72 research outputs found

    Dynamic Regulation of Tgf-B Signaling by Tif1γ: A Computational Approach

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    TIF1γ (Transcriptional Intermediary Factor 1 γ) has been implicated in Smad-dependent signaling by Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-β). Paradoxically, TIF1γ functions both as a transcriptional repressor or as an alternative transcription factor that promotes TGF-β signaling. Using ordinary differential-equation models, we have investigated the effect of TIF1γ on the dynamics of TGF-β signaling. An integrative model that includes the formation of transient TIF1γ-Smad2-Smad4 ternary complexes is the only one that can account for TGF-β signaling compatible with the different observations reported for TIF1γ. In addition, our model predicts that varying TIF1γ/Smad4 ratios play a critical role in the modulation of the transcriptional signal induced by TGF-β, especially for short stimulation times that mediate higher threshold responses. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses and quantification of the expression of TGF-β target genes as a function TIF1γ/Smad4 ratios fully validate this hypothesis. Our integrative model, which successfully unifies the seemingly opposite roles of TIF1γ, also reveals how changing TIF1γ/Smad4 ratios affect the cellular response to stimulation by TGF-β, accounting for a highly graded determination of cell fate

    The sound of silence:Transgene silencing in mammalian cell engineering

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    To elucidate principles operating in native biological systems and to develop novel biotechnologies, synthetic biology aims to build and integrate synthetic gene circuits within native transcriptional networks. The utility of synthetic gene circuits for cell engineering relies on the ability to control the expression of all constituent transgene components. Transgene silencing, defined as the loss of expression over time, persists as an obstacle for engineering primary cells and stem cells with transgenic cargos. In this review, we highlight the challenge that transgene silencing poses to the robust engineering of mammalian cells, outline potential molecular mechanisms of silencing, and present approaches for preventing transgene silencing. We conclude with a perspective identifying future research directions for improving the performance of synthetic gene circuits.ISSN:2405-472

    Key role for ubiquitin protein modification in TGFβ signal transduction

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    The transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) superfamily of signal transduction molecules plays crucial roles in the regulation of cell behavior. TGFβ regulates gene transcription through Smad proteins and signals via non-Smad pathways. The TGFβ pathway is strictly regulated, and perturbations lead to tumorigenesis. Several pathway components are known to be targeted for proteasomal degradation via ubiquitination by E3 ligases. Smurfs are well known negative regulators of TGFβ, which function as E3 ligases recruited by adaptors such as I-Smads. TGFβ signaling can also be enhanced by E3 ligases, such as Arkadia, that target repressors for degradation. It is becoming clear that E3 ligases often target multiple pathways, thereby acting as mediators of signaling cross-talk. Regulation via ubiquitination involves a complex network of E3 ligases, adaptor proteins, and deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs), the last-mentioned acting by removing ubiquitin from its targets. Interestingly, also non-degradative ubiquitin modifications are known to play important roles in TGFβ signaling. Ubiquitin modifications thus play a key role in TGFβ signal transduction, and in this review we provide an overview of known players, focusing on recent advances

    Scaling up genetic circuit design for cellular computing:advances and prospects

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    Customizing cell-cell communication

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    Negative control of Smad activity by ectodermin/Tif1\u3b3 patterns the mammalian embryo

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    The definition of embryonic potency and induction of specific cell fates are intimately linked to the tight control over TGF beta signaling. Although extracellular regulation of ligand availability has received considerable attention in recent years, surprisingly little is known about the intracellular factors that negatively control Smad activity in mammalian tissues. By means of genetic ablation, we show that the Smad4 inhibitor ectodermin (Ecto, also known as Trim33 or Tif1 gamma) is required to limit Nodal responsiveness in vivo. New phenotypes, which are linked to excessive Nodal activity, emerge from such a modified landscape of Smad responsiveness in both embryonic and extra-embryonic territories. In extra-embryonic endoderm, Ecto is required to confine expression of Nodal antagonists to the anterior visceral endoderm. In trophoblast cells, Ecto precisely doses Nodal activity, balancing stem cell self-renewal and differentiation. Epiblast-specific Ecto deficiency shifts mesoderm fates towards node/organizer fates, revealing the requirement of Smad inhibition for the precise allocation of cells along the primitive streak. This study unveils that intracellular negative control of Smad function by ectodermin/Tif1 gamma is a crucial element in the cellular response to TGF beta signals in mammalian tissues

    FAM/USP9x, a deubiquitinating enzyme essential for TGFbeta signaling, controls Smad4 monoubiquitination.

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    The assembly of the Smad complex is critical for TGFbeta signaling, yet the mechanisms that inactivate or empower nuclear Smad complexes are less understood. By means of siRNA screen we identified FAM (USP9x), a deubiquitinase acting as essential and evolutionarily conserved component in TGFbeta and bone morphogenetic protein signaling. Smad4 is monoubiquitinated in lysine 519 in vivo, a modification that inhibits Smad4 by impeding association with phospho-Smad2. FAM reverts this negative modification, re-empowering Smad4 function. FAM opposes the activity of Ectodermin/Tif1gamma (Ecto), a nuclear factor for which we now clarify a prominent role as Smad4 monoubiquitin ligase. Our study points to Smad4 monoubiquitination and deubiquitination as a way for cells to set their TGFbeta responsiveness: loss of FAM disables Smad4-dependent responses in several model systems, with Ecto being epistatic to FAM. This defines a regulative ubiquitination step controlling Smads that is parallel to those impinging on R-Smad phosphorylation