558 research outputs found

    L’Open hardware Une nouvelle forme de dĂ©mocratisation informationnelle en propriĂ©tĂ© Intellectuelle

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    International audienceL’Open hardware constitue la derniĂšre extension du mouvement dit du « Libre » en propriĂ©tĂ© intellectuelle. Si l’Open hardware procĂšde Ă©galement du numĂ©rique, son objet est constituĂ© d’un « matĂ©riel libre », soit une sĂ©rie d’objets physiques dont la production, la distribution et le partage sont dĂ©clarĂ©s libres par un modĂšle de licence similaire Ă  celui des logiciels. La crĂ©ation collaborative irrigue dĂ©sormais des crĂ©ations purement matĂ©rielles,plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment corporelles

    Expansive homeomorphisms and plane separating continua

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    AbstractA homeomorphism h:X→X is expansive provided that there exists a constant c>0 and for every x,y∈X there exists an integer n, dependent only on x and y, such that d(hn(x),hn(y))>c. It is shown that if X is a 1-dimensional continuum that separates the plane into 2 pieces, then h cannot be expansive

    Entropy of shift maps of the pseudo-arc

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    AbstractIn this paper we show that if f:I→I is a map such that the inverse limit space, P=lim←{I,f}i=1∞ is the pseudo-arc, then the entropy of f and hence the entropy of the shift map fˆ is either 0 or infinite

    Expansive homeomorphisms and indecomposable subcontinua

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    AbstractA continuum X is k-cyclic if given any Δ>0, there is a finite open cover U of X such that mesh(U)<Δ and the nerve N(U) is has at most k distinct simple closed curves. A homeomorphism h:X→X is called expansive provided for some fixed Δ>0 and every x,y∈X there exists an integer n such that d(hn(x),hn(y))>Δ. We prove that if X is a k-cyclic continuum that admits an expansive homeomorphism, then X must contain an nondegenerate indecomposable subcontinuum

    O monstro debaixo da cama: o chavismo como uma questão divisória na América Latina

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    There is a broad array of literature analyzing the interaction between domestic and foreign policy. In this regard, we have recently seen that strategic politicians use divisive foreign leaders as a tool to take advantage of in domestic politics. Nevertheless, the use of these leaders in domestic campaigns – and particularly the reasons why this occurs – has not received much attention in academia. In this paper, we attempt to approach this topic by identifying when conditions are ripe for this strategic use of foreign leaders in domestic politics. More specifically, we argue that the image of foreign leaders can be used when they present the conditions to become a wedge issue. We explore this question by using survey data on views of ChĂĄvez across Latin America together with political and economic indicators between 2005 and 2011. We find that perceptions of Chavismo are divisive in countries in which the incumbent government is ruled by a left-wing administration. Similarly, we show that, in those countries, Chavismo has all the conditions to become a wedge issue, as opponents have a homogeneously negative perception of that political movement, while government supporters are divided in their views of Chavismo.Existe una amplia gama de literatura que analiza la interacciĂłn entre la polĂ­tica interna y externa. En este sentido, recientemente hemos visto que los polĂ­ticos estratĂ©gicos utilizan lĂ­deres extranjeros divisivos como una herramienta para aprovechar en la polĂ­tica interna. Sin embargo, el uso de estos lĂ­deres en campañas nacionales, y particularmente las razones por las cuales esto ocurre, no ha recibido mucha atenciĂłn en la academia. En este artĂ­culo, tratamos de abordar este tema identificando cuĂĄndo las condiciones estĂĄn maduras para este uso estratĂ©gico de los lĂ­deres extranjeros en la polĂ­tica interna. MĂĄs especĂ­ficamente, argumentamos que la imagen de los lĂ­deres extranjeros puede usarse cuando presentan las condiciones para convertirse en un problema de cuña. Exploramos esta pregunta mediante el uso de datos de encuestas sobre puntos de vista de ChĂĄvez en AmĂ©rica Latina junto con indicadores polĂ­ticos y econĂłmicos entre 2005 y 2011. Descubrimos que las percepciones del chavismo son divisivas en paĂ­ses en los que el gobierno en funciones estĂĄ gobernado por una administraciĂłn de izquierda. Del mismo modo, mostramos que, en esos paĂ­ses, el chavismo tiene todas las condiciones para convertirse en un problema de cuña, ya que los opositores tienen una percepciĂłn homogĂ©neamente negativa de ese movimiento polĂ­tico, mientras que los partidarios del gobierno estĂĄn divididos en sus puntos de vista sobre el chavismo.Existe uma ampla gama de literatura analisando a interação entre polĂ­tica interna e polĂ­tica externa. Nesse sentido, vimos recentemente que polĂ­ticos estratĂ©gicos usam lĂ­deres estrangeiros divisivos como uma ferramenta para tirar proveito da polĂ­tica domĂ©stica. No entanto, o uso desses lĂ­deres em campanhas domĂ©sticas - e particularmente as razĂ”es pelas quais isso ocorre - nĂŁo recebeu muita atenção na academia. Neste artigo, tentamos abordar esse tĂłpico, identificando quando as condiçÔes estĂŁo maduras para esse uso estratĂ©gico de lĂ­deres estrangeiros na polĂ­tica domĂ©stica. Mais especificamente, argumentamos que a imagem de lĂ­deres estrangeiros pode ser usada quando eles apresentam condiçÔes para se tornar uma questĂŁo de cunha. Exploramos essa questĂŁo usando dados de pesquisas sobre pontos de vista de ChĂĄvez na AmĂ©rica Latina, juntamente com indicadores polĂ­ticos e econĂŽmicos entre 2005 e 2011. Descobrimos que as percepçÔes do Chavismo sĂŁo divisĂłrias nos paĂ­ses em que o governo em exercĂ­cio Ă© governado por uma administração de esquerda. Da mesma forma, mostramos que, nesses paĂ­ses, o Chavismo tem todas as condiçÔes para se tornar uma questĂŁo de cunha, pois os oponentes tĂȘm uma percepção negativa homogĂȘnea desse movimento polĂ­tico, enquanto os apoiadores do governo estĂŁo divididos em suas opiniĂ”es sobre o Chavismo

    ZurĂŒck in den Alltag trotz Apraxie : ergotherapeutische Assessments und Interventionen zur bestmöglichen Vorbereitung auf AktivitĂ€ten im hĂ€uslichen Umfeld

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    Ziel: Mittels Literaturreview werden Empfehlungen fĂŒr ergotherapeutische Assessments und Interventionen bei erwachsenen Klientinnen und Klienten mit Apraxie nach erworbener HirnschĂ€digung abgeleitet, welche die bestmögliche Vorbereitung im stationĂ€ren Behandlungssetting auf AktivitĂ€ten im hĂ€uslichen Umfeld bieten. Methode: Es wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche, auf sechs gesundheitsspezifischen Datenbanken durchgefĂŒhrt. Insgesamt wurden vier Studien und vier Reviews bearbeitet. Die Studien und Reviews wurden kritisch gewĂŒrdigt. Ergebnisse: Es konnten drei ergotherapeutische Assessments gefunden werden, welche den Einschlusskriterien entsprechen («Perceive, Recall, Plan, Perform System of Task Analysis», «Assessment of disabilities in stroke patients with apraxia», «Assessment of Motor and Process Skills»). Insgesamt wurden vier InterventionsansĂ€tze fĂŒr die Therapie bei Apraxie (Strategietraining, Gestentraining, direktes Training und exploratives Training) ausfindig gemacht. Diskussion: Alle gefundenen Assessments können fĂŒr die Praxis empfohlen werden. Als therapeutische Intervention empfehlen die Verfasserinnen hauptsĂ€chlich das Strategietraining, da es bislang die höchste Evidenz und als einzige Interventionsmethode einen Transfereffekt aufweist. FĂŒr das direkte Training gibt es zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht genĂŒgend Evidenz. Beim Gestentraining stellt sich die Frage, ob durch das Training der Gestik tatsĂ€chlich eine signifikante Verbesserung der KommunikationsfĂ€higkeit erreicht werden kann. Dem explorativen Training konnte keine Wirksamkeit nachgewiesen werden

    Framing Effects On Foreign Policy: Experimental Evidence From Emerging Countries And The Argentine-brazilian Rivalry

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    Civil society plays an increasingly important role in the formulation of foreign policy in emerging countries. This article investigates whether public opinion is sensitive to framing effects regarding foreign policy. Data from a survey experiment with a sample of 1,530 students at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and the Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda, we find that participants are sensitive to framing effects on foreign affairs. The interviewees changed their preferences when stimulated by information regarding Brazilian economic growth and military expenditure in comparison with Argentina. In turn, this effect was more pronounced among a) people who tend to stay less informed regarding foreign affairs and b) individuals who are more nationalistic.22119521

    Framing effects on foreign policy:Experimental evidence from emerging countries and the Argentine-Brazilian rivalry

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    Abstract Civil society plays an increasingly important role in the formulation of foreign policy in emerging countries. This article investigates whether public opinion is sensitive to framing effects regarding foreign policy. Data from a survey experiment with a sample of 1,530 students at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and the Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda, we find that participants are sensitive to framing effects on foreign affairs. The interviewees changed their preferences when stimulated by information regarding Brazilian economic growth and military expenditure in comparison with Argentina. In turn, this effect was more pronounced among a) people who tend to stay less informed regarding foreign affairs and b) individuals who are more nationalistic
