50 research outputs found

    Unleashing creative synergies: a mixed-method case study in music education classrooms

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    Algorithmic music composition has been gaining prominence and recognition as an innovative approach to music education, providing students with opportunities to explore creativity, computational thinking, and musical knowledge. This study aims to investigate the impact of integrating algorithmic music composition in the classroom, examining its influence on student engagement, musical knowledge, and creative expression, as well as to enhance computational thinking skills. A mixed-method case study was conducted in three Basic Music Education classrooms in the north of Portugal, involving 71 participants (68 students and 3 music teachers). The results reveal: (i) both successes and challenges in integrating computational thinking concepts and practices; (ii) pedagogical benefits of integrating programming platforms, where programming concepts overlapped with music learning outcomes; and (iii) positive impact on participants’ programming self-confidence and recognition of programming’s importance. Integrating algorithmic music composition in the classroom positively influences student engagement, musical knowledge, and creative expression. The use of algorithmic techniques provides a novel and engaging platform for students to explore music composition, fostering their creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration skills. Educators can leverage algorithmic music composition as an effective pedagogical approach to enhance music education, allowing students to develop a deeper understanding of music theory and fostering their artistic expression. Future research should contribute to the successful integration of digital technologies in the Portuguese curriculum by further exploring the long-term effects and potential applications of algorithmic music composition in different educational contexts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Music, rhythmic gymnastics and expressiveness: an artistic performance

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    In rhythmic gymnastics, we appreciate the brilliant success in a true performing art whose sensitively expressive movements of great technical skill integrated into the music result in an exquisite and refined performance that involves body plasticity, musical receptivity, feelings and emotions. The practice of gymnastics significantly contributes to the development of body movements and musicality, boosting motor and artistic abilities by the acquisition of improved skills for jumping, running and practising different exercises. This study aimed to investigate how music is important in the development of rhythmic gymnastics. A literature review was carried out, including research from 2016 to 2021, published in Google Academic. We emphasise how the body action perfectly integrated into the music is essential for the artistic representation of an enchanting plastic, musical and grandiose beauty. We understand that encouraging physical exercise, especially artistic rhythmic gymnastics, is very important for the development of essential qualities for the individual, such as physical, behavioural, artistic and emotional attributes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Music, rhythmic gymnastics and expressiveness: an artistic performance

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    In rhythmic gymnastics, we appreciate the brilliant success in a true performing art whose sensitively expressive movements of great technical skill integrated into the music result in an exquisite and refined performance that involves body plasticity, musical receptivity, feelings and emotions. The practice of gymnastics significantly contributes to the development of body movements and musicality, boosting motor and artistic abilities by the acquisition of improved skills for jumping, running and practising different exercises. This study aimed to investigate how music is important in the development of rhythmic gymnastics. A literature review was carried out with research from 2016 to 2021 and published in Google Academic. We emphasise how the body action perfectly integrated into the music is essential for the artistic representation of an enchanting plastic, musical and grandiose beauty. We understand that encouraging physical exercise, especially artistic rhythmic gymnastics, is very important for the development of essential qualities for the individual, such as physical, behavioural, artistic and emotional attributes

    Decree-Law 54/2018: perspectives of early childhood educators on inclusion in preschool education in Portugal

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    In this study, we analyze the perspectives of early childhood educators working in various teaching sectors on inclusion in preschool education, following the publication of Decree-Law no. 54/2018, as of 6 July, at a time when learning and inclusion support measures are being extended to all children and the SARS-CoV-19 (COVID-19) pandemic prevails in Portugal and worldwide. Based on a mixed methodological approach and the application of a questionnaire survey of 250 early childhood educators, we reflect on the implementation of the legal framework, involvement of the multidisciplinary learning and inclusion support team (EMAEI), teacher training, pedagogical/collaborative work, and mobilized support for preschool education children. The results obtained indicate quality and effectiveness in the pedagogical plan, and collaborative work between teachers and specialist technicians, although higher education in the field of inclusive education does not seem to provide professionals with the necessary and in-depth knowledge on the subject. They also indicate that, alongside dissatisfaction with the insufficient support provided to preschool education children, the relevant diploma is not fully applied, with doubts still remaining about its application.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Artistic-Cultural Perspectives in Technical-Professional Training at UTFPR-Brazil

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    In this research, we intend to study the role of art in the creative process, in engineering courses at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, as a technological innovation factor. This qualitative research is characterised as a method for adopting a naturalistic and descriptive perspective. The sample is composed of students and graduates (10); teachers, coordinators and directors of Education of the Pato Branco Campus (10); Dean (1); Entrepreneurs (4). In the analysis and discussion of results from semi-structured interviews, we opted for Content Analysis, having in perspective the Theory of Social Representations of Moscovici (1978). Among the main conclusions, we highlight the valorisation of creative, interpersonal and communicative skills as fundamental competences in the formation of an engineer. It is also highlighted that the role of art in engineering can enhance creativity and constitute a factor of technological innovation. This can promote the imagination and the capacity for necessary and fundamental abstraction in the design of engineering projects and the communicational plan. The integration of art in formal training, at the moment, does not constitute an institutional option, nor does it contribute to a significant dialogical relationship between curricular activities and extracurricular artistic activities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Autoantibodies against muscarinic receptors in breast cancer. Its role in tumor angiogenesis.

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    The presence of autoantibodies in cancer has become relevant in recent years. We demonstrated that autoantibodies purified from the sera of breast cancer patients activate muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in tumor cells. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) from breast cancer patients in T1N0Mx stage (tumor size¡Ü2 cm, without lymph node metastasis) mimics the action of the muscarinic agonist carbachol stimulating MCF-7 cell proliferation, migration and invasion. Angiogenesis is a central step in tumor progression because it promotes tumor invasion and metastatic spread. Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A) is the main angiogenic mediator, and its levels have been correlated with poor prognosis in cancer. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of T1N0Mx-IgG on the expression of VEGF-A, and the in vivo neovascular response triggered by MCF-7 cells, via muscarinic receptor activation. We demonstrated that T1N0Mx-IgG (10−8 M) and carbachol (10−9 M) increased the constitutive expression of VEGF-A in tumor cells, effect that was reverted by the muscarinic antagonist atropine. We also observed that T1N0Mx-IgG and carbachol enhanced the neovascular response produced by MCF-7 cells in the skin of NUDE mice. The action of IgG or carbachol was reduced in the presence of atropine. In conclusion, T1N0Mx-IgG and carbachol may promote VEGF-A production and neovascularization induced by breast tumor cells via muscarinic receptors activation. These effects may be accelerating breast tumor progression.Fil: Lombardi, Maria Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacologicos y Botánicos; Argentina;Fil: Negroni, María Pía.Fil: Pelegrina, Laura Tatiana. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacologicos y Botánicos; Argentina;Fil: Castro, Maria Ester. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacologicos y Botánicos; Argentina;Fil: Fiszman, Gabriel Leon. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Oncología "Dr.Ángel Roffo"; Argentina;Fil: Azar, María Eugenia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Oncología "Dr.Ángel Roffo"; Argentina;Fil: Cresta Morgado Carlos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Oncología "Dr.Ángel Roffo"; Argentina;Fil: Sales Maria Elena. Consejo Nacional de Invest.cientif.y Tecnicas. Oficina de Coordinacion Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios Farmacologicos y Botánicos; Argentina

    Atitudes e valores no Ensino e Aprendizagem: perspetiva holística da Psicologia Social e da Educação

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    [PT] Com base na revisão da literatura afeta aos conceitos primordiais circunscritos aos valores e atitudes em contexto educacional, a par da experiência / vivência pedagógico-didática dos autores, trazemos à discussão, por um lado, o estado da arte e, por outro, um olhar em perspetiva sobre o futuro da sua promoção, desenvolvimento e aprimoramento na comunidade escolar. Estas noções e conceitos (atitude e valores) foram desenvolvidos e cientificamente mensurados por um conjunto de psicólogos que trabalhou o domínio comportamental, nos anos da década de 20 do século passado, no domínio e área da Psicologia. Mais especificamente, a Psicologia Social, destacou-se pelos contributos que trouxe para a aprofundamento destes conceitos, os quais, ancoram, nestes moldes, no universo educacional, acabando por se assumirem como elementos primordiais no que concerne à compreensão dos diferentes problemas que comummente afrontam e desafiam o universo educacional, nomeadamente na área afeta à inovação pedagógica. Neste trabalho pretendemos proceder a uma reflexão crítica sobre a importância das áreas supracitadas para a temática especifica em análise--[EN] On the basis of the literature review related to the primordial concepts surrounding values and attitudes in the educational context, together with the pedagogical and didactic experience of the authors, we bring to the discussion, on the one hand, the state of the art and, on the other hand, a prospective look at the future of its promotion, development and enhancement in the school community. These notions and concepts (attitude and values) were developed and scientifically measured by a group of psychologists who worked in the behavioural domain in the 1920s in the field and area of Psychology. More specifically, Social Psychology, stood out for the contributions it brought to the deepening of these concepts, which, anchored, in these ways, in the educational universe, ended up being assumed as primordial elements in what concerns the comprehension of the different problems that commonly face and challenge the educational universe, namely in the area related to pedagogical innovation. In this work we intend to proceed to a critical reflection on the importance of the above-mentioned areas for the specific thematic under analysis.Gabriel Morgado, E.; Licursi Conceição, MB.; Fernandes Da Silva, LL. (2023). Atitudes e valores no Ensino e Aprendizagem: perspetiva holística da Psicologia Social e da Educação. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1-8. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2022.2022.157401

    Being and working: a factor evaluation study satisfaction indicatives

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    A satisfação com o trabalho possui importante relevância para o bem-estar dos colaboradores e consequentemente proporciona melhor desempenho em suas atividades. Alguns autores consideram que para se ter noção adequada de como mensurá-la deve-se analisar a relação do colaborador com alguns fatores, dentre os quais sempre são estudados pela literatura da área e por isso escolhidos para compor esse trabalho: a natureza e condições do trabalho, salário, sistema de promoções de cargo, equipe de trabalho e o superior imediato. Neste sentido, o presente estudo buscou avaliar o nível em que os referidos fatores indicativos de satisfação estão impactando no trabalho de colaboradores de um empreendimento no setor de panificação em Sobral-CE. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória descritiva referenciada com levantamento de dados em campo, tendo como método o estudo de caso. Os principais autores pesquisados foram Bergamini (2000), Chiavenato (2003), Tamayo (1998), Sarathy e Barbosa (1981) e Martinez e Paraguay (2003). Os resultados demonstraram que quanto às dimensões natureza do trabalho, superior imediato e equipe de trabalho, no local pesquisado, a avaliação foi muito positiva, enquanto as dimensões ascensão de cargo e remuneração demonstraram uma satisfação na média quanto a esses quesitos e, havendo neles a possibilidade de avaliação por parte da empresa. Os resultados das dimensões são coerentes com os dados encontrados na avaliação geral com os indicadores de qualidade de vida.Job satisfaction is important for the well-being of employees and, consequently, provides better performance in their activities. Some authors consider that in order to have an adequate notion of how to measure it, the relationship of the employee with some factors must be analyzed, among which they are always studied by the literature of the area and therefore chosen to compose this work: the nature and conditions of the work. work, salary, job promotion system, work team and immediate superior. In this sense, the present study sought to assess the level at which the said factors indicating satisfaction are impacting the work of employees of a project in the bakery sector in Sobral-CE. To this end, an exploratory descriptive research referenced with data collection in the field was carried out, using the case study method. The main authors surveyed were Bergamini (2000), Chiavenato (2003), Tamayo (1998), Sarathy and Barbosa (1981) and Martinez and Paraguay (2003). The results showed that, regarding the nature of work, immediate superior and work team dimensions, in the researched location, the evaluation was very positive, while the dimensions of job and remuneration showed an average satisfaction regarding these questions and, possibility of evaluation by the company. The results of the dimensions are consistent with the data found in the general assessment with the quality of life indicators.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    School and family: reflections on a necessary and timeless relationship

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    A escola e a família cruzam abundantemente os desígnios e os objetivos centrais da sua ação e intervenção na comunidade educativa. Esta relação, mais do que necessária, passa a ser declaradamente intemporal, não só no que respeita ao envolvimento de ambos, mas também no que concerne à adoção de medidas e estratégias decorrentes da realidade observada num processo sempre complexo que é o ato de educar alguém. O presente artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar que a família assume uma preparação prévia, continuada e complementar à escola, enquanto a escola se assume como o local onde, por excelência, se reforçam e complementam saberes, atitudes, valores e competências. A união de esforços e a relação interinstitucional reforça e não prejudica a identidade de cada um destes parceiros profundamente relacionados. Apresentando o quadro normativo, pretende-se, por fim, refletir sobre o caminho a percorrer para um envolvimento pleno e desejável entre os pares.The school and the family abundantly cross the central objectives and plans of their action and intervention in the educational community. This relationship more than necessary is now reportedly timeless, not only regarding the involvement of both within but also when it comes to the adoption of measures and strategies arising from the reality observed in a process always complex that is the act of educating someone. This article aims to show that the family assumes a previous preparation, continuous and complementary to school, while the school is assumed as the place where, par excellence, reinforce and complement knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills. The union of efforts and inter-institutional relationship strengthens and does not affect the identity of each of these deeply related partners. Therefore, with the framework, it is intended to finally reflect on the way to go for full involvement and desirable between the pairs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O artigo editorial se propõe a dialogar conceitualmente as temáticas abordadas na Revista Brasileira de Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade tendo como base a Teoria da Complexidade que e atende uma multiplicidade de estudos permitindo afastar o pesquisador do pensamento simplificador que é incapaz de conceber a conjunção do uno no múltiplo, visto que o pensamento complexo não anula a diversidade nem unifica abstratamente, ao contrário, ele justapõe a diversidade sem conceber a unidade.The editorial article proposes to conceptually discuss the themes addressed in the Brazilian Journal of Education, Technology and Society, based on the Theory of Complexity, which attends a multiplicity of studies, allowing the researcher to be excluded from simplifying thinking that is incapable of conceiving the conjunction of one in the multiple, since complex thinking does not nullify diversity nor abstractly unify, on the contrary, it juxtaposes diversity without conceiving of unity