804 research outputs found

    An introduction to scripting in Ruby for biologists

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>The Ruby programming language has a lot to offer to any scientist with electronic data to process. Not only is the initial learning curve very shallow, but its reflection and meta-programming capabilities allow for the rapid creation of relatively complex applications while still keeping the code short and readable. This paper provides a gentle introduction to this scripting language for researchers without formal informatics training such as many wet-lab scientists. We hope this will provide such researchers an idea of how powerful a tool Ruby can be for their data management tasks and encourage them to learn more about it.</p

    A Homolog of the Vaccinia Virus D13L Rifampicin Resistance Gene is in the Entomopoxvirus of the Parasitic wasp, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata

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    The parasitic wasp, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), introduces an entomopoxvirus (DlEPV) into its Caribbean fruit fly host, Anastrepha suspensa. (Loew) (Diptera: Tephritidae), during oviposition. DlEPV has a 250–300 kb unipartite dsDNA genome, that replicates in the cytoplasm of the host's hemocytes, and inhibits the host's encapsulation response. The putative proteins encoded by several DlEPV genes are highly homologous with those of poxviruses, while others appear to be DlEPV specific. Here, a 2.34 kb sequence containing a 1.64 kb DlEPV open reading frame within a cloned 4.5 kb EcoR1 fragment (designated R1–1) is described from a DlEPV EcoRI genomic library. This open reading frame is a homolog of the vaccinia virus rifampicin resistance (rif) gene, D13L, and encodes a putative 546 amino acid protein. The DlEPV rif contains two EcoRV, two HindIII, one XbaI, and one DraII restriction sites, and upstream of the open reading frame the fragment also contains EcoRV, HindII, SpEI, and BsP106 sites. Early poxvirus transcription termination signals (TTTTTnT) occur 236 and 315 nucleotides upstream of the consensus poxvirus late translational start codon (TAAATG) and at 169 nucleotides downstream of the translational stop codon of the rif open reading frame. Southern blot hybridization of HindIII-, EcoRI-, and BamH1-restricted DlEPV genomic DNA probed with the labeled 4.5 kb insert confirmed the fidelity of the DNA and the expected number of fragments appropriate to the restriction endonucleases used. Pairwise comparisons between DlEPV amino acids and those of the Amsacta moorei, Heliothis armigera, and Melanoplus sanguinipes entomopoxviruses, revealed 46, 46, and 45 % similarity (identity + substitutions), respectively. Similar values (41–45%) were observed in comparisons with the chordopoxviruses. The mid portion of the DlEPV sequence contained two regions of highest conserved residues similar to those reported for H. armigera entomopoxvirus rifampicin resistance protein. Phylogenetic analysis of the amino acid sequences suggested that DlEPV arose from the same ancestral node as other entomopoxviruses but belongs to a separate clade from those of the grasshopper- infecting M. sanguinipes entomopoxvirus and from the Lepidoptera-infecting (Genus B or Betaentomopoxvirus) A. moorei entomopoxvirus and H. armigera entomopoxvirus. Interestingly, the DlEPV putative protein had only 3–26.4 % similarity with RIF-like homologs/orthologs found in other large DNA non-poxviruses, demonstrating its closer relationship to the Poxviridae. DlEPV remains an unassigned member of the Entomopoxvirinae (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ICTVdb/Ictv/index.htm) until its relationship to other diptera-infecting (Gammaentomopoxvirus or Genus C) entomopoxviruses can be verified. The GenBank accession number for the nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper is EF541029

    3D Protein structure prediction with genetic tabu search algorithm

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    Abstract Background Protein structure prediction (PSP) has important applications in different fields, such as drug design, disease prediction, and so on. In protein structure prediction, there are two important issues. The first one is the design of the structure model and the second one is the design of the optimization technology. Because of the complexity of the realistic protein structure, the structure model adopted in this paper is a simplified model, which is called off-lattice AB model. After the structure model is assumed, optimization technology is needed for searching the best conformation of a protein sequence based on the assumed structure model. However, PSP is an NP-hard problem even if the simplest model is assumed. Thus, many algorithms have been developed to solve the global optimization problem. In this paper, a hybrid algorithm, which combines genetic algorithm (GA) and tabu search (TS) algorithm, is developed to complete this task. Results In order to develop an efficient optimization algorithm, several improved strategies are developed for the proposed genetic tabu search algorithm. The combined use of these strategies can improve the efficiency of the algorithm. In these strategies, tabu search introduced into the crossover and mutation operators can improve the local search capability, the adoption of variable population size strategy can maintain the diversity of the population, and the ranking selection strategy can improve the possibility of an individual with low energy value entering into next generation. Experiments are performed with Fibonacci sequences and real protein sequences. Experimental results show that the lowest energy obtained by the proposed GATS algorithm is lower than that obtained by previous methods. Conclusions The hybrid algorithm has the advantages from both genetic algorithm and tabu search algorithm. It makes use of the advantage of multiple search points in genetic algorithm, and can overcome poor hill-climbing capability in the conventional genetic algorithm by using the flexible memory functions of TS. Compared with some previous algorithms, GATS algorithm has better performance in global optimization and can predict 3D protein structure more effectively

    Fine-grained parallel RNAalifold algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction on FPGA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the field of RNA secondary structure prediction, the RNAalifold algorithm is one of the most popular methods using free energy minimization. However, general-purpose computers including parallel computers or multi-core computers exhibit parallel efficiency of no more than 50%. Field Programmable Gate-Array (FPGA) chips provide a new approach to accelerate RNAalifold by exploiting fine-grained custom design.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>RNAalifold shows complicated data dependences, in which the dependence distance is variable, and the dependence direction is also across two dimensions. We propose a systolic array structure including one master Processing Element (PE) and multiple slave PEs for fine grain hardware implementation on FPGA. We exploit data reuse schemes to reduce the need to load energy matrices from external memory. We also propose several methods to reduce energy table parameter size by 80%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>To our knowledge, our implementation with 16 PEs is the only FPGA accelerator implementing the complete RNAalifold algorithm. The experimental results show a factor of 12.2 speedup over the RNAalifold (<it>ViennaPackage </it>– 1.6.5) software for a group of aligned RNA sequences with 2981-residue running on a Personal Computer (PC) platform with Pentium 4 2.6 GHz CPU.</p

    Antibodies That Induce Phagocytosis of Malaria Infected Erythrocytes: Effect of HIV Infection and Correlation with Clinical Outcomes

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    HIV infection increases the burden of disease of malaria in pregnancy, in part by impairing the development of immunity. We measured total IgG and phagocytic antibodies against variant surface antigens of placental-type CS2 parasites in 187 secundigravidae (65% HIV infected). In women with placental malaria infection, phagocytic antibodies to CS2VSA were decreased in the presence of HIV (p = 0.011) and correlated positively with infant birth weight (coef = 3.57, p = 0.025), whereas total IgG to CS2VSA did not. Phagocytic antibodies to CS2VSA are valuable tools to study acquired immunity to malaria in the context of HIV co-infection. Secundigravidae may be an informative group for identification of correlates of immunity

    IFN-γ signaling, with the synergistic contribution of TNF-α, mediates cell specific microglial and astroglial activation in experimental models of Parkinson's disease

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    To through light on the mechanisms underlying the stimulation and persistence of glial cell activation in Parkinsonism, we investigate the function of IFN-γ and TNF-α in experimental models of Parkinson's disease and analyze their relation with local glial cell activation. It was found that IFN-γ and TNF-α remained higher over the years in the serum and CNS of chronic Parkinsonian macaques than in untreated animals, accompanied by sustained glial activation (microglia and astroglia) in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Importantly, Parkinsonian monkeys showed persistent and increasing levels of IFN-γR signaling in both microglial and astroglial cells. In addition, experiments performed in IFN-γ and TNF-α KO mice treated with MPTP revealed that, even before dopaminergic cell death can be observed, the presence of IFN-γ and TNF-α is crucial for microglial and astroglial activation, and, together, they have an important synergistic role. Both cytokines were necessary for the full level of activation to be attained in both microglial and astroglial cells. These results demonstrate that IFN-γ signaling, together with the contribution of TNF-α, have a critical and cell-specific role in stimulating and maintaining glial cell activation in Parkinsonism

    Partitioning clustering algorithms for protein sequence data sets

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genome-sequencing projects are currently producing an enormous amount of new sequences and cause the rapid increasing of protein sequence databases. The unsupervised classification of these data into functional groups or families, clustering, has become one of the principal research objectives in structural and functional genomics. Computer programs to automatically and accurately classify sequences into families become a necessity. A significant number of methods have addressed the clustering of protein sequences and most of them can be categorized in three major groups: hierarchical, graph-based and partitioning methods. Among the various sequence clustering methods in literature, hierarchical and graph-based approaches have been widely used. Although partitioning clustering techniques are extremely used in other fields, few applications have been found in the field of protein sequence clustering. It is not fully demonstrated if partitioning methods can be applied to protein sequence data and if these methods can be efficient compared to the published clustering methods.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We developed four partitioning clustering approaches using Smith-Waterman local-alignment algorithm to determine pair-wise similarities of sequences. Four different sets of protein sequences were used as evaluation data sets for the proposed methods.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that these methods outperform several other published clustering methods in terms of correctly predicting a classifier and especially in terms of the correctness of the provided prediction. The software is available to academic users from the authors upon request.</p

    Diffractive Dijet Production at sqrt(s)=630 and 1800 GeV at the Fermilab Tevatron

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    We report a measurement of the diffractive structure function FjjDF_{jj}^D of the antiproton obtained from a study of dijet events produced in association with a leading antiproton in pˉp\bar pp collisions at s=630\sqrt s=630 GeV at the Fermilab Tevatron. The ratio of FjjDF_{jj}^D at s=630\sqrt s=630 GeV to FjjDF_{jj}^D obtained from a similar measurement at s=1800\sqrt s=1800 GeV is compared with expectations from QCD factorization and with theoretical predictions. We also report a measurement of the ξ\xi (xx-Pomeron) and β\beta (xx of parton in Pomeron) dependence of FjjDF_{jj}^D at s=1800\sqrt s=1800 GeV. In the region 0.035<ξ<0.0950.035<\xi<0.095, t<1|t|<1 GeV2^2 and β<0.5\beta<0.5, FjjD(β,ξ)F_{jj}^D(\beta,\xi) is found to be of the form β1.0±0.1ξ0.9±0.1\beta^{-1.0\pm 0.1} \xi^{-0.9\pm 0.1}, which obeys β\beta-ξ\xi factorization.Comment: LaTeX, 9 pages, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Letter