2,007 research outputs found

    Paisaje y patrimonio levantamiento y valorización de piezas rurales en la provincia de Colchagua, Chile.

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    La presente investigación propone construir una mirada patrimonial al paisaje rural de la provincia de Colchagua, Chile. Una mirada que pone en valor un capital creativo supeditado a una economía de recursos, que ha sido capaz de construir galpones, corrales, medialunas y ramadas. Todas estas construcciones se articulan como piezas del paisaje, que configuran una cultura material precaria anónima y dispersa, pero presente en actividades de la vida rural. Frente a esto, la investigación plantea su puesta en valor desde el reconocimiento, estudio tipológico y caracterización como pieza constructiva y constitutiva de una visión de habitar en este paisaje. Se identifican operaciones constructivas y temporalidades, que permiten sublimar el aura de austeridad e indeterminación propia de estas configuraciones, por lógicas constructivas que permiten reconocer la carencia como oportunidad y que ensamblan un valor constructivo, social y cultural, como síntesis de un posible valor patrimonial.This research proposes the adoption of a heritage point of view regarding the rural landscape of Colchagua Province, Chile. One that enhances the value of creative capital subject to a resource-based economy that has been capable of building warehouses, corrals, rodeo arenas (medialunas) and covered, open-air stands (ramadas). All these constructions come together as pieces of the landscape that make up an anonymous, scattered, precarious material culture present in the activities of rural life. This research aims to enhance their value by identifying and studying the typologies and characteristics of these pieces as structural and constitutive parts of what it means to inhabit this landscape. Construction operations and time scales are determined, which make it possible to ennoble the aura of austerity and indeterminacy of these structures, through construction logics that recognize scarcity as an opportunity and unite constructive, social and cultural aspects as the synthesis of possible heritage value

    Over-expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in pituitary adenomas is associated with extrasellar growth and recurrence

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    Some pituitary adenomas (PA) demonstrate aggressive behavior with local invasion and recurrences. Angiogenesis is regarded as an essential step in the formation of solid tumors. The aim of this study is to find out whether angiogenic factors may have information about the aggressiveness of PA that could be useful in determining the frequency of follow-up and whether adjuvant therapy is necessary. In this retrospective descriptive study, we evaluated vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) and VEGF receptor (KDR) mRNA expression by RT-PCR analysis on 46 human PA samples. Clinical data, histological subtype and radiologic characteristics were studied to determine the associations between the variables and the pre-operative behavior of the tumor. In addition, we monitored 12 patients without adjuvant post-operative therapies over 46 months after surgery, determining progression of tumor remnants and its association with these markers. VEGF expression correlates with KDR expression (r = 0.40, p = 0.006). VEGF demonstrates different expression between histological subtypes (p = 0.036). The extension at magnetic resonance imaging showed that VEGF expression was related to suprasellar extension (p = 0.007), being expressed more on tumors with extrasellar growth than intrasellar ones (p = 0.008). Our results demonstrate a 27.5 times increased risk of extrasellar growth when VEGF expression exceeds 0.222 normalized copy number (NCN) (p = 0.002). Likewise, tumors with KDR greater than 0.750 NCN had less recurrence-free survival time (p = 0.032). Our results suggest that the expression of VEGF and its receptor could be a marker for poor outcome after partial tumor resection. These data should be considered in future studies evaluating angiogenic factors as therapeutic targets in patients with PA

    Clinical Effects of Liraglutide in a Real-World Setting in Spain: eDiabetes-Monitor SEEN Diabetes Mellitus Working Group Study

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    Introduction: A limitation with randomized controlled trials is that, while they provide unbiased evidence of the efficacy of interventions, they do so under unreal conditions and in a very limited and highly selected patient population. Our aim was to provide data about the effectiveness of liraglutide treatment in a real-world and clinical practice setting. Methods: In a retrospective and observational study, data from 753 patients with type 2 diabetes were recorded through an online tool (eDiabetes-Monitor). Results: Mean baseline glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was 8.4 ± 1.4% and mean body mass index (BMI) was 38.6 ± 5.4 kg/m2. After 3–6 months of treatment with liraglutide, we observed a change in HbA1c of -1.1 ± 1.2%, -4.6 ± 5.3 kg in weight and -1.7 ± 2.0 kg/m

    Síntesis verde de una nueva base de Schiff quiral y su complejo con Pd(II)

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    En esta investigación se sintetizó un nuevo complejo con Pd(II) a partir de una base de Schiff la cual se obtuvo con 2- tiofencarboxaldehido y la amina primaria quiral aromática halogenada (R)-( + )-1-( 4-fluorofenil) etilamina, el método empleado para la síntesis fue Solvent-Free libre de disolvente lo que permitió realizar reacciones más limpias rápidas y con excelentes rendimientos. Se comprobó la composición de los productos por métodos espectroscópicos: resonancia magnética nuclear de ¹H y ¹³C, espectroscopía de infrarrojo por Transformada de Fourier, espectrometría de masas y polarimetría. Las estructuras de los compuestos obtenidos fueron confirmadas mediante difracción de rayos X.The synthesis of a new Pd (11) complex derived from the Schiff base obtained from the 2-thiophenecarboxaldehyde and the primary halogenated aromatic amine (R)-( + )-1-( 4-fluorophenyl)ethylamine was carried out in absence of solvent, which it is a technique widely used in Green Chemistry. The solvent-free method presents many advantages such as shorter reaction, mínimum waste and generally higher yields, operational simplicity as well as the reduction of contaminant agents. Nowadays, one ofthe biggest challenges for chemists is the development of less pollutant no conventional synthetic methods to design cleaner chemically transformations. The great interest of Pd (11) complexes arises from their structural diversity and their extensive applications as catalysts in organic synthesis and antitumoral drugs. The structural elucidation of the products was performed by spectroscopic methods and the structures were confirmed by X-ray diffraction

    Síntesis verde de nuevas bases de Schiff quirales a partir de 4-Bromobenzaldehído

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    Esta investigación trata de la síntesis de iminas quirales también conocidas como bases de Schiff, utilizando el método "Solvent Free" de la Química Verde, lo cual permite desarrollar procesos que reducen o eliminan el uso y generación de sustancias peligrosas para la salud humana y el medio ambiente. Por otro lado, las iminas quirales muestran un comportamiento versátil de coordinación en la formación de complejos metálicos permitiendo la síntesis de un gran número de estructuras interesantes con aplicación potencial en las áreas de biología, catálisis, así como con propiedades térmicas, magnéticas y eléctricas. En este trabajo de investigación se reporta la síntesis de iminas quirales, a partir del 4-bromobenzaldehído y de aminas primarias aromáticas halogenadas, ópticamente activas: (R)-( + )-1-( 4-Fluorofenil)etilamina, (S)-(-)-1-( 4-Clorofenil)etilamina y (S)-(-)-1-( 4-Bromofenil)etilamina, en ausencia de disolvente. La estructura de las iminas se confirmó plenamente mediante estudios de difracción de rayos X.This work presents the synthesis of new chiral imines, also known as Schiff bases, using a single-step and solvent-free reaction, which it is one of the most useful techniques of Green Chemistry. The absence of solvents in these kind of reactions allows to reduce the amount of pollution produced by other processes. Less pollution means less hazards to the public health and the environment. On the other hand, chiral imines have been shown to be excellent ligands in the synthesis of complexes and diverse compounds. Thus, we performed the synthesis of three new chiral imines 1,2 and 3 derived from 4-Benzocarboxaldehyde and the optically active halogenated amines (R)-( + )-1-( 4-Fluorophenyl) ethylamine, (S)-(-)-1-( 4-Chlorophenyl)ethylamine and (S)-(-)-1-( 4- Bromophenyl)ethylamine. All the compounds were characterized by routine spectroscopic methods and the structures were fully confirmed by X-ray diffraction studies

    Síntesis verde de nueva imina quiral con p-tolualdehído y su complejo de Paladio (II)

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    En esta investigación se efectuó la síntesis de una nueva imina quiral y su complejo de paladio (11). La reacción se llevó a cabo utilizando p-tolualdehído y la (S)-(-)-1-feniletilamina, en ausencia de disolventes que es uno de los principios propuestos por la Química Verde llamado "Solvent-Free", para reducir la cantidad de compuestos tóxicos que se generan en las reacciones tradicionales. Las iminas tienen una gran aplicación en la química al tener un par de electrones de valencia sin compartir, también son conocidas como bases de Schiff y tienen la facilidad de coordinar con metales en este caso el Paladio. Se han generado compuestos con actividad biológica. Los productos fueron caracterizados mediante espectroscopía de resonancia magnética nuclear de ¹H y ¹ᶾC, espectroscopía de infrarrojo por Transformada de Fourier, espectrometría de masas y polarimetría. En ambos compuestos se confirmaron las estructuras mediante difracción de rayos X.The synthesis of a new chiral imine and its Pd (11) complex was performed. The reaction between p-tolualdehyde and (S)-(-)-1-phenylethylamine was carried out in absence of solvents. This method is known as "Solvent¬Free" reactions and it is widely used in Green Chemistry because it allows to reduce the amount oftoxic compounds generated by other traditional reactions. The imines have a great application in chemistry by having a pair of valence electrons without sharing. They are also known as Schiff bases and have the facility to coordinate with metals. In this case, we employed Pd to generate compounds with biological activity. The products were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of ¹H and. ¹ᶾC. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. mass spectrometry, polarimetry. The structures of both compounds were obtained by X-ray diffraction

    Síntesis verde de nueva imina quiral fluorada y su complejo de Pd(II)

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    En este trabajo se realizó la síntesis de una nueva imina quiralysu complejo de paladio (11). Efectuando la condensación del bifenil-2-carboxaldehído y la (R)-( + )-1-( 4-fluorofenil)etilamina, utilizando principios de la Química Verde, el "Solvent-Free". Las iminas también conocidas como Bases de Schiff, son compuestos del tipo R2C= NR formado por la reacción de un aldehído o cetona con una amina primaria. Al introducir un grupo alquilo con centro de quiralidad las hace más versátiles en la industria farmacéutica. Las iminas pueden coordinar con metales como el Paladio, obteniéndose estructuras con aplicación biológica, analítica e industrial. Los productos fueron caracterizados mediante espectroscopía de resonancia magnética nuclear de ¹H y ¹ᶾC, espectroscopía de Infrarrojo por Transformada de Fourier. espectrometría de masas, polarimetría. Las estructuras de los cristales obtenidos fueron confirmadas mediante difracción de rayos X.In this work, the synthesis of a new chiral imine and its Palladium (11) complex was performed. Conducting the condensation of biphenyl- 2-carboxaldehyde and (R)-( + )-1-( 4-fluorophenyl)ethylamine using principles of Green Chemistry, "Solvent-Free".The imines also known as Schiff Bases are compounds of the type R2C=NR formed by the reaction of an aldehyde or ketone with a primary amine. By introducing an alkyl group with center of chirality it makes them more versatile in the pharmaceutical industry. The imines can coordinate with metals such as Palladium obtaining structures with biological, analytical and industrial applications. The products were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of ¹H and ¹ᶾC. Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, polarimetry. The structures ofboth compounds were confirmed by X-ray diffraction

    Microconformado de Materiales Metálicos mediante Pulsos Láser en el Dominio de ns

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    La demanda de miniaturización introducida, entre otros, por la industria de fabricación de MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems), hace necesario caracterizar y validar los procesos que emplean el láser en el microconformado de materiales metálicos a escala submilimétrica. Como alternativa al microconformado térmico, que hace uso de las deformaciones de origen térmico inducidas por la radiación láser, el microconformado mediante pulsos láser en el dominio de ns hace posible el conformado de materiales metálicos manteniendo, o incluso mejorando, las propiedades mecánicas de los mismos debido a la inducción de tensiones residuales de compresión en la superficie de la pieza tratada. Se presenta en este trabajo el estudio teórico y experimental del microconformado láser mediante la caracterización de diversas pruebas elementales. Miniaturization of components demanded by MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) industry, makes necessary the validation of the manufacturing processes applied to submillimetric metallic materials in which laser is used. As an alternative to thermal microforming in which laser induced thermal fields are responsible for the forming phenomena, the use of ns laser pulses makes possible microforming of metallic materials preserving, or even improving, their mechanical properties, due to the induction of residual stresses in the surface. In the present paper experimental tests and FEM simulation results on nanosecond time scale laser microforming are presented

    High Irisin levels in nondiabetic HIV-infected males are associated with insulin resistance, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and subclinical atherosclerosis

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    Objective: HIV infection is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Irisin is a miokyne secreted by skeletal muscle, which may influence insulin homeostasis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and atherosclerosis. Our objective was to evaluate the relationships between serum irisin, insulin homeostasis, NAFLD and subclinical atherosclerosis in HIV-infected males. Design: Cross-sectional study in a cohort of HIV-infected patients. Patients: Inclusion criteria: men older than 18 years; antiretroviral therapy (ART) -naïve or on effective ART (<50 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL) without changes in the previous 6 months; no diabetes or hepatitis C. Measurements: Irisin was measured by enzymatic immunoassay (Phoenix Pharmaceuticals), insulin sensitivity by homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), as well as the 2-hour continuous infusion of glucose with model assessment (CIGMA-HOMA). Hepatic steatosis was measured by 1-H magnetic resonance spectroscopy, subclinical atherosclerosis by evaluation of carotid intima-media thickness (C-IMT), measured by Ultrasonography. Results: Eight nine men (age 42.0 ± 8.3 years, duration of HIV infection 7.9 ± 5.6 years, CD4 count 547 ± 279 cells/mL) were included. Circulating irisin was positively related to HOMA-IR and CIGMA-HOMA, hepatic triglyceride content, and to VAT/SAT ratio. Higher irisin concentrations were associated with higher C-IMT, although this association did not persist in multivariate analysis. Lipodystrophy and a higher baseline PAI-1 concentration were independently associated with C-IMT. Conclusions: In male HIV patients without diabetes, higher irisin concentrations are positively associated with insulin resistance, NAFLD and subclinical atherosclerosis. However, waist-hip- ratio is the main determinant of insulin resistance, and PAI-1 and lipodystrophy were the strongest determinants of IMT in this population

    Drivers of spatio-temporal variability of carbon dioxide and energyfluxes ina Mediterranean savanna ecosystem

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    To understand what is driving spatial flux variability within a savanna type ecosystem in central Spain, data of three co-located eddy covariance (EC) towers in combination with hyperspectral airborne measurements and footprint analysis were used. The three EC systems show consistent, and unbiased mass and energy fluxes. Nevertheless, instantaneous between-tower flux differences i.e. paired half hourly fluxes, showed large variability. A period of 13 days around an airborne hyperspectral campaign was analyzed and proved that betweentower differences can be associated to biophysical properties of the sampled footprint areas. At high photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was mainly controlled by chlorophyll content of the vegetation (estimated through MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index (MTCI)), while sensible heat flux (H) was driven by surface temperature. The spatial variability of biophysical properties translates into flux variability depending on the location and size of footprints. For H, negative correlations were found with surface temperature for between-tower differences, and for individual towers in time, meaning that higher H was observed at lower surface temperatures. High aerodynamic conductance of tree canopies reduces the canopy surface temperature and the excess energy is relieved as H. Therefore, higher tree canopy fractions yielded to lower surface temperatures and at the same time to higher H. For NEE, flux differences between towers were correlated to differences in MTCI of the respective footprints, showing that higher chlorophyll content of the vegetation translates into more photosynthetic CO2 uptake, which controls NEE variability. Between-tower differences of latent heat fluxes (LE) showed no consistent correlation to any vegetation index (VI), or structural parameter e.g. tree-grass-fraction. This missing correlation is most likely caused by the large contribution of soil evaporation to ecosystem LE, which is not captured by any of the biophysical and structural properties. To analyze if spatial heterogeneity influences the uncertainty of measured fluxes three different measures of uncertainty were compared: the standard deviation of the marginal distribution sampling (MDS), the two-towerapproach (TTA), and the variance of the covariance (RE). All three uncertainty estimates had similar means and distributions at the individual towers while the methods were significantly different to each other. The uncertainty estimates increased from RE over TTA to MDS, indicating that different components like space, time, meteorology, and phenology are factors, which affect the uncertainty estimates. Differences between uncertainty estimates from the RE and TTA indicate that spatial heterogeneity contributes significantly to the ecosystem-flux uncertaintyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio