8 research outputs found

    Percepción del Cuidado del Agua de Estudiantes Secundarios Chilenos. La Construcción de un Nuevo Mundo está en la Juventud

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    El presente estudio buscó conocer la percepción de estudiantes secundarios de Chile respecto al significado del cuidado del agua. 1Para ello se realizó un estudio descriptivo, que consistió en una aplicación on line de una encuesta a 120 estudiantes (65% mujeres, una media de edad de 15,8 años, dt=1,64 años). Un 78,9% de las y los estudiantes consideran que el agua es un recurso que debe ser cuidado. Un 68,6% considera que el ahorro del agua es importante, Un 44,3% de los participantes señala que ha recibido orientación respecto a cómo cuidar el recurso. Un 31,6% señala que ahora agua porque no dispone el recurso como agua potable. Los resultados muestran que se debe generar mayor educación respecto al cuidado del agua, por un lado. Resulta preocupante que un porcentaje importante no tenga acceso a agua potable.This study sought to know the perception of secondary students in Chile regarding the meaning of water care.  For this purpose, a descriptive study was carried out, consisting of an online application of a survey of 120 students (65% female, an average age of 15.8 years, SD: 1.64 years). 78.9% of students consider water to be a resource that needs to be cared for.  68.6% believe that water savings are important, 44.3% of participant’s report that they have received guidance on how to take care of the resource. 31,6% say that water now because it does not provide for the resource as drinking water. The results show that more education should be generated regarding water care on the one hand.  Worryingly, a significant percentage do not have access to safe drinking water

    The second plane of democracy and the open society, in the first quarter of the 21st Century

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    The 21st Century presents a new way for the world to begin to regulate, after the violent Unipolar order that affected humanity, particularly in the nineties of the last century and in the first eight years of our current century. The United States dominated the world in the last 40 years and today, the first symptoms of its decline as an empire are beginning to be observed. The geopolitical turn, should bring an opportunity for democracy and open society, so that they can be better reflected in the diverse populations of the world. However, democracy must resist a stormy period, which marks the end of an era, in a situation of much loss of prestige that suffers as a political regime and also must, at the same time, cease to be a set of rules to start government over the market. Not easy. The objective of the article, along with glimpsing the decline of the United States as a hegemonic power, seeks to show how democracy remains in the background of importance to the real struggle for political, economic and geopolitical power


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    Although there is no legal or technical designation to consider a territory as a sacrifice zone in Chile, this concept began to gain strength at the beginning of this century, currently identifying five places that are called socio-environmental sacrifice zones, mainly because they bring together some similar characteristics, such as the important impacts on the health and quality of life of those who inhabit these territories. In this sense, the present work aims to contribute to the discussion on some unknowns, uncertainties and tensions that are woven around the historical conformation of this concept in our country and, based on this, discuss and expand the generally accepted criteria for classification from the slaughter areas. To put this discussion into context, the case of maritime industrialization within Reloncavi, Los Lagos region, is studied as a potential sacrifice zone, especially in two highly industrialized sectors: San Jose in the Calbuco commune and Chinquihue. from the commune of Puerto Montt

    Gender differences facing the manifest moral horror of a parricide

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    Background: Emotional gender differences have been little studied from the perspective of moral judgment. In particular, the incidence of primary moral emotions on moral judgment is unknown, and whether men and women in the face of moral horror, through pride and guilt, think differently about right and wrong.Objective: to identify gender differences facing the manifest moral horror of a parricide.Methods: descriptive explanatory study, which applied the Emotional Moral Questionnaire to 170 participants (118 women and 52 men). The reliability test of the guilt and pride subscripts was performed, whose internal consistency was good. Student's t-test was performed to demonstrate the hypotheses about the differences between men and women.Results: the average value of the moral horror subscript obtained by women was higher than that of men. However, there were no significant differences in emotional moral judgment, nor with respect to rates of guilt or pride.Conclusion: women express greater horror at a violent moral stimulus. A certain reverse behavior between guilt and pride was observed in the participants. Gender differences, significant or not, may be due to emotional regulation.</p

    Colleges of royal physicians and isolation hospitals to control public hygiene in Chile from 1879 to 1920

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    This article investigates the emergence of two institutions for the control of public hygiene in Chile between 1879 and 1920: colleges of royal physicians and isolation hospitals using the case of smallpox in La Araucania, a region located in the South of Chile. We cover the characteristics and context of these institutions that allowed the State of Chile to address the problems of public hygiene and to prompt health professionals to professionalize the practice of medicine. The liberal positivist state of the late nineteenth century understood that the issue of hygiene was not only a matter of individual responsibility but had a social, public, and environmental dimension. People practiced hygiene alongside the existence of hygienic and anti-hygienic environments. Therefore, hygiene, the royal colleges of physicians, health records, isolation hospitals, doctors, and vaccinators are studied. All of these components of the health care system of the time were in permanent tension with the central government authorities due to the insufficient resources provided by the state for the care of infected patients with smallpox. The study follows a qualitative methodology with a descriptive historiographic design. We used archival primary and secondary sources available in Chile and Germany. The results show that the presence of smallpox appeared ferociously in South-Central Chile in the second half of the 19th century and remained in La Araucania until the first half of the 20th century. The extent to which smallpox spread, spawning fear and insecurity in people of different social classes, had as one of its leading causes the precarious conditions of health and hygiene of the population


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    A partir de un trabajo de investigación formativa, como estrategia que plantea un acercamiento de los estudiantes para indagar sobre problemas en contextos reales, replanteando así, el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje con el objetivo de asumir el conocimiento y contrastarlo con una realidad, en esta ocasión a partir del conocimiento de la ejecución de una de las funciones a cargo de Revisar Fiscal en marcadas principalmente en la Ley 43 de 1990 y en los Artículos 207 al 209 del Código de Comercio, las cuales se cumplen mediante el desarrollo de tres auditorías: Auditoría Financiera, Auditoría de Cumplimiento, Auditoría de Control Interno, esta última con el propósito de “concluir si el control interno de la Sociedad ha sido adecuado, con especial énfasis en las medidas de control implementadas por la Administración de la Sociedad para asegurar la conservación y custodia de los bienes de la sociedad y los de terceros que estén en su poder “ (Cañas, Martínez, González & González; 2018), por lo anterior, se establece como problemática elaborar la evaluación de un proceso dentro de una organización a partir de un instrumento de evaluación que permite una identificación, evaluación y análisis de los componentes que integran el sistema de control interno y acerque al estudiante a la experiencia de un proceso que debe llevarse a cabo en el desarrollo de su ejercicio profesional. El instrumento utilizado para la evaluación fue suministrado por la Red Global de Conocimiento en Auditoría y Control Interno AuditooCONTENIDO PRÓLOGO ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 CAPÍTULO 1 EVALUACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE CONTROL INTERNO DE UN PROCESO DE TESORERÍA EN LA INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA TECNICA GABRIELA MISTRAL ..................................................................................................... 10 CAPÍTULO 2 EVALUACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE CONTROL INTERNO PARA EL PROCESO DE CUENTAS POR PAGAR EN LA EMPRESA SEGURIDAD PRIVADA AGUIALARMAS LTDA. ................................................................................. 30 CAPÍTULO 3 EVALUACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE CONTROL INTERNO PARA EL PROCESO DE COMPRAS EN LA EMPRESA IMPORTADORA DE REPUESTOS MONTILLA LTDA. ......................................................................................... 56 CAPÍTULO 4 EVALUACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE CONTROL INTERNO PARA EL PROCESO DE GESTIÓN DE DEUDORES EN LA EMPRESA BANCO DE BOGOTA OFICINA 750 DEL GUAMO TOLIMA ............................................................... 72 CAPÍTULO 5 EVALUACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE CONTROL INTERNO PARA LOS PROCESOS DE GESTIÓN DE PLANEACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA Y PROPIEDAD PLANTA Y EQUIPO EN LA EMPRESA DISTRIBUIDORA DE INSUMOS AGRÍCOLAS JESÚS MARÍA SÁNCHEZ R & CIA .................................................................................................................... 89 CAPÍTULO 6 EVALUACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE CONTROL INTERNO PARA EL PROCESO DE GESTIÓN CONTABLE EN LA EMPRESA SALUD PRIVADA UNIDAD RENAL SAN SEBASTIÁN S.A.S. .............................................................. 107 CAPÍTULO 7 EVALUACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE CONTROL INTERNO PARA EL PROCESO DE NÓMINA - PERSONAL EN LA ASOCIACIÓN DE USUARIOS DEL DISTRITO DE ADECUACIÓN DE TIERRAS DE MEDIANA ESCALA RÍO PRADO – ASOPRADO. ................................................................................................................................................ 128 CAPÍTULO 8 HERRAMIENTA PARA EVALUAR EL SISTEMA DE CONTROL INTERNO DE UN PROCESO DE GESTIÓN DE PRODUCCIÓN EN LA EMPRESA AGROQUÍMICOS ARROCEROS DE COLOMBIA AGROZ S.A. .......................... 145 CAPÍTULO 9 EVALUACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE CONTROL INTERNO PARA EL PROCESO DE NÓMINA EN LA EMPRESA DE LA ALCALDIA MUNICIPAL ESPINAL – TOLIMA. .................................................................................................. 15

    Size and Shape Constraints of (486958) Arrokoth from Stellar Occultations

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    International audienceWe present the results from four stellar occultations by (486958) Arrokoth, the flyby target of the New Horizons extended mission. Three of the four efforts led to positive detections of the body, and all constrained the presence of rings and other debris, finding none. Twenty-five mobile stations were deployed for 2017 June 3 and augmented by fixed telescopes. There were no positive detections from this effort. The event on 2017 July 10 was observed by the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy with one very short chord. Twenty-four deployed stations on 2017 July 17 resulted in five chords that clearly showed a complicated shape consistent with a contact binary with rough dimensions of 20 by 30 km for the overall outline. A visible albedo of 10% was derived from these data. Twenty-two systems were deployed for the fourth event on 2018 August 4 and resulted in two chords. The combination of the occultation data and the flyby results provides a significant refinement of the rotation period, now estimated to be 15.9380 ± 0.0005 hr. The occultation data also provided high-precision astrometric constraints on the position of the object that were crucial for supporting the navigation for the New Horizons flyby. This work demonstrates an effective method for obtaining detailed size and shape information and probing for rings and dust on distant Kuiper Belt objects as well as being an important source of positional data that can aid in spacecraft navigation that is particularly useful for small and distant bodies

    Worldwide Disparities in Recovery of Cardiac Testing 1 Year Into COVID-19

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    BACKGROUND The extent to which health care systems have adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide necessary cardiac diagnostic services is unknown.OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the pandemic on cardiac testing practices, volumes and types of diagnostic services, and perceived psychological stress to health care providers worldwide.METHODS The International Atomic Energy Agency conducted a worldwide survey assessing alterations from baseline in cardiovascular diagnostic care at the pandemic's onset and 1 year later. Multivariable regression was used to determine factors associated with procedure volume recovery.RESULTS Surveys were submitted from 669 centers in 107 countries. Worldwide reduction in cardiac procedure volumes of 64% from March 2019 to April 2020 recovered by April 2021 in high- and upper middle-income countries (recovery rates of 108% and 99%) but remained depressed in lower middle- and low-income countries (46% and 30% recovery). Although stress testing was used 12% less frequently in 2021 than in 2019, coronary computed tomographic angiography was used 14% more, a trend also seen for other advanced cardiac imaging modalities (positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance; 22%-25% increases). Pandemic-related psychological stress was estimated to have affected nearly 40% of staff, impacting patient care at 78% of sites. In multivariable regression, only lower-income status and physicians' psychological stress were significant in predicting recovery of cardiac testing.CONCLUSIONS Cardiac diagnostic testing has yet to recover to prepandemic levels in lower-income countries. Worldwide, the decrease in standard stress testing is offset by greater use of advanced cardiac imaging modalities. Pandemic-related psychological stress among providers is widespread and associated with poor recovery of cardiac testing. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation