433 research outputs found

    El virus de la gripe: Patógeno emergente y reemergente

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Fisiopatología y Farmacología Celular y MolecularEl virus de la gripe es un Orthomixyxovirus, y posee tres tipos: A, B y C. Los géneros A y B sufren mutaciones puntuales ´´antigenic drift´´ que son responsables de las epidemias anuales y de la necesidad de desarrollar vacunas nuevas cada temporada, mientras que sólo el género A es capaz de intercambiar segmentos de su ARNv con otra cepa del mismo subtipo, lo que conlleva la posibilidad de emergencia de una cepa viral potencialmente pandémica. El género de la gripe C es antigénicamente estable El virus de la gripe se une a la célula huésped a través de su HA, que reconoce como receptores a los gliconcojugados que poseen ácidos siálicos en la membrana celular. La transcripción y replicación viral se producen en el núcleo celular, mientras que el ensamblaje, ´´budding´´ y liberación de los viriones se produce en la región apical de la membrana plasmática. En los últimos cien años cuatro pandemias han ocurrido, siendo la primera y más mortífera la de 1918 con saldo de aproximadamente 50 millones de muertes. Las tres pandemias siguientes en 1957, 1968 y 2009 fueron causadas por cepas recombinadas que portaban uno o más segmentos de ARNv de este ´´progenitor´´. Cada una de ellas con una mortalidad menor a la de anterior. La transmisión se produce por vía respiratoria, a través de secreciones cargadas del virus, pero su presentación clínica es variada y puede imitar otras infecciones respiratorias, por lo cual la confirmación diagnóstica se hace por laboratorio. Existen varios métodos de diagnóticos, entre ellos: la identificación del ARNv por medio de ´´RT-PCR´´, la detección por inmunofluorescencia y análisis inmunocromatográficos en muestras clínicas, aislamiento del virus en cultivo celular o en huevos fertilizados, entre otras técnicas moleculares. En la actualidad existen dos grupos de antivirales aprobados para el tratamiento farmacológico del virus de la gripe: los inhibidores de la proteína M2: amantadina y rimantadina, y los inhibidores de la NA: oseltamivir, zanamivir, peramivir y laninamivir

    Infrared Thermography in Large Ruminants

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    Infrared thermography is a clinically useful method for detecting physiopathological alterations in animals through microvascular changes. It has been adapted for applications with large species, as a support tool in evaluating animal welfare, and can also contribute to productive and reproductive evaluations. This review discusses the thermal windows currently in use and characterizes their differences and limitations as resources for early detection and diagnosis in cattle and river buffaloes

    Perspectiva dos professores sobre o teatro e suas contribuições para uma aprendizagem significativa na Comuna de Rengo, Chile – 2021

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    The objective of this research was to know the perspective of teachers on the contribution of theater as a meaningful learning tool in students of the Rengo commune. It was of a basic type, non-experimental and quantitative approach, the population was made up of teachers from the schools of the Rengo commune, a total of 230 and the sample was 20, due to an intentional sampling in which only those were selected. teachers of educational institutions that teach theater as a subject. The survey technique was used and a questionnaire was applied to the teachers, which was validated by expert judgment. In addition, Cronbach's alpha was applied, demonstrating 0.8 reliability. The results were tabulated and analyzed, resulting in that from the teachers' perspective, 90.8% consider theater as a meaningful learning tool.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo conocer la perspectiva de los docentes sobre el aporte del teatro como una herramienta de aprendizaje significativo en los estudiantes de la comuna de Rengo. Fue de tipo básica, no experimental y enfoque cuantitativo, la población estuvo constituida por los docentes de las escuelas de la comuna de Rengo, un total de 230 y la muestra fue de 20 esto debido a un muestreo intencional en el cual se seleccionaron sólo aquellos docentes de las instituciones educativas que imparten el teatro como asignatura. Se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y se aplicó un cuestionario a los docentes, el cual, fue validado por juicio de expertos. Además, se aplicó el alfa de Cronbach demostrando 0,8 de confiabilidad. Lo resultados fueron tabulados y analizados dando como resultado que desde la perspectiva de los docentes el 90,8% consideran al teatro como una herramienta de aprendizaje significativo.A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo conhecer a perspectiva de professores sobre a contribuição do teatro como ferramenta de aprendizagem significativa nos alunos da comuna do Rengo. Tratava-se de um tipo básico, não experimental e de abordagem quantitativa, a população era constituída por professores das escolas municipais do Rengo, num total de 230 e a amostra foi de 20, isto devido a uma amostragem intencional em que apenas foram seleccionados. instituições de ensino que ensinam teatro como disciplina. Foi utilizada a técnica de survey e aplicado questionário aos professores, o qual foi validado por perícia. Além disso, foi aplicado o alfa de Cronbach, demonstrando confiabilidade de 0,8. Os resultados foram tabulados e analisados, resultando que, na perspectiva dos professores, 90,8% consideram o teatro uma ferramenta de aprendizagem significativa

    Description of Four Dual-Purpose River Buffalo (Bubalis bubalis) Production Systems in Tropical Wetlands of Mexico. Part 2: Sanitary Management, Milking, Zootechnical and Economic Indicators

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    The aim is to elucidate other key aspects of these dual-purpose systems in wetland areas, including labor, markets, the conditions of facilities, machinery and equipment indices, and zootechnical indicators. The health management values determined for production units (PU) PU2, 3, and 4 were similar (50%) but higher at PU1 (75%). Three scheduled milkings once a day (1x), but PU3 performed it twice a day (2x). Most workers are permanent, but PU1 and PU2 hire temporary laborers. The average workday was 7.69 ± 2.84 hours/animal unit at a mean wage of 11.43±11.43 ± 1.27. Unit prices per kg of meat from fattening animals and liter of milk were 1.83±1.83 ± 0.03 and 0.51±0.51 ± 0.08, respectively. Production variables showed an average calving interval of 371.25 ± 7.50 days, a mean parturition index of 89% ± 1%, and mean mortality of 1.8% ± 0.5% and 0.6% ± 0.8% for young and adult animals, respectively. Milk production per lactation was 1240 ± 211.66 liters. The mean daily production for sale was 5.17 ± 0.88 liters. Individual calves consumed 2.13 ± 0.63 liters of milk per day on average. Mean productive life was 17 ± 2.45 years. Average scores on the facilities conditions and machinery and equipment indices were 68% ± 14% and 57% ± 26%, respectively

    Description of Four Dual-Purpose River Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Farms in Tropical Wetlands in Mexico. Part 1: Social Aspects, Herd Distribution, Feeding, Reproductive, and Genetic Management

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    This article characterizes four dual-purpose river buffalo farms (DPBPS) in south-southeastern Mexico. The objectives were to obtain a broader profile of this system and capture values related to buffalo breeding in that area. The study identified a group of producers with high levels of education (17 ± 1.15 years) and years of experience in agricultural systems (28.75 ± 10.81), especially with buffaloes (9 ± 1.83 years). Land tenure is private, and the average surface area of ranches is 428.75 ± 245.57 hectares, located mainly (92%) in flatlands and floodplains with an average number of animals per hectare 2.03 ± 0.69 AU/h. The area has various vegetable strata (grasses, bushes, trees). Feeding is based on the consumption of vegetable species like Camalote grass (Paspalum fasciculatum), West Indian Azuche grass (Hymenachne amplexicaulis), and Aleman grass (Echinochloa polystachya), complemented with minerals. Production units (PU) 2 and 3 add a low proportion of balanced feed. The average number of animals per PU is 611 ± 50. Dams and calves represent the largest proportions in the herds. The main breed raised in these buffalo production systems is Buffalypso (58% ± 21%), followed by Italian Mediterranean (24% ± 5%) and Murrah (10% ± 14%). The data collected show that the reproduction methods most often utilized, in order of frequency, are fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI), direct mounting (DM), and estrus-detected artificial insemination (EDAI). Proportions are 61% ± 18%, 24% ± 25% and 14% ± 17%, respectively. The DPBPS studied are distinguished by the presence of owners and managers with high levels of education, extensive experience in agricultural systems, and the capacity and willingness to implement new technologies that permit continuous improvement. However, their experience in buffalo production is still limited, so there is ample room for improvement

    Intencionalidades da ciranda infantil sementes da esperança durante a 13°jornada de agroecologia

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O objetivo do presente texto é apresentar estudos e reflexões acerca da vivência pedagógica Ciranda Infantil durante a 13o Jornada de Agroecologia. Consideramos que essas vivências contribuem para o processo de formação do pedagogo. Nesta discussão, realizamos uma breve apresentação histórica da Educação Infantil no Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST). Esse Movimento Social, além de lutar pelo direito à terra, pela igualdade social e agroecologia, defende e luta por uma educação no campo. Destacamos que a Ciranda Infantil prioriza a brincadeira como possibilidade de desenvolvimento das crianças. O Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação a Docência – PIBID 5 – proporcionou a participação dos estudantes do curso de Pedagogia do Campo nas atividades da Ciranda Infantil com o intuito de contribuir para o processo de formação do educado

    Scientific Findings on the Quality of River Buffalo Meat and Prospects for Future Studies

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    The objectives of this review are to detect scientific findings and areas of opportunity in the study of river buffalo meat from primary production through commercialization and to establish future areas of research linked to each step of the meat supply chain to strengthen and improve the production and quality of buffalo meat in the future. Recent studies show that buffalo meat is healthy and that the prevalence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is not related to intramuscular fat consumption. The current grand demand for food constitutes an ongoing challenge for agricultural production. Of course, this demand includes meat, but the animal species traditionally destined for human consumption are no longer capable of satisfying requirements. This review detected gaps in studies of the alimentary systems of this species (including its digestive tract) and a paucity of analyses designed to determine the optimum slaughtering age. Identifying –and correcting– practices that foster contamination, reduce the shelf life of buffalo meat, and suggest appropriate conservation and packaging methods during commercialization are two additional pending concerns. This study concludes that marketing buffalo meat represents a great challenge for producers and researchers, one that requires a multi- and interdisciplinary approach that examines in detail every step of the productive chain

    Effects of human-animal relationship on animal productivity and welfare

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    This is a literature review of the effects of humans´ relationships with farm animals on animal productivity and welfare, including the following topics: definition of the concept and description of different tests that have been developed to measure human-animal relationship (HAR). Temperament and tameness, which have been considered as farm animal characteristics that are important in HAR, as are stockperson attitudes. Some international farm animal welfare protocols are also described, together with negative and positive stimuli that affect farm animal welfare and productivity. In addition to some factors affecting the quality of HAR. We conclude that even with improved precision farming and automation: a) a good HAR is still fundamental to improve farm animal welfare with associated health and production benefits and b) with the numerous tests assessing fear of humans, many are not commercially applicable.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El liderazgo transformacional desde la perspectiva de la pedagogía humanista

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    La investigación tiene como propósito, generar una construcción teórica del liderazgo transformacional desde la perspectiva de la pedagogía humanista. La metodología se fundamenta en el paradigma cualitativo y se utilizó el método fenomenológico-hermenéutico. La selección de los cinco (5) informantes clave se realiza bajo el criterio de ser docente de educación superior, con una larga trayectoria en el ejercicio pedagógico y que estuvieran en concordancia con la pedagogía humanista. Para recabar la información se usó la entrevista a profundidad, de donde emergieron cinco categorías: docente universitario líder, pedagogía humanista, liderazgo, estudiante, educación superior y a su vez, cincuenta y nueve (59) subcategorías extraídas del discurso de los versionistas. Posteriormente, se realizó la interpretación de estas vivencias, saberes, anécdotas educativas con el soporte teórico del liderazgo transformacional y la pedagogía humanista. Desde la perspectiva axiológica, ontológica y teleológica, el factor común que radica en la excelencia de los docentes líderes humanistas es su apasionamiento al éxito de todos sus estudiantes. Finalmente, la aproximación teórica del liderazgo transformacional desde la perspectiva de la pedagogía humanista, brinda una alternativa a la educación superior en la búsqueda de nuevas maneras de formar a un ciudadano integral, ético, consciente y comprometido con su realidad social, enfatizando que el liderazgo transformacional promueve activamente el progreso para alcanzar propósitos de cambios conduciendo al bienestar personal, organizacional.//The purpose of the research was to generate a theoretical construction of transformational leadership from the perspective of humanist pedagogy. The methodology was based on the qualitative paradigm and the phenomenological-hermeneutical method was used. The selection of the five (5) key informants will be carried out under the criteria of being a teacher of higher education, with a long career in the pedagogical exercise and that were in accordance with humanist pedagogy. In order to gather the information, the in-depth interview was used, from which five categories emerged: leading university teacher, humanist pedagogy, leadership, student, higher education and in turn, fifty-nine (59) subcategories extracted from the versionists’ discourse. Subsequently, the interpretation of these experiences, knowledge, educational anecdotes was carried out with the theoretical support of transformational leadership and humanistic pedagogy. From the axiological, ontological and teleological perspective, the common factor that lies in the excellence of the leading humanist teachers is their passion for the success of all their students. Finally, the theoretical approach of transformational leadership from the perspective of humanist pedagogy, provides an alternative to higher education in the search for new ways to train an integral, ethical, conscious and committed citizen with their social reality, emphasizing that leadership Transformational actively promotes progress to achieve change purposes leading to personal, organizational well-being

    Dairy buffalo behaviour and welfare from calving to milking

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    This review integrates recent scientific findings on the behaviour and welfare of buffalo dams during calving and the subsequent milking phase. These issues are discussed in relation to the level of welfare that buffalo dams and calves experience under different production systems. Key aspects are addressed including welfare issues related to dystocic parturitions and uterine prolapses, the formation of a selective dam-calf bonding, the habituation of inexperienced animals to the milking routine and the appropriate relationship to be developed with stock-people. All these aspects are also discussed in relation to farm profitability, in terms of calf vitality and milk production, and safety of the personnel involved in farm operations