11 research outputs found

    Visualisation of trust and quality information for geospatial dataset selection and use:Drawing trust presentation comparisons with B2C e-Commerce

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    The evaluation of geospatial data quality and trustworthiness presents a major challenge to geospatial data users when making a dataset selection decision. Part of the problem arises from the inconsistent and patchy nature of data quality information, which makes intercomparison very difficult. Over recent years, the production and availability of geospatial data has significantly increased, facilitated by the recent explosion of Web-based catalogues, portals, standards and services, and by initiatives such as INSPIRE and GEOSS. Despite this significant growth in availability of geospatial data and the fact that geospatial datasets can, in many respects, be considered commercial products that are available for purchase online, consumer trust has to date received relatively little attention in the GIS domain. In this paper, we discuss how concepts of trust, trust models, and trust indicators (largely derived from B2C e-Commerce) apply to the GIS domain and to geospatial data selection and use. Our research aim is to support data users in more efficient and effective geospatial dataset selection on the basis of quality, trustworthiness and fitness for purpose. To achieve this, we propose a GEO label – a decision support mechanism that visually summarises availability of key geospatial data informational aspects. We also present a Web service that was developed to support generation of dynamic GEO label representations for datasets by combining producer metadata (from standard catalogues or other published locations) with structured user feedback

    eLand Governance in India: Transcending Digitization

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    Part 1: General E-Government and Open GovernmentInternational audienceLand governance is a complex issue to be addressed in many countries including India. All three branches of the government viz. judiciary, executive and legislature have tried to address the issue in various forms but have failed to achieve the outcomes of development. The failure, or limited success can be attributed to their narrow vision of or focus on the problem. The objectives of land governance have changed over time. With the advent of digitization, land administration has become more efficient and transparent, aiding the managerial process of land records and registration. However, the outcomes of economic, social, human, and cultural development, have been given paltry importance. In this paper we present the cases of Bhoomi and KAVERI, two initiatives to computerize land records and registration in the state of Karnataka, India. We present an ontological framework to envision the big picture in eLand governance. We argue that in achieving the desired outcome, we must see the problem in its entirety without losing focus on its key aspects. Regarding eland Governance, policy instruments, eGovernance, and land governance must work in tandem

    « La République des « humeurs » : Les querelles dans le dictionnaire de Bayle »

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    International audienceQuarrelling is a ‘routine’ activity of the Republic of Letters. This article demonstrates that quarrels played a key role in the field of historical criticism. Our intellectual contribution is twofold. First, we bring to the fore the epistemological issues raised by Bayle while reporting the quarrels of the Republic of Letters, and demonstrate their creative potential, thus applying to historiography conclusions drawn by recent research on scientific controversies. We offer a new understanding of scholarly quarrels, here understood as a socially and intellectually structuring activity. Second, we take position with regard to the debate over Bayle’s historical pyrrhonism. As will be shown, the quarrels constitute a key element within a method of writing history that is both conscious of its limits and sure of its investigative powers.Les querelles constituent une activité « routinière » plutôt qu’extraordinaire du monde lettré et savant. Nous montrons ici qu’elles ont un rôle à jouer dans le domaine de la critique historique. Notre apport est double. En nous intéressant aux enjeux épistémologiques de l’écriture baylienne de la querelle, nous transposons sur le terrain de l’historiographie l’apport des études récentes sur la productivité des querelles scientifiques. Nous présentons une perspective nouvelle de compréhension des querelles comme activité structurante de la république des lettres, tant sur le plan social qu’intellectuel. Ce faisant, nous prenons position dans le débat sur le « pyrrhonisme » historique de Bayle en montrant que les querelles sont centrales dans une démarche historiographique consciente de ses limites comme de ses pouvoirs d’investigation.Gli scontri polemici costituiscono un attività piuttosto regolare e non straordinaria nel mondo dei letterati e scienziati. Cercheremo di mostrare qui che queste polemiche possono occupare un ruolo particolare nel campo della critica storica. La nostra proposta è doppia. Ci interessiamo alle prospettive e consequenze epistemologiche del modo in cui Bayle registra le polemiche : cosi faciendo applichiamo al piano istoriografico gli apporti dei studi recenti sulla produttività delle controversie scientifiche. Presenteremo una prospettiva nuova di comprensione delle polemiche in quanto attività che struttura la Repubblica delle lettere, sia sul piano sociale che intellettuale. Di consequenza, prendiamo posizione nel dibattito sul « pyrrhonismo » storico di Bayle, mostrando che le polemiche sono centrali a una pratica istoriografica che sa riconoscere i propri limiti cosi sue capacità d'investigazione