207 research outputs found


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    Ville d’Algérie située dans le massif de l’Aurès à une altitude moyenne de 1 200 mètres. Chef-lieu d’une daïra dont la population en croissance continue atteint ou dépasse les 120 000 habitants. La commune elle-même, d’après les dernières estimations officielles compte 18 973 habitants dont la moitié environ agglomérée. Batna, siège de la wilaya, est à 66 kilomètres au nord-ouest. L’archéologue berbérisant E. Masqueray traduit Arris par « les Terres blanches », désignation que l’environnement..


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    Ville d’Algérie située dans le massif de l’Aurès à une altitude moyenne de 1 200 mètres. Chef-lieu d’une daïra dont la population en croissance continue atteint ou dépasse les 120 000 habitants. La commune elle-même, d’après les dernières estimations officielles compte 18 973 habitants dont la moitié environ agglomérée. Batna, siège de la wilaya, est à 66 kilomètres au nord-ouest. L’archéologue berbérisant E. Masqueray traduit Arris par « les Terres blanches », désignation que l’environnement..

    Ben Boulaïd Mostefa

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    Ben Boulaid Mostefa est l’un des « neuf chefs historiques » de la guerre pour l’indépendance de l’Algérie et, le premier novembre 1954, le responsable de la wilaya des Aurès-Nemencha dans le sud-constantinois. On le dit né à Arris, ce qui est vrai administrativement, mais ne veut rien dire. En effet, Arris aujourd’hui ville de plus de vingt mille habitants, siège de la daïra du même nom, ne regroupe en 1917 que les bureaux de la commune mixe de l’Aurès et les habitations de ses agents ; en to..

    A modern Fizeau experiment for education and outreach purposes

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    On the occasion of the laser's 50th anniversary, we performed a modern Fizeau experiment, measuring the speed of light with a laser beam passing over the city centre of Marseille. For a round trip distance of almost five kilometers, the measurement has reached an uncertainty of about 104^{-4}, mainly due to atmospheric fluctuations. We present the experimental and pedagogical challenges of this brilliant outreach experiment.Comment: accepted by Eur J Phys in november 201

    Initial validation of the Brief Assessment of Service Satisfaction in Persons with an Intellectual Disability (BASSPID)

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    Individuals with an intellectual disability often require intensive services to promote their social participation to the fullest extent. As such, measuring satisfaction with these services appears essential to enhance the quality of life of individuals with an intellectual disability and to improve service delivery within agencies. Thus, the purpose of the study was to conduct an initial validation of the Brief Assessment of Service Satisfaction in Persons with an Intellectual Disability (BASSPID), a 15-item questionnaire designed to assess service satisfaction. To examine the structure, reliability, and validity of the BASSPID, we interviewed 98 individuals with an intellectual disability and 23 parents. Overall, the BASSPID contained one scale, which had strong content and convergent validity as well as items easily understandable for individuals with an intellectual disability. Furthermore, the questionnaire had good internal consistency and adequate test-retest reliability. However, parents generally overestimated the perceived satisfaction of their child. The study suggests that the BASSPID may be useful to assess the satisfaction of individuals with an intellectual disability, but more research is needed to examine its potential impact on improving service quality


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    Préhistoire (E.B.) Les recherches préhistoriques demeurent encore au stade de la prospection dans l’ensemble de l’Aurès. Un seul gisement connu depuis le début du siècle, a fait l’objet d’une fouille moderne : la grotte du Khanguet Si Mohamed Tahar (connue aussi sous le nom de grotte Cappeletti), encore est-elle située sur le versant nord du massif, surplombant le bassin de Timgad. Ce gisement a servi à définir un faciès du Néolithique de tradition capsienne (C. Roubet, 1979). Cependant l’occ..

    Active optics for the interrogation of a single ion

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    4 pagesInternational audienceThe signal-to-noise ratio in the detection of a single ion is one of the determining factors in the speed of the detection of the ion's internal states. Its value defines the necessary interrogation time to distinguish between an ion in the "on" and an ion in the "off" state. The improvement of the detection signal by means of active optics is a new approach in single-ion experiments. They accompany further progress in the stabilization of the clock laser for the single ion interrogation

    Cross-cultural examination of the Big Five Personality Trait Short Questionnaire: Measurement invariance testing and associations with mental health

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    The present study examined the measurement invariance of the Big Five Personality Trait Short Questionnaire (BFPTSQ) across language (Spanish and English), Spanish-speaking country of origin (Argentina and Spain) and gender groups (female and male). Evidence of criterion-related validity was examined via associations (i.e., correlations) between the BFPTSQ domains and a wide variety of mental health outcomes. College students (n = 2158) from the USA (n = 1117 [63.21% female]), Argentina (n = 353 [65.72% female]) and Spain (n = 688 [66.86% female]) completed an online survey. Of the tested models, an Exploratory Structural Equation Model (ESEM) fit the data best. Multigroup ESEM and ESEM-within-CFA generally supported the measurement invariance of the questionnaire across groups. Internalizing symptomatology, rumination and low happiness were related mainly to low emotional stability across countries, while low agreeableness and low conscientiousness were related chiefly to externalizing symptomology (i.e., antisocial behavior and drug outcomes). Some correlational differences arose across countries and are discussed. Our findings generally support the BFPTSQ as an adequate measure to assess the Big Five personality domains in Spanish- and English-speaking young adults

    Runaway evaporation for optically dressed atoms

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    Forced evaporative cooling in a far-off-resonance optical dipole trap is proved to be an efficient method to produce fermionic- or bosonic-degenerated gases. However in most of the experiences, the reduction of the potential height occurs with a diminution of the collision elastic rate. Taking advantage of a long-living excited state, like in two-electron atoms, I propose a new scheme, based on an optical knife, where the forced evaporation can be driven independently of the trap confinement. In this context, the runaway regime might be achieved leading to a substantial improvement of the cooling efficiency. The comparison with the different methods for forced evaporation is discussed in the presence or not of three-body recombination losses