69 research outputs found

    A propósito de Paul Auster: uma tradução de "As palavras, a página e o livro"

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    Este artigo consiste numa exposição de alguns dos problemas e pontos de interesse encontrados no decorrer da tradução do texto “As Palavras, a Página e o Livro”, da autoria de Clara Sarmento. O artigo procura descrever e reflectir sobre algumas das estratégias teóricas e práticas usadas para abordar esta tradução.This article discusses some of the problems and points of interest pertinent to the translation of the text “As Palavras, a Página e o Livro”, by Clara Sarmento. The article describes and reflects on some of the theoretical and practical approaches used during on this translation

    Maturity Models for Managing People in Software Development Teams: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Human factors are fundamental to software development, hence the need to understand people-oriented maturity models in development teams. This article aims to identify the maturity models for people management in software development teams cited in the literature, in order to identify evidence about their use, benefits and limitations, and the human aspects involved. A systematic literature review (SLR) was carried out, where automatic searches were done in four search engines, congresses in the area of ​​human factors within software engineering, in addition to a manual search. Evidence indicates that there are numerous models aimed at developing people in development teams, but few are applied. Models based on observation and informal discussion were found, as well as non-validated models, indicating the scarcity of models applicable to people in software engineering. However, complete but complex models were also found, indicating that a more transparent, dynamic and simple process is needed for people's development. In the observed human factors, emphasis is placed on communication, collaboration, knowledge, learning, self-management, motivation and skills in general. Keywords: Maturity models; Human Factors; Software Development Teams; Teams; People DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/12-14-02 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Project Management in Light of Cognitive Biases: A Public Sector IT Organization Case

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    When making judgments, people rely on heuristics, or general rules of thumb. In other words, they use mental "shortcuts", which may lead to rational solutions and good estimates. In certain situations, however, these simplification techniques can cause inconsistencies and promote cognitive biases. One root cause of almost all project failures is human error or misjudgment. Although the ability to make right decisions is considered a main indicator of project management professionalism, many project managers are unwilling to try to improve the quality of their decisions. Because project managers rarely have enough time and resources to perform a proper analysis, and a decision analysis expert is not always available, there is always the temptation to make intuitive decisions. Even having enough knowledge of a particular area, some natural limitations to thinking mechanisms can lead to potentially harmful choices. Since people tend to rate themselves as above average when asked to characterize their abilities, they tend not to see their own biases. This paper proposes to shed light on the susceptibility of project managers to cognitive biases and how they deal with them, including techniques and tools they use to minimize their negative effects. This study evaluates ten cognitive biases: anchoring bias, exposure effect, pseudocertainty effect, certainty effect, hindsight bias, halo effect, planning fallacy, sunk-cost fallacy, availability-related bias, and Parkinson´s law effect. The qualitative approach was based on semi-structured interviews with seven experienced project managers in a Brazilian large public sector IT organization. Other three project managers participated in the triangulation process in order to validate the concepts map resulted from this process. All project managers recognized susceptibility in eight of ten cognitive biases. Some agile practices such as use of burndown chart for daily monitoring of planned versus accomplished activities and bottom-up planning from short activities were suggested as alternatives to minimize planning fallacy. The last technique was also indicated to minimize Parkinson´s law effects along with daily team meetings. Opinion of others, including experts, was the most mentioned alternative method by project managers, aiming to reduce the negative impact of seven biases. Although its limitations, we believe that this work may help to improve project managers' awareness of cognitive biases and also their susceptibility to these systematic errors, eliciting common tools and techniques used to minimize their negative effects, which can lead to better decisions, and thus, to better project´s outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Action Notation Transformations

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    ACTRESS is a semantics-directed compiler generation system based on action semantics. Its aim is to generate compilers whose performance is closer to hand-written compilers than the ones generated by other semantics-directed compiler generators. ACTRESS generates a compiler for a language based solely on the language's action semantic description. We describe the process by which this is achieved. A compiler for action notation, the formal notation used in action semantic descriptions, is the core of the generated compilers. We specify and implement a code generator for the action notation compiler. We also present the design and implementation of an action notation interpreter. A conventional hand-written compiler eliminates, whenever possible, references to identifiers at compile time. Some storage allocation is often performed at compile-time too. We can see both steps as transformations whose main objective is to improve the quality of the object code. The compiler writer, based on his knowledge of properties of the source language, implements these "transformations" as best as he can. In the context of ACTRESS, where action notation can be seen as the intermediate language of every generated compiler, we adopt a similar approach. We introduce a set of transformations, called action transformations, which allow the systematic and automatic elimination of bindings in action notation for statically scoped languages. They also allocate storage statically whenever possible. We formalise and implement these action transformations. The transformations may be included in generated compilers. We show that this inclusion improves the quality of the object code generated by ACTRESS' compilers. In general, action transformations are a way to do some static processing of actions. Transforming actions corresponds to partially performing them, leaving less work to be done at performance time. Thus, transformed actions are more efficient. Binding elimination exposes the static and dynamic nature of bindings in action notation. This relates with the binding discipline one can find in a programming language. We study the binding discipline of action notation and we state a condition which identifies a statically scoped action. We extend this condition to a sufficient condition on the action semantics of a language which tells if the language is statically scoped. This condition can be implemented as an analysis to be performed by ACTRESS, at compiler generation time, to decide which transformations will be included in a generated compiler for the language. Finally, we list possibilities for improvements and potential areas for further research

    A professora Maria Gonçalves da Rocha Leal (1899-1980) e a educação normal rural no Ceará: : uma pesquisa inicial

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    The subject of this article is the life of Maria Gonçalves da Rocha Leal, a pioneer in rural normal education in Brazil. The research problem revolves around three axes: her living context, her life story and, finally, her professional performance. The general objective is to study the life story of this teacher, in order to find the multiple relationships between aspects of her living context, personal history and professional performance. The theoretical references come from studies on teachers' lives and biographies. The methodology consists of biographical research, both written reports and images and texts written by the teacher. The research has resulted in the finding of varied sources on her life story, especially a full interview and a book published by a relative, demonstrating new avenues of research.El tema de este artículo es la vida de Maria Gonçalves da Rocha Leal, pionera de la educación normal rural en Brasil. El problema de investigación gira en torno a tres ejes: su contexto vital, su historia de vida y, por último, su actuación profesional. El objetivo general es estudiar la historia de vida de esta profesora, con el fin de encontrar las múltiples relaciones entre los aspectos de su contexto de vida, su historia personal y su desempeño profesional. Las referencias teóricas proceden de estudios sobre la vida y la biografía de los profesores. La metodología consiste en la investigación biográfica, tanto de informes escritos como de imágenes y textos escritos por la profesora. La investigación ha dado como resultado el hallazgo de fuentes variadas sobre su historia de vida, especialmente una entrevista completa y un libro publicado por un familiar, lo que demuestra nuevas vías de investigación.Este artigo tem como objeto de estudo a vida da professora Maria Gonçalves da Rocha Leal, pioneira na educação normal rural no Brasil. A problemática de pesquisa gira em torno de três eixos: seu contexto vivencial, sua história de vida e, por fim, sua atuação profissional. O objetivo geral é estudar a história de vida dessa referida professora, no afã de encontrar as múltiplas relações entre aspectos de contexto vivencial, história pessoal e atuação profissional. Os referenciais teóricos advêm de estudos sobre vidas de professores e biografias. A metodologia consiste em pesquisa biográfica, tanto em relatos escritos, como imagens e textos autorais da professora. A pesquisa tem resultado no achado de fontes variadas sobre a sua história de vida, especialmente uma entrevista completa e um livro publicado por um parente, demonstrando novos caminhos de pesquisa

    Estágio no Centro de Estudos Interculturais

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    Relatório de Estágio apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializadas, sob orientação da Mestre/Especialista Laura TalloneEste relatório descreve um estágio curricular em tradução realizado no Centro de Estudos Interculturais. O relatório estrutura-se à volta da descrição das tarefas atribuídas durante este estágio e das estratégias teóricas e práticas usadas para as executar.This report describes a traineeship in translation conducted at the Center for Intercultural Studies. The report is structured around the description of the tasks assigned during this traineeship and of the theoretical and practical strategies used to carry them out

    Para superar o antropoceno: : educação ambiental a partir da cultura alimentar indígena

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    The impacts arising from different food cultures on the planet's climate is a thematic track through several areas of knowledge. In Education, the discussion is in full development. Thus, the objective of this article is to highlight the contributions arising from the indigenous food culture for Environmental Education with a view to overcoming the new geological period that is being called the Anthropocene. Our basic idea is that facing Climate Change will only be successful when the materialist concept of Nature, proposed by the anthropocentric paradigm of modern science, is replaced by the indigenous maternal conception of Earth. Therefore, the indigenous food culture is presented as a viable alternative to resume the affective dimension of the ancestral relationship between human beings and Nature. The research, still in its initial phase, consisted of a review of the literature specialized in the aforementioned themes and fieldwork in the Taba dos Anacé indigenous reserve.Os impactos advindos de diferentes culturas alimentares sobre o clima do planeta é uma temática analisada por diversas áreas do conhecimento. Na Educação a discussão se encontra em pleno desenvolvimento. Destarte, o objetivo deste artigo é evidenciar as contribuições advindas da cultura alimentar indígena para a Educação Ambiental com vistas a superar o novo período geológico que está sendo chamado de Antropoceno. Nosso pressuposto básico é que o enfrentamento às Mudanças Climáticas só será bem-sucedido quando o conceito materialista de Natureza, proposto pelo paradigma antropocêntrico da ciência moderna, for substituído pela concepção maternal indígena da Terra. Para tanto, a cultura alimentar indígena é apresentada como alternativa viável para retomar a dimensão afetiva do relacionamento ancestral entre os seres humanos e a Natureza. A pesquisa, ainda em fase inicial, consiste em uma revisão da literatura especializada nas temáticas supracitadas e em trabalho de campo na reserva indígena Taba dos Anacé.&nbsp