317 research outputs found

    Novel thin and compact H-plane SIW horn antenna

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    The substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology allows to construct several types of commonly used antennas in a planar way. However, some practical constraints limit their performances when frequencies below 20 GHz are considered. In the case of SIW horn antennas, the available substrates are much thinner than the wavelength yielding to poor matching and undesired back radiation. In this paper, an innovative structure to overcome these limitations is presented. It consists of a transition printed on the same SIW substrate, which improves both the radiation and the matching performances of conventional SIW horns. The horn shape is also further optimized by reducing its dimensions required for a given directivity. This is obtained by modifying the horn profile in order to effectively combine different TE modes. Guidelines are provided to design this type of thin and compact SIW horn antenna. They were applied to manufacture a prototype in the Ku-band with a substrate thinner than lambda(0)/10. Measurement results validate the proposed concepts showing excellent performances

    Percepción de los estudiantes universitarios de la Región de Murcia sobre los valores educativos que pueden transmitir los Juegos Olímpicos. Aplicaciones prácticas.

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    Se conoce muy poco sobre la valoración de los Ideales Olímpicos por parte de la sociedad española. Incluso, podemos apreciar que existen diversas interrogantes sobre el Olimpismo y la formación recibida por los estudiantes en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte durante su etapa universitaria: ¿De qué manera el Movimiento Olímpico puede participar en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje? ¿Qué Valores Olímpicos pueden ser desarrollados a través de la enseñanza primaria, secundaria y universitaria? El objetivo de nuestro estudio se centra en conocer la opinión que tienen los alumnos universitarios de CAFyD, Magisterio de E.F. y Magisterio de Primaria de la Región de Murcia, sobre los valores educativos que pueden transmitir los JJOO, así como plantear diversas actividades prácticas que puedan motivar a los futuros docentes en el desarrollo del ideario olímpico en las aulas.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Very little is known about the valuation of Olympic Ideals by Spanish society. Even, we can see that there are several questions about Olympism and the training received by students in exercise science and sports during his college: How the Olympic Movement can participate in the teaching-learning process? What Olympic Values can be developed through the primary, secondary and university? The aim of our study focuses on getting feedback have CAFyD and Primary Education college students of the Region of Murcia, on the educational values that can transmit the Olympics and raise several practical activities that can motivate future teachers in developing the Olympic ideals in the classroom.Artículo revisado por pare

    A printed transition for matching improvement of SIW horn antennas

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    The substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology allows to construct several types of commonly used antennas in a planar way. However, frequency limitations associated to commercial substrates appear in the implementation of certain types of antennas, e.g., SIW horn antennas are not well matched when the substrate thickness is much smaller than the wavelength. A printed transition is proposed to overcome this problem. Differently from current solutions, no bulky elements are required allowing to maintain the most important features of this technology namely its compactness and ease of manufacturing. In order to quickly analyze and design the transition, both a coupled resonator and a transmission line models are developed, together with design guidelines. The proposed transition is designed to match a H-plane SIW horn antenna built in a thin substrate (thickness < lambda(0)/10) at different frequency bands at the Ku-band. Experimental results for 3 different transitions show that the matching characteristics are efficiently improved compared with the conventional SIW horn antenna and validates the proposed models

    A novel DNA-binding motif in prostate tumor overexpressed-1 (PTOV1) required for the expression of ALDH1A1 and CCNG2 in cancer cells

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    PTOV1 is a transcription and translation regulator and a promoter of cancer progression. Its overexpression in prostate cancer induces transcription of drug resistance and self-renewal genes, and docetaxel resistance. Here we studied PTOV1 ability to directly activate the transcription of ALDH1A1 and CCNG2 by binding to specific promoter sequences. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and electrophoretic mobility shift assays identified a DNA-binding motif inside the PTOV-A domain with similarities to known AT-hooks that specifically interacts with ALDH1A1 and CCNG2 promoters. Mutation of this AT-hook-like sequence significantly decreased the expression of ALDH1A1 and CCNG2 promoted by PTOV1. Immunohistochemistry revealed the association of PTOV1 with mitotic chromosomes in high grade prostate, colon, bladder, and breast carcinomas. Overexpression of PTOV1, ALDH1A1, and CCNG2 significantly correlated with poor prognosis in prostate carcinomas and with shorter relapse-free survival in colon carcinoma. The previously described interaction with translation complexes and its direct binding to ALDH1A1 and CCNG2 promoters found here reveal the PTOV1 capacity to modulate the expression of critical genes at multiple levels in aggressive cancers. Remarkably, the AT-hook motifs in PTOV1 open possibilities for selective targeting its nuclear and/or cytoplasmic activities

    Digestive enzymes indicating nutritional condition in octopus paralarvae Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797

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    Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of different diets in Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 paralarvae. Diets were composed of different combinations of Artemia salina (L., 1758), Moina salina Daday, 1888 and crab zoea, as well as artificial food. Wet weight of the paralarvae was recorded. Protease and trypsin activity were determined in a number of individuals to assess changes in the digestive use of food. Results show that enzyme secretion was affected both by age and the type of food. It is deduced that protease activity can be used as spawning quality index, and that trypsin activity gives information about whether paralarvae are feeding.El cultivo del pulpo común Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797 no plantea problemas en cuanto a la adaptación de ejemplares a cautividad, engorde de juveniles, maduración sexual y puesta. Sin embargo, la tasa de mortalidad larvaria es muy elevada. La determinación de los cambios en las actividades enzimáticas durante el desarrollo larvario puede ser útil para establecer el momento óptimo del destete y para comprender la dependencia de la larva de fuentes de enzimas exógenas. Con el objetivo de determinar las capacidades digestivas de las paralarvas de pulpo se han llevado a cabo experimentos para evaluar el efecto en ellas de distintas dietas. éstas estaban compuestas por diferentes combinaciones de Artemia salina (L., 1758), Moina salina Daday, 1888 y zoeas de crustáceos, así como microcápsulas de dieta artificial. Determinado el peso húmedo de las paralarvas, se midió la actividad de proteasas y tripsina en ejemplares individuales para valorar la capacidad digestiva sobre los distintos tratamientos. Los resultados mostraron que la secreción enzimática estaba influida por la edad y el tipo de alimentación. Se deduce, pues, que las proteasas pueden ser usadas como índice de calidad de la puesta y la tripsina como indicador de que las paralarvas se están alimentando.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Antecedentes de los valores olímpicos en la Grecia Clásica y su proyección en el olimpismo moderno

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    Actualmente, el Movimiento Olímpico identifica tres valores fundamentales que definen el Olimpismo: excelencia, amistad y respeto. Muchas investigaciones analizan la inclusión de los valores olímpicos en los textos y conferencias de Pierre de Coubertin, sin embargo, poco se ha escrito sobre los valores asociados a la práctica física y competitiva en la Grecia Clásica y la vinculación de estos con los valores del ideario olímpico moderno. Este trabajo estudia la pervivencia de aquellos valores clásicos dentro de los que hoy recoge el Movimiento Olímpico y cómo podemos establecer un paralelismo entre los valores defendidos por el Olimpismo moderno y el código ético subyacente en la literatura grecolatina, en cuanto a la actividad física y la celebración de los certámenes atléticos.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Currently, the Olympic Movement has identified three core values that define Olympism: excellence, friendship and respect. Many studies analyzed the inclusion of the olympic values in texts and lectures of Pierre de Coubertin, however, little has been written about the values associated with the physical and competitive practice in Classical Greece and linking these with the values of ideology modern olympic. This article studies the survival of those classic values within which today includes the Olympic Movement and how we can establish a parallelism between the values defended by the modern Olympism and the underlying ethical code in the Greco-Roman literature regarding physical activity and celebration athletic contests. Artículo revisado por pare

    Leptin and adiponectin variations in rat’s milk and plasma throughout the lactation period

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    Podeu consultar el III Workshop anual INSA-UB complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/118993Sessió 1. Pòster núm. 1