211 research outputs found

    Shifting patterns of oil palm driven deforestation in Indonesia and implications for zero-deforestation commitments

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    Oil palm plantations in Indonesia have been linked to substantial deforestation in the 1990s and 2000s, though recent studies suggest that new plantations are increasingly developed on non-forest land. Without nationwide data to establish recent baseline trends, the impact of commitments to eliminate deforestation from palm oil supply chains could therefore be overestimated. We examine the area and proportion of plantations replacing forests across Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua up to 2015, and map biophysically suitable areas for future deforestation-free expansion. We created new maps of oil palm plantations for the years 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015, and examined land cover replaced in each period. Nationwide, oil palm plantation expansion occurred at an average rate of 450,000 ha yr−1, and resulted in an average of 117,000 ha yr−1 of deforestation, during 1995–2015. Our analysis of the most recent five-year period (2010–2015) shows that the rate of deforestation due to new plantations has remained relatively stable since 2005, despite large increases in the extent of plantations. As a result, the proportion of plantations replacing forests decreased from 54% during 1995–2000, to 18% during 2010–2015. In addition, we estimate there are 30.2 million hectares of non-forest land nationwide which meet biophysical suitability criteria for oil palm cultivation. Our findings suggest that recent zero-deforestation commitments may not have a large impact on deforestation in Sumatra, where plantations have increasingly expanded onto non-forest land over the past twenty years, and which hosts large potentially suitable areas for future deforestation-free expansion. On the other hand, these pledges could have more influence in Kalimantan, where oil palm driven deforestation increased over our study period, and in Papua, a new frontier of expansion with substantial remaining forest cover

    Anatomical and functional results of ossiculoplasty using titanium prosthesis

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    Titanium ossicular chain replacement prosthesis is often used for rehabilitation of the columellar effect in otologic surgeries. This retrospective study aims to analyse the anatomical and functional results of surgeries in which a titanium prosthesis was used. Two hundred and eighty procedures in 256 patients operated on in a tertiary referral center were analysed. Aetiologies, preoperative audiograms, peropera-tive data and postoperative outcomes at 2 and 12 months postoperatively were reviewed. Chronic suppurative otitis media with or without cholesteatoma was the main aetiology (89%). There was no difference in anatomical results between partial and total ossicular replacement prosthesis, with an overall dislocation rate of 6%, and an overall extrusion rate of 3%. Regarding functional results, a postoperative air-bone gap ≀ 20 dB was achieved in 65% of cases, with a better result for partial compared to total ossiculoplasty (p = 0.02). A significant difference in air bone gap closure was found when comparing aetiologies, with a higher air-bone gap closure in malformation cases compared to chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma or retraction cases (p = 0.03). Ossiculoplasty using titanium prosthesis is a safe and effective procedure for rehabilitation of hearing loss, which allows reaching an air-bone gap ≀ 20 dB in the majority of patients

    3D curved multiplanar cone beam CT reconstruction for intracochlear position assessment of straight electrodes array. A temporal bones and patients study

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    A retrospective review of post-op cone beam CT (CBCT) of 8 adult patients and 14 fresh temporal bones that underwent cochlear implantation with straight flexible electrodes array was performed to determine if the position of a long and flexible electrodes array within the cochlear scalae could be reliably assessed with CBCT. An oto-radiologist and two otologists examined the images and assessed the electrodes position. The temporal bone specimens underwent histological analysis for confirm the exact position. The position of the electrodes was rated as scala tympani, scala vestibule, or intermediate position for the electrodes at 180°, 360° and for the apical electrode. In the patient group, for the electrodes at 180° all observers agreed for scala tympani position except for 1 evaluation, while a discrepancy in 3 patients both for the 360° and for the apical electrode assessment were found. In five temporal bones the evaluations were in discrepancy for the 180° electrode, while at 360° a disagreement between raters on the scalar positioning was seen in six temporal bones. A higher discrepancy between was found in assessment of the scalar position of the apical electrode (average pairwise agreement 45.4%, Fleiss k = 0.13). A good concordance was found between the histological results and the consensus between raters for the electrodes in the basal turn, while low agreement (Cohen’s k 0.31, pairwise agreement 50%) was found in the identification of the apical electrode position confirming the difficulty to correct identify the electrode position in the second cochlear turn in temporal bones. In conclusion, CBCT is a reliable radiologic exam to correctly evaluate the position of a lateral wall flexible array in implanted patients using the proposed imaging reconstruction method, while some artefacts impede exact evaluation of the position of the apical electrode in temporal bone and other radiological techniques should be preferred in ex vivo studies

    Healthy aging in elderly cochlear implant recipients: a multinational observational study

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    Background: Given an increase in the aging population and its impact on healthcare systems, policy makers for provision of health and social services are aiming to keep older adults in good health for longer, in other words towards ‘healthy aging’. Our study objective is to show that rehabilitation with cochlear implant treatment in the elderly with hearing impairment improves the overall health-related quality of life and general well-being that translate into healthy aging. Methods: The multicentre, prospective, repeated measures, single-subject, clinical observational study will accrue 100 elderly, first-time, unilateral CI recipients (≄ 60 years) and analyze changes on specific measurement tools over ca. 20 months from preimplant to postimplant. Evaluations will consist of details collected through case history and interview questionnaires by clinicians, data logging, self-report questionnaires completed by the recipients and a series of commonly used audiometric measures and geriatric assessment tools. The primary indicator of changes in overall quality of life will be the HUI-3. Discussion: The protocol is designed to make use of measurement tools that have already been applied to the hearing-impaired population in order to compare effects of CI rehabilitation in adults immediately before their implantation, (pre-implant) and after gaining 1–1.5 years of experience (post-implant). The broad approach will lead to a greater understanding of how useful hearing impacts the quality of life in elderly individuals, and thus improves potentials for healthy aging. Outcomes will be described and analyzed in detail. Trial registration: This research has been registered in ClinicalTrials.gov (http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/), 7 March 2017 under the n° NCT03072862

    Developing food, water and energy nexus workflows

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    There is a growing recognition of the interdependencies among the supply systems that rely upon food, water and energy. Billions of people lack safe and sufficient access to these systems, coupled with a rapidly growing global demand and increasing resource constraints. Modeling frameworks are considered one of the few means available to understand the complex interrelationships among the sectors, however development of nexus related frameworks has been limited. We describe three open- source models well known in their respective domains (i.e. TerrSysMP, WOFOST and SWAT) where components of each if combined could help decision-makers address the nexus issue. We propose as a first step the development of simple workflows utilizing essential variables and addressing components of the above-mentioned models which can act as building-blocks to be used ultimately in a comprehensive nexus model framework. The outputs of the workflows and the model framework are designed to address the SDG

    Mapping global cropland field size

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    A new 1 km global IIASA-IFPRI cropland percentage map for the baseline year 2005 has been developed which integrates a number of individual cropland maps at global to regional to national scales. The individual map products include existing global land cover maps such as GlobCover 2005 and MODIS v.5, regional maps such as AFRICOVER and national maps from mapping agencies and other organizations. The different products are ranked at the national level using crowdsourced data from Geo-Wiki to create a map that reflects the likelihood of cropland. Calibration with national and subnational crop statistics was then undertaken to distribute the cropland within each country and subnational unit. The new IIASA-IFPRI cropland product has been validated using very high-resolution satellite imagery via Geo-Wiki and has an overall accuracy of 82.4%. It has also been compared with the EarthStat cropland product and shows a lower root mean square error on an independent data set collected from Geo-Wiki. The first ever global field size map was produced at the same resolution as the IIASA-IFPRI cropland map based on interpolation of field size data collected via a Geo-Wiki crowdsourcing campaign. A validation exercise of the global field size map revealed satisfactory agreement with control data, particularly given the relatively modest size of the field size data set used to create the map. Both are critical inputs to global agricultural monitoring in the frame of GEOGLAM and will serve the global land modelling and integrated assessment community, in particular for improving land use models that require baseline cropland information. These products are freely available for downloading from the http://cropland.geo-wiki.org website

    Defect studies of ZnO films prepared by pulsed laser deposition on various substrates

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    ZnO thin films deposited on various substrates were characterized by slow positron implantation spectroscopy (SPIS) combined with X-ray diffraction (XRD). All films studied exhibit wurtzite structure and crystallite size 20-100 nm. The mosaic spread of crystallites is relatively small for the films grown on single crystalline substrates while it is substantial for the film grown on amorphous substrate. SPIS investigations revealed that ZnO films deposited on single crystalline substrates exhibit significantly higher density of defects than the film deposited on amorphous substrate. This is most probably due to a higher density of misfit dislocations, which compensate for the lattice mismatch between the film and the substrate

    Ricostruzione multiplanare 3D di immagini cone beam per lidenficazione della posizione degli impianti cocleari. Studio su ossi temporali e pazienti impiantati

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    Questo studio riporta unanalisi retrospettica delle immagini cone beam CT effettuate su 8 pazienti adulti sottoposti ad impianto cochleare MedEl flex 28 e su 14 ossi temporali impiantati con lo stesso tipo di array portaelettrodi. Lo scopo dello studio Ă© di determinare laffidabilitĂ  della metodica cone beam CT nella valutazione della posizione intracocleare degli elettrodi in impianti che si posizionano lungo la parete laterale del lume cocleare, quindi non perimodiolari la cui posizione Ă© piĂč facilmente identificabile. Un otoradiologo e due otologi hanno analizzato le immagini e assegnato la posizione per ciascun elettrodo localizzato nella regione dei 180° e dei 360° del primo giro cocleare e per lelettrodo apicale scegliendo tra scala timpanica, vestibulare o posizione intermedia Lanalisi istologica ha successivamente confermato lesatta posizione negli ossi temporali. Nel gruppo dei pazienti per lelettrodo a 180° i tre esperti concordavano sulla posizione in scala timpanica in tutti eccetto un paziente, mentre una discordanza nella valutazione era presente in 3 pazienti per gli elettrodi a 360° e per gli elettrodi apicali. Negli ossi temporali in 5 casi era presente una discordanza per lelettrodo a 180°, mentre a 360° sei valutazioni erano discordanti tra i valutatori. Una disdcordanza tra le valutazioni piĂč elevata veniva trovata per la la posizione dellelettrodo apicale (concordanza valutatori 45.4%, Fleiss k = 0,13). Un buon grado di concordanza veniva trovato tra i risultati istologici e le valutazioni tra i valutatori per gli elettrodi localizzati nel giro basale; un grado piĂč basso esisteva per la posizione degli elettrodi apicali (concordanza valutatori 50%, Cohens k = 0,31) confermando la difficoltĂ  nella corretta valutazione della posizione degli elettrodi nella regione piĂč apicale negli ossi temporali. In conclusione, le immagini cone beam postoperatorie analizzate con la metodica della ricostruzione multiplanare 3D rappresentano una metodica affidabile per lo studio della posizione intracocleare degli elettrodi a posizionamento laterale nei pazienti impiantati. La corretta identificazione del posizionamento dellelettrodo piu apicale risulta difficile su osso temporale per la presenza di un artefatto piĂč importante o per la minore resistenza delle strutture della parete laterale della coclea (legamento spirale, membrane basilare) nel preparato istologico (osso temporale fresco/congelato) che Ăš responsabile di un maggior numero di traslocazioni dalla rampa timpanica alla rampa vestibolare e di localizzazioni intermedie piĂč difficilmente interpretabili
