228 research outputs found

    Vegetation development in south-east Denmark during the Weichselian Late Glacial: palaeoenvironmental studies close to the Palaeolithic site of Hasselø

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    Eastern Denmark was an important region for the early immigration of humans into southern Scandinavia throughout the Late Glacial period. One possible explanation for this is that the landscape provided an especially favourable environment for Palaeolithic hunters. To examine this, the local and regional environment is reconstructed through the analysis of pollen and plant macrofossils from a small kettle hole and is discussed in relation to human presence in the region. The kettle hole is situated close to a Palaeolithic occupation site with artefacts belonging to the Federmesser and Bromme Cultures. The lake sediments encompass the Bølling, Allerød, Younger Dryas and the early Preboreal biostratigraphic periods. An increase in charcoal dust between c. 14,000 and 13,900 cal. BP may be related to the occupation site. This study shows that an ecotone was positioned between present-day Denmark and northern Germany during a large part of the Late Glacialperiod. This was especially the case during the Older Dryas and early Allerød periods, when woodland was expanding in northern Germany while the Danish area remained open. Later in the Allerød period, northern Germany seems to have beenthe northern limit for pine woodland. The low-lying region separating Denmark and Germany was periodically covered by the Baltic Ice Lake and this may have delayed the dispersal of plants from south to north. Areas lying between differenthabitats are known to have a high biodiversity and this may be why a high frequency of Palaeolithic finds is seen here. It has long been thought that tree birch grew in the Danish region from the beginning of the Late Glacial, but this study of both local and regional proxies clearly shows that the immigration of tree birch was delayed by more than 1000 years. A delay of c. 250 years between the climatic transition from GI-1a to GS-1 and the biostratigraphic transition from the Allerødto the Younger Dryas periods is also shown. The three 14 C ages available from the Danish Bromme Culture are from this transition phase when the birch woodland was becoming more open. Pollen analysis also shows the classical Younger Dryascold separated into an early dry phase (until c. 12,100 cal. BP) and a later wetter phase. This was most likely due to a change in atmospheric circulation and variation in the extent of sea ice in the North Atlantic. The combined analysis of bothpollen and plant macrofossils has led to a detailed and accurate reconstruction of the local environment and, in turn, the preconditions for human presence

    Ключові проблеми опанування культурою мовлення (за епістолярною спадщиною Ганни Черінь)

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    And in Ukraine, and in the diaspora, the task of the Ukrainian language school curriculum is to develop the proper language skills, the language of instruction of the students, and their ability to exchange meaningful thoughts. The article deals with linguistic communication on concrete examples, for which the form of the letter is chosen, his children address the famous literary critic Anna Czeryn. The writer is attentive to the student's epistol, everyone answers. At the same time, the duty of the teacher-translator is to teach children fluent in a language that functions in two forms – oral and written. The main thing in the proposed article is the rise of the culture of oral and written speech, which is the most urgent problem at all times before school education.І в Україні, і в діаспорному середовищі, завдання курсу української мови полягає в тому, щоби виформовувати належну мовну грамотність, культуру мовлення учнів, студентів закладів вищої освіти, уміння змістовно грамотно обмінюватися думками. У статті розкрито на конкретних прикладах мовну комунікацію, для цього обрано форму листа, його діти адресують відомому літератору Ганні Черінь. Письменниця уважно ставиться до епістоли школярів, кожному відповідає. При цьому береться до уваги й обов’язок учителя-словесника формувати культуру мовлення учнів і в усній, і в письмовій формах. Головне у пропонованій статті – це піднесення мовної культури, що є найактуальнішою проблемою в усі часи перед освітою


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    Collembola merupakan salah satu mikroarthropoda yang mempunyai peranan terhadap ekosistem. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Taman Kehati Kiara Payung, Kabupaten Sumedang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai keanekaragaman kelas Collembola di Taman Kehati Kiara Payung, Kabupaten Sumedang, serta hubungannya dengan faktor klimatik. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah belt transect sepanjang 250 meter yang dibagi menjadi 6 stasiun secara horizontal, jarak antar stasiun adalah 50 meter. Masing-masing belt transect terdiri atas 6 kuadrat. Belt transect yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dapat mewakili 30% dari luas wilayah Taman Kehati Kiara Payung Kabupaten Sumedang. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan metode jebakan sumur (pit fall trap) dan pengapungan serasah. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 4 jenis dari 1 bangsa, dan 3 suku. Nilai rata-rata Indeks keanekaragaman dari 6 stasiun sebesar 0,87 yang termasuk ke dalam tingkatan kategori indeks keanekaragaman rendah (H’ ≤ 1). Kata kunci: Collembola, ekosistem, keanekaragama

    An integrated analysis of Maglemose bone points reframes the Early Mesolithic of Southern Scandinavia

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    The extensive peat bogs of Southern Scandinavia have yielded rich Mesolithic archaeological assemblages, with one of the most iconic artefacts being the bone point. Although great in number they remain understudied. Here we present a combined investigation of the typology, protein-based species composition, and absolute chronology of Maglemosian bone points. The majority of the bone points are made from cervids and bovines. However, changes both in species composition and barb morphology can be directly linked to a paucity of finds lasting nearly 600 years in Southern Scandinavia around 10,300 cal BP. We hypothesize that this hiatus was climate-driven and forced hunter-gatherers to abandon the lakes. Furthermore, the marked change in bone points coincides with a change in lithic technology. We, therefore, propose that the Maglemose culture in Southern Scandinavia is fundamentally divided into an Early Complex and a Late Complex