9,530 research outputs found

    Morphologic and bioerosive features from an old marine highstand: the Cabililla archaeological shelter, Benzú, Ceuta

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    The micro-morphologic and bioerosive features, analyzed in the Benzú shelter (Ceuta), allow us to deduce an erosion marine surface elaborated onto dolomite triassic substrate. The Entobia-Gastrochaenolites Ichnoassociation and Entobia ichnofacies denote high energy coastal or shallow marine environment with low sedimentation rates. Two phases are differentiated in the evolution of these bioerosive structures: the first one defined by great borings of Gastrochaenolites, and the second recorded by bioerosive activity of Entobia and truncation of both, the previous borings and the cliff surface

    Antígenos leucocitarios como genes candidatos para mejorar la respuesta inmune en cerdos

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    Leukocyte antigens (CD) have functions related to immune response and are of interest as classical candidate genes for health. Polymorphisms (e.g. SNPs) in these genes may be associated with variation in the immune response and consequently in disease response. This approach is being taken in search of susceptibility genes for swine disease. In addition, these genes may vary between populations, especially where specific adaptation to pathogens has occurred, and are of potential interest in characterising pig biodiversity.Los antígenos leucocitarios (CD) tienen funciones relacionadas con la respuesta inmune y son de interés con genes candidatos clásicos para la salud. Los Polimorfismos (ej. SNPs) en estos genes pueden estar asociados con variaciones en la respuesta inmune y consecuentemente con la respuesta a la enfermedad. Este ensayo se está desarrollando en la búsqueda de susceptibilidades genéticas a enfermedades porcinas. Adicionalmente, estos genes pueden variar entre poblaciones, especialmente en la que han ocurrido adaptaciones a patógenos, y suponen un interés potencial para la caracterización de la biodiversidad porcina

    Aplicación de la topología molecular en la predicción de la inhibición de Trypanosoma cruzi Hexokinasa y un grupo de derivados bifosfonatos

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    A topological-mathematical model has been arranged to search for new derivatives of bisphosphonate compounds actingas inhibitors against Trypanosoma cruzi hexokinase. By using linear discriminant analysis, a four-variable function wasachieved allowing an accurate prediction of the IC50 for each compound of the training and test series. After carryingout a virtual screening based upon such a model, new structures potentially actives against T. cruzi are proposedSe ha desarrollado un modelo topológico-matemático para la búsqueda de nuevos derivados bisfosfonatos activosfrente a la hexokinasa de Trypanosoma cruzi. Utilizando el análisis lineal discriminante se ha seleccionado una funcióncon cuatro variables capaz de predecir adecuadamente la CI50 para cada compuesto de las series de entrenamientoy test. El modelo propuesto se ha aplicado a una librería molecular y se han propuesto nuevas estructuraspotencialmente activas frente a T. cruzi

    Application of molecular topology to the prediction of inhibition of Trypanosoma cruzi Hexokinase by bisphosphonates

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    Se ha desarrollado un modelo topológico-matemático para la búsqueda de nuevos derivados bisfosfonatos activos frente a la hexokinasa de Trypanosoma cruzi. Utilizando el análisis lineal discriminante se ha seleccionado una función con cuatro variables capaz de predecir adecuadamente la CI50 para cada compuesto de las series de entrenamiento y test. El modelo propuesto se ha aplicado a una librería molecular y se han propuesto nuevas estructuras potencialmente activas frente a T. cruzi.A topological-mathematical model has been arranged to search for new derivatives of bisphosphonate compounds acting as inhibitors against Trypanosoma cruzi hexokinase. By using linear discriminant analysis, a four-variable function was achieved allowing an accurate prediction of the IC50 for each compound of the training and test series. After carrying out a virtual screening based upon such a model, new structures potentially actives against T. cruzi are proposed.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias al Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Ministerio de Sanidad, España (proyecto SAF2005-PIO52128) y al Máster Internacional en Enfermedades Parasitarias Tropicales, Universidad de Valencia

    Interactions between 2,4-bis-pteridine-1,5-benzodiazepine and group 12 dihalides: synthesis, spectral and XRD structural studies and theoretical calculations

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    2,4-Bis(1,3,7-trimethyl-pteridine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione-6-yl)-2,3-dihydro-2-methyl-1H-1,5-benzodiazepine (DLMBZD) has been prepared and its molecular and crystal structures have been determined from spectral and XRD data. The benzodiazepine ligand was reacted with zinc(II), cadmium(II) and mercury(II) chloride, bromide and iodide to give complexes with general formula [M(DLMBZD)X2]. The complexes have been synthesized and characterized by IR, NMR and elemental analysis. The structure of seven complexes has been obtained by single crystal X-ray diffraction. In all the cases, the metal is (2 + 2 + 1)-five-coordinated by two halide ligands, two nitrogen atoms from pyrazine and diazepine rings and a carbonyl oxygen from a pteridine ring. The coordinated-metal environment is a square-based pyramid, with increasing trigonality from Hg(II) to Zn(II) complexes. To coordinate the metals, the ligand folds itself, establishing four intramolecular σ–π interactions with the pyrimidine and pyrazine rings. A topological analysis of the electron density using the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules and the complexes stability has been performed.Supported by the University of Jaén (Plan de Apoyo a la Investigación, al Desarrollo Tecnológico y a la Innovación), Junta de Andalucía (PAIDI groups FQM195, FQM273 and FQM337) and the State Secretariat for Research, Development and Innovation of Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (Project “Red de Excelencia MetalBio”, CTQ2015-71211-REDT)

    Vexilología en el electrocardiograma. Signo de la bandera de Sudáfrica

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    The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a test that will allow making life-saving decisions. It has different patterns, and differential diagnoses, like the pattern of acute coronary syndrome with an elevation of the high lateral ST segment, which is called the sign of the flag of South Africa. We present the case of a 44-year-old patient presented with typical chest pain; the ECG showed ST-segment elevation in the DI, DII, AVL – V2, and ST depression in DIII, corresponding to an acute coronary occlusion with a compromise of the lateral segment of the heart. This ECG pattern is known as the flag sign of South Africa. The early recognition allowed the decision to perform immediately pharmacological reperfusion therapy and rescue angioplasty.El electrocardiograma (ECG) es un examen que permite tomar decisiones que podrían salvar la vida del paciente. Se debe tener en cuenta que tiene diferentes patrones y diagnósticos diferenciales, como el patrón del síndrome coronario agudo con elevación del segmento ST lateral alto, al cual se denomina el «signo de la bandera de Sudáfrica». Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 44 años que presentó dolor torácico típico en quien se realizó un ECG que evidenció elevación del segmento ST en las derivaciones DI, DII, AVL – V2, e infradesnivel en DIII, lo cual corresponde a una oclusión coronaria aguda con compromiso del segmento lateral del corazón. Este patrón ECG es conocido como el signo de la bandera de Sudáfrica. El pronto reconocimiento permitió la decisión de realizar la terapia farmacológica y la angioplastia de rescate, inmediatamente

    Power Density Maximization in Medium Frequency Transformers by Using Their Maximum Flux Density for DC–DC Converters

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    The medium frequency transformer (MTF) is a key component of various new DC&ndash DC converters that are designed for applications in modern electrical power grids at medium and high voltage. To attain the high performance that are necessary for targeting these applications, MFTs should have high power density and high efficiency as characteristics. For this endeavor, newly designed MFT procedures, which also take advantages of new core materials, are under investigation. Differently to other design proposals, most of which use conventional transformer design procedures based on equating core losses to copper conduction losses, in this paper, an MTF with a nanocrystalline (VITROPERM 500F) core is designed with a new procedure that is oriented in aiming the maximum flux density (Bmax). The characteristics of the MFTs that are obtained by using this procedure are compared with those of the MFTFs that are designed with a conventional procedure. The results show that by using the proposed technique, we get a 25% reduction in the winding size, a higher power density, and a lower MTF building cost while maintaining a high efficiency (&gt 98%). The design methodology is developed through a rigorous mathematical analysis that is verified with computer simulations in Matlab-Simulink and validated with experimental results from two MTF laboratory prototypes designed at a flux density of 0.9 T (75% Bmax) and 1.2 T (Bmax). Document type: Articl

    Identification of reference genes for real-time PCR cytokine gene expression studies in sheep experimentally infected with Fasciola hepatica

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    The aim of this study was to validate reference genes for gene normalisation using qRT-PCR in hepatic lymph nodes (HLN) and livers from sheep infected with Fasciola hepatica during early and late stages of infection. To this end, a comprehensive statistical approach (RefFinder) encompassing four different methods of analysis (geNorm, BestKeeper, ΔCt method and NormFinder) was used to validate ten candidate reference genes. Stability analysis of gene expression followed by pairwise variation (Vn/Vn + 1) analysis revealed that PGK1, HSP90AA1 and GYPC were the most stable reference genes and suitable for qRT-PCR normalisation in both HLN and liver tissues. These three genes were validated against FoxP3, IL-10, TGF-β, TNF-α and IL-1β genes in the HLN tissue of sheep vaccinated with Cathepsin L1 from F. hepatica and unvaccinated infected and uninfected controls during early stages of infection. In the liver, the three reference genes were validated against TNF-α and IL-1β during chronic stages of infection with F. hepatica and in uninfected controls. Our study is the first to evaluate and validate sheep reference genes in order to provide tools for monitoring cytokines in Fasciola hepatica infected sheep target organs. Our results present an approach to elucidate the role of different cytokines in F. hepatica vaccinated and infected shee

    Overflow microfluidic networks for open and closed cell cultures on chip

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    Microfluidics have a huge potential in biomedical research, in particular for studying interactions among cell populations that are involved in complex diseases. Here, we present "overflow" microfluidic networks (oMFNs) for depositing, culturing, and studying cell populations, which are plated in a few microliters of cell suspensions in one or several open cell chambers inside the chip and subsequently cultured for several days in vitro (DIV). After the cells have developed their phenotype, the oMFN is closed with a lid bearing microfluidic connections. The salient features of the chips are (1) overflow zones around the cell chambers for drawing excess liquid by capillarity from the chamber during sealing the oMFN with the lid, (2) flow paths from peripheral pumps to cell chambers and between cell chambers for interactive flow control, (3) transparent cell chambers coated with cell adhesion molecules, and (4) the possibility to remove the lid for staining and visualizing the cells after, for example, fixation. Here, we use a two-chamber oMFN to show the activation of purinergic receptors in microglia grown in one chamber, upon release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from astrocytes that are grown in another chamber and challenged with glutamate. These data validate oMFNs as being particularly relevant for studying primary cells and dissecting the specific intercellular pathways involved in neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory brain diseases