364 research outputs found

    Sustentabilidade ambiental aplicada aos sistemas de informação: estudo e proposta para as Bibliotecas Públicas em Portugal

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    O presente estudo insere-se no âmbito da investigação de práticas de sustentabilidade ambiental no seio das bibliotecas públicas em Portugal, um tema ainda ausente de investigação no país. Foi desenvolvida uma linha de pensamento que vai ao encontro dos objetivos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável traçados pela Organização Mundial das Nações Unidas e pela proposta da IFLA – International Federation Libraries Association, para a inclusão das bibliotecas e da informação na Agenda pós-2015. O levantamento de bibliotecas verdes em todo o mundo demonstra um número crescente, que aplica critérios de sustentabilidade ambiental na sua ação estratégica e de gestão. Começam a surgir investigações académicas, congressos e seminários dedicados à temática, propostas de revisão dirigidas ao currículo académico nos cursos de ciências da documentação e informação. São várias as associações profissionais de biblioteca a nível mundial, que criaram grupos de trabalho e incentivam o debate sobre sustentabilidade ambiental e sobre o conceito de “biblioteca global”. Para compreender a realidade portuguesa nesta matéria, foram enviados questionários a todas as bibliotecas municipais de cada distrito, tendo resultado numa amostra de 84 bibliotecas públicas. A autora conclui com o presente estudo, que muitas bibliotecas portuguesas denotam preocupação, interesse e vontade em estruturar serviços sustentáveis e que existem já certos serviços que utilizam critérios de sustentabilidade ambiental aplicados à gestão e divulgação da sua biblioteca. A autora acrescenta que para a devida instalação do debate e reflexão sobre a temática da sustentabilidade em sistemas de informação, seria preponderante o incentivo por parte da Associação de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas e Documentalistas e pelas Universidades portuguesas, onde são lecionados os cursos de mestrado e licenciatura em Ciências da Documentação e Informação.Abstract: This study is part of the investigation of environmental sustainability practices within public libraries in Portugal, a topic still absent from research in the country. A line of thought that meets the goals for sustainable development outlined by the United Nations and the IFLA - International Federation of Libraries Association – a proposal for the inclusion of libraries and information in the post-2015 agenda. The survey of green libraries around the world demonstrated a growing number that applies environmental sustainability criteria in their strategic and management action. Begin to emerge academic research, conferences and seminars devoted to the theme, proposals for revision of the academic curriculum in Library Information Science. There are various library professional associations worldwide, which created working groups and encourage debate on environmental sustainability and the concept of "global library". To understand the portuguese situation in this matter, questionnaires were sent to all municipal libraries in each district, resulting in a sample of 84 public libraries. The author concludes with this study that there is a large number of portuguese libraries which denote concern, interest and willingness to structure sustainable services and that there are already some services that use environmental sustainability criteria applied to the management and dissemination of their library. The author adds that, for a proper debate and reflection on this subject, it would be very important the encouragement by the Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists, as well as portuguese universities with masters and graduate courses in Library Information Science

    Satisfação dos profissionais de enfermagem

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    La delimitación del concepto de satisfacción en el trabajo es una tarea compleja. Sobre la base de este tema, establecemos como objetivo principal, comprobar si existen diferencias entre las variables sociodemográficas y sociales, el contexto profesional, el contexto de formación y el contexto del empleo y el nivel de satisfacción de los profesionales de enfermería. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y correlacional usando el aspecto cuantitativo en el proceso metodológico. En esta investigación se ha optado por la aplicación de un cuestionario anónimo y confidencial aplicado a los profesionales de la enfermería de ACES Trás-os-Montes I (Nordeste) dividido en dos partes: la primera, contemplando variables de caracterización sociodemográfica, profesional, de formación, laboral, entre otras y, uan segunda parte constituida por la Escala de Satisfacción laboral de Ribeiro (2002). En cuanto a los resultados más significativos relativos a las medidas de satisfacción más elevadas corresponden al sexo masculino, con edades superiores a los 44 anos, casados y con hijos, que poseen post licenciatura de especialización, que no prestan cuidados directos, con horario fijo, motivados y satisfechos con su sueldo, que no tienen conflictos en el puesto de trabajo, satisfechos con el reconocimiento profesional, que ejercen funciones de gestión y que volverían a elegir la misma profesión.The delimitation of the professional satisfaction concept of is a complex task. Having for base this thematic, we establish as main objective to verify if there are differences between the social and demographic variables, of professional context, context of formation and labor context and the level of satisfaction of the nursing professionals. It was a descriptive, transversal and correlacional study, quantitative source of the process Montes (Nordeste) divided in two parts was opted to the application of a confidential questionnaire: the first part, with questions elaborated for the investigator, contemplating changeable of social and demographic variables, professional characterization, of formation, labor, among others e; one second part consisting of the scale of Work Satisfaction of Ribeiro (2002). The main results stands out that a highest satisfaction comes from the masculine sex, over the 44 years old, married and with children, who possess the specialty, that do not do direct cares, with fixture hourly, satisfied with the salary, that do not have conflicts in the workstation, satisfied with the recognition of the profession, that have management functions and those who would choose the same profession again.A delimitação do conceito de satisfação profissional é uma tarefa complexa. Tendo por base esta temática, estabelecemos como principal objectivo, verificar se existem diferenças entre as variáveis sociodemográficas, de contexto profissional, de contexto de formação e de contexto laboral e o nível de satisfação dos profissionais de enfermagem. Tratou-se de estudo descritivo, transversal e correlacional que recorrendo à vertente quantitativa do processo metodológico. Nesta investigação optou-se pela aplicação de um questionário anónimo e confidencial aplicado aos profissionais de enfermagem do ACES Trás-os-Montes I (Nordeste) dividido em duas partes: a primeira parte, contemplando variáveis de caracterização sociodemográfica, profissional, de formação, laboral, entre outras e, uma segunda parte constituída pela escala de Satisfação com o Trabalho de Ribeiro (2002). Quanto aos resultados estatisticamente significativos, relativamente às médias de satisfação mais elevadas são profissionais do sexo masculino, com idades superiores a 44 anos, casados e com filhos, que possuem Pós – Licenciatura de Especialização, que não prestam cuidados directos, com horário fixo, motivados e satisfeitos com o vencimento que auferem, que não têm conflitos no local de trabalho, satisfeitos com o reconhecimento da profissão, que exercem funções de gestão e que continuariam a escolher a mesma profissão.peerReviewe

    Assessment of in vitro methodologies to determine topical and transdermal delivery of the flavonoid quercetin

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    To be effective against the oxidative damages induced by UVB irradiation in the skin, the drug needs to release from the formulation in which it was incorporated and reach the skin layers where the ROS are generated. Thus, it is very important the development of a robust and sensitive methodology to extract and quantify in different skin layers the antioxidant agent delivered from topical formulations. Therefore, in the present work suitable methods to extract and quantify quercetin in skin samples and receptor phase after in vitro penetration studies were developed. The results demonstrated that the recovery from two different layers of skin, the SC and [E+D], using two different methods of quantification (DPPH• assay and HPLC, respectively), was 93.8 % when the quercetin spiked dose was 50 µg/mL, 100.4 % when it was 100 µg/mL and 89.9 % for 250 µg/mL and the average recovery of the quercetin extraction from receptor phase when dichloromethane was used as extractor solvent was 96%. These results demonstrate that the described methods have a potential application to in vitro skin penetration studies of quercetin, since it showed to be accurate and sensitive.Para ser efetiva contra os danos oxidativos induzidos pela radiação UVB na pele, é necessário que o ativo seja liberado da formulação na qual foi incorporado e alcance as camadas da pele onde são geradas as EROS. Desta forma, torna-se de grande importância o desenvolvimento de métodos eficazes e sensíveis para extrair e quantificar, nas diferentes camadas de pele, o agente antioxidante liberado de formulações tópicas. No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidos métodos adequados para extrair e quantificar a quercetina em amostras de pele e na fase receptora após estudos de penetração cutânea in vitro. Os resultados demonstraram que a recuperação das camadas de pele, EC e [E+D], quando do uso de duas diferentes metodologias de quantificação (ensaio de DPPH• e CLAE, respectivamente), foi de 93,8 % quando aplicada uma dose de 50 µg/mL de quercetina, 100,4 % para 100 µg/mL e 89,9 % para 250 µg/mL e a recuperação média da extração da quercetina da fase receptora, quando do emprego de diclorometano como solvente extrator, foi de 96 %. Tais resultados demonstram que os métodos descritos têm grande potencial de aplicação em estudos de penetração in vitro já que apresentaram exatidão e sensibilidade.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Identidades, estágio curricular e trabalho docente: Análise discursiva de depoimentos de licenciandas de uma Universidade Federal no Rio Grande do Sul

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    This article analyzed, from the perspective of six graduates of the Course of Pedagogy (FACED / UFRGS), the effects of the obligatory curricular internship and its role in the formation of teaching identities. This qualitative research carried out in 2014 involved listening to the voices of graduates in the period of compulsory curricular traineeship in a municipal public school system located in the city of Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). By means of a focal group, the authors addressed themes of stage and professional identity, concepts developed by Maurice Tardif and Danielle Raymond, António Nóvoa, Selma Garrido Pimenta and Maria Socorro Lima. Drawing on the discursive perspectives of Michel Pêcheux, and highlighting contributions offered by Eni Orlandi, the discourse analysis of the graduates’ speech produced several themes that influenced the formation of the graduates’ educational identities, including teaching as collaborative work, “human teaching”, and experiences of autonomy and transition, and that referred to the obligatory curricular stage as a space for learning, reflection about practice, and the space of praxis. In addition, six trainees perceived their internship as an experience that produced changes in their ways of thinking and becoming teachers. Thus, discursive analysis of internship graduates within the time and spaces of teacher formation may can contribute to other designs for schooling and education, considering the relevance of the dynamic conditions of dialogue at this specific stage. Este artículo analizó los efectos de la etapa curricular obligatoria y su papel en la formación de identidades docentes desde la perspectiva de seis graduados del Curso de Pedagogía (FACED / UFRGS). Esta investigación cualitativa realizada en el año 2014 incluyó la escucha de las voces de los egresados en el período de prácticas obligatorias en un sistema de escuelas públicas municipales ubicado en la ciudad de Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil). Por medio de un grupo focal, los autores abordaron temas de identidad profesional y escénica, conceptos desarrollados por Maurice Tardif y Danielle Raymond, António Nóvoa, Selma Garrido Pimenta y María Socorro Lima. Partiendo de las perspectivas discursivas de Michel Pêcheux y destacando las aportaciones de Eni Orlandi, el análisis discursivo del discurso de los graduados produjo varios temas que influyeron en la formación de las identidades educativas de los graduados, incluyendo la enseñanza como trabajo colaborativo, Y experiencias de autonomía y transición, y que se refieren a la etapa curricular obligatoria como espacio de aprendizaje, reflexión sobre la práctica y espacio de praxis. Además, seis aprendices percibieron su pasantía como una experiencia que produjo cambios en sus formas de pensar y convertirse en maestros. Así, el análisis discursivo de los licenciandas dentro del tiempo y los espacios de formación de docentes puede contribuir a otros diseños de escolaridad y educación, considerando la relevancia de las condiciones dinámicas de diálogo en esta etapa específica.Este artigo se propôs a analisar as afetações do estágio curricular obrigatório e seus ecos na formação das identidades docentes sob a perspectiva de seis licenciandas do Curso de Pedagogia (FACED/UFRGS). Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida no ano de 2014, que se dispôs a ouvir as vozes de licenciandas em período de estágio curricular obrigatório numa escola da rede pública municipal de ensino localizada na cidade de Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) por meio da realização de grupo focal. Para abordar a temática sobre a qual o artigo versa – estágio e identidade profissional, foram discutidas concepções desenvolvidas por Maurice Tardif e Danielle Raymond, António Nóvoa, Selma Garrido Pimenta e Maria Socorro Lima. O corpus analítico foi composto por depoimentos das licenciandas trabalhados na perspectiva da análise do discurso segundo Michel Pêcheux, destacando inclusive contribuições oferecidas por Eni Orlandi. A partir da análise das falas produzidas em decorrência do grupo focal, foram evidenciados alguns efeitos de sentido - docência como trabalho colaborativo, “humana docência”, experiência de autonomia e tempo de mudanças - que referem o estágio curricular obrigatório como espaço de aprendizagem e de reflexão sobre a prática, espaço da práxis, da prática refletida, influenciando na constituição das identidades docentes das licenciandas. Soma-se a isso a percepção de que as seis estagiárias referiram reviramentos em seus modos de se pensarem e se fazerem docentes em função de uma experiência que as tocou como acontecimento justamente por implicar na atualização de memórias discursivas do campo da educação que, se consideradas nos espaços e tempos de formação, podem contribuir haja vista possibilitarem o desenho de caminhos outros que reiteram compromissos assumidos com a escolarização e educação, reconhecendo a relevância de se compreender as condições dinâmicas de constituição  da interlocução com o outro como em uma situação de estágio

    Sex workers' peer support during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned from a study of a portuguese community-led response

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    To respond to the consequences felt by the COVID-19 pandemic, a community-led intervention was developed by the Portuguese national Movement of Sex Workers. With this exploratory study, we aimed to document their work and analyze their perceptions of this impact. To do so, we interviewed them individually, between May and August of 2020. Additionally, we analysed an Excel Sheet that contained the needs assessment and the support provided by the Movement. The content analysis of both suggests that the impact of the pandemic might have been exacerbated by the social inequalities caused by the prostitution stigma and characteristics such as gender, migration status, race, and socioeconomic status. This study calls for the inclusion of sex workers’ voices in the design of policies and responses related to the commerce of sex. The consolidation of a Portuguese Movement of Sex Workers is also noted

    Modelling metallothionein induction in the liver of sparus aurata exposed to metal-contaminated sediments

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    Metallothionein (MT) in the liver of gilthead seabreams (Sparus aurata L., 1758) exposed to Sado estuary (Portugal) sediments was quantified to assess the MT induction potential as a biomarker of sediment-based contamination by copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb) and arsenic (As). Sediments were collected from two control sites and four sites with different levels of contamination. Sediment Cu, Cd, Pb, As, total organic matter (TOM) and fine fraction (FF) levels were determined. Generalized linear models (GLM) allowed integration of sediment parameters with liver Cu, Cd, Pb, As and MT concentrations. Although sediment metal levels were lower than expected, we relate MT with liver Cd and also with interactions between liver and sediment Cu and between liver Cu and TOM. We suggest integrating biomarkers and environmental parameters using statistical models such as GLM as a more sensitive and reliable technique for sediment risk assessment than traditional isolated biomarker approaches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of the prevalence of surgical debridement of pressure ulcers in a municipal hospital

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    Objective: This study aimed to assessing the prevalence of surgical debridement of Pressure Ulcer (PU), describe the socio-demographic, clinical profile and anatomical location of the PU. Method: This was a retrospective study with a quantitative analysis of the data obtained in the period from August 2011 to June 2013 made with 416 records of surgical clinic of a general hospital, where 47 patients underwent surgical debridement. Results: The prevalence of 11,29% of surgical debridement related to UPP, of these, 59,57% male, comorbidities 38,02%, Hypertension 26,76% Diabetes Mellitus. The anatomical locations of the UPP were 40,74% sacrococcygeal, 24,69% calcaneus and 19,75% trochanter. Conclusion: The prevalence of debridement of PU was high in the elderly, from the home, with comorbidities, which corroborated the need to implement prevention PU program integrated continuum of care for these patients and reference strengthen home care protocols for reducing these injuries

    Nutrient enrichment changes water transport structures of savanna woody plants

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    Brazilian savanna is a seasonally dry biome, highly diverse and distributed mainly on nutrient-limited soils. Interactions between water stress and nutrient availability are important evolutionary filters in these environments. Previous evidence indicated that reducing the nutritional limitation increases growth rate, optimizes water transport and decreases stomatal conductance in woody plants. However, the anatomical mechanisms that explain such responses are not well-understood. We studied the effects of long-term (20 years) nutrient addition (N, NP and P) on soil chemistry and hydraulic morphological and anatomical traits in six dominant woody savanna species. Nutrient addition and decrease in soil moisture, probably related to changes in grass cover, influenced the plant hydraulic traits at the anatomical level, namely increasing the xylem vessels’ diameter. Consequently, the specific theoretical xylem conductivity (Ktx) increased in five species under NP and P addition. Additionally, the stomatal pore index (SPI) decreased with species-specific responses regarding the intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE). Four species had higher vulnerability to cavitation (lvul) under NP and P addition. Using community-weighted mean and structural equation modeling approaches, we observed that nutrient enrichment at the community level did not affect iWUE, while the vulnerability to cavitation (lvul) strongly increased. The Ktx and SPI were positively and negatively affected by nutrient addition, respectively, but the effects were not as strong as expected due to contrasting species responses. These changes optimized water transport with a hydraulic safety cost and reduced water loss. In comparison with responses to N addition, the greater P-limitation in Cerrado vegetation explains the inter-specific convergence in the responses of P-fertilized individuals. We showed that long-term responses to increased nutrient availability in dystrophic soils include anatomical changes in savanna woody vegetation with relevant interactions with soil-plant–atmosphere water relations.Fil: Silva Costa, Lucas. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: De Moura, Clapton Olimpio. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: Bucci, Sandra Janet. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Instituto de Biociencias de la Patagonia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Biociencias de la Patagonia; ArgentinaFil: Sonsin-Oliveira, Julia. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: Gomes, Sueli Maria. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: Da Cunha Bustamante, Mercedes Maria. Universidade do Brasília; Brasi

    n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in milk is associate to weight gain and growth in premature infants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Linoleic 18:2 (n-6) and α-linolenic 18:3 (n-3) essential fatty acids and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) are essential nutrients for growth and neonatal development. Consumption of preformed n-3 LC-PUFA has been shown to increase gestational duration and to decrease the incidence of premature birth in human studies. This study evaluated the association of essential fatty acids and LC-PUFA in breast milk on the growth of premature children (weight, height and head circumference).</p> <p>Study design</p> <p>Thirty-seven premature infants with a gestational age of 37 weeks or less were followed until 6 months of gestational age, adjusted for prematurity. The milk from mothers, weight, height and head circumference measures of children were collected during the follow up. The breast milk fatty acids were quantified by gas-liquid chromatography.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results showed that total n-3 PUFA was positively associated with weight gain (<it>p </it>= 0.05), height (<it>p </it>= 0.04) and body mass index (BMI) of children (<it>p </it>= 0.05). Our results also indicate that both linoleic acid and total essential fatty acids were positively associated with BMI and head circumference, whereas oleic acid was positively associated only with head circumference.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that the n-3 PUFA composition of milk may be associated with weight gain and growth. Considering the advantages of n-3 LC-PUFA consumption on infant growth and visual function and its association with reduced incidence of premature birth, dietitians should advise pregnant women to increase their intake of foods high in n-3 LC-PUFA.</p

    Exclusive breastfeeding in infants attending public health care units in the municipality of Joinville, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    OBJECTIVES: to identify the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in children attending the public health system and its association with variables relating to the mother and the child. METHODS: cross-sectional study conducted in the course of the 2005 National Immunization Campaign, in the city o Joinville, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Carers for 889 children answered a questionnaire including questions about the mother and the child at the vaccination sites. Descriptive statistics and chi-square test were used to analyze data, with a level of significance of 5%. RESULTS: the observed prevalence for breastfeeding was 90.7%, 84.2% and 73.5%, in children under four, six and twelve months of age, respectively. Exclusive breastfeeding rates were 53.9% among children under four and 43.6% among those under six months. Use of pacifiers was significantly associated with the absence of exclusive breastfeeding both in children under four and in those under six months of age (p<0.001). Mother work outside home was associated with the absence of exclusive breastfeeding in children aged under six months (p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS: exclusive breastfeeding rates among infants under 12 months of age attending public health system were lower than those recommended by the World Health Organization. The use of pacifiers and the mother work may negatively influence exclusive breastfeeding.OBJETIVOS: identificar a prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo entre lactentes atendidos na rede pública municipal e sua associação com variáveis maternas e do lactente. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal realizado durante a Campanha Nacional de Vacinação em 2005, em Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brasil. Foi aplicado um questionário aos acompanhantes de 889 lactentes menores de um ano de idade nos postos de vacinação incluindo aspectos maternos e do lactente. Para a análise, utilizou-se estatística descritiva e o teste do qui-quadrado, com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS as prevalências de amamentação foram 90,7%, 84,2% e 73,5%, nos lactentes com idade inferior a quatro, seis e doze meses, respectivamente. O índice de aleitamento materno exclusivo foi de 53,9% em menores de quatro e de 43,6% em menores de seis meses. O uso de chupeta esteve significativamente associado à amamentação não-exclusiva nas crianças com menos de quatro ou seis meses de idade (p<0,001) e o trabalho materno, entre aquelas com até seis meses (p=0,001). CONCLUSÕES: as taxas de amamentação exclusiva entre menores de um ano de idade atendidos na rede pública estão aquém do preconizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde. O uso de chupeta e o trabalho materno podem interferir negativamente com o aleitamento materno exclusivo