139 research outputs found

    Analisis putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 57/Pdt.Sus-Hki/Merek/2019 antara Ruben Samuel Onsu melawan PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono tinjauan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2016 dan Al Tassaruf wa Al-Milk

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    INDONESIA: Pemilik merek mendapatkan hak eksklusif yang diterima oleh negara melalui permohonan dengan cara pendaftaran sesuai prosedur atau mekanisme yang telah ditetapkan, sehingga bagi pemilik diwajibkan mendaftarkan merek agar terlindungi. Sengketa kepemilikan hak merek terjadi antara Ruben Samuel Onsu dengan PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono. Kasus berawal ketika Ruben Samuel Onsu keberatan dengan kata “Bensu” yang digunakan oleh PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono, dimana dalam merek “I Am Geprek Bensu Sedep Beneerrr” memiliki persamaan pada pokoknya sehingga menimbulkan itikad tidak baik. Setelah dilayangkan pernyataan Ruben Samuel Onsu tersebut, PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono tidak membenarkan jika sebagai pemilik hak dan pendaftar pertama atas merek mengandung nama “Bensu” menyebabkan itikad tidak baik untuk menguasai merek “I Am Geprek Bensu Sedep Beneerr”. Sehingga penting bagi pihak pemilik merek memenuhi prinsip dalam undang-undang merek. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis tentang bagaimana hak kepemilikan dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 57/Pdt.Sus-HKI/Merek/2019 ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2016 Tentang Merek dan bagaiamana hak kepemilikan dalam Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 57/Pdt.Sus-HKI/Merek/2019 ditinjau dari kaidah fikih al tassaruf wa al-milk. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yakni penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan penelitian yang berkaitan seperti pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan kasus dan pendekatan konseptual. Dalam pengumpulan bahan hukum menggunakan teknik studi kepustakaan (library research) yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan. Hasil penelitian pertama yakni Ruben Samuel Onsu terbukti melakukan itikad tidak baik dengan mengakui kepemilikan merek mengandung nama “Bensu” dari PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono, dimana PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono telah mendaftarkan merek pertama kali (first to file) sesuai dengan prinsip undang-undang merek dibandingkan pendaftaran merek milik Ruben Samuel Onsu, ia tidak dapat menunjukan persamaan pada pokoknya dan keseluruhannya. Hasil penelitian kedua berupa adanya hubungan antara ketiga kaidah fikih al tassaruf wa al-milk dengan permasalahan yakni kepemilikan hak atas merek tidak sah jika Ruben Samuel Onsu masih memiliki bahkan menggunakan merek yang seharusnya bukan miliknya, ditambah penggunaan maupun pengakuan kepemilikan merek tersebut tidak dapat dibuktikan sesuai peraturan yang sah. ENGLISH: Brand owners obtain exclusive rights received by the state through application by registration according to established procedures or mechanisms, requiring that the owners register the brand for protection. The dispute over brand rights came between Ruben Samuel Onsu and PTAyam Geprek Benny Sujono. The case begins from the objection of Ruben Samuel Onsu about the word "bensu" used by PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono, where in the label "I Am Geprek Bensu Sedep Beneerrr" have in common so as to provoke bad faith. After a statement made by Ruben Samuel onsu, PTAyam Geprek Benny Sujonodoes not justify having the name "bensu" as its first installment of the brand "I Am Geprek Bensu Sedep Beneerrr" so it's important for the owners to fulfill the principles within their laws. The research aims to analyze how the right of ownership in Supreme CourtRuling No. 57/Pdt.Sus-HKI/Merek/2019 which is reviewed from the StatuteNo.20 in 2016 about brand and how the right of ownership in Supreme Court RulingNo.57/Pdt.Sus-HKI/Merek/2019 which judging from the rules of the fiqhaltassaruf wa al-milk. The kind of research used as normative legal research with research approaches such as legislation approach, case approach, and conceptual approach. In the collection of legal materials using the technical literature study (library research) that deals with the problems. The first study of Ruben Samuel Onsu showed bad faith by recognizing the name "Bensu" of PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono, whose PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono had registered the brand first (first to file) in accordance with the principle of the statue of brand compared with Ruben Samuel Onsu's own brand registration, he could not show the similarities at the primary and its entirety. The second study is the relationship between the three fixed rules of al tassaruf wa al-milkwith the problem. The problem is the ownership of a brand would be illegal if Ruben Samuel Onsustill had a brand that was not his own brand, and the use and the recognition of its ownership could not be proved by legal regulations. ARABIC: يحصل ملك العلامة التجارية على حقوق حصرية من الدولة إذا سجل علامته من خلال النظام الصحيح فالواجب عليه تسجيل علامته للمحافظة عليها. يحدث خلاف في الملكية حقوق العلامات التجارية بين Ruben Samuel Onsu PT و Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono بدأ الخلاف عندما لم يقبل Ruben Samuel Onsu مع كلمة “Bensu” التي استخدمها PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono بسبب تلك الكلمة في الامة التجارية “I Am Geprek Benny Sujono” نفس الجوهر, لذالك يعتبر أن فيها على وجود النية السينة, بعد أن أرسل بيانة, PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono لاتوافق إذا كان هو المالك الصحيح و الممسجل الأول بسبب كلمة “Bensu” سببا في النية السيئة للحصول على العلامة التجارية “I Am Geprek Bensu Sedep Beneerrr" لذلك من المهم لمالك العلامة التجارية تنفيذ التعليمات على النظام فيما يتعلق بالعلامة التجارية. يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحليل كيفية حقوق الملكية في رسالة قرار المحكمة العليا رقم 57/Pdt.Sus-Hki/Merek/2019 العلامة التجارية ينظرمن مراجعة القانون رقم 20 سنة 2016 وكيفية حقيق الملكية العليا رقم 57/Pdt.Sus-Hki/Merek/2019 ينظر من القاعدة الفقهية التصرف والملك. يستخدم هذا النوع من البحث هو البحث القانوني المعياري بالمناهج البحوث المناسبات ك مثل المناهج القانونية ، ومقاربات الحالة والنهج المفاهيمية. في جمع المواد القانونية باستخدام أساليب البحث المكتبية التي تتعلق بالمسألة. من هذا البحث ، وجد أن Ruben Samuel Onsu قد فعل النية السيئة على العلامة التجارية في كلمة “Bensu” من PT Ayam Geprek Benny حيث قام PT Ayam Geprek Benny Sujono بتسجيل العلامة التجارية لأول مرة ( (first to fileوفق لمبادئ قانون العلامات التجارية مقارنة بتسجيل العلامة التجارية المملوكة Ruben Samuel Onsu هو لايستطيع أن يظهر المساومة في جوهرها وكاملها. ثاني هناك علاقة بين القاعدة الفقهية ”التصرف والملك” بالمسأل ة هي ستكون ملكية ثاني هناك علاقة بين القاعدة الفقهية لحقوق في العلامة التجارية باطلة إذا كان Ruben Samuel Onsu لا يزال يمتلكها و ليس له الحق بأن يستخدم علامة تجارية الذي لا ينبغي أن تكون ملكه

    Estudio y modelado en metodología BIM de una vivienda plurifamiliar entre medianeras

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    [ES] El presente trabajo consiste en el estudio y modelado de un edificio de viviendas plurifamiliar entre medianeras, mediante metodología ‘BIM’ para la obtención de la documentación que compone un Proyecto Básico y de Ejecución. En primer lugar se realiza un estudio de la metodología BIM aplicada a la edificación. A continuación se lleva a cabo el aprendizaje de la tecnología, en concreto REVIT Arquitecture, herramienta principal utilizada para la ejecución de este trabajo. Con Revit se irá modelando el edificio a partir de un Proyecto de Ejecución real. A medida que se avanza en el modelado y la introducción de información en la base de datos que es el modelo, se van obteniendo los distintos documentos (planos, mediciones, etc.) necesarios para cada una de las fases de la gestión del proyecto previa a la ejecución de la obra.[CA] El present treball consisteix en l'estudi i modelatge d'un edifici d'habitatges plurifamiliar entre mitgeres, mitjançant metodologia ‘BIM’ per a l'obtenció de la documentació que compon un Projecte Bàsic i d'Execució. En primer lloc es realitza un estudi de la metodologia BIM aplicada a l'edificació. A continuació es duu a terme l'aprenentatge de la tecnologia, en concret REVIT Arquitecture, eina principal utilitzada per a l'execució d'aquest treball. Amb REVIT s'anirà modelant l'edifici a partir d'un Projecte d'Execució real. A mesura que s'avança en el modelatge i la introducció d'informació en la base de dades que és el model, es van obtenint els diferents documents (plànols, amidaments, etc.) necessaris per a cadascuna de les fases de la gestió del projecte prèvia a l'execució de l'obra.[EN] This project deals with the study and modelling of a multi-family housing units townhouse, using BIM methodology to obtain the documentation that forms a planning and implementation project. Firstly, a study of BIM methodology applied to the building is carried out. Then the learning of the technology, specifically REVIT Architecture, the main tool used to execute this work, is performed. With Revit, the building will be modelled from a real execution plan. As the modelling and the introduction of information into the data base advances, the different documents (drawings, measuring, etc.) necessary for each phase of the project management previous to the implementation of the construction will be obtained.Villalba Morenza, R. (2015). Estudio y modelado en metodología BIM de una vivienda plurifamiliar entre medianeras. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/52118

    Obtención de láminas delgadas de Y-Ba-Cu-O sobre Si (100)

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    Se ha utilizado la evaporación secuencial de Cu, Y2O3 y BaF2 para la obtención de láminas delgadas superconductoras de YBa-CuO sobre substratos de Si monocristalino con orientación [100], recubiertos con una lámina barrera de Zr02. Se han estudiado los efectos de la variación de los espesores relativos de las láminas constituyentes y del espesor total de la lámina resultante. Las láminas se han caracterizado mediante medidas de la variación de la resistencia con la temperatura, microscopía electrónoca de barrido, difractometría de rayos X, microson-da electrónica y espectometría de masas de iones secundarios. Las láminas presentan un ligero carácter semiconductor en el estado normal, con temperaturas de inicio de la transición su-perconductora alrededor de 90 K, y resistencia nula, en el mejor de los casos, a 45 K

    Time-resolved imaging of the laser forward transfer of liquids

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    Time-resolved imaging is carried out to study the dynamics of the laser-induced forward transfer of an aqueous solution at different laser fluences. The transfer mechanisms are elucidated, and directly correlated with the material deposited at the analyzed irradiation conditions. It is found that there exists a fluence range in which regular and well-defined droplets are deposited. In this case, laser pulse energy absorption results in the formation of a plasma, which expansion originates a cavitation bubble in the liquid. After the further expansion and collapse of the bubble, a long and uniform jet is developed, which advances at a constant velocity until it reaches the receptor substrate. On the other hand, for lower fluences no material is deposited. In this case, although a jet can be also generated, it recoils before reaching the substrate. For higher fluences, splashing is observed on the receptor substrate due to the bursting of the cavitation bubble. Finally, a discussion of the possible mechanisms which lead to such singular dynamics is also provided

    Laser Microprinting of Transparent and Weakly Absorbing Solutions

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    A laser-based technique for printing transparent andweakly absorbing liquids is developed. Its principleof operation relies in the tight focusing of shortlaser pulses inside the liquid and close to its freesurface, in such a way that the laser radiation isabsorbed in a tiny volume around the beam waist,with practically no absorption in any other locationalong the beam path. If the absorbed energyovercomes the optical breakdown threshold, acavitation bubble is generated, and its expansionresults in the propulsion of a small fraction of liquidwhich can be collected on a substrate, leading to theprinting of a microdroplet for each laser pulse. Thetechnique does not require the preparation of theliquid in thin film form, and its forward mode ofoperation imposes no restriction concerning theoptical properties of the substrate. We demonstratethat the technique is capable of printingmicrodroplets with good resolution, reproducibilityand control, and analyze the influence of the mainprocess parameters. The mechanisms of liquidprinting are also investigated: time-resolvedimaging provides a clear picture of the dynamics ofliquid transfer which allows understanding the mainfeatures observed in the printed droplets

    Characterization of hydroxyapatite laser ablation plumes by fast intensified CCD-imaging

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    ArF excimer laser pulses (193 nm, 20 ns, 150 mJ) have been focused on a hydroxyapatite (HA) target in similar conditions to those normally used for thin film deposition. Fast intensified CCD images of HA laser ablation plumes have been taken in vacuum and under different water vapor pressures ranging from 0.01 mbar to 1 mbar. Images of HA ablation in vacuum have shown a plume freely expanding at a constant velocity of 2.3 106 cm/s. HA ablation under a water vapor pressure of 0.01 mbar has revealed an expansion behavior very similar to that of ablation in vacuum. Images taken under a water vapor pressure of 0.1 mbar have shown the formation of a shock structure in the plume. Finally, HA ablation under a water vapor pressure of 1 mbar has revealed the development of some irregularities in the shape of the plume

    3D features of modified photostructurable glass-ceramic with infrared femtosecond laser pulses

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    The exclusive ability of laser radiation to be focused inside transparent materials makes lasers a unique tool to process inner parts of them unreachable with other techniques. Hence, laser direct-write can be used to create 3D structures inside bulk materials. Infrared femtosecond lasers are especially indicated for this purpose because a multiphoton process is usually required for absorption and high resolution can be attained. This work studies the modifications produced by 450 fs laser pulses at 1027 nm wavelength focused inside a photostructurable glass-ceramic (Foturan®) at different depths. Irradiated samples were submitted to standard thermal treatment and subsequent soaking in HF solution to form the buried microchannels and thus unveil the modified material. The voxel dimensions of modified material depend on the laser pulse energy and the depth at which the laser is focused. Spherical aberration and selffocusing phenomena are required to explain the observed results

    Influence of pressure and radio frequency power on deposition rate and structural properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films prepared by plasma deposition

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    The influence of radio frequency (rf) power and pressure on deposition rate and structural properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films, prepared by rf glow discharge decomposition of silane, have been studied by phase modulated ellipsometry and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. It has been found two pressure regions separated by a threshold value around 20 Pa where the deposition rate increases suddenly. This behavior is more marked as rf power rises and reflects the transition between two rf discharges regimes. The best quality films have been obtained at low pressure and at low rf power but with deposition rates below 0.2 nm/s. In the high pressure region, the enhancement of deposition rate as rf power increases first gives rise to a reduction of film density and an increase of content of hydrogen bonded in polyhydride form because of plasma polymerization reactions. Further rise of rf power leads to a decrease of polyhydride bonding and the material density remains unchanged, thus allowing the growth of a-Si:H films at deposition rates above 1 nm/s without any important detriment of material quality. This overcoming of deposition rate limitation has been ascribed to the beneficial effects of ion bombardment on the a-Si:H growing surface by enhancing the surface mobility of adsorbed reactive species and by eliminating hydrogen bonded in polyhydride configurations