111 research outputs found

    The Quest for Documents: Catalogues, Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery in Austria – using the example of the Danube University Krems

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    If you want to work efficiently and economically in research and teaching there is a condition precedent: the admission to expert literature. To guarantee appropriate literature, interlibrary loan and document delivery is essential. Via interlibrary loan different media can be ordered at national and international libraries. As the first library in Austria we use the Aleph Sharing system for interlibrary loan. This system develops the base for computer based working in libraries and enables cooperation between libraries in Austria. For document delivery we collaborate with Subito. Subito is a document delivery service of research libraries in Germany, Austria and Switzerland from where we order most of the articles. Our users have the possibility to order their documents by a web form on our homepage. The huge number of orders shows us how important, for research and teaching, such a librarian service is

    Credit Supply, Firms, and Earnings Inequality

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    We study the distributional effects of a monetary policy-induced firm-level credit supply shock on individual wages and employment. To this end, we construct a novel dataset that links worker employment histories to firms' bank credit relationships in Germany. We document that firms in relationships with banks that were more exposed to negative monetary policy rates in 2014 see a relative reduction in credit supply. A negative credit supply shock in turn is associated with lower firm-level average wages and employment. These effects are concentrated among distinct worker groups within firms, with initially lower-paid workers more likely to be fired and initially higher-paid workers more likely to receive wage cuts. At the same time, wages decline by more at initially higher-paying firms. Consequently, wage inequality within and between firms decreases. Our results suggest that monetary policy has important distributional effects in the labor market

    Profession und normative Ordnungen in der Entstehung der urbanen Hilfsschule. Die Modernisierung der Regierung des Sozialen Oder: Die Entstehung einer pädagogischen Tatsache

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    Die Geschichte der Hilfsschule ist ein umkämpftes Feld: Sie schwankt zwischen professionstheoretisch motivierten Erfolgs- und Niedergangsgeschichten wie auch zwischen lokalgeschichtlichen und nationalen Erzählungen, die in der Regel in einer diachronen sozial- oder bildungshistorischen Erzählung münden. Demgegenüber will das von der DFG geförderte Projekt „Profession und normative Ordnungen in der Entstehung der urbanen Hilfsschule: Die Modernisierung der Regierung des Sozialen“ neue Kontextualisierungen vornehmen und dabei Relationen zwischen lokalen und nationalen Entwicklungen der Hilfsschulen, der Hervorbringung des Hilfsschulkindes im lokalen Bezug zu bildungs- und armenrechtlichen Diskursen sowie einschlägigen professionellen Entwicklungen unter der Perspektive des New Historicism aufspannen. (DIPF/Orig.

    ATP Hydrolysis Is Critically Required for Function of Caᵥ1.3 Channels in Cochlear Inner Hair Cells via Fueling Ca²⁺ Clearance

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    Sound encoding is mediated by Ca²⁺ influx-evoked release of glutamate at the ribbon synapse of inner hair cells. Here we studied the role of ATP in this process focusing on Ca²⁺ current through Caᵥ1.3 channels and Ca²⁺ homeostasis in mouse inner hair cells. Patch-clamp recordings and Ca²⁺ imaging demonstrate that hydrolyzable ATP is essential to maintain synaptic Ca²⁺ influx in inner hair cells via fueling Ca²⁺-ATPases to avoid an increase in cytosolic [Ca²⁺] and subsequent Ca²⁺/calmodulin-dependent inactivation of Caᵥ1.3 channels

    E-bike trials’ potential to promote sustained changes in car owners’ mobility habits

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    Modal shifts hold considerable potential to mitigate carbon emissions. Electric bikes (e-bikes) represent a promising energy- and carbon-efficient alternative to cars. However, as mobility behaviour is highly habitual, convincing people to switch from cars to e-bikes is challenging. One strategy to accomplish this is the disruption of existing habits - a key idea behind an annual e-bike promotion programme in Switzerland, in which car owners can try out an e-bike for free over a 2-week period in exchange for their car keys. By means of a longitudinal survey, we measured the long-term effects of this trial on mobility-related habitual associations. After one year, participants' habitual association with car use had weakened significantly. This finding was valid both for participants who bought an e-bike after the trial and those who did not. Our findings contrast the results of other studies who find that the effect of interventions to induce modal shifts wears off over time. We conclude that an e-bike trial has the potential to break mobility habits and motivate car owners to use more sustainable means of transport

    Getting started on a car diet : assessing the behavioural impacts of an e-bike trial in Switzerland

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    In summer 2015, the Bike4Car campaign took place in Switzerland. During five months, car owners could try out an electric bike (e-bike) for free for a period of two weeks in exchange for their car keys. The campaign was organized by an environmental non-governmental organisation (NGO) and supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, several cities, as well as bike retailers all over the country. In total, 1854 people participated in the Bike4Car campaign. We surveyed participants who took part in the campaign shortly before and after participating in the free trial. The aim was to study participants’ motivation for taking part, their experiences during the trial and to identify whether such a free trial impacts intentions to reduce car use. Out of all participants, 405 individuals completely filled out the first questionnaire and 218 participants completely filled out the second questionnaire. For 90 respondents, both questionnaires are available for a comparative analysis. The most important reasons for participation in the free trial were that people wanted to try out a new means of transportation, followed by the intention to develop a healthier mobility pattern. Some of the participants also intended to use the trial as an opportunity to try out an e-bike before taking a final purchase decision. We found a high willingness among participants to change their mobility patterns after having participated in the free trial (i.e., by using the car less often or by buying an e-bike). However, willingness for a radical change (e.g., selling their car) was only marginal. Furthermore, we asked participants for their habitual associations related to the choice of means of transport for nine selected situations (e.g., picking up somebody from the railway station). When comparing the habitual associations related to the choice of means of transport before and after trying out an e-bike, we found significant shifts: After having participated in the trial, the number of times the car was mentioned significantly dropped while the number of times the e-bike was mentioned significantly increased. This indicates that experiencing the benefits of a car free lifestyle has the potential to at least moderately break mobility habits

    Vorwort: Welt. Wissen. Gestalten.

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