166 research outputs found

    On-street illegal parking costs in urban areas

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    Private transport represents more than a third of all the journeys carried out in large cities urban areas. The high amount of traffic in metropolitan zones implies the appearance of congestion that is one of the most important complications transport engineers must fight against. Bottle necks are one of the most common reasons of congestion effect and on-street illegal parking (double parked or driving lane parked) implies the creation of a (or successive) bottle neck. This paper is focused on to evaluate the costs that appear when on-street illegal parking is detected. To achieve the paper’s goal, first of all, the different costs of the journey have been defined and formulated; next, the effect of illegal parking has been considered and the cost related to that has been formulated for each of the different types of cost. In order to use the formulation obtained two real scenarios have been evaluated, Barcelona and New York City. The results obtained in real scenarios have demonstrated that the economic cost due to car parking indiscipline to the whole city is significant; also it is worth to remark that unit cost (cost provoked for a single vehicle) differs depending on the location of the violation and the affected vehicle.Postprint (published version

    On-street illegal parking costs in urban areas

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    Private transport represents more than a third of all the journeys carried out in large cities urban areas. The high amount of traffic in metropolitan zones implies the appearance of congestion that is one of the most important complications transport engineers must fight against. Bottle necks are one of the most common reasons of congestion effect and on-street illegal parking (double parked or driving lane parked) implies the creation of a (or successive) bottle neck. This paper is focused on to evaluate the costs that appear when on-street illegal parking is detected. To achieve the paper’s goal, first of all, the different costs of the journey have been defined and formulated; next, the effect of illegal parking has been considered and the cost related to that has been formulated for each of the different types of cost. In order to use the formulation obtained two real scenarios have been evaluated. The results obtained in real scenarios have demonstrated that the economic cost due to car parking indiscipline to the whole city is significant; also it is worth to remark that unit cost (cost provoked for a single vehicle) differs depending on the location of the violation and the affected vehicle. On-street illegal parking cost is significantly outstanding. According to data, on street illegal parking reduction has to be one basic pillar of mobility policies. This reduction would allow a higher road capacity and, consequently, greater traffic fluidity.Postprint (published version

    Approximate Chance-Constrained Unit Commitment Under Wind Energy Penetration

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    We study a multi-period unit commitment problem under wind energy penetration, in which the load balance is enforced with a predefined confidence level across the whole system and over the planning horizon. Since, except for special cases, chance-constrained problems are non-convex, we analyze two relaxations of the load balance based upon robust optimization ideas and estimated quantiles of the marginal distributions of the net load processes. The approximation proposals are benchmarked against the well-known scenario approximation. Under the scenario approach, we also analyze a simple decomposition strategy to find a lower bound of the approximate problem, when the latter becomes intractable due the size of the set of scenarios. The reliability of the obtained solutions as well as their runtimes are examined on three widespread test systems

    Enfermedades infecciosas y anemia ferropénica en niños menores de 5 años

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    Introducción: La anemia ferropénica ha sido el talón de Aquiles en los indicadores de salud, sobre todo en los países en desarrollo, uno de ellos es en el Perú ya que tenemos las cifras más altas desde el 2016 hasta la actualidad, se identificó que había alrededor de 948,000 niños menores de cinco años sufriendo de anemia ferropénica. Esta cifra representó un incremento del 2,6 % en los últimos cinco años. Objetivo: determinar la relación entre las enfermedades infecciosas y la anemia ferropénica en niños menores de 5 años. Metodología: se realizó un estudio transversal correlacional, con la extracción de datos de historias clínicas para evaluar variables como edad, sexo e infecciones. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 120 niños, de los cuales el 70 % fue diagnosticado con anemia ferropénica. Resultados: revelaron que la edad tiene una asociación significativa con la anemia, especialmente en niños de 1 año (54,8 % con anemia frente a 27,8 % sin anemia, p=0,0153). No se encontró una relación significativa entre el sexo y el tipo de anemia (p=0,478). Sin embargo, se observó una asociación significativa entre las infecciones y la anemia ferropénica, con un 65,5 % de los niños con anemia presentando infecciones, en comparación con el 36,1 % en el grupo sin anemia (p=0,0029). Conclusión: el estudio respalda la hipótesis de que las enfermedades infecciosas están relacionadas el desarrollo de la anemia ferropénica en niños menores de 5 años, destacando la importancia de la prevención y tratamiento de las enfermedades infecciosas para manejar la anemia ferropénica en esta población

    “Plan estratégico y la gestión de calidad en la empresa Puryquimica S.A.C. Ate, 2018.”

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el plan estratégico y la gestión de calidad en la empresa Puryquimica S.A.C. Ate, 2018.El método que se utilizó en la investigación fue el hipotético -Deductivo, el tipo de investigación fue aplicada, el diseño fue no experimental –transversal, la población tuvo como objeto de estudio a 35 trabajadores de la empresa Puryquimica, la cual se estableció a través de un muestreo censal. La técnica que se utilizó fue la encuesta y el instrumento usado el cuestionario, realizado por un total de 32 preguntas diseña con la escala de tipo Likert. En el proceso de la investigación se utilizó el instrumento estadístico SPSS 24, el cual a través del alfa de Cronbach pudimos calcular la confiabilidad del instrumento, así mismo para determinar la relación entre las variables que se estudiaron se usó el Rho Spearman. Finalmente se determinó con un Rho=0.827 que el Plan estratégico tiene relación positiva muy fuerte con la gestión de la calidad en la empresa Puryquimica S.A.C. Ate, 2018

    Distributed robotic architecture based on smart services

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    This paper presents an approach for designing robots and robotic systems based on the application of models, architectures, techniques and tools that have contributed valid solutions in other areas, such as e-business. Before applying these solutions, the physical elements that make up a robotic system are subjected to a normalization process in order to characterize their functional contributions. In this way, the conceptual model and the technical architecture of the service-oriented architecture robotic system is established. The paper also includes a simple implementation enabling the proposal to be validated, together with the main conclusions reached and future lines of study

    Caracterización geomecánica del macizo rocoso para el diseño del sostenimiento de la rampa Karent de la unidad minera María Antonieta - La Libertad

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    RESUMEN Esta investigación tiene como objetivo realizar la caracterización geomecánica del macizo rocoso para diseñar el sostenimiento de la rampa Karent, la investigación es de tipo aplicada ya que se utiliza los conocimientos adquiridos a la práctica. Para ello es necesario mencionar el objeto de estudio que está conformado por 100 metros lineales de rampa Karent en el nivel 2160 de la unidad minera María Antonieta, siendo la población todas las galerías de la misma unidad minera. Para el cumplimiento del objetivo se dividió el área de estudio en 5 progresivas, cada uno de ellas de 20 metros lineales, en el cual se aplicó las siguientes metodologías, clasificaciones geomecánicas RMR e índice de Q, análisis estructural usando softwares Dips y Unwedge y modelo de sostenimiento mediante software Unwedge y software Phase 2. Los resultados de la caracterización geomecánica de acuerdo a Bieniawski para cada progresiva es de tipo III con un valor de 40 a 60 siendo roca regular, y de acuerdo a Barton nos indica que es una roca de tipo media con un valor de 4 a 10, a través de esta metodología se concluye que el tipo de sostenimiento para la Rp. Karent, es de pernos sistemáticos espaciados a 1.00 metro de perno a perno y espaciados a 1.00 metros entre fila y fila, con refuerzo de shotcrete como fortificación con esfuerzo de corte de 200 t/m2, peso unitario de 2.6 t/m3 con un espesor de 5 a 10 cm el cual evita deslizamiento de cuñas y posibles deslizamientos de roca por efecto de vibraciones producto de la voladura y/o factores influyentes. En cuanto a los costos que generaría el sostenimiento para la rampa Karent de la unidad minera María Antonieta es de S/. 2693.622 soles por metro lineal con perno helicoidal, para shotcrete el costo es de S/. 3502.51 soles por metro lineal y finalmente el costo para el uso de shotcrete más perno es de S/. 6196.132 soles por metro lineal. PALABRAS CLAVE: rampa, geomecánica, RMR, Q de Barton, sostenimiento, costos

    Short-term microbial response after laboratory heating and ground mulching adition

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    Fire alters soil organic matter inducing quantitative and qualitative changes that presumably will affect post-fire soil microbial recolonisation. Several studies have evidenced marked soil organic carbon reduction after moderate and high intensity fire, which limit the total recovery of microbial biomass during years. In order to evaluate the role of soil organic matter alteration in short-term microbial colonization process, we perform a preliminary experiment where unaltered soil from Sierra Nevada Natural Park was heated at 300 ºC during 20 minutes in a muffle furnace (H300) to simulate a medium-high intensity fire. After heating, soil samples were inoculated with unaltered fresh soil, rewetted at 55-65% of water holding capacity and incubated during 3 weeks. At the same time, unheated soil samples were incubated under the same conditions as control (UH). In addition, trying to partially alleviate soil organic matter fire-induced alterations effects on microbial colonization, we include an organic amendment treatment (M+). So, part of heated and unheated samples were amended with a mix of ground alfalfa:straw (1:1) and soil microbial abundance and activity were monitored together with soil organic matter changes. Heating process reduces total organic carbon content. After one week of incubation carbon content in heated samples was lower than the control one, in both, amended and un-amended samples. Microbial biomass and respiration were negatively affected by heating. Ground mulching addition increase microbial biomass and respiration but was not enough to reach control values during the whole study. Nevertheless, viable and cultivable fungi and bacteria showed different pattern. After two weeks of incubation both, fungi and bacteria were higher in heated samples. Ground mulching addition appears to stimulate fungal response in both, heated and unheated samples. Preliminary results of this experiment evidence the transcendence of soil organic matter fire-induced changes on microbial colonization process and the importance to determine several microbial parameters to obtain a more faithful conclusion about microbial response. The organic amendment appears to alleviate partially heated-induced damage, highlighting the positive stimulation on fungal abundance in both, heated and unheated samples.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2013-47862-C2-1- RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad CGL2012-38655-C04-0

    Hydrogen as energy storage for wind energy

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    Nowadays, problems associated with greenhouse gases emission and fuel ending, makes that renewable energy sources and hydrogen technology have high interest for governments and researchers, and become an option for an environmentaly sustainable world. Renewable energy sources, like solar energy and wind energy, have been used for the last three decades to produce electricity. Researchers and companies have improved the efficiency of this kind of systems, but they have a problem due to energy source temporality that does a fluctuation in systems power output. This fluctuation makes sometimes energy demand is higher than energy produced by the system and vice versa. Hydrogen Technology, actuating as energy storage, may solve this problem. In this paper, a wind-hydrogen installation will be described. Also, its behavior in relation to different electric demand will be analysed

    Real-time gun detection in CCTV: An open problem

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    Object detectors have improved in recent years, obtaining better results and faster inference time. However, small object detection is still a problem that has not yet a definitive solution. The autonomous weapons detection on Closed-circuit television (CCTV) has been studied recently, being extremely useful in the field of security, counter-terrorism, and risk mitigation. This article presents a new dataset obtained from a real CCTV installed in a university and the generation of synthetic images, to which Faster R-CNN was applied using Feature Pyramid Network with ResNet-50 resulting in a weapon detection model able to be used in quasi real-time CCTV (90 ms of inference time with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX-1080Ti card) improving the state of the art on weapon detection in a two stages training. In this work, an exhaustive experimental study of the detector with these datasets was performed, showing the impact of synthetic datasets on the training of weapons detection systems, as well as the main limitations that these systems present nowadays. The generated synthetic dataset and the real CCTV dataset are available to the whole research community.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-82113-C2-1-