479 research outputs found

    A comparison of risk aversion between markets

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    In this study we perform a comparison between the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the FTSE 100 indexes concerning their estimated risk aversions. Risk neutral densities are calculated for both indexes using a polynomial-lognormal, a GB2 and a mixture of two lognormal distributions; we show that the best fit to observed data is obtained using the latter. For the method of best fit, and assuming a power utility function, the risk aversion of investors is calculated using a maximum likelihood method and a likelihood ratio. The FTSE 100 presents the highest value of risk aversion of the two indexes, as well as the lowest volatility. A negative correlation is found between risk aversion estimates and the volatility of the underlying index

    Kinetics studies of the superoxide-mediated electron transfer reactions between rubredoxin-type proteins and superoxide reductases

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    J Biol Inorg Chem (2006) 11: 433–444 DOI 10.1007/s00775-006-0090-0In this work we present a kinetic study of the superoxide-mediated electron transfer reactions between rubredoxin-type proteins and members of the three different classes of superoxide reductases (SORs). SORs from the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Dv) and D. gigas (Dg) were chosen as prototypes of classes I and II, respectively, while SOR from the syphilis spirochete Treponema pallidum (Tp) was representative of class III. Our results show evidence for different behaviors of SORs toward electron acceptance, with a trend to specificity for the electron donor and acceptor from the same organism. Comparison of the different kapp values, 176.9+/-25.0 min(-1) in the case of the Tp/Tp electron transfer, 31.8+/-3.6 min(-1) for the Dg/Dg electron transfer, and 6.9+/-1.3 min(-1) for Dv/Dv, could suggest an adaptation of the superoxide-mediated electron transfer efficiency to various environmental conditions. We also demonstrate that, in Dg, another iron-sulfur protein, a desulforedoxin, is able to transfer electrons to SOR more efficiently than rubredoxin, with a kapp value of 108.8+/-12.0 min(-1), and was then assigned as the potential physiological electron donor in this organism

    Broms : gestão uniforme de um parque computacional multi-plataforma

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    O crescimento dos parques de máquinas pessoais levanta consideráveis problemas de administração, contrastando com o que o ocorre com recursos centralizados. Nenhuma das soluções existentes para o efeito apresenta um compromisso aceitável entre a liberdade de configuração que se espera de uma máquina pessoal e o controlo eficiente dos recursos resultante de uma gestão centralizada. Neste contexto propõe se uma solução deste dilema através da coordenação de um sistema de boot remoto avançado com um conjunto de serviços de rede. A aplicação deste sistema à gestão e manutenção de laboratórios pedagógicos demonstrou que se pode assim criar um ambiente de ensino muito mais fiável e flexível do que o tradicional

    Formation of a stable cyano-bridged dinuclear iron cluster following oxidation of the superoxide reductases from Treponema pallidum and Desulfovibrio vulgaris with K(3)Fe(CN)(6)

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    Inorg. Chem., 2003, 42 (4), pp 938–940 DOI: 10.1021/ic0262886Superoxide reductases catalyze the monovalent reduction of superoxide anion to hydrogen peroxide. Spectroscopic evidence for the formation of a dinuclear cyano-bridged adduct after K(3)Fe(CN)(6) oxidation of the superoxide reductases neelaredoxin from Treponema pallidum and desulfoferrodoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris was reported. Oxidation with K(3)Fe(CN)(6) reveals a band in the near-IR with lambda(max) at 1020 nm, coupled with an increase of the iron content by almost 2-fold. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy provided additional evidence with CN-stretching vibrations at 2095, 2025-2030, and 2047 cm(-)(1), assigned to a ferrocyanide adduct of the enzyme. Interestingly, the low-temperature electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of oxidized TpNlr reveal at least three different species indicating structural heterogeneity in the coordination environment of the active site Fe ion. Given the likely 6-coordinate geometry of the active site Fe(3+) ion in the ferrocyanide adduct, we propose that the rhombic EPR species can serve as a model of a hexacoordinate form of the active site

    Overexpression and purification of Treponema pallidum rubredoxin; kinetic evidence for a superoxide-mediated electron transfer with the superoxide reductase neelaredoxin

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    J Biol Inorg Chem (2004) 9: 839–849 DOI 10.1007/s00775-004-0584-6Superoxide reductases are a class of non-haem iron enzymes which catalyse the monovalent reduction of the superoxide anion O2- into hydrogen peroxide and water. Treponema pallidum (Tp), the syphilis spirochete, expresses the gene for a superoxide reductase called neelaredoxin, having the iron protein rubredoxin as the putative electron donor necessary to complete the catalytic cycle. In this work, we present the first cloning, overexpression in Escherichia coli and purification of the Tp rubredoxin. Spectroscopic characterization of this 6 kDa protein allowed us to calculate the molar absorption coefficient of the 490 nm feature of ferric iron, epsilon=6.9+/-0.4 mM(-1) cm(-1). Moreover, the midpoint potential of Tp rubredoxin, determined using a glassy carbon electrode, was -76+/-5 mV. Reduced rubredoxin can be efficiently reoxidized upon addition of Na(2)IrCl(6)-oxidized neelaredoxin, in agreement with a direct electron transfer between the two proteins, with a stoichiometry of the electron transfer reaction of one molecule of oxidized rubredoxin per one molecule of neelaredoxin. In addition, in presence of a steady-state concentration of superoxide anion, the physiological substrate of neelaredoxin, reoxidation of rubredoxin was also observed in presence of catalytic amounts of superoxide reductase, and the rate of rubredoxin reoxidation was shown to be proportional to the concentration of neelaredoxin, in agreement with a bimolecular reaction, with a calculated k(app)=180 min(-1). Interestingly, similar experiments performed with a rubredoxin from the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio vulgaris resulted in a much lower value of k(app)=4.5 min(-1). Altogether, these results demonstrated the existence for a superoxide-mediated electron transfer between rubredoxin and neelaredoxin and confirmed the physiological character of this electron transfer reaction

    Ritmos biológicos, cronotipo e funções cognitivas : um estudo de campo

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    Doutoramento em PsicologiaOs primeiros estudos onde se tentava avaliar os melhores horários para se lecionar de forma a se poderem otimizar os horários escolares são já muito antigos. O primeiro a estabelecer uma relação sistemática entre performance cognitiva, Cronobiologia e sono foi Kleitman, evidenciando uma paralelismo entre o ritmo circadiano da temperatura central e a altura do dia em que eram realizadas tarefas simples de repetição. Após este primeiro estudo, muitos outros se seguiram, contudo a maioria apenas encontrou ritmos em protocolos de rotina constante e dessincronização forçada desprovidos de validade ecológica. Acresce ainda o facto de neste tipo de estudos não haver uma manipulação sistemática do efeito do padrão individual de distribuição dos parâmetros circadianos no nictómero, designado na literatura como Cronotipo. Perante isto, o presente estudo pretende avaliar a influência do Cronotipo nos ritmos cognitivos, utilizando um protocolo de rotina normal (Ecológico), onde também se manipula o efeito fim-de-semana. Para testar as premissas supramencionadas, utilizou-se uma amostra de 16 alunos universitários, que numa primeira fase responderam ao questionário de Matutinidade e Vespertinidade de Horne&Östberg, para caracterização do Cronotipo, e posteriormente andaram 15-17 dias consecutivos com tempatilumis (actímetros) para análise de ritmos de temperatura e atividade, com iPads onde realizavam ao longo do dia várias tarefas cognitivas e com o Manual de Registo Diário, onde respondiam ao diário de sono e de atividade. A análise de dados denotou a inexistência de expressão de ritmos na maioria dos parâmetros cognitivos inviabilizando a verificação de diferenças significativas entre indivíduos matutinos e vespertinos nestes parâmetros. Esta ausência de visualização da expressão rítmica pode ser explicada pelo facto de os participantes não terem aderido da forma desejada e exigida, à realização das tarefas cognitivas, ou pelo facto de termos usado um protocolo de rotina normal, em detrimento dos protocolos de rotina constate e dessincronização forçada, não controlando assim algumas variáveis que influenciam o desempenho cognitivo, podendo estas mascarar ou mesmo eliminar o ritmo. Ainda assim e apesar destas contingências observaram-se ritmos circadianos nas variáveis de autoavaliação, mesmo com o paradigma ecológico. Verificou-se ainda um efeito da hora do dia em vários parâmetros de tarefas cognitivas e motoras medidas objetivamente, assim como uma diminuição da performance cognitiva nos vespertinos, comparativamente aos matutinos, na janela temporal das 6h às 12 horas, que coincide com a maior concentração de horas de aulas por dia na Universidade onde o estudo foi realizado. Outros estudos serão necessários para consolidar a influência do Cronotipo nos ritmos cognitivos, utilizando o protocolo de rotina normal para garantir a validade ecológica, salvaguardando uma participação mais ativa na execução das tarefas cognitivas por parte dos sujeitos em estudo.The first studies which attempted to assess the best times to teach in order to be able to optimize school schedules are very old. The first author to establish a systematic relationship between cognitive performance, Chronobiology and Sleep was Kleitman, showing a parallelism between the circadian rhythm of deep body temperature and the time of day that were made simple repeating tasks (card sorting, mirror drawing, copying, and code substitution). After this first study, many others have followed, yet most only found rhythms in constant routine protocols and forced desynchronization with lacking of ecological validity. Furthermore, in this types of studies there was no systematic manipulation of the effect of individual pattern of distribution of circadian parameters in the nictómer, known in the literature as Chronotype. Given this, the present study aims to assess the influence of chronotype in cognitive rhythms, using a normal routine protocol (Ecological), which also handles the weekend effect. To test the premises above, we used 16 college students who initially responded to the morningness and eveningness questionnaire of Horne & Östberg to characterize cronotype, and then, during 20 days, they used the tempatilumis to analyze the rythms of temperature and activity, used an ipad where performed several cognitive tasks throughout the day and finaly used the Registration diary Manual, to register daily activity and sleep. Data analysis denoted the lack of rythms in most cognitive parameters, making it impossible to verify significant differences between morning and evening individuals in these parameters.This result seems to be explained by the fact that participants did not adhere as desired and required to realization of cognitive tasks, and because we used a normal routine protocol instead of constant routine and forced desynchronization protocols. Despite these contingencies we observed circadian rhythms in the self-assessment variables, even with the ecological paradigm. There was also a “time of day” effect on various parameters of motor and cognitive tasks that were measured objectively, as well as a decrease in cognitive performance over the evening types, when compared with the morning types in the time frame from 6 to 12 hours, which coincides with the highest concentration hours of classes per day at the University, where the study was conducted. Further studies are needed to consolidate the influence of chronotype in cognitive rhythms, using normal routine protocol to ensure ecological validity, promoting a more active participation in the realization of cognitive tasks by the subjects in the study

    Estimação Stereo usando técnicas de deep learning

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    É obtida visão estereoscópica através de uma implementação baseada em Semi-Global Matching pronta a ser implementada numa máquina real.É também feita a implementação de um sistema de visão estereoscópica recorrendo a uma rede neuronal simples que calcula a disparidade linha a linha

    Interdisciplinaridade e Educação na perspectiva de uma pedagogia hermenêutica

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    This essay aims to address the issue of interdisciplinarity in education based on the hermeneutic philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer (2012). The motivation of the study has to do with the way in which the interdisciplinarity has been received in the spaces of human formation and with the presuppositions that, not always problematized, support this concept in the scope of pedagogical practices. The notion that interdisciplinarity represents the practical way in which school education responds to the growing thematic disarticulation of knowledge areas has proliferated in recent decades. This counterpoint, however, acts in technical perspective and under a kind of rationality that obscures the experience of human life with knowledge. For this reason, the purpose of this reflection is to indicate another horizon of understanding that reiterates the retrospective effort of hermeneutics to recover the unity of life in the processes of communication and learning of knowledge. Initially, in order to observe how interdisciplinarity has taken its place in the theoretical debate and the Brazilian educational legislation, a virtual check in the National Curricular Parameters (PCNS, 1997, 1998) is carried out in order to highlight the most obvious variations of meaning. Then, we look at the assumptions of philosophical hermeneutics the thematization of the human world by language and the recovery of dialogue as a founding experience of the constitution of the human world. Finally, the research proposes the unfolding of a hermeneutic conception of interdisciplinarity in the wake of the Gadamerian dialogue, being in this theoretical horizon that the present essay places interdisciplinarity in the processes of human formation.Este ensaio visa enfrentar o tema da interdisciplinaridade na educação baseando-se na filosofia hermenêutica de Hans-Georg Gadamer (2012). A motivação do estudo tem a ver com o modo como a interdisciplinaridade vem sendo recepcionada nos espaços de formação humana e com os pressupostos que, nem sempre problematizados, sustentam este conceito no âmbito das práticas pedagógicas. Proliferou-se nas últimas décadas a noção de que a interdisciplinaridade representa o modo prático pelo qual a educação escolar responderia à crescente desarticulação temática das áreas do conhecimento. Este contraponto, no entanto, age em perspectiva técnica e sob um tipo de racionalidade que obscurece a experiência da vida humana com o conhecimento. Por essa razão, o propósito desta reflexão é indicar outro horizonte de compreensão que reitera o esforço retrospectivo da hermenêutica para recobrar a unidade da vida nos processos de comunicação e de aprendizagem dos conhecimentos. Inicialmente, a fim de observar como a interdisciplinaridade adquiriu lugar no debate teórico e na legislação educacional brasileira, realiza-se uma checagem virtual nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNS, 1997; 1998) com o intuito de destacar as variações de sentido mais evidentes. Em seguida, busca-se nos pressupostos da hermenêutica filosófica a tematização do mundo humano pela linguagem e a recuperação do diálogo como experiência fundante da constituição do mundo humano. Por fim, a pesquisa propõe os desdobramentos de uma concepção hermenêutica da interdisciplinaridade na esteira do diálogo gadameriano, sendo neste horizonte teórico que o presente ensaio situa a interdisciplinaridade nos processos de formação humana