1,187 research outputs found

    The Role of Research in Wine: the Emergence of a Regional Research Area in an Italian Wine Production System

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    The process of technological modernisation of the wine industry has increasingly become a global phenomenon involving both traditional wine producing countries – such as France, Italy and Portugal – as well as new emerging producers –as the US, Australia, South Africa, Chile and Argentina. At this respect, the literature (Aylward, 2003; Unwin, 1991) remarks that in the industry the process of technological renovation has been spurred by the consistent investment of new producer countries, as California, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, in creating or strengthening research institutions. These efforts have led to the creation of a specialised wine research system. Conversely, it seems that producers in traditional wine producing areas have often been locked in old technologies and methods of production, due to path dependency. The aim of this paper is to shed some light on how old producing countries have reacted to the increased technological competition by emerging producers. In particular we focus on role played by research organisations (e.g. universities, public research centres) and intermediate institutions (e.g. sectoral associations, extension agencies, technological transfer centres) in generating and diffusing knowledge within the industry. The paper is based on first and second hand information collected in Piemonte, where it is located one of the most important Italian wine cluster. There, we have conducted an extensive fieldwork and interviewed several key informants working at research organisations; extension agencies, associations of producers and other associations acting as opinion/lobbying groups. The information collected are elaborated to reconstruct a detailed picture of actors, linkages and processes underpinning the regional innovation and production wine system.

    Innovation and the geographical and functional dimensions of outsourcing: An empirical investigation based on Italian firm level data

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    The paper investigates the diversified patterns of outsourcing in the Lombardy region and relates them to the probability of introducing product and process innovation. Based on a large firm-level survey, we show that outsourcing processes are strongly regionally embedded and that offshoring is still a limited phenomenon. Outsourcing strategies are shown to have a positive impact on firms’ innovation. In particular, the outsourcing of service activities contributes the most to innovation, thus suggesting that firms successfully pursue core strengthening strategies. Our econometric estimates show that both geographical and organizational proximity matter. Indeed, the positive association of services with innovation is strongly related to their regional dimension, which points toward the importance of local user-producer relationships. When outsourcing crosses national borders, keeping the outsourced activities at least loosely connected to the firm appears critical, as offshoring to non affiliated firms has a clear negative impact on innovation.Product Innovation, Process Innovation, Outsourcing, Offshoring

    The evolution of knowledge and trade networks in the global wine sector: a longitudinal study using social network analysis

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    Throughout the last two decades or so the global pattern of wine production has undergone fundamental changes. New players have emerged and technological and organizational changes have reshaped the way wine is produced and marketed. The aim of this study is to increase our understanding into these processes. We map and compare trade and knowledge networks using social network techniques in order to show how globalization has affected this particular sector, and how the main actors of this industry have responded to these challenges. We are able to give account of the structural changes that have characterised the industry at global level over more than three decades and relate them to the features of the main trade and knowledge blocks.trade network, knowledge network, social network analysis, wine sector


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    This paper explores the determinants of the linkages between industry and research organizations – including universities. We present new evidence on three wine producing areas – Piedmont, a region of Italy, Chile, South Africa - that have successfully reacted to the recent structural changes experienced in the industry worldwide. Based on an original data-set, we carry out an econometric exercise to study the microeconomic determinants of researchers' collaborations with industry. The evidence reveals that individual researcher characteristics, such as embeddedness in the academic system, age and sex, matter more than their publishing record or formal degrees.University-Industry Linkages, Innovation System, Wine Sector, Emerging Economies

    Reading Reform and the Role of Policy, Practice and Instructional Leadership on Reading Achievement: A Case Study of Grissom Elementary School

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    The purpose of this study was to explore whether William Deming\u27s 8 Step Model would increase reading achievement in 3rd grade students. The study investigated how well the process based plan-do-check-act model when used as a treatment with fidelity, coupled with the principal as instructional leader would result in success in the age of federal accountability. A qualitative case study methodology was adopted for the study. A school in northwest Indiana was selected and data were collected from interviews, field observations, focus group interviews, a principal questionnaire, and data analysis of student test scores. The focus of the school was quality teaching and learning. A visionary and collaborative leadership style modeled by the principal and leadership team provided the context for teaching and learning programs. There was strong evidence to support the Total Quality Management (TQM) philosophy on which the 8 Step process is based, as well as visionary leadership, customer focus, collaborative decision making and empowerment for stakeholders as characteristics of TQM evident within the school. As part of the TQM processes, the school district mandated training and development strategies which included individualized professional development plans; school development meetings and days: and the formation of teams to accomplish tasks within the realm of training and development initiatives. Findings indicated that the process-based model is a fair indicator of increased reading achievement when used with fidelity. The results of this study support the need for continued research of infusing the 8 Step Process into the curriculum, coupled with a strong instructional leader to ensure adequate reading achievement. Within the last eleven years, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB, 2001) has changed public education, altering the practices of schools and districts across the United States. Accountability for student achievement and overall school success has never been greater (Wohlstetter, Datnow, & Park, 2008). Overwhelming accountability pressures from state and federal government mean that educators can no longer choose teaching methods and materials based on personal preferences or ease of implementation (Englert, Fries, Goodwin, Martin-Glenn, & Michael, 2004; Guskey, 2007). Alignment to state standards and academic rigor dominate decisions made in public school today. Assessments are used throughout the school year to collect data on student achievement and school leaders are responsible, not only for analyzing student data on standardized tests but also for devising a plan to meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). The No Child Left Behind Act has determined the growth that students must make each year on standardized tests if schools are to approach the lofty goal of 100% proficiency in reading and mathematics by 2014. The chart below shows the progression of AYP targets that schools are expected to male in districts across the nation. Current trends in education suggest that the intense focus on accountability will likely continue at all levels of the educational system (Wohlstetter, Datnow & Park, 2008). Success at the district and school levels requires effective leadership from principals. NCLB has provided the leverage needed to promote academic improvements at the school level (Wohlstetter, Datnow & Park, 2008). National, state, and local education agencies continue to focus on educational performance and fixate on school and district-level accountability (Leithwood & Riehl, 2003)

    Using Internet Resources of International Governmental Agencies for Research in College, Public and School Libraries

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    Information published by international intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) on the Internet is rich, varied, authoritative, and sure to please your library users. These are excellent sources of information on countries and regions of the world. IGOs publish on a broad range of subject areas covered in this article: agriculture and food, business and finance, copyright and intellectual property, culture, economics and economic development, education, energy, environment, foreign affairs, health, labor, law, regional affairs, trade, transportation and much more. The activities of the IGOs are reported in current news and cover hot topics that library users want to know about. The type of information published at no fee on the Internet by IGOs includes current news, online full-text magazines and journals, information on individual countries, statistical data, governmental policy and treaties, research and development, and much more. This article will introduce and describe major Internet subject resources produced by international intergovernmental organizations that supply quality information for librarians

    Застосування логістики до забезпечення сталого розвитку туризму в регіоні

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    Метою статті є розкриття сутності логістичних підходів (моделі) до забезпечення сталого розвитку туристичного бізнесу, зокрема на базі використання "Pull - системи" та засади "Just In Time" (точно вчасно). Теоретичні розробки ілюструються прикладами з практики використання рекреаційно-туристичних ресурсів регіонів України.Целью статьи является раскрытие сущности логистических подходов (модели) к обеспечению устойчивого развития туристического бизнеса, в частности на базе использования "Pull - системы" и основы "Just In Time" (точно своевременно). Теоретические разработки иллюстрируются примерами из практики использования рекреационно-туристических ресурсов регионов Украины

    Resources for Art in Online Government Information

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    Government information in paper and digital formats is a rich resource for fine art, graphic art and images for library users. Over the history of our country, U.S. federal and state governments published artwork, illustrations, graphics, maps, photographs, posters, portraits and illustrations, and now much of this artwork can be accessed through digital collections. There is usually no charge to access this information and very few copyright restrictions. Indiana state government information provides a wealth of artwork relating to our state, both current and historical. This article will discuss the type of art available in online government information and describes selected exemplary resources issued by the U.S. federal and Indiana state governments. Only some of the vast wealth of resources will be highlighted. Art resources inspiring to children will be included. Hopefully, this introduction to artwork in online government information will inspire librarians from all kinds of libraries to refer to this information regularly

    Social networks and innovation: concepts, tools and recent empirical contributions

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    JEL classification: A12, O31, Z13This paper reviews the most recent empirical literature dealing on social networks, knowledge diffusion and the innovative performance of firms. It aims to understand the extent to which the empirical literature on network and innovation addresses the key question of how social relations affect inter-firm knowledge flows. Reviewing the most recent and most significant empirical contributions in the field, we examine how social relations have been measured and defined and whether they affect inter-firm knowledge flows