98 research outputs found

    El rock català al Baix Gaià

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    Nicasi Rull, catllarenc i republicà

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    "Els arbres públics de Valls"

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    Geospatial modeling in marine recreational fisheries science

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    El presente trabajo de tesis doctoral propone diferentes enfoques geoespaciales destinados al análisis de la dimensión espacial de las pesquerías recreativas costeras utilizando métodos cuantitativos y herramientas computacionales. Diferentes tipos de información espacial,relativas a los hábitats bentónicos así como a la movilidad y a la calidad de las capturas, han sido combinadas para estimar el esfuerzo de pesca y las capturas totales, utilizando un enfoque original y espacialmente explícito. El objetivo es el de progresar en la comprensión del comportamiento espacial del pescador a través de un enfoque holístico basado en datos empíricos y modelos estadísticos. La modalidad de pesca del 'roquer', una de las pesquerías recreativas costeras más populares en el Mediterráneo, ha sido utilizada como caso de estudio en la bahía de Palma (en el Mediterráneo noroccidental)This thesis proposes different geospatial approaches for assessing the spatial dimension of the coastal recreational fisheries using quantitative methods and computational tools. Spatial information on benthic habitats, fish mobility and fishing quality were combined for estimating fishing effort and harvest using an original spatially-explicit approach. The aim is to advance in our understanding of angler spatial behaviour using a holistic approach based on empirical data and statistical models. In order to illustrate the proposed framework, the ‘roquer’ modality, one of the most popular coastal recreational fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea, was used as case study at Palma Bay (NW Mediterranean

    ¿Piensan lo mismo ciudadanos y partidos sobre la sátira política? La diferente percepción en el caso de un programa televisivo

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    Este estudio aborda el efecto de la sátira televisiva en su reflejo de la vida política. Aporta una mirada nueva: la diferente percepción de la ciudadanía y de la clase política sobre la capacidad de generar cambios emotivos y de opinión de la información parodiada por el programa Polònia. A través de los datos obtenidos con tres herramientas metodológicas (encuesta aleatoria, grupo de discusión y entrevistas) se concluye que la clase política valora el retrato de la vida política como fiel. Los ciudadanos de la muestra niegan, sin embargo, que este pueda aumentar su interés por la política o genere un cambio de opinión.This study addresses the effectiveness of television satire in reflecting political life. It looks at the subject in a new way: the general public and those involved in politics have different perceptions about the ability of a Polònia parody to produce both emotional feelings and changes of opinion. Three methodological tools (a random survey, a focus group and interviews) were used to obtain data. It was concluded that those involved with politics feel that the programme's portrayal of political life is accurate. However, members of the general public do not feel that it increases their interest in politics or that it can provoke a change in their opinion

    The Mondragon Case: Companies Addressing Social Impact and Dialogic Methodologies

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    Mondragon Cooperative (MC) is one of the most outstanding examples of worker cooperatives in history. It has maintained its cooperative values along its trajectory, being competitive in the international market since 1956, under the motto: ‘Humanity at work’. Recently, scientific research has focused on impact, which has led to the emergence of the Successful Cooperative Actions (SCAs). Based on the case of MC, the scientific literature has identified key actions of this business model that can be transferred to other corporate contexts. Using a methodological approach, it is key to identify the SCAs that MC implements, which could apply to other cooperatives with similar principles but not the same success. This study aims to analyse the methodological innovation in qualitative research when the aim is focused on the transferability of the social impact of MC to other contexts. This paper shows that research focussing on the identification of SCAs modifies qualitative methodology by focussing on the transferability of actions to obtain social impact

    Promoting Creativity in the Cooperative Work Environment: A Case Study of the Lacol Cooperative

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    Previous research has examined organizational factors that could facilitate or limit creativity also indicating that although cooperatives can be seen as innovative business formats, they are also considered slow growth models because of their organizational characteristics. In this study we aim to explore the processes, practices, and other organizational characteristics that define the creative dynamics in cooperatives. In this way, our goals are (a) to understand how the promotion of the creativity is carried out in the cooperative workplace and (b) to study the factors that can accelerate the development of a more positive climate for creativity, boosting transformative elements and neutralizing exclusionary elements. This article is focused on a qualitative case study of an architecture cooperative from Catalonia (Spain), Lacol. The data were collected through two in-depth interviews. Also, visual material was collected to study how the physical space is organised and how this affects creative processes. The results show that, of the studied elements, those most relevant to produce a creative work environment in Lacol are power decentralization, freedom and autonomy, work team support, training, and challenges. Likewise, friendship has been identified as an important transversal element. Finally, future research lines are discussed