3,407 research outputs found

    Influence of Time of Application of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Corn Yields

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    Soil moisture conditions can have a large effect on crop responses to nitrogen fertilization. Kentucky\u27s usual climatic pattern of periods of heavy rainfall and relatively warm temperatures during the winter and spring seasons influences expected yield responses of corn to applied nitrogen. If nitrogen fertilizer is applied in late winter or early spring, some of it may be lost before the plants have made sufficient growth to take up appreciable quantities. The amount of loss that might be expected will be influenced by the amount of rainfall, temperature, amount of organic matter and drainage of the soil

    Maine’s Winter Roads: Salt, Safety, Environment and Cost

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    This report summarizes key findings from a yearlong study of the issues and practices in winter maintenance of Maine’s roads

    Whole fentanyl patch ingestion: a multi-center case series.

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    BACKGROUND: Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid with large abuse potential. A common preparation of fentanyl is a sustained-release transdermal patch. To our knowledge, there are only two published case reports of whole patch ingestion. A case series of 76 patients with a history of whole patch ingestion is reported. STUDY OBJECTIVES: To characterize whole fentanyl patch ingestion to develop a clinical guideline for management. METHODS: This was a retrospective review of all patients who ingested intact fentanyl patches as reported to three regional poison information centers (RPIC) from 2000 to 2008. The three RPIC medical record databases were queried for all exposures with a substance code matching the Micromedex® (Thomson Reuters, New York, NY) fentanyl product codes. Collected data included: age, gender, reason for the exposure, number of patches ingested, dose (μg/h), symptoms, symptom onset and duration, treatment hospital flow (level of care), and outcome. RESULTS: A total of 76 patients met the inclusion criteria. Two patients had both time of onset and symptom duration documented. In both patients, the signs and symptoms developed within 2 h of the exposure, and the patients were asymptomatic at 6½ and 9 h, respectively. Fifty-eight (78.3%) patients were admitted. Of those patients who were admitted, 56 (96.5%) were admitted to a critical care unit. Fourteen patients required intubation, and naloxone infusions were documented in eight cases. CONCLUSION: Ingestion of whole fentanyl patches may lead to prolonged and significant toxicity based on these poison center data

    Structural Properties, Order-Disorder Phenomena and Phase Stability of Orotic Acid Crystal Forms

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    Orotic acid (OTA) is reported to exist in the anhydrous (AH), monohydrate (Hy1) and dimethylsulfoxide monosolvate (SDMSO) forms. In this study we investigate the (de)hydration/desolvation behavior, aiming at an understanding of the elusive structural features of anhydrous OTA by a combination of experimental and computational techniques, namely, thermal analytical methods, gravimetric moisture (de)sorption studies, water activity measurements, X-ray powder diffraction, spectroscopy (vibrational, solid-state NMR), crystal energy landscape and chemical shift calculations. The Hy1 is a highly stable hydrate, which dissociates above 135°C and loses only a small part of the water when stored over desiccants (25°C) for more than one year. In Hy1, orotic acid and water molecules are linked by strong hydrogen bonds in nearly perfectly planar arranged stacked layers. The layers are spaced by 3.1 Å and not linked via hydrogen-bonds. Upon dehydration the X-ray powder diffraction and solid-state NMR peaks become broader indicating some disorder in the anhydrous form. The Hy1 stacking reflection (122) is maintained, suggesting that the OTA molecules are still arranged in stacked layers in the dehydration product. Desolvation of SDMSO, a non-layer structure, results in the same AH phase as observed upon dehydrating Hy1. Depending on the desolvation conditions different levels of order-disorder of layers present in anhydrous OTA are observed, which is also suggested by the computed low energy crystal structures. These structures provide models for stacking faults as intergrowth of different layers is possible. The variability in anhydrate crystals is of practical concern as it affects the moisture dependent stability of AH with respect to hydration

    Speech Communication

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    Contains research objectives and three research projects.U. S. Air Force (Electronic Systems Division) under Contract AF 19(604)-6102National Science Foundation (Grant G-16526)National Institutes of Health (Grant MH-04737-02

    The personal aircraft: Status and issues

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    Paper summarizes the status of personal air transportation with emphasis upon VTOL and converticar capability. The former obviates the need for airport operations for personal aircraft whereas the latter provides both ground and air capability in the same vehicle. Fully automatic operation, ATC and navigation is stressed along with consideration of acoustic, environmental and cost issues

    Development and Pilot Testing of Computerized Order Entry Algorithms for Geriatric Problems in Nursing Homes

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    Computerized order entry algorithms can improve the quality of care; but are rarely used in nursing homes (NHs). We conducted a pilot study to: (1) develop order entry algorithms for 5 common NH problems, and (2) test their acceptance, use, and preliminary impact on quality indicators and resource utilization