291 research outputs found

    Enantioselektive, organokatalytische, konjugierte Additionen und Reaktionen von Aziridinen

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden mit Hilfe von Organokatalysatoren, also kleinen organischen Molekülen ohne Einwirkung von Lewis-Säuren, verschiedene Reaktionen, wie etwa Michael- oder nukleophile Additionen an Dreiringe, durchgeführt. ..

    Evaluation of the temporal resolution in monolingual and bilingual subjects through the gap in noise (GIN)

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ceilândia, 2018.Objetivo: verificar o desempenho na habilidade de resolução temporal, por meio do teste Gap In Noise (GIN), em sujeitos bilíngues proficientes na Língua Inglesa e sujeitos monolíngues falantes do Português Brasileiro. Métodos: 25 voluntários, com idades entre 19 a 41 anos, submetidos ao teste GIN após avaliação audiológica periférica prévia. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos normo-ouvintes: Grupo Monolíngue (GM), indivíduos que não apresentam fluência e compreensão na Língua Inglesa ou em qualquer outro idioma; Grupo Bilíngue (GB), composto por professores de escolas de idioma (Português-Inglês). Resultados: as médias dos limiares de detecção do gap e de porcentagem de acertos no GM na orelha direita foram, respectivamente, 6,21 e 66,67% e orelha esquerda 6,14 e 67,14%. No GB, estas medidas foram 5,36 e 72,27% para orelha direita e 6,09 e 68,94% para a orelha esquerda. Não houve diferença em relação aos grupos e orelhas no GIN. Conclusão: sujeitos bilíngues proficientes na Língua Inglesa apresentaram desempenho semelhante aos de sujeitos monolíngues falantes do Português Brasileiro na habilidade de resolução temporal.Purpose: to verify the performance of the temporal resolution ability, through the Gap In Noise (GIN) test, in bilingual subjects proficient in the English Language and monolingual subjects who speak Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: 25 volunteers, aged 19 to 41 years, submitted to the GIN test after previous peripheral audiological evaluation. The sample was divided in two normal hearing groups: Monolingual Group (GM), individuals who do not have fluency and comprehension in the English Language or any other language; Bilingual Group (GB), composed of teachers of language schools (Portuguese-English). Results: the mean of the gap detection thresholds and percentage of correct answers in GM in the right ear were, respectively, 6.21 and 66.67%, and left ear 6.14 and 67.14%. In GB, these measures were 5.36 and 72.27% for the right ear and 6.09 and 68.94% for the left ear. There was no difference between groups and ears in GIN. Conclusion: bilingual subjects proficient in the English Language presented similar performance to those of monolingual subjects who spoke Brazilian Portuguese in the temporal resolution ability

    O Superior Tribunal de Justiça e o prequestionamento: uma hermenêutica ainda em formação

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    No presente estudo, analisa-se o prequestionamento, requisito específico de admissibilidade do recurso especial, a partir das várias concepções doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais, bem como os efeitos negativos da ausência de uniformização desse pressuposto perante os jurisdicionados. Primeiramente, realiza-se uma análise histórica sobre o Superior Tribunal de Justiça, que é a Corte responsável pelo julgamento do recurso especial. Aborda-se a posição jurídico-política no ordenamento brasileiro e seu papel constitucional de uniformizador das questões federais infraconstitucionais e, sobretudo, de tribunal superior que tutela a igualdade. Analisa-se, ainda, o recurso especial e seu enquadramento como meio excepcional de impugnação. Também são tecidos comentários acerca dos pressupostos de cabimento e dos requisitos de admissibilidade desse recurso. Por fim, verifica-se o prequestionamento a partir da sua conceituação doutrinária, seu histórico e os principais problemas decorrentes da ausência de uniformização desse instituto no âmbito do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, como a insegurança jurídica

    Chutou no gol, caiu na cesta : as estratégias de marketing de relacionamento do Boston Celtics e Palmeiras

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso em Publicidade e Propaganda, 2019.O presente trabalho procurou analisar e comparar o relacionamento do Palmeiras e do Boston Celtics com seus torcedores, a partir da ótica do marketing de relacionamento. Por serem times de esportes e mercados diferentes, também possuem estratégias diferentes para atingir seus torcedores. Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa documental nos sites dos clubes, para entender como funciona os atuais planos de sócio torcedor, as ações e estratégias de ambos os clubes. A partir disso, percebeu-se que o Boston Celtics possui uma estratégia mais robusta, entende melhor a jornada de compra dos seus consumidores, além de ser mais voltado para a comunidade próxima a região de Boston enquanto o Palmeiras consegue integrar melhor o offline com o online

    Do acquiring-firm shareholders win or lose? Evidence from Europe.

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    The effects of takeovers on the value of both, target and bidder firms have been studied by many researchers. While in the United States there is extensive empirical evidence on the effects of consolidation on share price movements, the empirical literature remains limited in Europe. Reviewing the relevant literature suggests that the majority of previous work concludes that the bulk of mergers perform strongly pre merger and poorly afterwards. It is subject of the Hubris Hypothesis that bidders outperform the market pre merger and that bidder and target combined value is around zero. Systematically nonzero abnormal share returns after a particular event is inconsistent with market efficiency. The hubris hypothesis argues that bidders make systematic mistakes. Modigliani and Miller stress in their irrelevancy preposition that the means by which an investment is financed is irrelevant. Splitting merger deals into relevant characteristics suggests that the majority of research does not support this hypothesis. In terms of methodology, this study uses an event-study type approach, in which changes in the prices of specific financial market assets around the time of the announcement of the acquisition are analyzed. Different valuation approaches brought up in research and practical approaches are presented. The data is a sample of major European deals from 1995 to 2004. Abnormal returns are derived from the market model. The author finds that pre merger, companies outperform the benchmark and that during the event period there is insignificant underperformance. However, during the post event period, the sample firms significantly underperform on average. By and large, the main conclusion is that acquisitions destroy aggregate wealth. It is found that pre acquisition performance is not an indicator for post acquisition performance. Several effects are identified (higher combined bidder-target stock returns for friendly offers and lower for related offers). The long-run post-acquisition performance is insignificant for equity to shares offers

    Variáveis facilitadoras e inibidoras em um processo de avaliação de ações educacionais de uma empresa do setor elétrico

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    A pesquisa em questão pretendeu identificar as variáveis facilitadoras e inibidoras no processo de avaliação de ações educacionais de uma empresa do setor elétrico, através da percepção dos empregados quanto ao programa de avaliação, os procedimentos e o instrumento utilizados na avaliação de impacto em ações educacionais. Para tanto, foram utilizados, como referenciais teóricos HAMBLIN, BORGES-ANDRADE e ABBAD. O método utilizado foi de entrevistas com a técnica de grupo focal, compreendendo cinco grupos, para os quais foram direcionadas perguntas que depois de tabeladas, sofreram um processo de análise. Com os resultados, pode-se apontar a necessidade de aprofundar o planejamento quanto ao processo de treinamento da empresa, no sentido de torná-lo mais acessível, transparente e efetivo. Concluiu-se pela necessidade de um levantamento mais minucioso quanto às reais necessidades de treinamento, em vista das falhas já detectadas no pequeno grupo pesquisado. Por fim, foram feitas recomendações a fim de melhorar todo o processo de avaliação

    New disease on red flowering horse chestnut (Aesculus x carnea Hayne) and the molecular identification of the involved pathogens

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    In dieser Studie wurde eine in Nord-West Deutschland bisher nicht bekannte Krankheit der Rotblühenden Rosskastanie (Aesculus × carnea Hayne) untersucht. Die Krankheit ist durch Fruchtkörper der Weißfäulepilze Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer und Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) Kummer, die Stämmlings- und Astabbrüche verur­sachen, einer Infektion mit Pseudomonas syringae pv. aesculi und Rindenrisse charakterisiert. Um die Hauptverursacher der Krankheit zu identifizieren, wurden vier Stammscheiben von zwei erkrankten Rotblühenden Rosskastanien untersucht und über den Querschnitt in Probenbereiche aufgeteilt. Die Untersuchung der einzelnen Gewebebereiche ermöglicht es, die Schadorganismen ihrer Rolle im Schadverlauf zuzuordnen. Durch die Sequenzierung der ITS Region der rDNA wurden vier Weißfäule­pilze F. velutipes, P. ostreatus, sowie Bjerkandera adusta (Willd. ex Fr.) Karst. und Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers. ex Fr.) Pouzar und einige Ascomyceten identifiziert. Die Verteilung der Pilze über den Querschnitt der Stammscheiben lässt es zu, diese als die Hauptverursacher des Schadens zu charakterisieren und diesen als Komplexkrankheit zu beschreiben.In dieser Studie gelang der Nachweis von mehreren Basidiomyceten in einem Gewebe, was die Komplexität der Krankheit unterstreicht. Zudem wird F. velutipes zum ersten Mal molekular als Parasit an der Rotblühenden Rosskastanie beschrieben und Pseudomonas syringae pv. aesculi erstmals sowohl im inneren Phloem als auch im sekundären Xylem von natürlich infizierten Rotblühenden Rosskastanien nachgewiesen. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.12.03, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.12.03A so far unknown disease which is found on red flowering horse chestnut (Aesculus × carnea Hayne) in the north-west of Germany has been investigated. It is characterized by the presence of fruiting bodies of Flammulina velutipes (Curtis) Singer and Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex Fr.) Kummer, able to cause breakage of branches and stems by white rot. Additional infection by Pseudomonas syringae pv. aesculi, and cracks of the bark are found.To get detailed knowledge of the disease, samples were taken from cross sections of four decayed red flowering horse chestnut stems. The investigation of individual tissues across the stem enables the assignment of the pathogens to the new disease. Sequencing of the rDNA-ITS identified F. velutipes and P. ostreatus, Bjerkandera adusta (Willd. ex Fr.) Karst. and Chondrostereum purpureum (Pers. ex Fr.) Pouzar, four white rot fungi, as main pathogens and some ascomycetes in the infected and decaying stem tissues.Our studies revealed the co-appearance of different basidiomycetes and ascomycetes in decaying tissue zones which emphasizes the complexity of the disease. It is also the first proof of involvement of F. velutipes as a parasite on red flowering horse chestnut. In addition, for the first time, Pseudomonas syringae pv. aesculi was detected in the inner bark and within the secondary xylem of natural infected red flowering horse chestnut. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2014.12.03, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2014.12.0

    Vergleichende Untersuchung von biodegradierbaren PLLA/P4HB-Polymerstents mit und ohne SIR-eluierender Beschichtung und unter der Gabe einer oralen Hochdosistherapie Atorvastatin im peripheren arteriellen Gefäßsystem des Landschweins

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    Die in dieser Studie dargelegten Ergebnisse dokumentieren einen weiteren Schritt in der Entwicklung bioresorbierbarer PLLA/P4HB-Stents als Alternative zu herkömmlichen permanenten 316L-Metallstents. Bekannte Defizite, wie die im Vergleich zu permanenten Stents vermehrt beobachtete reaktive inflammatorische Reaktion oder die im Applikationsprozess lediglich indirekte Visualisierung der Stents, konnten durch Inkorporation eines antiproliferativen Agens und einer Röntgenmarkierung verbessert und das etablierte Tiermodell zur transluminalen Applizierung neuer PLLA/P4HB-Stents optimiert werden

    (2S,3R)-tert-Butyl N-[4-(N-benzyl-4-fluoro­benzene­sulfonamido)-3-hy­droxy-1-phenyl­butan-2-yl]carbamate

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    In the title mol­ecule, C28H33FN2O5S, the mean plane about the tertiary amine group (sum of the angles subtended at the sp 2-hybridized N atom = 359.7°) forms a dihedral angle of 16.66 (6)° with the phenyl ring adjacent to the carbamate group. The sulfonamide benzene ring and the hy­droxy group lie to either side of the C2NS plane, whereas the benzyl­phenyl (connected to the N atom) and carbamate substituents lie to the other side. Supra­molecular layers propagating in the ac plane are found in the crystal, linked by hy­droxy–sulfonamide O—H⋯O and carbamate–carbamate N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds along with C—H⋯O and C—H⋯π inter­actions

    Standardized, systemic phenotypic analysis reveals kidney dysfunction as main alteration of Kctd1 I27N mutant mice

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    Background: Increased levels of blood plasma urea were used as phenotypic parameter for establishing novel mouse models for kidney diseases on the genetic background of C3H inbred mice in the phenotype-driven Munich ENU mouse mutagenesis project. The phenotypically dominant mutant line HST014 was established and further analyzed. Methods: Analysis of the causative mutation as well as the standardized, systemic phenotypic analysis of the mutant line was carried out. Results: The causative mutation was detected in the potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 1 (Kctd1) gene which leads to the amino acid exchange Kctd1 I27N thereby affecting the functional BTB domain of the protein. This line is the first mouse model harboring a Kctd1 mutation. Kctd1 I27N homozygous mutant mice die perinatally. Standardized, systemic phenotypic analysis of Kctd1 I27N heterozygous mutants was carried out in the German Mouse Clinic (GMC). Systematic morphological investigation of the external physical appearance did not detect the specific alterations that are described in KCTD1 mutant human patients affected by the scalp-ear-nipple (SEN) syndrome. The main pathological phenotype of the Kctd1 I27N heterozygous mutant mice consists of kidney dysfunction and secondary effects thereof, without gross additional primary alterations in the other phenotypic parameters analyzed. Genome-wide transcriptome profiling analysis at the age of 4 months revealed about 100 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in kidneys of Kctd1 I27N heterozygous mutants as compared to wild-type controls. Conclusions: In summary, the main alteration of the Kctd1 I27N heterozygous mutants consists in kidney dysfunction. Additional analyses in 9–21 week-old heterozygous mutants revealed only few minor effects