45 research outputs found

    Contribution à la mesure de la valorisation économique d’un espace urbain : mise en application sur les acteurs de la ville d’Agadir

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    This paper is part of a research in the economy of territories looking forward to study the measurements of the economic valuation of an urban space as well as to initiate the practical particularities of Agadir City. Starting from an abductive epistemological methodology, the research is based on a mixed methodological approach in two stages. The first phase is based on a qualitative approach, in which 24 institutional actors were investigated, through a inter and intra thematic analysis content with the aim of clarifying the concepts appearing in the path measurement the complex relations between these concepts. The second phase is based on a quantitative approach, in which 257 territorial actors were investigated, through modelling by structural equations, for confirmatory purposes using LISREL algorithm. The goal of the research is to contribute to the currently dominant debate, touching the development of urban spaces in a context of concerted efforts between territorial actors. The results of this work approved the existence of several constructs likely to enrich the rapprochement of the development of the city with new constructs which are investment weather, the logistical and infrastructure development and the territorial branding as wellCe papier s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une recherche en Ă©conomie des territoires, en quĂŞte de contribuer dans l’étude des mesures de la valorisation Ă©conomique d’un espace urbain ainsi que d’amorcer les particularitĂ©s pratiques sous-tendant la ville d’Agadir. S’inscrivant dans une posture Ă©pistĂ©mologique post-positiviste et d’une approche abductive, la recherche s’appuie sur une dĂ©marche mĂ©thodologique mixte. La première renvoie Ă  une recherche qualitative, menĂ©e auprès de 24 acteurs institutionnels, moyennant une analyse du contenu thĂ©matique inter et intra-cartes dans le but de clarifier les concepts figurant dans le schĂ©ma de mesure et les relations complexes entre ces concepts. La seconde s’appuie sur une recherche quantitative, menĂ©e auprès de 257 acteurs territoriaux, Ă  travers une modĂ©lisation par les Ă©quations structurelles moyennant l’approche LISREL[1], Ă  finalitĂ© confirmatoire. L’objectif assignĂ© Ă©tant de valider quantitativement les items repĂ©rĂ©s et fournir un modèle de mesure du concept de la valorisation Ă©conomique du territoire. Grosso modo,  la recherche vise Ă  contribuer au dĂ©bat actuellement dominant Ă  savoir la mise en valeur des villes dans un contexte de concertation des efforts entre les acteurs territoriaux. Les rĂ©sultats de ce travail convergent vers l’existence d’une panoplie de construits susceptibles d’enrichir le rapprochement et la mesure du concept de la valorisation Ă©conomique d’un espace urbain. Il s’agit essentiellement du climat d’investissement et entrepreneurial, du dĂ©veloppement logistique du territoire et de l’existence d’une image et d’une identitĂ© territoriale

    Évaluation de l’impact du capital humain sur la croissance économique des pays du Sud et de l’Est de la méditerranée : Analyse de la relation sous-jacente à court et à long terme

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    The theory of economic growth continues to develop in order to provide answers to stylized facts sometimes marked by paradoxes. These paradoxes are linked to several research problems. In this article, we will try to take into account these problems, especially of a methodological nature to explain the economic growth of certain countries of the South and East of the Mediterranean (SEMC), in this case Morocco, Tunisia. , Jordan and Lebanon. To do this, we will first establish an indicator measuring the stock of human capital in each country making up our sample. Indeed, the indicator to be constructed by us will overcome the classic measures, which were based solely on education as the proxy of human capital. In this wake, we are going to make use of both the educational and health dimensions. At the modeling level, the application of the Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992) model in our empirical context, using a VECM, reveals a certain number of observations regarding the contribution of human capital to creation wealth in the said countries of the study. In this sense, human capital is not related to the economic growth of SEMCs over the long term. Regarding the short-term relationship, the human capital factor has a negative impact, and sometimes makes no sense in the growth equation of the countries of the study, which calls into question the policies taken vis-Ă -vis the variables of interest. Moreover, the study shows that these countries optimize very slowly the resources for economic growth at their disposal, because the speed of adjustment towards the general equilibrium does not exceed 11% each year. In this study, we could have enlarged the sample to cover all the countries of the PSEM group. However, some of these countries have political problems, which would skew the analysis in question.     JEL Classification : O47 Article type : Applied research.La thĂ©orie de la croissance Ă©conomique ne cesse pas de se dĂ©velopper afin de porter des rĂ©ponses aux faits stylisĂ©s marquĂ©s parfois par des paradoxes. Ces paradoxes sont liĂ©s aux plusieurs problèmes de recherche. Dans cet article, nous allons essayer de prendre en considĂ©ration ces problèmes, surtout d’ordre mĂ©thodologique pour expliquer la croissance Ă©conomique de certains Pays du Sud et de l’Est de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e (PSEM), en l’occurrence le Maroc, la Tunisie, la Jordanie et le Liban. Pour ce faire, nous allons d’abord Ă©tablir un indicateur mesurant le stock du capital humain dans chaque pays composant notre Ă©chantillon. En effet, l’indicateur Ă  construire par nos soins surmontera les mesures classiques qui se basaient uniquement sur l’éducation comme le proxy du capital humain. Dans ce sillage, nous allons fait recours aussi bien Ă  la dimension Ă©ducative que sanitaire. Au niveau de la modĂ©lisation, l’application du modèle Mankiw, Romer et Weil (1992) dans notre contexte empirique, Ă  l’aide d’un VECM, rĂ©vèle un certain nombre de constats par rapport Ă  la contribution du capital humain Ă  la crĂ©ation des richesses dans lesdits pays de l’étude. Dans ce sens, le capital humain n’a aucune relation avec la croissance Ă©conomique des PSEM sur le long terme. Concernant la relation Ă  court terme, le facteur capital humain impacte nĂ©gativement, et parfois n’a aucun sens dans l’équation de la croissance des pays de l’étude, ce qui remet en cause les politiques prises vis-Ă -vis les variables d’intĂ©rĂŞt. De surcroit, l’étude montre que ces pays optimisent de manière très lente les ressources de la croissance Ă©conomique dont ils disposent, car la vitesse d’ajustement vers l’équilibre gĂ©nĂ©ral ne dĂ©passe pas 11% chaque annĂ©e. Dans cette Ă©tude, nous aurions pu Ă©largir l’échantillon pour couvrir tous les pays du groupe PSEM. Or, certains de ces pays connaissent des problèmes politiques, la chose qui biaiserait l’analyse en question.       Classification JEL : O47 Type de l’article : Recherche appliquĂ©e

    Le Pilotage De La Performance Des Fournisseurs Par Les Pratiques De Gestions De Chaine Logistique (Supply Chain Management) Et L’apport De L’audit Combine «Qualité-Logistique» « Cas De Renault Tanger»

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    Based on the current economic environment of companies, with the focus on core business and the increasing use of outsourcing, a good relationship management with suppliers is very crucial to increase the performance of the companies. Since the rate of purchases in the value added of the product keeps increasing, suppliers who are considered as partners have a significant role to play. This situation poses the problem of managing the customer-supplier relationship because a greater part of the performance depends on suppliers and the service providers. Due to these observations, there is the need for companies to secure their supply chain, especially in terms of QCD (Quality, Cost and Delay). The control of these three elements is a solid asset that is used to remain competitive and to keep their strategic stake in the logistics chain. The SCM practices related to supplier management are defined as a set of activities within an organization to ensure an effective supply chain management. This paper focuses on exploring the best practices in term of supplier management used to ensure high performance in the automotive sector in Morocco. In other words, the objective of this research is to assess the actual state and the perspectives for applying a security approach and an appraisal of the suppliers’ performance, based on management practices and a combination of quality and logistics audits. This research contributes to the study of the link between the SCM practices and the performance based on a qualitative approach applied with a business case within the automobile manufacturer Renault Tanger in Morocco