381 research outputs found

    Weaving Rules into [email protected] for Embedded Smart Systems

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    Smart systems are characterised by their ability to analyse measured data in live and to react to changes according to expert rules. Therefore, such systems exploit appropriate data models together with actions, triggered by domain-related conditions. The challenge at hand is that smart systems usually need to process thousands of updates to detect which rules need to be triggered, often even on restricted hardware like a Raspberry Pi. Despite various approaches have been investigated to efficiently check conditions on data models, they either assume to fit into main memory or rely on high latency persistence storage systems that severely damage the reactivity of smart systems. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel composition process, which weaves executable rules into a data model with lazy loading abilities. We quantitatively show, on a smart building case study, that our approach can handle, at low latency, big sets of rules on top of large-scale data models on restricted hardware.Comment: pre-print version, published in the proceedings of MOMO-17 Worksho

    Les oulémas du palais

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    VĂ©ritable matrice idĂ©ologique de l’État saoudien et instrument de lĂ©gitimation politique et religieuse, la doctrine wahhabite et ses dĂ©positaires, les oulĂ©mas, sont les soutiens indĂ©fectibles de la famille Sa‛ƫd depuis la seconde moitiĂ© du xviiie siĂšcle. Cette alliance se renforce, Ă  partir de 1971, avec la crĂ©ation d’un certain nombre d’institutions politico-religieuses dont la plus importante est le ComitĂ© des grands oulĂ©mas. Si les larges prĂ©rogatives, dont dispose cette derniĂšre dans les domaines politique, religieux et social, poussent l’autoritĂ© politique Ă  vouloir en chapeauter l’action et contrĂŽler l’accĂšs, l’establishment wahhabite n’en fait pas moins. En effet, l’élite religieuse saoudienne a adoptĂ© des mĂ©canismes d’autorĂ©gulation bien dĂ©finis pour maintenir son homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© et son unitĂ© pour mieux dominer l’espace socioreligieux du royaume. Nous tentons dans cet article, Ă  partir d’une Ă©tude de terrain, de lever le voile sur ces mĂ©canismes en Ă©tudiant les origines sociales et rĂ©gionales et le cursus honorum des quarante-cinq oulĂ©mas qui siĂšgent ou ont siĂ©gĂ© au ComitĂ©. Cela permet d’en ressortir avec le portrait idĂ©al-type de l’oulĂ©ma wahhabite contemporain et de voir dans quelle mesure son parcours le qualifie pour l’encadrement de la population et du soutien au rĂ©gime.As ideological matrix of the Saudi state and political and religious tool, the Wahhabi doctrine and its guardians, the ulama, have been the unfailing support of the Al-Saud (family) since the second half of eighteenth century. This alliance has been consolidated since 1971 with the creation of politico-religious institutions, the principal of which is the Committee of Senior Ulama. If the Committee benefits from wide prerogatives in both the religious and the social fields, the Wahhabi establishment has the same prerogatives. The religious elite adopted auto regulation mechanisms in order to maintain its homogeneity and to better the Saudi social-religious field. The present paper, based on a fieldwork, analyses the structure and the mechanism of the Committee of Senior Ulama and studies the careers of its members in view to paint an ideal-typical portrait of the contemporary Wahhabi ulama. This will enables us to understand how the political authority will conduct the Committee’s action and supervise its member’s path to better control the ulama body

    Generalized Heisenberg algebras and k-generalized Fibonacci numbers

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    It is shown how some of the recent results of de Souza et al. [1] can be generalized to describe Hamiltonians whose eigenvalues are given as k-generalized Fibonacci numbers. Here k is an arbitrary integer and the cases considered by de Souza et al. corespond to k=2.Comment: 8 page

    Data-Dependency Formalism for Developing Peer-to-Peer Applications

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    Developing peer-to-peer (P2P) applications became increasingly important in software development. Nowadays, a large number of organizations from many different sectors and sizes depend more and more on collaboration between actors to perform their tasks. These P2P applications usually have a recursive behavior that many modeling approaches cannot describe and analyze (e.g. finite-state approaches). In this paper, we present an approach that combines component-based development with well-understood methods and techniques from the field of Attribute Grammars and Data-Flow Analysis in order to construct an abstract representation (i.e. Data-Dependency Graph) for P2P applications, and then perform data-flow analyzes on it. This approach embodies a formalism called DDF (Data-Dependency Formalism) to capture the behavior of P2P applications and construct their Data-Dependency Graphs. Various properties can be inferred and computed at the proposed level of data abstraction, including some properties that model checking cannot compute if the system presents a recursive behavior. As examples, we present two algorithms: one to resolve the deadlock problem and another for dominance analysis

    Revisiter la notion de liquidité

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    The evident conceptual dissonance observed in the existing literature on liquidity necessitates a comprehensive examination of its foundational aspects. Despite numerous efforts by scholars and practitioners to establish a clear and universally applicable definition of liquidity, a consensus has yet to be achieved. This article presents a rigorous literature review, aimed at illuminating the multidimensionality of the liquidity concept and advancing our understanding of the cash function within the context of its increasingly prominent role in corporate operations. The primary objective is to propose a taxonomy that endeavors to disentangle and delineate the diverse forms of liquidity, thereby facilitating future theoretical and empirical analyses with enhanced precision. The findings of this scholarly investigation shed light on the elusive nature of liquidity, distinguishing it from other conceptions that may be present in the financial literature.   Keywords: Liquidity, Market Liquidity, Asset Liquidity, Treasury, Funding Liquidity JEL Classification: M40, M50. Paper type: Theoretical Research La dissonance conceptuelle Ă©vidente dans la littĂ©rature sur la liquiditĂ© exige que les fondements de la littĂ©rature existante soit analysĂ©e. En effet de nombreux acadĂ©miciens et praticiens se sont attelés à apporter une définition claire et générale au concept de liquidité, mais aucun consensus n'a été atteint Ă  ce jour. Cet article est une revue de littĂ©rature qui a pour vocation de mettre en relief la multidimensionnalité de la notion de liquidité, une meilleure compréhension de la fonction de trésorerie à travers le foisonnement de concepts théoriques émanant des académiciens qui se sont intéressés à la montée en puissance de la place que prend la trésorerie dans l’entreprise. L’objectif Ă©tant de proposer une taxonomie qui tente de clarifier et de distinguer les diffĂ©rentes formes de liquiditĂ© afin que les futures analyses thĂ©oriques et empiriques puissent ĂȘtre menĂ©es avec plus de prĂ©cision. Le rĂ©sultat de ce travail scientifique nous a permis de lever le voile sur le caractère glissant de la notion de liquidité, la distinguant ainsi des autres assimilations qu’elle peut avoir dans la littĂ©rature financière.   Mots clĂ©s : LiquiditĂ©, LiquiditĂ© du marchĂ©, LiquiditĂ© des actifs, TrĂ©sorerie, LiquiditĂ© de financement Classification JEL : M40, M50. Type de l’article : Article thĂ©oriqu

    Assessment of distance learning in Moroccan Higher Education A systematic review of evidence

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    The abrupt transition from the traditional model of medical education to online learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic led to unprecedented changes in the students’ education in Moroccan universities. This study aimed to evaluate the opinions. Its purpose is to evaluate experiences in distance education in Moroccan Universities at the time of the Covid-19. In order to assess the distance learning in Moroccan Higher Education we have searched for students’ opinions regarding the continuity of education in this period of confinement, we mobilized a systematic review of evidence as a measurement tool from different regions. The purpose was to seek evaluation of distance learning in specialized journals, electronic databases, websites of several organizations and a repertory of published studies. The satisfaction of students was mitigated which led to questioning the systems put in place by the educational authorities. The fragility of administrative and technical support for universities; were also among our principal results. Pedagogy, innovation and creativity were among the claims that students emphasised for a more accurate distance learning platform. Finally, we have made some recommendations and proposals based on global best practices regarding distance educatio
