31 research outputs found

    Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With Intravenous Drug Use-Associated Infective Endocarditis in New Brunswick

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    Background: Within the context of Canada’s opioid crisis, medical complications associated with intravenous drug use (IVDU) are increasing. Infective endocarditis (IE) is a serious complication of IVDU, and understanding the characteristics of these patients could aid health systems, clinicians, and patients in the optimization of treatment and prevention of IVDU-IE. / Methods: At a tertiary care hospital in southern New Brunswick, we conducted a retrospective chart review to identify patients with IVDU-IE admitted between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2017. We collected data related to the epidemiology, microbiology, clinical manifestations, echocardiography, complications during hospital admission, and outcomes. / Results: Forty-two cases of IVDU-IE met inclusion criteria. The rate of IVDU-IE increased from 2.28 per 100,000 population in 2014 to 4.00 in 2017, which, although not statistically significant, reflects patterns in other jurisdictions. Most patients (72.4%) were male, and the mean age was 38.3 (±11.5) years. Most patients (79.3%) injected opioids. The most common clinical sign was fever (90.5%), and Staphylococcus aureus (61.9%) was the most common microorganism. The tricuspid valve was most commonly infected (58.5%), 50% of cases had heart failure as a complication during admission, and 45.2% of cases required valve replacement or repair. The 2-year survival rate after admission for initial IVDU-IE episode was 62.0% (95% confidence interval: 36.5-79.7). / Conclusion: IVDU-IE is common in New Brunswick and may be increasing. Despite the relatively young age of this patient population, IVDU-IE is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Expanding effective harm reduction and addiction treatment strategies for this cohort is recommended. // Contexte: Dans le contexte de la crise des opioïdes au Canada, les complications médicales liées à l'utilisation de drogues par voie intraveineuse (UDIV) sont en augmentation. L'endocardite infectieuse (EI) est une complication grave de l'UDIV, et la compréhension des caractéristiques de ces patients pourrait aider les systèmes de santé, les cliniciens et les patients à optimiser le traitement et la prévention de l’EI liée à l’UDIV (EI-UDIV). / Méthodes: Dans un hôpital de soins tertiaires du sud du Nouveau-Brunswick, nous avons effectué un examen rétrospectif des dossiers afin d'identifier les patients atteints de l’EI-UDIV admis entre le 1er janvier 2013 et le 31 décembre 2017. Nous avons recueilli des données relatives à l'épidémiologie, la microbiologie, les manifestations cliniques, l'échocardiographie, les complications lors de l'admission à l'hôpital et les bilans. / Résultats: Quarante-deux cas d'EI-UDIV ont répondu aux critères d'inclusion. Le taux d'EI-UDIV est passé de 2,28 pour 100 000 habitants en 2014 à 4,00 en 2017, ce qui, bien que non significatif statistiquement, reflète les tendances observées dans d'autres juridictions. La plupart des patients (72,4 %) étaient des hommes, et l'âge moyen était de 38,3 ans (±11,5). La plupart des patients (79,3 %) s'injectaient des opioïdes. Le signe clinique le plus fréquent était la fièvre (90,5 %), et le Staphylococcus aureus (61,9 %) était le micro-organisme le plus couramment observé. La valve tricuspide était le plus souvent infectée (58,5 %), 50 % des cas avaient une insuffisance cardiaque en tant que complication lors de l'admission, et 45,2 % des cas ont nécessité un remplacement ou une réparation de la valve. Le taux de survie à deux ans après l'admission pour l'épisode initial d'EI-UDIV était de 62,0 % (intervalle de confiance à 95 % : 36,5-79,7). / Conclusion: L'EI-UDIV est fréquent au Nouveau-Brunswick et pourrait être en augmentation. Malgré l'âge relativement jeune de cette population de patients, l'UDIV-IE est associée à une morbidité et une mortalité importantes. Il est recommandé d'étendre les stratégies efficaces de réduction des risques et de traitement des dépendances pour cette cohorte

    Variation of selfing rate and inbreeding depression among individuals and across generations within an admixed Cedrus population

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    [EN] We investigated the variation and short-term evolution of the selfing rate and inbreeding depression (ID) across three generations within a cedar forest that was established from admixture ca 1860. The mean selfing rate was 9.5%, ranging from 0 to 48% among 20 seed trees (estimated from paternally inherited chloroplast DNA). We computed the probability of selfing for each seed and we investigated ID by comparing selfed and outcrossed seeds within progenies, thus avoiding maternal effects. In all progenies, the germination rate was high (88-100%) and seedling mortality was low (0-12%). The germination dynamics differed significantly between selfed and outcrossed seeds within progenies in the founder gene pool but not in the following generations. This transient effect of selfing could be attributed to epistatic interactions in the original admixture. Regarding the seedling growth traits, the ID was low but significant: 8 and 6% for height and diameter growth, respectively. These rates did not vary among generations, suggesting minor gene effects. At this early stage, outcrossed seedlings outcompeted their selfed relatives, but not necessarily other selfed seedlings from other progenies. Thus, purging these slightly deleterious genes may only occur through within-family selection. Processes that maintain a high level of genetic diversity for fitness-related traits among progenies also reduce the efficiency of purging this part of the genetic load. © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved. Guardar / Salir Siguiente >This work has been partially supported by Grant PPI-00-04 from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). We thank B Fady and E Klein as well as two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on a previous version of the paper. 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    Effects of hospital facilities on patient outcomes after cancer surgery: an international, prospective, observational study

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    Background Early death after cancer surgery is higher in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) compared with in high-income countries, yet the impact of facility characteristics on early postoperative outcomes is unknown. The aim of this study was to examine the association between hospital infrastructure, resource availability, and processes on early outcomes after cancer surgery worldwide.Methods A multimethods analysis was performed as part of the GlobalSurg 3 study-a multicentre, international, prospective cohort study of patients who had surgery for breast, colorectal, or gastric cancer. The primary outcomes were 30-day mortality and 30-day major complication rates. Potentially beneficial hospital facilities were identified by variable selection to select those associated with 30-day mortality. Adjusted outcomes were determined using generalised estimating equations to account for patient characteristics and country-income group, with population stratification by hospital.Findings Between April 1, 2018, and April 23, 2019, facility-level data were collected for 9685 patients across 238 hospitals in 66 countries (91 hospitals in 20 high-income countries; 57 hospitals in 19 upper-middle-income countries; and 90 hospitals in 27 low-income to lower-middle-income countries). The availability of five hospital facilities was inversely associated with mortality: ultrasound, CT scanner, critical care unit, opioid analgesia, and oncologist. After adjustment for case-mix and country income group, hospitals with three or fewer of these facilities (62 hospitals, 1294 patients) had higher mortality compared with those with four or five (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 3.85 [95% CI 2.58-5.75]; p<0.0001), with excess mortality predominantly explained by a limited capacity to rescue following the development of major complications (63.0% vs 82.7%; OR 0.35 [0.23-0.53]; p<0.0001). Across LMICs, improvements in hospital facilities would prevent one to three deaths for every 100 patients undergoing surgery for cancer.Interpretation Hospitals with higher levels of infrastructure and resources have better outcomes after cancer surgery, independent of country income. Without urgent strengthening of hospital infrastructure and resources, the reductions in cancer-associated mortality associated with improved access will not be realised