52 research outputs found

    Searching for Objects in Pictures

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    Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá riešením vyhľadávania jednoduchých objektov v obraze. Cieľom bolo vytvoriť program schopný vyhľadávať jednoduché objekty v čiernobielych snímkoch. Postupne sú opísané jednotlivé kroky spracovania snímkov. V práci je stručne popísané predspracovanie obrazu, segmentácia, popis segmentovaného obrazu, klasifikácia a vyhľadávanie objektov v obraze.This bachelor's thesis deals with solving the problem of searching simple objects in pictures. The aim was to create a program that will be able to search simple objects in grayscale images. In this theses are described progressively steps of image processing. There are described preprocessing of image, segmentation, description of segmented data, classification and searching for objects in image.

    Phenotypic Analyses of the HD transgenic Minipig Model

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    The transgenic model of Huntington’s disease in minipig (TgHD) was created in 2009 and information coding the sequence of N-terminal part of human mutated huntingtin was transferred to subsequent generations from both female and male sides. In each litter, transgenic (TgHD) and wild-type (WT) piglets were born in approximately equal ratio. At present, the Laboratory of Cell Regeneration and Plasticity keeps sets of animals in F2 and F3 generations with identical genetic background and bred in identical conditions of feeding and housing. The present research project was focused on a complex of non-invasive and invasive approaches to WT and TgHD minipigs to achieve the entire phenotypic analysis of HD progression in this large animal model

    Searching for Objects in Pictures

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    This bachelor's thesis deals with solving the problem of searching simple objects in pictures. The aim was to create a program that will be able to search simple objects in grayscale images. In this theses are described progressively steps of image processing. There are described preprocessing of image, segmentation, description of segmented data, classification and searching for objects in image

    Ball Tracking in Sports Video

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    Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá automatickou detekciou a sledovaním futbalovej lopty v zázname športového stretnutia. Na základe predstavených techník zameraných na sledovanie malých objektov vo vysokom rozlíšení sú navrhnuté a implementované efektívne konvolučné neurónové siete, ktoré ďalej využíva upravený sledovací algoritmus SORT pre automatickú detekciu objektov v obraze. Za účelom preskúmania možností spracovania v reálnom čase pri čo najnižšej strate presnosti sledovania sú uskutočnené experimenty so spracovávaním snímok v rôznych rozlíšeniach a s rôznou frekvenciou získavania detekcií. Získané výsledky experimentov sú prezentované a využité pre návrh ďalších rozšírení, ktoré by viedli k zlepšeniu úspešnosti sledovania pri zachovaní dostatočnej rýchlosti spracovania.This master's thesis deals with automatic detection and tracking of a soccer ball in sports videos. Based on the introduced techniques focusing on tracking of small objects in high-resolution videos, effective convolutional neural networks are designed and used by a modified version of tracking algorithm SORT for automatic object detection. A set of experiments with the processing of images in different resolutions and with various frequencies of detection extraction is carried out in order to examine the trade-off between processing speed and tracking accuracy. The obtained results of experiments are presented and used to form proposals for future work, which could lead to improvements in tracking accuracy while maintaining reasonable processing speed.