and predicted adverse environmental conditions, affecting negatively the quality of the olive products, largely known for its benefits in human diet. Thus, agronomic strategies may be implemented to offset those negative effects. During two consecutive years young olive trees under rainfed conditions were sprayed in the beginning of the summer season with 100 M salicylic acid (SA), a stress signaling phytohormone, or with kaolin 5% (KL), a heat and irradiance reflecting clay. The distinct weather conditions during the fruit development stage, with higher rainfall close to the harvest and the early frost events, in the first year, and the warmer and drier summer, in the second year, contributed to the increase in phenolic compounds in fruits and in olive oil from the first to the second year. Both KL and SA increased crop yield, while, in general, phenolics concentrations of both olives and oil were increased and decreased by the applied products in the first and second year, respectively. This dissimilar response was modulated by the distinct weather conditions, demonstrating the effectiveness of the applied products in attenuating the frost-promoted degradation of phenolic compounds in the first year and in mitigating the extreme adverse conditions felt in the summer of the second year. The phenolic composition was also distinctly affected, since total phenols, ortho-diphenols and flavonoids exhibited different trends. It is hard to conclude a specific influence of the applied products on olives and oil phenolic composition, since the weather year-to-year variations determine different plant responses.Doctoral fellowship under the Doctoral Program “Agricultural Production Chains – from fork to farm” (PD/00122/2012) provided by the FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology to C. Brito (PD/BD/ 52543/2014). Institution CITAB, for its financial support through the European Investment Funds by FEDER/COMPETE/POCI– Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Program, under Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006958 and National Funds by FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UID/AGR/04033/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sequestro de carbono no olival: mito ou realidade?

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    O homem, através de diversas atividades econom1cas, tem contribuído para o aumento da concentração de dióxido de carbono (C02) na atmosfera. A queima de combustíveis fósseis, o fabrico de cimento a partir de carbonatos e a desflorestação com expansão da área agrícola são as principais atividades humanas associadas à emissão de C02 para a atmosfera . O C02 é um gás com efeito de estufa, capaz de reter radiação térmica, contribuindo para o aquecimento global. Para mitiga r o aquecimento global têm vindo a ser promovidos mecanismos que retirem carbono (C) da atmosfera e o fixem em formas inertes nos ecossistemas terrestres. O sequestro de carbono ocorre principalmente através da fotossíntese em que organismos fotossintéticos como as plantas fixam carbono e libertam oxigénio para a atmosfera. A vegetação terrestre e os solos podem, assim, constituir-se como importantes reservatórios de carbono e contrariar a tendência de aumento da concentração de C02 na atmosfera. Atendendo a que os apoios comunitários na nova PAC serão sobretudo concedidos em função dos serviços ecossistémicos que os diferentes setores prestarem à sociedade e que o sequestro de carbono é um dos principais serviços ecossistémicos que a agricultura pode prestar, apresenta-se uma estimativa do carbono que um olival tradicional de sequeiro (árvores mais solo) pode fixar nos primeiros 10 anos de vida a seguir à instalação. Foi tido em conta a quantidade de folhas, raminhos, casca e lenho de cada um dos diversos componentes da árvore, a percentagem de matéria orgânica e o teor de carbono na matéria orgânica de cada um daqueles componentes. No solo, foi tido em conta o potencial de acumulação de carbono no solo estimado a partir de uma situação inicial de solo mobilizado passando para uma situação em que se permite o desenvolvimento de vegetação herbácea no coberto. Assim, uma árvore bem desenvolvida com 10 anos de idade representa uma quantidade de carbono de 9, 71 kg árvore·1 [75% na parte aérea (medida) e 25% na parte radicular (estimada)], o que representa 2,0 t C _ha·1 • No solo, se durante 10 anos forem implementadas medidas que promovam o acréscimo em 1% no teor de matéria orgânica do solo (profundidade 0-20 cm) relativamente à massa total do solo, serão fixadas 14 t C ha-1

    Comparing N recovery from legumes grown as green manures in olive orchards

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    Green manuring is probably the only option for extending on a great scale the acreage of organic fanning in the perennial crops of the Mediterranean basin such as olive groves. Olive growers, in general, do not have animals so the availability of organic manures is not sufficient to maintain soil fertility. In addition, the organic composts approved for organic farming on the market have high prices and are sometimes speculative, in relation to their fertiliser value (Rodrigues et al., 2006). In NE Portugal there is a long tradition in the cultivation of white lupin (Lupinus a/bus) as a means of improving soil fertility. However, little is known about the dry matter yield and N fixation potential of lupin in these agrosystems, and also of the transfer of fixed N to the trees. In this work the results of dry matter yield and N recovery by lupin, vetch (Vicia villosa) and a mixture of self-reseeding annual legumes are presented. The trial also included plots of oats (Avena saliva) and natural vegetation

    Kaolin and salicylic acid foliar application modulate yield, quality and phytochemical composition of olive pulp and oil from rainfed trees

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    Olive orchards, rainfed managed, are threatened by the current and predicted adverse environmental conditions, which change the yield and quality of olive products, largely known for its benefits to human health. To mitigate these problems, it is highly recommended to perform some adjustments in agronomic practices, such as the use of foliar sprays that cloud help the trees to cope with climate change. During two consecutive years, olive trees were pre-harvest sprayed with kaolin (KL) and salicylic acid (SA) to attenuate the adverse effects of summer stress. Olive yield was increased by 97% and 72% with KL and SA, respectively. Phenolics and antioxidant capacity of both olives and olive oil increased and decreased in the first and second year, respectively, in a closely association with the prevailing climatic conditions. The foliar sprays did not significantly affect the oil quality indices, free acidity, peroxide value and K232 coefficient and decreased the K270 coefficient. This study strongly suggests that the applied products might be effective in mitigating the adverse environmental conditions, without substantial changes in fruit and olive oil quality.Doctoral fellowship under the Doctoral Program “Agricultural Production Chains – from fork to farm” (PD/00122/2012) provided by the FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology to C. Brito (PD/BD/ 52543/2014). Institution CITAB, for its financial support through the European Investment Funds by FEDER/COMPETE/POCI– Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Program, under Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006958 and National Funds by FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UID/AGR/04033/2013. INTERACT project - "Integrative Research in Environment, Agro-Chains and Technology", no. NORTE-01-0145- FEDER-000017, in its lines of research entitled ISAC, co-financied by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through NORTE 2020 (North Regional Operational Program 2014/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Laboratory performance evaluation of Malaria morphological identification in EQA Programs

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    Malaria, one of the main worldwide health diseases, is caused by Plasmodium species being of utmost importance the correct identification of each Plasmodium spp. Since 1995, the National Program for External Quality Assessment (PNAEQ) has implemented a Parasitic Morphology program which aims to evaluate the performance of participant laboratories in the identification of parasitic structures. To continually improve their performance, PNAEQ, in collaboration with a work group, provide updated scientific reports, courses and, when needed, implement corrective actions. The aim of this study is to evaluate performance of the participants in the Parasitic Morphology program, in the identification of Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium ovale, from 2011 to 2018.N/