3,447 research outputs found

    Transição agroecológica do roçado tradicional para a roça sem queima: mudanças no preparo da terra.

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    Este artigo trata das práticas resultantes da transição da roça com corte e queima tradicional para a roça sem queima na comunidade Barra do Leme, Assentamento Barra do Leme, Pentecoste, Ceará. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de um estudo de caso, com levantamento de dados qualitativos e quantitativos, de observação participante e de entrevistas diretivas e não diretivas. Os resultados mostram que a organização e a militância ambiental da comunidade foram fundamentais para a decisão da transição para uma agricultura sem queima. O trabalho de preparo da terra de novas áreas de plantio passou a ser mais pesado. Com isso houve a fixação das áreas de cultivo, as coivaras foram modificadas, a adubação foi incorporada ao roçado como forma de fertilização do solo alternativa às queimadas, e ocorreu diminuição do tempo dedicado à agricultura

    Static Configurations of Dark Energy and Dark Matter

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    We study static configurations of dark matter coupled to a scalar field responsible for the dark energy of the Universe. The dark matter is modelled as a Fermi gas within the Thomas-Fermi approximation. The mass of the dark matter particles is a function of the scalar field. We analyze the profile of the dark matter halos in galaxies. In this case our framework is equivalent to the model of the isothermal sphere. In the presence of a scalar field, the velocity of a massive object orbiting the galaxy is not of the order of the typical velocity of the dark matter particles, as in the conventional picture. Instead, it is reduced by a factor that quantifies the dependence of the dark matter mass on the scalar field. This has implications for dark matter searches. We derive new solutions of the Einstein equations which describe compact objects composed of dark matter. Depending on the scale of the dark matter mass, the size of these objects can vary between microscopic scales and cosmological distances. We determine the mass to radius relation and discuss the similarities with conventional neutron stars and exotic astrophysical objects.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, minor additions to the tex

    IFMIF suitability for evaluation of fusion functional materials

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    The International FusionMaterials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is a future neutron source based on the D-Li stripping reaction, planned to test candidate fusionmaterials at relevant fusion irradiation conditions. During the design of IFMIF special attention was paid to the structural materials for the blanket and first wall, because they will be exposed to the most severe irradiation conditions in a fusion reactor. Also the irradiation of candidate materials for solid breeder blankets is planned in the IFMIF reference design. This paper focuses on the assessment of the suitability of IFMIF irradiation conditions for testing functionalmaterials to be used in liquid blankets and diagnostics systems, since they are been also considered within IFMIF objectives. The study has been based on the analysis and comparison of the main expected irradiation parameters in IFMIF and DEMO reactor

    Diamagnetic response of cylindrical normal metal - superconductor proximity structures with low concentration of scattering centers

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    We have investigated the diamagnetic response of composite NS proximity wires, consisting of a clean silver or copper coating, in good electrical contact to a superconducting niobium or tantalum core. The samples show strong induced diamagnetism in the normal layer, resulting in a nearly complete Meissner screening at low temperatures. The temperature dependence of the linear diamagnetic susceptibility data is successfully described by the quasiclassical Eilenberger theory including elastic scattering characterised by a mean free path l. Using the mean free path as the only fit parameter we found values of l in the range 0.1-1 of the normal metal layer thickness d_N, which are in rough agreement with the ones obtained from residual resistivity measurements. The fits are satisfactory over the whole temperature range between 5 mK and 7 K for values of d_N varying between 1.6 my m and 30 my m. Although a finite mean free path is necessary to correctly describe the temperature dependence of the linear response diamagnetic susceptibility, the measured breakdown fields in the nonlinear regime follow the temperature and thickness dependence given by the clean limit theory. However, there is a discrepancy in the absolute values. We argue that in order to reach quantitative agreement one needs to take into account the mean free path from the fits of the linear response. [PACS numbers: 74.50.+r, 74.80.-g]Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Lower critical field H_c1 and barriers for vortex entry in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+delta} crystals

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    The penetration field H_p of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+delta} crystals is determined from magnetization curves for different field sweep rates dH/dt and temperatures. The obtained results are consistent with theoretical reports in the literature about vortex creep over surface and geometrical barriers. The frequently observed low-temperature upturn of H_p is shown to be related to metastable configurations due to barriers for vortex entry. Data of the true lower critical field H_c1 are presented. The low-temperature dependence of H_c1 is consistent with a superconducting state with nodes in the gap function. [PACS numbers: 74.25.Bt, 74.60.Ec, 74.60.Ge, 74.72.Hs

    Surface Analysis Of Alumina Ceramic Exposed To Shock Waves Produced By Plasma Expander

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    Material surface treatment by plasma expander is relatively recent. Plasma expander is based on the inverse pinch effect. The shock waves produced by plasma expander may also promote modifications in ceramic materials exposed to the expander. These modifications are mainly made by ablation phenomenon. This work was intended to verify the shock wave effects on the ionic ceramic samples with high dielectric constant. The alumina ceramic samples were formed by both uniaxial and isostatic pressing methods and sintered at 1650 degrees C. They were also produced with addition 0.15 wt% of MgO in order to obtain a high densification. The ceramic samples were divided in groups and exposed to 700, 1000 and 1440 pulses during 20 min. These pulses were generated by nitrogen plasma expander at 13.0 Pa and 6 kV. After plasma exposure, there was an increase in roughness parameter values of Al2O3 ceramic surface. The treatment by plasma expander did not modify the hydrophilic characteristic of the alumina ceramic samples. The results of hardness test presented no significant changes on hardness mean values.59

    Aspectos metodológicos da análise de viabilidade econômica de sistemas de produção.

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    Tem por finalidade promover mecanismo de levantamento de dados e análises econômicas, de forma sistemática, que possibilitem a realização de inferências quanto aos retornos econômicos de sistemas de produção agropecuários, em especial aqueles que incorporam tecnologias ou práticas indicadas pela Embrapa

    In situ observation of growth dynamics in DECLIC Directional Solidification Insert onboard ISS: DSI-R flight campaign

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    International audienceThe study of solidification microstructure formation is of utmost importance for materials design and processing, as solid-liquid interface patterns largely govern mechanical and physical properties. Pattern selection occurs under dynamic conditions of growth in which the initial morphological instability evolves nonlinearly and undergoes a reorganization process. The dynamic and nonlinear nature of this instability renders in situ observation of the interface an invaluable tool to gain knowledge on the time-evolution of the interface pattern. Transparent organic analogs, which solidify like metallic alloys, allow direct visualization of interface dynamics. Extensive ground-based studies of both metallic and organic bulk samples have established the presence of significant convection during solidification processes that alters the formation of interfacial microstructures. A reduced-gravity environment is therefore mandatory for fluid flow elimination in bulk samples. In the framework of the CNES project MISOL3D (MIcrostrutures de SOLidification 3D) and the NASA projects DSIP (Dynamical Selection of 3D Interface Patterns), SPADES (SPAtiotemporal Evolution of three-dimensional DEndritic array Structures) and CAMUS (ComputAtional Studies of MicrostrUcture Formation During Alloy Solidification in Microgravity), we participated in the development of the Directional Solidification Insert (DSI) of the DEvice for the study of Critical Liquids and Crystallization (DECLIC). The DECLIC-DSI is dedicated to in situ and real-time characterization of solid-liquid interface patterns during directional solidification of transparent alloys in diffusive transport regime. Between April 2010 and March 2011, the first ISS campaign (DSI) explored the entire range of microstructures resulting in unprecedented observations. A second campaign (DSI-R), performed between October 2017 and December 2018, in which the insert contained an alloy of higher solute concentration, allowed to complete the benchmark database. The increase of solute concentration resulted in well-developed dendritic patterns at lower velocities (lower interface curvature and larger tip radius). The microstructure resulting from dendritic growth is dominant in metallurgy so that it is fundamental to understand the mechanisms of its formation. The main aims of this experimental campaign are to understand: the mechanisms of the cell to dendrite transition, the fundamental mechanisms of sidebranching formation, the dependence of dendrite tip shapes on growth conditions, the interaction of primary array and secondary sidebranches, and the influence of subgrain boundaries on the spatiotemporal organization of the array structure. Preparation, analysis and interpretation of the experiments performed onboard ISS are considerably enhanced by experiments performed on ground using thin-samples (Pr. Trivedi's group) and phase-field simulations of microstructure formation in a diffuse growth regime (Pr. Karma's group). In this summary, we will present an initial assessment of the results obtained during the DSI-R campaign