253 research outputs found

    Mathematical Methods for Solar Chimney Analysis

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    Solar Chimney Power Plants (SCPP) – also known as Solar Updraft Power Plants – consists in a structure composed by a glass collector, placed in a few meters from the ground, with a chimney in its center, in order to promote a pressure differential and consequently a heated air flow. On the bottom of the chimney, a turbine convert the kinetic energy from the heated airflow in electric power. Many mathematical and numerical methods for predict the performance of this kind of renewable energy plant have been conducted, but always with a divergence among them. The main objective of this work is to compare the mathematical methods of evaluation the overall performance, as well to propose a more accurate mathematical method, comparing all results with Manzanares Plant and other methods in the literature. Two approaches were studied and then modified: one based on continuity and momentum equation and the other based on the sum of all pressure drops along the system. The main reasons of the difference between the models analyzed are highlighted. The results shows that one of the proposed methods leads to a divergence of only 1.3% when compared to Manzanares pilot plant, i.e., with an excellent agreement with experimental data

    Biosynthesis, regulation and biological role of strigolactones in rice

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    In her thesis Catarina Cardoso studied strigolactone biosynthesis in rice. Strigolactones are multifunctional compounds produced by plants. They are plant hormones that regulate plant architecture, but in addition plants release strigolactones into the soil to communicate and initiate beneficial symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Parasitic plants of the genera Striga, Orobanche and Phelipanche take advantage of this communication to also recognize their hosts and infest them. These parasites infect crops and cause significant economic losses in Mediterranean regions and especially in Sub Saharan Africa where they put food security at risk. Catarina found there is large variation in strigolactone biosynthesis between the two major rice groups (indica and japonica) and located the genes responsible for this. She also showed that the different strigolactones produced by rice have a differential impact on AM fungi and seeds of parasitic plants. These findings suggest that it is possible to select crop varieties that can interact with AM fungi, without inducing parasitism. The knowledge generated in this study can contribute to the urgent need to control the worldwide parasitic weed problems. At the same time strigolactones also control plant development and the results of this study may resuylt in tools to develop better yielding and sustainable crops.</p

    Transport spectroscopy in a time-modulated open quantum dot

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    We have investigated the time-modulated coherent quantum transport phenomena in a ballistic open quantum dot. The conductance GG and the electron dwell time in the dots are calculated by a time-dependent mode-matching method. Under high-frequency modulation, the traversing electrons are found to exhibit three types of resonant scatterings. They are intersideband scatterings: into quasibound states in the dots, into true bound states in the dots, and into quasibound states just beneath the subband threshold in the leads. Dip structures or fano structures in GG are their signatures. Our results show structures due to 2ω\hbar\omega intersideband processes. At the above scattering resonances, we have estimated, according to our dwell time calculation, the number of round-trip scatterings that the traversing electrons undertake between the two dot openings.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Ti6Al4V-PEEK multi-material structures – design, fabrication and tribological characterization focused on orthopedic implants

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    Acknowledgements: This work was supported by FCT through the grants SFRH/BD/128657/2017 and SFRH/BPD/112111/2015, the project PTDC/EMSTEC/5422/2014 and also by project NORTE 01-0145_FEDER-000018. Additionally, this work was supported by FCT with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941.A multi-material concept that gathers Ti6Al4V and PEEK properties in a cellular structured component was designed, fabricated and investigated targeting hip implants. SLM and pressure assisted injection techniques were used to obtain Ti6Al4V-PEEK multi-material structures. Aiming to reproduce to some extension the tribological phenomena occurring during and after hip implant insertion, five tribological tests were outlined and performed. The obtained results showed that the presence of PEEK on the Ti6Al4V-PEEK cellular structures led to a substantial improvement on the wear resistance (62% reduction in the mass loss) when compared to the material currently available on market for hip implants. The multi-material solution here investigated shows a good compromise between the primary stability after implant insertion and the wear performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    l-Leucine supplemented whey protein. Dose–response effect on heart mTOR activation of sedentary and trained rats

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    AbstractThe aim of the study was to investigate the effect of leucine supplementation combined with exercise and whey protein in cardiac mTOR anabolic pathway. Ninety-six weanling male Wistar rats were divided into eight groups and fed diets containing either casein or WP plus increasing levels (0, 3, 4.5 and 6% of diet) of l-leucine for 30days. A parallel set of eight groups was exercised for comparison. Serum aspartate amino transferase, alanine aminotransferase, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and branched chain amino acids were determined by standard methods, and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and p70S6K by the Western blot analysis. Chronic l-leucine supplementation was capable of increasing both mTOR and p70S6K phosphorylation in the heart in a dose-dependent fashion, independent of the type of dietary protein in both groups, sedentary and exercised, but the exercise potentialized the activation of the anabolic pathway. The content of protein in heart increase with l-leucine supplementation and the heart mass relativized by body mass did not change. In conclusion, the combination of l-leucine and milk proteins (casein or whey protein) has the potential to increase the mTOR pathway in the cardiac muscle without increasing the heart mass. The novelty of this study is to show the effectiveness of a blend of leucine and whey protein as a viable alternative to maximize the activation of the anabolic pathway of cardiac muscle and that the exercise can improve this process

    Relation between anabolic androgenic steroid administration, aerobic physical training and glycogen supercompensation

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    Glycogen supercompensation is one of the adaptations induced by physical training. To potentiate this phenomenon, many athletes use supraphysiological doses of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of nandrolone and aerobic physical exercise in rats, on body weight, plasmatic triglycerides levels, blood glucose and glycogen content. Male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: Sedentary + vehicle (SV), Trained + vehicle (TV), Sedentary + AAS (SAAS) and Trained + AAS (TAAS) (n = 7-14/group). They received i.m. injections of nandrolone or vehicle for 9 weeks, and during the same period trained rats were submitted to aerobic exercise. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey tests (p (SV: 0,2 ± 0,02 = SAAS: 0,21 ± 0,02 mg/100 mg)]. Blood glucose and soleus glycogen reserves remained unaltered. The use of supraphysiological doses of nandrolone did not potentiate any of the effects obtained in response to aerobic physical training.A supercompensação do glicogênio é uma das adaptações induzidas pelo treinamento físico. Visando potencializar este fenômeno, muitos atletas utilizam doses suprafisiológicas de esteróides anabólicos androgênicos (EAA). O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar em ratos os efeitos da nandrolona e do exercício aeróbio sobre o peso corporal, triglicerídeos, glicose e reservas de glicogênio. Ratos Wistar machos foram aleatoriamente divididos em quatro grupos: sedentário + veículo (SV), treinado + veículo (TV), sedentário + EAA (SEAA) e treinado + EAA (TEAA, n = 7-14/grupo). Receberam injeção i.m. de nandrolona ou veículo durante nove semanas e durante o mesmo período os animais treinados foram submetidos a exercício aeróbio. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA bifatorial e Tukey (p (SV: 0,2 ± 0,02 = SEAA: 0,21 ± 0,02mg/100mg)]. A glicemia e as reservas de glicogênio do sóleo permaneceram inalteradas. O uso de doses suprafisiológicas de nandrolona não potencializou nenhum dos efeitos obtidos em resposta ao treinamento aeróbio.La supercompensación de glucógeno es una de las adaptaciones inducidas por el entrenamiento físico. Visualizando potencializar este fenómeno, muchos atletas utilizan dosis suprafisiológicas de estos esteroides anabólicos androgénicos (EAA). El objetivo de este estudio fue el de evaluar en ratas los efectos de nandrolona y del ejercicio aeróbico sobre el peso corporal, los triglicéridos, la gluclosa y las reservas de glucógeno. Ratas Wistar machos fueron aleatóriamente divididas en 4 grupos: sedentarios + vehículo (SV), entrenada + vehículo (EV), sedentario + EAA (SEAA) y entrenada + EAA (EEAA, n = 7-14/grupo). Recibieron una inyección intramuscular de nandrolona en vehículo durante dos semanas y durante este mismo período los animales entrenados fueron sometidos a ejercicio aeróbico. Los datos fueron analizados usando las pruebas estadísticas ANOVA bifactorial y Tukey (p (SV: 0,2 ± 0,02 = SEAA: 0,21 ± 0,02mg/100mg)]. La glucemia y las reservas de glucógeno del sóleo permanecieron inalteradas. El uso de dosis superfisiológicas de nandrona no potencializaron ninguno de los efectos obtenidos en respuesta al entrenamiento aeróbico.187192Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Spatial and seasonal variations in the stable carbon isotopic composition of methane in stream sediments of eastern Amazonia

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    The stable carbon isotopic composition of methane (δ13 C-CH4) gas bubbles formed in the sediments of three Amazonian streams was determined over a 5-yr period. The study sites were two ' 'várzea' floodplain (Açu and Maicá) and one 'terra-firme' (Jamaraquá) streams. The δ 13C of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) from the surrounding vegetation and bottom sediments were also determined. The mean δ13C value of SOM was lower in the terra-firme (-29.6‰) than in the várzea stream (-23.8‰) as a result of less C4 plant deposition in the former. The δ 13C-CH4 values varied systematically both seasonally and spatially among the sites during all 5 yr of the study, in association with changes during hydrologic cycle. Overall, the variation in values of δ 13C-CH4 during the high water phase covered a narrower range of values, -63 to -56‰. Contrastively, during the low water phase the δ 13C-CH4 values for várzea and terra-firme streams are different and are in direct opposition. At this phase, the δ13C-CH4 at terra-firme stream is at least 20‰ depleted of 13C compared to várzea streams. Changes in organic matter sources, water levels and associated microbial degradation processes control the observed seasonal and spatial variations in net stable carbon isotopic composition of methane

    Association of Under-Approximation Techniques for Generating Tests from Models

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a Model-Based Testing approach with which we generate tests from an abstraction of a source behavioural model. We show a new algorithm that computes the abstraction as an under-approximation of the source model. Our first contribution is to combine two previous approaches proposed by Ball and Pasareanu et al. to compute May, Must+ and Must- abstract transition relations. Prooftechniques are used to compute these transition relations. The tests obtained by covering the abstract transitions have to be instantiated from the source model. So, following Pasareanu et al., our algorithm additionally computes a concrete transition relation: the tests obtained as sequences of concrete transitions need not be instantiated from the source model. Another contribution is to propose a choice of relevant paramaters and heuristics to pilot the tests computation. We experiment our approach and compare it with a previous approach of ours to compute tests from an abstraction that over-approximates the source model

    Trabalho, terra e geração de renda em três décadas de reflorestamentos no alto Jequitinhonha.

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    A partir dos anos 1970, as chapadas do Alto Jequitinhonha, localizadas no nordeste de Minas Gerais, até então áreas de uso comum de agricultores familiares, foram plantadas com eucaliptos. O objetivo deste artigo é comparar os efeitos do reflorestamento sobre a estrutura fundiária, valor da produção agrícola e ocupação rural com os efeitos da produção agrícola familiar sobre essas mesmas variáveis na microrregião homogênea de Capelinha, no Alto Jequitinhonha. Tal microrregião foi escolhida para o estudo por ser a área de maior concentração de eucaliptais da região. Foram utilizados dados secundários dos Censos do IBGE para os anos de 1970, 1980, 1985 e 1996, além de dados secundários de pesquisas realizadas sobre a região em questão, incluindo entrevistas com dirigentes de empresas e lideranças sindicais. O artigo conclui que, em trinta anos, o reflorestamento concentrou terras e criou um número reduzido de empregos; a agricultura familiar, ao contrário, teve suas áreas de terras comprimidas e super-exploradas em decorrência da perda das chapadas, mas continuou sendo a principal responsável pela geração de ocupações e rendas na região