140 research outputs found

    Utilization of Shallow Aquifers for Small Scale Irrigation: A Case Study of Agatu Local Government Area of Benue State, Nigeria

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    Agatu Local Government Area of Benue State has a floodplain totalling about 25,000 hectares composed of recent alluvial deposits. There are fifteen exploratory wells developed in the area by Benue State Agricultural and Rural Development Authority (BNARDA). This study carried out standard pumping and recovery tests on the wells and determined the yield of each well. The yields were compared with the crop water requirements of selected crops. Four simple methods of tubewell drilling of shallow aquifers were also comparatively evaluated on the basis of cost and related criteria to see which one is most suitable for the area. The values of the well yields ranged from 1.5l/s as the lowest to 5.0 l/s as the highest with a mean of 2.95l/s. Based on the crop water requirements of selected crops, the yield of each tubewell is more than sufficient to adequately irrigate one hectare of land. The cost of drilling a tubewell using the clear water jetting method was found to be 47%, 72% and 77% of the cost of using the rotary rig, the mud washboring and the baildown methods respectively. Therefore, economically the clear water jetting method is hereby recommended as the most suitable for the study area, especially as it suits the geology of the area very well. With encouragement from Governmental and non-governmental organisations in provision of inputs and credit facilities, the rural farmers in the locality can be gainfully employed in irrigated agriculture during the dry season as against the current practices where they do little or nothing

    A three-dimensional comparison of a morphometric and conventional cephalometric midsagittal planes for craniofacial asymmetry

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    Morphometric methods are used in biology to study object symmetry in living organisms and to determine the true plane of symmetry. The aim of this study was to determine if there are clinical differences between three-dimensional (3D) cephalometric midsagittal planes used to describe craniofacial asymmetry and a true symmetry plane derived from a morphometric method based on visible facial features. The sample consisted of 14 dry skulls (9 symmetric and 5 asymmetric) with metallic markers which were imaged with cone-beam computed tomography. An error study and statistical analysis were performed to validate the morphometric method. The morphometric and conventional cephalometric planes were constructed and compared. The 3D cephalometric planes constructed as perpendiculars to the Frankfort horizontal plane resembled the morphometric plane the most in both the symmetric and asymmetric groups with mean differences of less than 1.00 mm for most variables. However, the standard deviations were often large and clinically significant for these variables. There were clinically relevant differences (>1.00 mm) between the different 3D cephalometric midsagittal planes and the true plane of symmetry determined by the visible facial features. The difference between 3D cephalometric midsagittal planes and the true plane of symmetry determined by the visible facial features were clinically relevant. Care has to be taken using cephalometric midsagittal planes for diagnosis and treatment planning of craniofacial asymmetry as they might differ from the true plane of symmetry as determined by morphometrics

    Workshop to scope and preselect indicators for criterion D3C3 under MSFD decision (EU) 2017/848 (WKD3C3SCOPE)

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    The workshop to scope and preselect indicators for Descriptor 3 criterion 3 under MSFD Commission Decision (EU) 2017/848 (WKD3C3SCOPE) provided a platform for experts from the EU member states and relevant regional bodies to meet and support development and progress the assessment methodology, based on a request by the EC (DGENV). WKD3C3SCOPE is the first of a series of three workshops (WKD3C3THRESHOLDS and WKSIMULD3) to provide guidance in relation to operational indicators for MSFD D3C3. The workshop was organized as a series of presentations with intermittent group discussions. On the first day of the workshop the participants discussed what defines a ‘healthy population structure’ for species with different life history traits (ToR a). During the following days, the group discussed and identified relevant D3C3 indicators (ToR b) and developed criteria to select among the identified D3C3 indicators to allow further testing and setting of thresholds at WKD3C3THRESHOLDS (ToR c). The participants found that overall, healthy fish stocks are characterized by high productivity, wide age and size structuring in the population, and the ability to quickly recover from disturbances. The groups noted that environmental factors, along with stock biomass and fishing pressure, influence the productivity and health of a stock, with environment playing a particularly large role in the recruitment of short-lived stocks. It was suggested that the age structure of a stock might be more relevant for evaluating the health of long-lived stocks. However, it was acknowledged that not all stocks have sufficient data to evaluate all proposed indicators, and a single indicator is unlikely to suffice for all stocks. Data availability, species- specific factors and regional or sub-regional variation are thus also important considerations. In relation to ToR b, the participants presented their work on potential indicators including: recruitment time-series, proportion of fish larger than the mean size of first sexual maturation, F rec/Fbar, length distribution L 90, relative proportion of old fish above A 90, indicators of spawner quality, and SSB/R. A discussion on pros/cons, benefits to the population of high or low indicator values, benefits supported by empirical evidence, applicability to data-poor stocks and benefits supported by simulation/theoretical considerations followed the presentations. Finally, in relation to ToR c, the difficulty emerged in ranking the indicators alone without considering the data used to estimate them and a new set of evaluation criteria for use in WKD3C3THRESHOLDS were defined. Based on the outputs of the meeting a list of indicators to be further evaluated has been drafted, which also emphasizes the stocks for which studies have empirically demonstrated effects on productivity. In addition to the listed indicators, indicators of genetic diversity and proportion of fish with parasite infestation were mentioned but to the knowledge of the participants, widespread data for these are currently not publicly available.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Canine distemper virus induces apoptosis in cervical tumor derived cell lines

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    Apoptosis can be induced or inhibited by viral proteins, it can form part of the host defense against virus infection, or it can be a mechanism for viral spread to neighboring cells. Canine distemper virus (CDV) induces apoptotic cells in lymphoid tissues and in the cerebellum of dogs naturally infected. CDV also produces a cytopathologic effect, leading to apoptosis in Vero cells in tissue culture. We tested canine distemper virus, a member of the Paramyxoviridae family, for the ability to trigger apoptosis in HeLa cells, derived from cervical cancer cells resistant to apoptosis. To study the effect of CDV infection in HeLa cells, we examined apoptotic markers 24 h post infection (pi), by flow cytometry assay for DNA fragmentation, real-time PCR assay for caspase-3 and caspase-8 mRNA expression, and by caspase-3 and -8 immunocytochemistry. Flow cytometry showed that DNA fragmentation was induced in HeLa cells infected by CDV, and immunocytochemistry revealed a significant increase in the levels of the cleaved active form of caspase-3 protein, but did not show any difference in expression of caspase-8, indicating an intrinsic apoptotic pathway. Confirming this observation, expression of caspase-3 mRNA was higher in CDV infected HeLa cells than control cells; however, there was no statistically significant change in caspase-8 mRNA expression profile. Our data suggest that canine distemper virus induced apoptosis in HeLa cells, triggering apoptosis by the intrinsic pathway, with no participation of the initiator caspase -8 from the extrinsic pathway. In conclusion, the cellular stress caused by CDV infection of HeLa cells, leading to apoptosis, can be used as a tool in future research for cervical cancer treatment and control

    Enhanced Astrocytic Nitric Oxide Production and Neuronal Modifications in the Neocortex of a NOS2 Mutant Mouse

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    BACKGROUND: It has been well accepted that glial cells in the central nervous system (CNS) produce nitric oxide (NO) through the induction of a nitric oxide synthase isoform (NOS2) only in response to various insults. Recently we described rapid astroglial, NOS2-dependent, NO production in the neocortex of healthy mice on a time scale relevant to neuronal activity. To explore a possible role for astroglial NOS2 in normal brain function we investigated a NOS2 knockout mouse (B6;129P2-Nos2(tm1Lau)/J, Jackson Laboratory). Previous studies of this mouse strain revealed mainly altered immune responses, but no compensatory pathways and no CNS abnormalities have been reported. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To our surprise, using NO imaging in brain slices in combination with biochemical methods we uncovered robust NO production by neocortical astrocytes of the NOS2 mutant. These findings indicate the existence of an alternative pathway that increases basal NOS activity. In addition, the astroglial mutation instigated modifications of neuronal attributes, shown by changes in the membrane properties of pyramidal neurons, and revealed in distinct behavioral abnormalities characterized by an increase in stress-related parameters. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results strongly indicate the involvement of astrocytic-derived NO in modifying the activity of neuronal networks. In addition, the findings corroborate data linking NO signaling with stress-related behavior, and highlight the potential use of this genetic model for studies of stress-susceptibility. Lastly, our results beg re-examination of previous studies that used this mouse strain to examine the pathophysiology of brain insults, assuming lack of astrocytic nitrosative reaction

    Perfil de dispensação da toxina botulínica para tratamento da espasticidade: dados nacionais brasileiros

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    The physiatrists specialized in treating spasticity were brought together for a panel discussion about the use of botulinum toxin (BT) in the public system in different states of Brazil. The data analyzed during the discussion of Datasus demonstrate a low-demand profile of the product dispensed by the Unified Health System (SUS), with heterogeneity in the distribution of TB in the Brazilian states. This scenario seems to be set up mainly for lack of a properly planned public policy, such as lack of unification and standardization of distribution centers, the lack or inadequacy of TB compensation proceeding to treatment centers, in a standardized manner by SUS and shortage of trained doctors to do it together with the lack of qualified multidisciplinary rehabilitation centers. The use of botulinum toxin for therapeutic purposes in Brazil began in the 90s, to treat dystonia and spasticity. It is currently employed in different clinical conditions; however, despite growing demand and indications over the years, there are few reports or publications on its use and benefit to patients served by the Unified Health System (SUS). To address this issue, in May 2015, in São Paulo, physiatrists from different states of Brazil met and discussed the relevance of botulinum toxin in treating spasticity.Os fisiatras especializados no tratamento de espasticidade foram reunidos para um painel de discussão a respeito do uso de toxina botulínica (TB) na rede pública de diferentes estados do Brasil. Os dados analisados durante a discussão do Datasus demonstram um baixo perfil de demanda desse produto dispensado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), com uma heterogeneidade na distribuição da TB nos estados brasileiros. Esse quadro parece se configurar principalmente por falta de uma política pública devidamente planejada, como a falta de unificação e normatização dos centros de distribuição, pela falta ou inadequação da remuneração do procedimento de aplicação da TB aos centros de tratamento, de modo padronizado pela tabela SUS e escassez de médicos capacitados para realizá-lo junto à falta de centros de reabilitação multidisciplinar habilitados. O uso de toxina botulínica com finalidade terapêutica no Brasil teve início nos anos 90, para tratamento de distonia e de espasticidade. Atualmente, é empregada em diferentes condições clínicas, porém, apesar da crescente demanda e indicações ao longo dos anos, há poucos relatos ou publicações sobre seu uso e benefício para pacientes atendidos pela Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Para abordar esse tema, em maio de 2015, na cidade de São Paulo, fisiatras de diferentes estados do Brasil se encontraram e discutiram a relevância da toxina botulínica no tratamento de espasticidade

    The flora and vegetation of rocky outcrops in three municipalities in the northern region of Ceará, Brazil: phytosociological characterization

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    Veja material suplementar em <https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5915233.v2O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar a flora e a vegetação dos afloramentos rochosos isolados e de baixa altitude (lajedos), na vegetação de Caatinga Arbustiva Aberta, que se encontram nos municípios de Sobral, Groaíras e Santa Quitéria, no estado do Ceará, Brasil e propor uma classificação fitossociológica para estas comunidades xerófilas. Foram definidas cinco áreas de coleta de dados com elevada proporção de rochas expostas (> 80%) onde as excursões de campo decorreram em março de 2014 e 2015 (3º56’S e 40º23’W, 4º01’S e 40º05’W, 4º07’S e 40º08’W, 4º09’S e 40º09’W e 4º03’S e 40º00’W). No estudo da vegetação aplicou-se os métodos TWINSPAN (two-way indicator species analysis) e o clássico sigmatista de Braun-Blanquet. As áreas mínimas dos inventários fitossociológicos variaram de 8 a 16 m2. Foram coletadas as espécies vegetais que crescem em fissuras, fendas e ilhas de vegetação que se encontram em afloramentos rochosos. Foram registradas 88 espécies, distribuídas em 59 gêneros e 30 famílias botânicas. Fabaceae foi a família que se destacou em riqueza específica (20 spp.), seguida por Poaceae (dez spp.), Euphorbiaceae (sete spp.) e Convolvulaceae (seis spp.). Quanto ao endemismo foram registradas, em vegetação rupestre, 19 espécies endêmicas para o Brasil. Na análise fitossociológica da vegetação propôs-se estudar a comunidade de Pilosocereus gounellei (FA.C.Weber) Byles & Rowley e Encholirium spectabile Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f. e a de Crateva tapia L. e Combretum leprosum Martinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A transcriptomic analysis of Echinococcus granulosus larval stages:implications for parasite biology and host adaptation

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    The cestode Echinococcus granulosus--the agent of cystic echinococcosis, a zoonosis affecting humans and domestic animals worldwide--is an excellent model for the study of host-parasite cross-talk that interfaces with two mammalian hosts. To develop the molecular analysis of these interactions, we carried out an EST survey of E. granulosus larval stages. We report the salient features of this study with a focus on genes reflecting physiological adaptations of different parasite stages.We generated ~10,000 ESTs from two sets of full-length enriched libraries (derived from oligo-capped and trans-spliced cDNAs) prepared with three parasite materials: hydatid cyst wall, larval worms (protoscoleces), and pepsin/H(+)-activated protoscoleces. The ESTs were clustered into 2700 distinct gene products. In the context of the biology of E. granulosus, our analyses reveal: (i) a diverse group of abundant long non-protein coding transcripts showing homology to a middle repetitive element (EgBRep) that could either be active molecular species or represent precursors of small RNAs (like piRNAs); (ii) an up-regulation of fermentative pathways in the tissue of the cyst wall; (iii) highly expressed thiol- and selenol-dependent antioxidant enzyme targets of thioredoxin glutathione reductase, the functional hub of redox metabolism in parasitic flatworms; (iv) candidate apomucins for the external layer of the tissue-dwelling hydatid cyst, a mucin-rich structure that is critical for survival in the intermediate host; (v) a set of tetraspanins, a protein family that appears to have expanded in the cestode lineage; and (vi) a set of platyhelminth-specific gene products that may offer targets for novel pan-platyhelminth drug development.This survey has greatly increased the quality and the quantity of the molecular information on E. granulosus and constitutes a valuable resource for gene prediction on the parasite genome and for further genomic and proteomic analyses focused on cestodes and platyhelminths

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr