1,102 research outputs found

    Reducing the effort for systematic reviews in software engineering

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    Context: Systematic Reviews (SRs) are means for collecting and synthesizing evidence from the identification and analysis of relevant studies from multiple sources. To this aim, they use a well-defined methodology meant to mitigate the risks of biases and ensure repeatability for later updates. SRs, however, involve significant effort. Goal: The goal of this paper is to introduce a novel methodology that reduces the amount of manual tedious tasks involved in SRs while taking advantage of the value provided by human expertise. Method: Starting from current methodologies for SRs, we replaced the steps of keywording and data extraction with an automatic methodology for generating a domain ontology and classifying the primary studies. This methodology has been applied in the Software Engineering sub-area of Software Architecture and evaluated by human annotators. Results: The result is a novel Expert-Driven Automatic Methodology, EDAM, for assisting researchers in performing SRs. EDAM combines ontology-learning techniques and semantic technologies with the human-in-the-loop. The first (thanks to automation) fosters scalability, objectivity, reproducibility and granularity of the studies; the second allows tailoring to the specific focus of the study at hand and knowledge reuse from domain experts. We evaluated EDAM on the field of Software Architecture against six senior researchers. As a result, we found that the performance of the senior researchers in classifying papers was not statistically significantly different from EDAM. Conclusions: Thanks to automation of the less-creative steps in SRs, our methodology allows researchers to skip the tedious tasks of keywording and manually classifying primary studies, thus freeing effort for the analysis and the discussion

    Life cycle assessment and eco-innovations: What kind of convergence is possible?

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    Generation of goods and services are highly dependent on the use of natural resources. Until very recently, there was an implicit belief that the physical expansion of the economic system could be unlimited, as if the planet would have conditions and time enough to recover and continue to supply resources. This belief implies a confidence in an economic system that would provide whatever is necessary for a continuous growing production and consumption. Even believing that technology alone is not enough to solve the current environmental problems, it is certain that it can collaborate to mitigate climate change and to adaptation to changes in the environment. By bringing environmental aspects into discussions, eco-innovations can affect and transform the innovation system in order to create sustainable processes. However, the main challenge towards the transition to a more sustainable, cleaner and more equitable society is to set innovation in a new context, as until very recently it only considered the economic variables. This change means to value the social and environmental dimension of the innovation. In addition to eco-innovation, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is spreading in the industrial environment, offering promising perspectives. LCA is considered a valuable methodology in the environmental sustainability of industry. In this context, the present study addresses LCA and its relationship with the generation of eco-innovations. Drawing on contributions from literature on eco-innovation and LCA, the paper analyses available evidence on this relationship in a context of the transition towards sustainable development. To structure the debate, the paper offers a conceptual approach and an illustrative case on international researchers' and practitioners’ perceptions on the potentially positive relationship between eco-innovation and LCA. The study gathers data in the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection and in Scopus, in order to provide a picture of the distribution of documents retrieved from these databases, dealing with both eco-innovation and LCA topics. The paper concludes that the convergence of the eco-innovation and LCA studies is quite plausible, but at least in its initial phase, the literature that unites both themes is scarcely found in publications in the area of innovation, being more frequent in the area of engineering and management that usually addresses LCA studies

    Homo, humus; fama, fumus; finis, cinis. o homem é terra, a fama é fumaça, o fim é cinza ou risco de vida

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    O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresenta a composição de uma trajetória percorrida no curso de Artes visuais-escultura. O elo entre os objetos de interesse foram usados para articular esse trabalho pela tríade espaço – tempo – linguagem. Nessa monografia serão relatados primeiramente os trabalhos mais relevantes desenvolvidos ao longo do processo de graduação, as diferentes fases e os momentos que determinaram o que será trazido na segunda parte como um corpo teórico que se consolidou a partir de trabalhos mais próximos do fim do curso, onde houve a descoberta da poética e fundamentação dos princípios filosóficos apoiados nos textos de autores como Julia Kristeva, Edgar Morin e Didi-Huberman, bem como no pensamento de artistas estudados como Robert Smithson, Kiki Smith, Tunga e Louise Bourgeois deixando de fora tantos autores e artistas que seriam importantes mas que ainda serão aprofundados no futuro desencadeamento dessa pesquisa que pretende continuar em andamento

    Use of coalescer with a bed made of cationic exchange resins for pre-treatment of emulsified oil from oily wastewater

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    O tratamento de efluentes com coalescedor de leito consiste em induzir o aumento das gotas de óleo, pela passagem da emulsão por um leito poroso, para que elas possam, posteriormente, flotar por processo de separação gravitacional. O objetivo deste artigo foi apresentar considerações técnicas e experimentais sobre o uso do coalescedor de leito granular, com leito constituído por resinas de trocas catiônicas, visando o pré-tratamento de óleo emulsionado em efluentes líquidos. Os testes ocorreram em uma unidade em escala de bancada alimentada com emulsão óleo em água (O/A) com um teor de óleos e graxas (TOG) entre 200 e 400 mg.L-1 e diâmetro de gotas entre 3 a 8 μm. As velocidades do fluido (v) testadas foram entre 4,4 e 17,4 m.h-1. A altura do leito do coalescedor foi fixada em 5 cm. Os parâmetros usados para avaliar a eficiência dos testes foram eficiência de remoção de óleo (%E), pressão diferencial através do leito (Δp) e permeabilidade do leito (ko). Os resultados mostraram que o processo operou em estado estacionário e que os valores de TOG testados influenciaram no processo, bem como as velocidades do fluido, cuja elevação reduziu a eficiência significativamente. Os valores aproximados de %E obtidos foram 50 e 20-30%, para valores de v de 4,4 e 17,4 m.h-1, respectivamente202235242The wastewater treatment with a bed coalescer consists of inducing the increase of oil droplets by passing the emulsion through a porous bed, so they can flote by gravitational separation process. The objective of this paper is to present technical and experimental considerations on the use of a granular bed coalescer, with a bed made of cationic exchange resins, for pre-treatment of emulsified oil from oily wastewater. Tests were conducted on a bench scale unit, which was fed with oil in water emulsion with oil and grease concentration (O & G) between 200 and 400 mg.L-1 and oil droplet diameter between 3 and 8 μm. The fluid velocities (v) tested were between 4.4 and 17.4 m.h-1. The coalescer bed height was fixed at 5 cm. The parameters used for assessing the tests efficiency were oil removal efficiency percentage (%E), differential pressure across the bed and, bed permeability. Results showed that the process operates in a steady-state condition and that the influent O&G affected the process efficiency, as well as the fluid velocities which reduced the efficiency significantly, with its increasing. The %E values obtained ​​were between 50 and 20-30% to v between 4.4 and 17.4 m.h-1, respectivel


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    O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a influência da qualidade ensino no relacionamento dos alunos com a marca da IES. Assim, têm-se como hipótese de pesquisa que o relacionamento aluno/aluno e professor/aluno, a estrutura oferecida pela IES, a qualificação do docente e os métodos de ensino, sendo fatores da qualidade de ensino, influenciam positivamente o relacionamento do aluno com a marca da IES. Para atendimento do objetivo propõe-se uma nova escala para mensurar a qualidade de ensino e utiliza-se uma escala de qualidade do relacionamento já validada no contexto brasileiro. O estudo desenvolveu-se em três etapas: (1) pesquisa bibliográfica e entrevista em profundidade para geração dos itens da escala de qualidade de ensino, (2) levantamento para purificação dos itens da escala de qualidade de ensino e (3) novo levantamento para validação da escala de qualidade de ensino e teste da hipótese através de modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados apontam que a influência da qualidade de ensino no relacionamento dos alunos com a marca da IES alcança 75,9%. Comprovou-se ainda que alunos não bolsistas, homens e aqueles que estão no início do curso são mais sensíveis a relação

    Procesos preanalíticos y satisfacción de los pacientes atendidos en el laboratorio clínico del Centro de Salud Juan Parra del Riego - Huancayo, 2022

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    Resumen Los laboratorios clínicos deben de garantizar el cumplimiento de sus procesos en preanalítica, analítica y post analítica, con un alto nivel de calidad, esto se ve reflejado en la satisfacción que proyectará el usuario interno y/o externo. La Dirección de Normalización – INACAL, del Perú, en su norma ETP – ISO /TS 20658 – 2019 dice que los procesos de la fase analítica son un conjunto de operaciones que tienen por objetivo el determinar el valor de una propiedad; sobre los procesos de la fase post analítica refiere que estos incluyen a la revisión y validación de un resultado; y respecto de la fase preanalítica dice que este proceso se inicia son una solicitud de análisis y culmina antes de la fase analítica. Garantizar la calidad de los procesos, sobre todo en la preanalítica es importante para asegurar que los pacientes puedan recibir un servicio adecuado y satisfactorio, es decir como lo indica la Organización Mundial de la Salud, el paciente está en su derecho de recibir una atención satisfactoria desde la solicitud de análisis hasta la emisión y validación de su resultado. En ese sentido nos proponemos como objetivo, determinar la relación entre los procesos preanalíticos y la satisfacción de los pacientes atendidos en el Laboratorio Clínico del Centro de Salud Juan Parra del Riego-Huancayo,2022. Y para su cumplimentó, aplicamos la siguiente metodología: realizamos un estudio cuantitativo, tipo básico, de nivel correlacional, corte transversal y prospectivo, población (N=464), muestra (n=210), muestreo probabilístico y aleatorio simple. Del estudio se llega a los siguientes resultados. Finalmente podemos concluir con que, existe relación significativa entre los procesos de la solicitud de análisis, los procesos de la identificación de las muestras, los procesos de la toma de muestra y la satisfacción de los pacientes atendidos en el Laboratorio Clínico del Centro de Salud Juan Parra del Riego – Huancayo, 2022; el resultado encontrado muestra un nivel de significancia de α=0.000, este valor es menor al α ≤ 0.05. Palabras clave: calidad, pre analítica, normas ISO, procesos

    Trypanosoma cruzi DNA replication includes the sequential recruitment of pre-replication and replication machineries close to nuclear periphery

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    In eukaryotes, many nuclear processes are spatially compartmentalized. Previously, we have shown that in Trypanosoma cruzi, an early-divergent eukaryote, DNA replication occurs at the nuclear periphery where chromosomes remain constrained during the S phase of the cell cycle. We followed Orc1/Cdc6, a pre-replication machinery component and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), a component of replication machinery, during the cell cycle of this protozoon. We found that, at the G(1) stage, TcOrc1/Cdc6 and TcPCNA are dispersed throughout the nuclear space. During the G(1)/S transition, TcOrc1/Cdc6 migrates to a region close to nuclear periphery. At the onset of S phase, TcPCNA is loaded onto the DNA and remains constrained close to nuclear periphery. Finally, in G(2), mitosis and cytokinesis, TcOrc1/Cdc6 and TcPCNA are dispersed throughout the nuclear space. Based on these findings, we propose that DNA replication in T. cruzi is accomplished by the organization of functional machineries in a spatial-temporal manner.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Parasitol Lab, Inst Butantan, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, São Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Inst Biofis Carlos Chagas Filho, Lab Ultraestrutura Celular Hertha Meyer, BR-21941 Rio de Janeiro, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Parasitol Lab, Inst Butantan, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Book Reviews Volume 16, Issue 1

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    In this inaugural issue of the Journal of Deliberative Democracy, we are pleased to present reviews of five recently published books that will shape the scholarship on public deliberation in the years to come. These books engage with key theoretical and methodological debates in the field, contribute to the way we understand deliberation in relation to other political practices, and present compelling empirical accounts of how deliberative democracy comes alive in contemporary times.The reviewed titles are Mapping and Measuring Deliberation by André Bächtiger and John Parkinson (2019); Demagoguery and Democracy (2017) by Patricia Roberts-Miller Re-imagining Democracy by Jane Suiter and David Farrell (2019); Oral Democracy by Paromita Sanyal and Vijayendra Rao (2018) and Beyond Liberalism by Michael Briand (2019, Praeger)