10 research outputs found

    Creativity and technology in the context of creative industries

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    L'objectif de notre thèse est d'examiner la place qu'occupe la créativité dans les technologies de l'information (TI). Nous présentons dans un premier lieu une discussion des principaux travaux qui ont traité de la créativité dans les systèmes d'information (SI). Ensuite, nous discutons de la relation entre la créativité et la technologie. Cette thèse contient trois articles, et nous présentons ici le contenu de ces articles. Dans le premier article, nous avons effectué une revue de la littérature et nous avons examiné la place de la créativité dans les systèmes d'information et positionné cette recherche à partir de la classification d'Orlikowski et Scott (2008) de la variance, des processus et de la relationalité. Nous avons situé la littérature sur la créativité dans la recherche SI dans une logique de variance et nous avons proposé d'élargir la recherche en étudiant cette relation dans une logique de processus sociaux. Dans le second article, nous nous sommes concentrés sur l'impact des technologies sur la créativité et nous avons mené une étude ethnographique sur un festival à Québec. La contribution de cette article consiste à voir cet impact comme transmissif, interactif et imaginatif. Dans le troisième article, nous nous sommes concentrés sur l'impact de la créativité sur l'utilisation de la technologie et nous avons mené une recherche qualitative dans le secteur de la radio à Montréal. La contribution de cet article est de montrer l'importance de la créativité dans l'usage des systèmes d'information. L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'étendre la connaissance scientifique et pratique en ce qui concerne les SI et la relation entre la créativité et la technologie à partir de la logique du processus social.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : technologies, créativité, processus, acteurs, industries créatives, usage de technologie

    Strategy for managing project front-end of digital transformation – a case for a multidimensional and creative conceptualization

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    In any human endeavors, a sound strategy constitutes a key success factor. In this essay, we discuss the concept of strategy, its manifestation in digital transformation, and a strategy for managing project front-end activities in digital transformation. More precisely, we first highlight the multidimensional nature of strategy, then different strategies found in digital transformation. Finally, we propose a metaphor with a potential to enhance the understanding of strategy for managing project front-end activities in digital transformation through a vivid description of related phenomena. Overall, this essay advances knowledge in Information Systems through a multidimensional and creative conceptualization of strategy. More precisely, we hope to enhance theory for analyzing and theory for design and action in this field

    A Quantum NeuroIS data analytics architecture for the measurement of computer anxiety: a tool for the usability evaluation of learning management systems.

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    NeuroIS uses neurotechnology tools such as Electroencephalogram (EEG) that can be used to measure high brainwave frequencies that can be linked to human anxiety. Past research showed that computer anxiety influences how users perceive ease of use of a learning management system (LMS). Although computer anxiety has been used successfully to evaluate the usability of LMS, the main data collection mechanisms proposed for its evaluation has been questionnaires. Questionnaires suffer from possible problems such inadequate to understand some forms of information such as emotions, lacks validity, possible lack of thought and honesty in the responses. Quantum based approaches to consciousness have been very popular in the last years including the quantum model reduction in microtubules of Penrose & Hameroff, (1995), where quantum coherence occurs by exciting quasicrystalline water molecules as dipoles buried in microtubules. Quantum consciousness models measure changes in states of consciousness that can help to identify usability issues in computer systems. The objective of the chapter is to propose an architecture based on a NeuroIS that collects data by using EEG from users and then use the collected data to perform analytics by using a quantum consciousness model proposed for computer anxiety measurements that can be used for the usability testing of a LMS

    Strategy for managing project front-end of digital transformation – a case for a multidimensional and creative conceptualization

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    In any human undertakings, success requires a sound strategy. Based on a narrative review, this conceptual paper discusses the concept of strategy, its manifestations in digital transformation, and a strategy for managing project front-end activities in this change process. Concretely, we discuss strategy with focus on its multidimensional nature first, then, we concentrate on its various manifestations in digital transformation. Finally, we present a strategy for managing project front-end activities in this process, some relevant tools, and techniques in addition to a metaphor meant to creatively generate supplemental insights into this strategy. Overall, this essay contributes to knowledge in information systems by enhancing two types of theory in this area, namely, the theory for analyzing and theory for design and action

    Sustainability Orientation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship Intention: The Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition

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    The purpose of this research is twofold. First, to examine the influence of four dimensions of sustainability orientation which are sustainability knowledge, sustainability culture, sustainability practices and commitment to environmental sustainability on the sustainable entrepreneurship intention of business schools’ students in Malaysia; and the second is to explore the mediating role of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition among these variables. The data for this study were collected from business school students in Malaysia through a standard self-administered online structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed through the PLS-SEM approach. The findings have revealed the direct effect of commitment to environmental sustainability on sustainable entrepreneurship intention. However, sustainability culture, sustainability knowledge and sustainability practices have been found to have no significant direct effect on sustainable entrepreneurship intention. Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition has successfully mediated the relationship between sustainability culture and commitment to environmental sustainability with sustainable entrepreneurship intention. Nonetheless, it has failed to mediate the relationship between sustainability knowledge and sustainability practices with sustainable entrepreneurship intention. The existence of the mediation of entrepreneurial opportunity recognition between sustainability culture and commitment to environmental sustainability with sustainable entrepreneurship intention has contributed knowledge to the sustainable entrepreneurship and sustainability orientation literature

    Lacunes et apports des accélérateurs et des incubateurs universitaires aux écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux

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    Les universités fournissent une grande connectivité et légitimité pour les entreprises en démarrage (start-ups) résidentes. Pourtant, le taux de diplomation des start-ups résidentes demeure inférieur à d’autres incubateurs.  Quatre éléments de plus-value sont constatés : le réseautage, le mentorat, la connectivité et l’amélioration de la marque. Nous suggérons donc qu’il est nécessaire pour les incubateurs universitaires de développer un modèle de connectivité structurelle. Après l’examen de quatre incubateurs canadiens, nous proposons un modèle de connectivité structurelle dans lequel des incubateurs ont développé des modèles d’affaires où les parties prenantes au financement sont impliquées dans d’autres volets critiques du processus d’incubation. Dans d’autres cas, les incubateurs s’appuient sur l’expérience de la direction pour incarner cette connexion entre les composantes du processus d’incubation. Les incubateurs au plus haut classement démontrent une connectivité structurelle et agentique, laissant croire qu’une connectivité agentique est nécessaire au développement d’une connectivité structurelle. De plus, la connectivité structurelle se caractérise par le développement d’un écosystème entrepreneurial agile et autosuffisant.Universities provide great connectivity and legitimacy for resident start-up businesses. Yet, the graduation rate for resident statup businesses remains lower than that of other incubators. There are four value-added elements: networking, mentoring, connectivity, and branding.  We suggest that there is a need for university incubators to develop a structural connectivity model. After examining four Canadian incubators, we propose a structural connectivity model in which incubators have developed business models where funding stakeholders are involved in other critical components of the incubation process. In other cases, incubators rely on management experience to embody this connection between components.  The highest-ranking incubators demonstrate both structural and agentic connectivity, suggesting that agentic connectivity is necessary for the development of structural connectivity. Furthermore, structural connectivity is characterized by the development of an agentic and self-sustaining entrepreneurial ecosystem


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    In this article we examine the dynamics of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) from the perspective of Project Management (PM). The concept of lifecycle model has been around for many years now, yet much is to be gained by applying the same concept and analysis to retrieve and shed the light on key factors and dependencies of M&A strategy within the Market Life Cycle (MLC), the Firm Life Cycle (FLC) and the Product life cycle (PLC) model. Firstly, we will revisit these three life cycles that M&A strategy depends on. The M&A strategic project is easier to implement if these cycles are in similar phases where PM plays an essential role in the M&A process. Then we will present the comparative literature of both PM and M&A success factors where we have found a substantial overlap between the two. The main contribution of this article is to reinforce the existing studies on M&A related studies while emphasizing the importance of PM processes to undertake M&A venture with focus on some of the critical factors deemed relevant in lifecycle approach when extrapolated to M&A project. The article draws upon an empirical database of M&A activity in the hi-tech sector developed by post-graduate students over several years.W tym artykule analizujemy dynamikę fuzji i przejęć (ang. Mergers and Acquisitions, M & A) z punktu widzenia zarządzania projektami (ang. Project Management, PM). Koncepcja modelu cyklu życiowego istnieje już od wielu lat, ale wiele można uzyskać dzięki zastosowaniu tej samej koncepcji i analizy w celu otrzymania i uwydatnienia kluczowych czynników i zależności strategii M & A w ramach cyklu życia rynku (ang. Market Life Cycle, MLC), cyklu życia przedsiębiorstwa (ang. Firm Life Cycle, FLC) i cyklu życia produktu (ang. Product Life Cycle, PLC). Po pierwsze, ponownie przyjrzymy się trzem cyklom życia, od których zależy strategia M & A. Projekty strategiczne M & A są łatwiejsze do wdrożenia, jeśli te cykle są w podobnych fazach, w których PM odgrywa zasadniczą rolę w procesie fuzji i przejęć. Następnie przedstawimy literaturę porównawczą zarówno czynników sukcesu PM i M & A, w których stwierdziliśmy ich znaczne pokrywanie się. Głównym wkładem tego artykułu jest wzmocnienie istniejących studiów nad badaniami związanymi z analizą finansową, podkreślając znaczenie procesów PM w celu podejmowania przedsięwzięć w zakresie M & A, koncentrując się na niektórych czynnikach uznanych za istotne w podejściu do cyklu życia w przypadku ekstrapolacji projektu M & A. W artykule przedstawiono empiryczną bazę danych o działalności M & A w sektorze technologii hi-tech opracowanych przez studentów studiów podyplomowych w ciągu kilku lat

    Vitamin D in migraine headache: a comprehensive review on literature

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