364 research outputs found

    Evaluation of dental pulp stem cell heterogeneity and behaviour in 3D type I collagen gels

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    Dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) are increasingly being advocated for regenerative medicine-based therapies. However, significant heterogeneity in the genotypic/phenotypic properties of DPSC subpopulations exists, influencing their therapeutic potentials. As most studies have established DPSC heterogeneity using 2D culture approaches, we investigated whether heterogeneous DPSC proliferative and contraction/remodelling capabilities were further evident within 3D type I collagen gels in vitro. DPSC subpopulations were isolated from human third molars and identified as high/low proliferative and multipotent/unipotent, following in vitro culture expansion and population doubling (PD) analysis. High proliferative/multipotent DPSCs, such as A3 (30 PDs and 80 PDs), and low proliferative/unipotent DPSCs, such as A1 (17 PDs), were cultured in collagen gels for 12 days, either attached or detached from the surrounding culture plastic. Collagen architecture and high proliferative/multipotent DPSC morphologies were visualised by Scanning Electron Microscopy and FITC-phalloidin/Fluorescence Microscopy. DPSC proliferation (cell counts), contraction (% diameter reductions), and remodelling (MMP-2/MMP-9 gelatin zymography) of collagen gels were also evaluated. Unexpectedly, no proliferation differences existed between DPSCs, A3 (30 PDs) and A1 (17 PDs), although A3 (80 PDs) responses were significantly reduced. Despite rapid detached collagen gel contraction with A3 (30 PDs), similar contraction rates were determined with A1 (17 PDs), although A3 (80 PDs) contraction was significantly impaired. Gel contraction correlated to distinct gelatinase profiles. A3 (30 PDs) possessed superior MMP-9 and comparable MMP-2 activities to A1 (17 PDs), whereas A3 (80 PDs) had significantly reduced MMP-2/MMP-9. High proliferative/multipotent DPSCs, A3 (30 PDs), further exhibited fibroblast-like morphologies becoming polygonal within attached gels, whilst losing cytoskeletal organization and fibroblastic morphologies in detached gels. This study demonstrates that heterogeneity exists in the gel contraction and MMP expression/activity capabilities of DPSCs, potentially reflecting differences in their abilities to degrade biomaterial scaffolds and regulate cellular functions in 3D environments and their regenerative properties overall. Thus, such findings enhance our understanding of the molecular and phenotypic characteristics associated with high proliferative/multipotent DPSCs

    Modification of gingival proteoglycans by reactive oxygen species: potential mechanism of proteoglycan degradation during periodontal diseases

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) overproduction and oxidative stress are increasingly being implicated in the extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation associated with chronic inflammatory conditions, such as periodontal diseases. The present study investigated the effects of ROS exposure on the proteoglycans of gingival tissues, utilizing an in vitro model system comprised of supra-physiological oxidant concentrations, to ascertain whether gingival proteoglycan modification and degradation by ROS contributed to the underlying mechanisms of ECM destruction during active gingivitis. Proteoglycans were purified from ovine gingival tissues and exposed to increasing H2O2 concentrations or a hydroxyl radical (·OH) flux for 1 h or 24 h, and ROS effects on proteoglycan core proteins and sulfated glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains were assessed. ROS were capable of degrading gingival proteoglycans, with ·OH species inducing greater degradative effects than H2O2 alone. Degradative effects were particularly manifested as amino acid modification, core protein cleavage, and GAG chain depolymerization. Proteoglycan core proteins were more susceptible to degradation than GAG chains with H2O2 alone, although core proteins and GAG chains were both extensively degraded by ·OH species. Proteoglycan exposure to ·OH species for 24 h induced significant core protein amino acid modification, with decreases in glutamate, proline, isoleucine, and leucine; and concomitant increases in serine, glycine, and alanine residues. As clinical reports have previously highlighted proteoglycan core protein degradation during chronic gingivitis, whereas their sulfated GAG chains remain relatively intact, these findings potentially provide further evidence to implicate ROS in the pathogenesis of active gingivitis, complementing the enzymic mechanisms of periodontal tissue destruction already established

    Evaluation of the in vitro oral wound healing effects of pomegranate (Punica granatum) rind extract and punicalagin, in combination with Zn (II)

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    Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a well-established folklore medicine, demonstrating benefits in treating numerous conditions partly due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Such desirable medicinal capabilities are attributed to a high hydrolysable tannin content, especially punicalagin. However, few studies have evaluated the abilities of pomegranate to promote oral healing, during situations such as periodontal disease or trauma. Therefore, this study evaluated the antioxidant and in vitro gingival wound healing effects of pomegranate rind extract (PRE) and punicalagin, alone and in combination with Zn (II). In vitro antioxidant activities were studied using DPPH and ABTS assays, with total PRE phenolic content measured by Folin–Ciocalteu assay. PRE, punicalagin and Zn (II) combination effects on human gingival fibroblast viability/proliferation and migration were investigated by MTT assay and scratch wounds, respectively. Punicalagin demonstrated superior antioxidant capacities to PRE, although Zn (II) exerted no additional influences. PRE, punicalagin and Zn (II) reduced gingival fibroblast viability and migration at high concentrations, but retained viability at lower concentrations without Zn (II). Fibroblast speed and distance travelled during migration were also enhanced by punicalagin with Zn (II) at low concentrations. Therefore, punicalagin in combination with Zn (II) may promote certain anti-inflammatory and fibroblast responses to aid oral healin

    Isolation and characterisation of mesenchymal stem cells from rat bone marrow and the endosteal niche: A comparative study

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    Within bone, mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) exist within the bone marrow stroma (BM-MSC) and the endosteal niche, as cells lining compact bone (CB-MSCs). This study isolated and characterised heterogeneous MSC populations from each niche and subsequently investigated the effects of extensive cell expansion, analysing population doublings (PDs)/cellular senescence, colony-forming efficiencies (CFEs), MSC cell marker expression, and osteogenic/adipogenic differentiation. CB-MSCs and BM-MSCs demonstrated similar morphologies and PDs, reaching 100 PDs. Both populations exhibited consistent telomere lengths (12–17 kb), minimal senescence, and positive telomerase expression. CB-MSCs (PD15) had significantly lower CFEs than PD50. CB-MSCs and BM-MSCs both expressed MSC (CD73/CD90/CD105); embryonic (Nanog) and osteogenic markers (Runx2, osteocalcin) but no hematopoietic markers (CD45). CB-MSCs (PD15) strongly expressed Oct4 and p16INK4A. At early PDs, CB-MSCs possessed a strong osteogenic potency and low potency for adipogenesis, whilst BM-MSCs possessed greater overall bipotentiality for osteogenesis and adipogenesis. At PD50, CB-MSCs demonstrated reduced potency for both osteogenesis and adipogenesis, compared to BM-MSCs at equivalent PDs. This study demonstrates similarities in proliferative and mesenchymal cell characteristics between CB-MSCs and BM-MSCs, but contrasting multipotentiality. Such findings support further comparisons of human CB-MSCs and BM-MSCs, facilitating selection of optimal MSC populations for regenerative medicine purposes

    Hyperglycemia exerts disruptive effects on the secretion of TGF-β1 and its matrix ligands, decorin and biglycan, by mesenchymal sub-populations and macrophages during bone repair

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    IntroductionBone has a high capacity for repair, but for patients with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), the associated hyperglycemia can significantly delay osteogenic processes. These patients respond poorly to fracture repair and bone grafts, leading to lengthy care plans due to arising complications. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) and M2 macrophages are both major sources of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), a recognized mediator for osteogenesis and whose bioavailability and activities are further regulated by matrix small leucine-rich proteoglycans (SLRPs), decorin and biglycan. The aim of this study was to investigate how in vivo and in vitro hyperglycemic (HGly) environments can influence levels of TGF-β1, decorin, and biglycan during bone repair, with additional consideration for how long-term glucose exposure and cell aging can also influence this process.ResultsFollowing bone healing within a T2DM in vivo model, histological and immuno-labeling analyses of bone tissue sections confirmed delayed healing, which was associated with significantly elevated TGF-β1 levels within the bone matrices of young diabetic rats, compared with normoglycemic (Norm) and aged counterparts. Studies continued to assess in vitro effects of normal (5.5 mM) and high (25 mM) glucose exposure on the osteogenic differentiation of compact bone derived mesenchymal stromal cells (CB-MSCs) at population doubling (PD)15, characterized to contain populations of lineage committed osteoblasts, and at PD150, where transit-amplifying cells predominate. Short-term glucose exposure increased TGF-β1 and decorin secretion by committed osteoblasts but had a lesser effect on transit-amplifying cells. In contrast, the long-term exposure of CB-MSCs to high glucose was associated with decreased TGF-β1 and increased decorin secretion. Similar assessments on macrophage populations indicated high glucose inhibited TGF-β1 secretion, preventing M2 formation.DiscussionCollectively, these findings highlight how hyperglycemia associated with T2DM can perturb TGF-β1 and decorin secretion by MSCs and macrophages, thereby potentially influencing TGF-β1 bioavailability and signaling during bone repair

    An Approximation Algorithm for the Matrix Tree Multiplication Problem

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    We consider the Matrix Tree Multiplication problem. This problem is a generalization of the classic Matrix Chain Multiplication problem covered in the dynamic programming chapter of many introductory algorithms textbooks. An instance of the Matrix Tree Multiplication problem consists of a rooted tree with a matrix associated with each edge. The output is, for each leaf in the tree, the product of the matrices on the chain/path from the root to that leaf. Matrix multiplications that are shared between various chains need only be computed once, potentially being shared between different root to leaf chains. Algorithms are evaluated by the number of scalar multiplications performed. Our main result is a linear time algorithm for which the number of scalar multiplications performed is at most 15 times the optimal number of scalar multiplications

    Cerebral oxidative stress and microvasculature defects in TNF-α expressing transgenic and Porphyromonas gingivalis-infected ApoE-/- mice

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    The polymicrobial dysbiotic subgingival biofilm microbes associated with periodontal disease appear to contribute to developing pathologies in distal body sites, including the brain. This study examined oxidative stress, in the form of increased protein carbonylation and oxidative protein damage, in the tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) transgenic mouse that models inflammatory TNF-α excess during bacterial infection; and in the apolipoprotein knockout (ApoE-/-) mouse brains, following Porphyromonas gingivalis gingival monoinfection. Following 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine derivatization, carbonyl groups were detected in frontal lobe brain tissue lysates by immunoblotting and immunohistochemical analysis of fixed tissue sections from the frontotemporal lobe and the hippocampus. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the presence of variable carbonyl content and oxidative protein damage in all lysates, with TNF-α transgenic blots exhibiting increased protein carbonyl content, with consistently prominent bands at 25 kDa (p = 0.0001), 43 kDa and 68 kDa, over wild-type mice. Compared to sham-infected ApoE-/- mouse blots, P. gingivalis-infected brain tissue blots demonstrated the greatest detectable protein carbonyl content overall, with numerous prominent bands at 25 kDa (p = 0.001) and 43 kDa (p = 0.0001) and an exclusive band to this group between 30-43 kDa* (p = 0.0001). In addition, marked immunostaining was detected exclusively in the microvasculature in P. gingivalis-infected hippocampal tissue sections, compared to sham-infected, wild-type and TNF-α transgenic mice. This study revealed that the hippocampal microvascular structure of P. gingivalis-infected ApoE-/- mice possesses elevated oxidative stress levels, resulting in the associated tight junction proteins being susceptible to increased oxidative/proteolytic degradation, leading to a loss of functional integrity
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