60 research outputs found
Diversity of Epigeal Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Urban Areas of Alto Tietê
The objective of this study was to conduct an inventory of the ant fauna, evaluating indicators of diversity, litter community composition and similarity among seven areas located around the city of Mogi das Cruzes (SP). In each area 20 pitfalls were distributed, which remained in the field for seven days. Four samplings were performed, two in the rainy season and two during dry season. In total there were 92 recorded species, 36 genera, 19 tribes and seven subfamilies. The most frequent species belong to the genera Pheidole and Camponotus, both common in the Neotropics. Differences were observed in species composition with the formation of two groups, one under the influence of the Atlantic Forest and other in the urban region. Only one exotic species, Paratrechina longicornis, was recorded. The results indicate the importance of the forest surrounding the city to maintain the biological diversity of ant communities
BNCC e ENEM: possíveis diálogos
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivos identificar e discutir via pesquisa documental, possíveis diálogos entre o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio e a Base Nacional Comum Curricular. Os resultados indicam que competência, habilidade, contextualização e interdisciplinaridade são pontos com similaridade nos discursos e aplicações. Chama-se atenção à importância do ENEM, por avaliar competências pautadas na BNCC, que propõe currículos contextualizados, sem abrir mão da incansável meta, o ensino de qualidade. Nesse sentido, o ENEM, enquanto política pública pode contribuir para promover desigualdades
Olhar para Biodiversidade sob a ótica da Sistemática Filogenética é garantir que a evolução assuma o status central no ensino de Ciências e Biologia. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as concepções docentes acerca da Diversidade Biológica na perspectiva cladística, a fim de identificar formação, domínio, aplicação e articulação desses saberes e práticas. A partir de pesquisa qualiquantitativa são discutidas as concepções de participantes que foram obtidas por meio de questionário aberto e análise de seus conteúdos em categorias. Obteve-se a participação de 66 docentes que, a partir da experiência em sala de aula, foram divididos em quatro grupos, entre iniciantes, experientes e formadores. As análises indicam que 93,4% dos participantes tiveram formação inicial em filogenia, sobretudo nos componentes de zoologia e botânica e com a utilização de cladogramas. Os participantes consideram os termos cladogramas, sinapomorfia, apomorfia, Biodiversidade e homologia, como imprescindíveis para compreensão das relações filogenéticas. Entretanto, apresentam equívocos e imprecisões, tanto nas definições quanto nas aplicações conceituais. Os docentes utilizam argumentos pautados em seleção natural, adaptação, cladogênese, anagênese, especiação, variabilidade genética, coevolução, extinções e parentesco para justificarem e estabelecerem relações entre Evolução e Biodiversidade. Mutação não foi mencionada, em nenhum dos grupos, como uma das fontes de variabilidade genética. Mesmo ante as dificuldades, 74% alegaram usar cladogramas em suas aulas e que este recurso facilita a compreensão e visualização de toda variedade de organismos, além de promover o ‘pensamento em árvore. Defendem que a Sistemática Filogenética é uma forma de integrar o ensino de Biodiversidade, mas que é necessário investir em formação, pois os conceitos são difíceis de serem ensinados, ao ponto de gerar inibição na participação do questionário. Por fim, um caminho promissor pode ser, além de formação continuada, a produção de bibliografias, para educação básica, com a temática
Ants that Frequently Colonize Twigs in the Leaf Litter of Different Vegetation Habitats
Ants often colonize twigs in the leaf litter, but some species use this resource more frequently than others. We analyzed the composition of the community and the diameter of colonized twigs to test if any species had a size preference. Samples were collected in different vegetation habitats (urban parks, eucalyptus plantations and native forests). In each site, all twigs with an ant colony in six 16-m2 plots were collected and measured, and the ants occupying them were identified. For the analyses, we only included species recorded in 10 or more twigs; these species were considered “common inhabitants” of the twigs (approximately 19.7% of the fauna analyzed). Our results indicate that the community is richer and uses a larger number of twigs of different diameters in the native forest. In addition, some species colonized twigs of similar sizes in different vegetation habitats, suggesting possible selection by ants.
Morphological differentiation between species of Myrmelachista Roger (Formicidae: Formicinae) in Atlantic Forest areas of the Alto Tietê (São Paulo)
Myrmelachista is an exclusively Neotropical ant genus. The ants from this genus nest and forage in live or dead trees, but data on its life cycle are relatively scarce. The taxonomy of this genus is considerably complex. The morphological characters of taxonomic importance are not well defined, and combining characteristics from the largest possible number of castes is thus essential. The goal of the present study was to present the results of multidimensional morphological analyses conducted based on morphometric measurements of workers and alates to help with the identification of Myrmelachista species. For that purpose, we gathered data from 277 specimens (workers, males and gynes) from eight species cohabiting Atlantic Forest areas. Eighteen morphometric variables were measured on workers and 20 on reproductive ants. Measurements related to eye size and mandible width were the variables more strongly associated with the two morphological clusters obtained based on the morphology of workers. However, the morphospace described by workers cannot be used to delimit the species of Myrmelachista. Mandible width, petiole height and eye size (eye length and ocelli width) were the most informative variables associated with the four clusters of morphology that clearly delimit males of M. arthuri, M. ruszkii/sp.7, and in part, M. catharinae. Finally, petiole length and head length were the best descriptors of the six morphological clusters recognized for gynes. M. catharinae, M. sp.7, M. nodigera and M. gallicola were clearly delimited in the gyne morphological space. M. ruszkii showed high phenotypic variability, and this species was classified in two morphological clusters based on gyne specimens. Species identification employing multiple gyne morphological traits exhibited the best results. Our results show that morphospace analysis can be useful for delimitation of Myrmelachista species
Occurrence of Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in both Leaf Litter and Twigs in Atlantic Forest
Twigs in the litter derived from the fragmentation of tree branches form one microhabitat, where entire colonies of ants, both leaf litter and arboreal species, can be found. The objective was to survey ant species that are presente in both the leaf litter and twigs simultaneously. We describe the nest type, the social structure of the colonies and the trophic guild membership of these species. Samples were collected from 10 preserved fragments of Brazilian Atlantic forest. We used Berlese funnels to collect leaf litter ants and manual collection for twig ants. We recorded 80 ant species; 60 species were in leaf litter samples and 35 species were in twigs. Of the total species, only 15 (20%) occurred simultaneously in the leaf litter and in twigs. Of these species, Gnamptogenys striatula, Pheidole sarcina, P. sospes and Solenopsis sp. 2 were the most frequent among leaf litter dwellers, and Myrmelachista catharinae was the most common arboreal species. Most of these belonged to generalista and predator guilds, with “polydomous nests” and colonies monogynous
Seasonal Patterns of the Foraging Ecology of Myrmelachista arthuri Forel, 1903 (Formicidae: Formicinae)
Temporal dynamics of foraging activity, diet and habitat are key to understanding the bioecology of ants. These patterns are poorly studied in many Neotropical species, such as those belonging to genus Myrmelachista. In the present work, we investigate the foraging behavior and diet of M. arthuri and describe aspects of their food-searching behavior. We recorded the dynamics of workers exiting and entering nests built in the stems of native Atlantic forest trees during the cold/dry and warm/wet seasons. Food items carried by workers were also counted and identified. Myrmelachista arthuri foraged throughout the day, but worker activity became more intense as temperature increased and moisture declined, regardless of the season, and especially in the afternoon. This species had a generalist diet: 92% of the food items were live or dead arthropods or their remains, and a small proportion consisted of plant materials, such as seeds. Arthropod fragments, mostly of M. arthuri workers, represented the largest proportion of the diet, followed by whole Collembola individuals. Food items did not vary between seasons, the number of items was higher in the cold/dry season. The results of this work contribute to the understanding of M. arthuri biology, especially related to foraging dynamics
Abordagem de Sistemática Filogenética com ênfase em Biodiversidade nos Livros Didáticos
Considerando que o Brasil é um país megadiverso é necessário discutir essa diversidade biológica, incluindo os fatores evolutivos que a originam. Uma boa estratégia para articular esses saberes é a sistemática filogenética. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar oito coleções didáticas, sendo que sete correspondem às obras que foram aprovadas pelo PNLD/2015 e uma referente à Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo. Foi elaborada, a partir de literatura especializada, uma ficha composta por dezoito critérios que contemplam desde a composição do conteúdo teórico até cadernos complementares. As coleções e excertos foram categorizados para Análise de Conteúdo. Constatou-se que apenas 25% das coleções atendem aos critérios presentes na ficha de avaliação. Na maioria das coleções ainda perpetua o tratamento da biodiversidade de forma linear, com pouca ou nenhuma aplicação em assuntos pertinentes à biodiversidade que constam no próprio livro. Um avanço pode ser denotado, que é a projeção sistemática filogenética como uma ciência dinâmica, com muitas possibilidades para atuais e futuras pesquisas, o que poder tornar uma leitura mais estimulante para alunos. Por tratar-se de um material majoritariamente mal elaborado e com imprecisões conceituais, há necessidade de investimentos na formação dos professores em relação à escolha dos livros didáticos, uma vez que se trata da principal ferramenta de trabalho em sala de aula
Resumo: A compreensão da biodiversidade como decorrente do processo evolutivo é fundamental para a formação dos educandos. Teve-se como objetivo apresentar uma aula prática complementar à sugerida pelo Currículo do Estado de São Paulo no que tange ao ensino de filogenia, a partir da utilização de manequins confeccionados com materiais reutilizáveis. Utilizou-se como método a aplicação de questionários estruturados aplicados a 30 alunos da 3ª série do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública, antes e depois das aulas práticas. Conclui-se que, quando as aulas são concebidas com materiais táteis e tridimensionais, os alunos apresentam maior grau de envolvimento que no desafio impresso, aguçando a curiosidade e aumentando o grau de envolvimento na construção do saber. Esse envolvimento em aulas práticas denota melhora de resultados em provas modelo ENEM, uma vez que trabalham habilidades básicas. Ainda assim, requerem maior tempo de investimento com relação a conceitos básicos da filogenia.
Palavras-chave: Ensino médio. Aulas práticas. Diversidade biológica. Sistemática filogenética.
Abstract: The understanding of the resulting biodiversity of an evolutionary process is fundamental for the learners’ formation. Therefore, this work aims to present an additional practice to the one suggested by the Curricular Proposal of São Paulo when it comes to phylogeny teaching. Besides bringing the elaboration of the hypothetical manikins composed of reusable materials, it also shows the results of structured questionnaires applied to the students in the 3rd grade of a public High School. The research has concluded that when the classes are generated with tactile and tridimensional materials, the students convey a higher degree of engagement than in the challenge when printed, sharpening their curiosity and increasing the engagement in the learning build-up. The engagement during practical classes demonstrates an improvement on the results on tests, such as ENEM due to the basic skills which are explored. Even so, such classes demand longer time of investment regarding the basic principles of phylogeny.
Keywords: High School. Practical classes. Biological diversity. Phylogenetic system
Natural regeneration in Atlantic Forest Fragments: using ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for monitoring a conservation unit
The Brazilian Atlantic Forest is considered one of the most threatened tropical forests in the world due to the extensive environmental impact it has endured throughout history. Only 12.4% of its original vegetation is estimated to remain. Even though reduced and highly fragmented, it houses enormous biodiversity, and its preservation is paramount to the maintenance of the country’s fauna, flora, funga and microbiota. One of the most efficient measures adopted by public agencies aimed at protecting biodiversity has been the creation of conservation units. To evaluate the preservation state of protected areas, several environmental studies have been performed; species inventories are one among them. Ants are excellent bioindicators, for they are not only sensitive to environmental changes, but they also have a history of being used in impact assessment (i.e., fragmentation). In this study we assessed the ant communities inhabiting the leaf litter in areas with different regeneration states at the RPPN Botujuru – Serra do Itapety (Mogi das Cruzes, São Paulo – Brazil). Mini-Winkler traps were used in the ant survey, and diversity analyses were performed. In total, we recorded 86 species of ants, with a highlight to Camponotus cillae Forel, 1912, a species that remained unrecorded for the state of São Paulo for over 100 years, and a possible new species of Octostruma Forel, 1912. Overall, the species found show that the areas are in the process of natural regeneration. Our data on RPPN Botujuru is unprecedented, and our species list has the potential of being used as an effective monitoring tool for this conservation unit
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