532 research outputs found

    El fatalismo como consecuencia del internamiento en prisión y su relación con otras variables psicosociales

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    La cárcel como institución de control y poder hace que los individuos pierdan el control sobre su vida y su futuro, en consecuencia, se dejan llevar por la inevitable situación configurándose en ellos el fatalismo. La persona internada en una prisión aprende que las cosas le vienen dadas, que apenas puede modificar las circunstancias de su vida. En éste contexto, esta investigación se plantea conocer la relación entre el fatalismo y la calidad de vida, satisfacción vital y apoyo social en personas privadas de libertad. Así mismo se analizan las diferencias en fatalismo en función del sexo, nivel económico, estudios, tiempo en prisión y delito cometido. La muestra está formada por 200 reclusos (175 hombres y 25 mujeres) del Centro Penitenciario de Alhaurín de la Torre (Málaga). Los resultados muestran que las internas femeninas son más fatalistas que los hombres; hay una relación negativa del número de ingresos en prisión, el nivel de estudios y el número de actividades realizadas dentro del Centro Penitenciario, con el fatalismo. Así mismo se encuentra que los internos con delitos relacionados con el sexo (contra la libertad sexual y violencia de género), obtienen menor fatalismo que los que se encuentran internados por delitos comunes. Por último, se destaca la relación negativa entre el fatalismo y el apoyo social.The prison as an institution of control and power makes individuals lose control over their lives and their future, therefore, they are driven by the inevitable situation configured in this way they fatalism. The person confined in a prison learns that things are given, they can just change the circumstances of your life. In this context, this research is aimed at ascertaining the relationship between fatalism and quality of life, life satisfaction and social support detainees. Also the differences in fatalism based on gender, income, education, time in prison and crime are discussed. The sample consists of 200 inmates (175 men and 25 women) of the Penitentiary of Alhaurín de la Torre (Malaga, Spain). The results show that female inmates are more fatalistic than men, there is a negative ratio of the number of prison admissions, educational level and the number of activities within the prison, with fatalism. Also it is found that inmates with sex-related crimes (against sexual freedom and gender violence), get less fatalism that those who are hospitalized for common crimes. Finally, the negative relationship between fatalism and social support stands

    "Sin nosotras el mundo no se mueve". Mujeres inmigrantes en el contexto laboral español

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    Con el presente estudio pretendemos conocer la perspectiva de las mujeres inmigrantes en el ámbito laboral, teniendo en cuenta los discursos de las propias protagonistas. El objetivo general de la investigación ha sido conocer las condiciones laborales de estas trabajadoras desde sus propias perspectivas. Realizamos cuatro grupos focales (latinoamericanas, europeas del este, marroquíes y africanas subsaharianas) con un total de 47 mujeres. El análisis de sus discursos muestra puntos en común por ser mujer, trabajadora e inmigrante, y algunas diferencias según su lugar de origen. Describimos contenidos sobre los antecedentes del proyecto migratorio, las condiciones de trabajo (pérdida de estatus y etnización laboral, inestabilidad, víctimas de descalificaciones) y los efectos de estas condiciones laborales (cinismo, aislamiento social, diferentes relaciones con los empleadores, resignación y sumisión). Las reflexiones a lo largo del texto dialogan con reflexiones de otros/as autores/as para enriquecer la visibilidad de las mujeres migrantes, a la vez diferentes, a la vez con muchos puntos comunes.The present study aimed to learn the perspective of immigrant women in the workplace, taking into account the speeches of the protagonists themselves. The overall objective was to find the job conditions from their own perspectives. We conducted four focus groups (Latin American, Eastern European, Moroccan and sub-Saharan Africa) with a total of 47 women. The analysis of their speeches shows points in common because they are women, workers and immigrants, and some differences according to their place of origin. We describe the background of the migration project, working conditions (loss of job status and ethnicization, instability, prejudice) and the effects of these working conditions (cynicism, social isolation, different relationships with employers, resignation and submission). The reflections in the text dialogue with thoughts of other authors to enhance the visibility of women migrants, different but with many common points

    "Without us the world does not move." Immigrant women in the Spanish work context

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    Con el presente estudio pretendemos conocer la perspectiva de las mujeres inmigrantes en el ámbito laboral, teniendo en cuenta los discursos de las propias protagonistas. El objetivo general de la investigación ha sido conocer las condiciones laborales de estas trabajadoras desde sus propias perspectivas. Realizamos cuatro grupos focales (latinoamericanas, europeas del este, marroquíes y africanas subsaharianas) con un total de 47 mujeres. El análisis de sus discursos muestra puntos en común por ser mujer, trabajadora e inmigrante, y algunas diferencias según su lugar de origen. Describimos contenidos sobre los antecedentes del proyecto migratorio, las condiciones de trabajo (pérdida de estatus y etnización laboral, inestabilidad, víctimas de descalificaciones) y los efectos de estas condiciones laborales (cinismo, aislamiento social, diferentes relaciones con los empleadores, resignación y sumisión). Las reflexiones a lo largo del texto dialogan con reflexiones de otros/as autores/as para enriquecer la visibilidad de las mujeres migrantes, a la vez diferentes, a la vez con muchos puntos comunes.The present study aimed to learn the perspective of immigrant women in the workplace, taking into account the speeches of the protagonists themselves. The overall objective was to find the job conditions from their own perspectives. We conducted four focus groups (Latin American, Eastern European, Moroccan and sub-Saharan Africa) with a total of 47 women. The analysis of their speeches shows points in common because they are women, workers and immigrants, and some differences according to their place of origin. We describe the background of the migration project, working conditions (loss of job status and ethnicization, instability, prejudice) and the effects of these working conditions (cynicism, social isolation, different relationships with employers, resignation and submission). The reflections in the text dialogue with thoughts of other authors to enhance the visibility of women migrants, different but with many common points

    Cr-free Ni/MgO catalysts for hydrogenation of furfural

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    In the last century, the industrial development and the increase of the world population have caused the depletion of fossil reserves. This fact together with others factors have led to the search of alternative. Biomass is emerging as a widely available source to produce energy and, excluding fossil fuels, is the only source that can provide liquid fuels and chemicals. Lignocellulose is formed by cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and other extractable components. In the case of hemicellulose, its hydrolysis leads to the formation of xylans and pentosans, which after dehydration can give rise to furfural. The high interest for furfural is attributed to its chemical structure, which provide high reactivity, making it potentially interesting for the synthesis of a vast variety of high value-added chemicals. Two of these important chemicals are furfuryl alcohol (FOL) and 2-methylfuran (MF), can be synthesized through hydrogenation of furfural, either in liquid or vapor phase. FOL is mainly used for the production of thermostatic resins, intermediates in the manufacture of lysines, vitamin C and dispersing agents. Meanwhile, MF is used in the synthesis of pesticides, in the pharmaceutical or perfume industries. Industrially, copper chromite catalyst is used, although the toxicity associated to the presence of chromium species has prompted the search of Cr-free catalysts. Therefore, much attention is being paid to the development of more sustainable and environmentally friendly catalysts, among them, catalytic systems based on Cu or Ni have demonstrated to be active and selective towards the formation of FOL and MF. The dispersion of metalspecies and their interaction with the support are key parameters that affect the catalytic activity and stabilityof catalysts. The use of metal oxides as supports can allow to obtain highly active and stable catalytic systems, and the electronic density of metal sites can be modified. The present work is aimed at the synthesis by Ni/MgO catalysts and the evaluation of their catalytic performance in the gas phase hydrogenation of furfural, at atmospheric pressure. x-Ni_MgO catalysts have been tested in the furfural hydrogenation, attaining the full furfural conversion with the 0.20-Ni_MgO catalyst, after 5 h of TOS, at 190 °C, by feeding a 5% furfural solution in cyclopentyl methyl ether, at a constant flow of hydrogen of 10 ml min-1. In all cases, catalysts are highly selective to furan. The analysis of the influence of the reaction temperature has revealed the existence of a volcano distribution, attaining the best catalytic performance at 190 °C. However, all catalysts suffer a progressive deactivation with TOS, by deposition of reactants and product.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Proyecto CTQ2015-64226-C3-3-R) Fondos FEDE

    Análisis de clúster de la actividad física y las conductas sedentarias de los adolescentes españoles, correlación con la salud biopsicosocial

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    This study is part of the 2006 edition of the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) study. The data presented was drawn from a sample of 21,811 Spanish adolescents ranging from 11 to 18 years of age. Through a cluster analysis, General Lineal Model, significance and effect size tests, we obtained relevant information about the physical activity habits and sedentary behaviours of Spanish adolescents. It is evident that there is a risk situation in older adolescents, especially girls. These results have the advantage of relating to a global health score; clear indicators of the advantages of an active lifestyle for adolescents were obtained. Furthermore, these data provide information that is relevant to the displacement hypothesis, which is widely discussed in the scientific literature. In short, this paper provides interesting keys for theoretical debate and practical action in the field of physical activity during adolescence

    Portfolios and Development of Professional Ccompetences within the Framework of the European Space of Higher Education

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados de un proyecto de innovación en la formación universitaria, desarrollado y financiado en el marco del programa de Calidad de la Enseñanza de la Universidad de Sevilla. Este proyecto se plantea con el objetivo básico de experimentar el portafolios como técnica de aprendizaje y de evaluación de competencias profesionales en el Prácticum de la titulación de Psicopedagogía de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación.This article presents the results of a research into higher education, which is developed and granted in the frame of “The Teaching Quality Program” in the University of Seville. This project is proposed in order to design and experiment a portfolio. This study has been carried out in the Practicum of Psychology and Pedagogy in the Faculty of Educational Science

    Movilidad social y satisfacción laboral en población española emigrada a Alemania

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    Este artículo analiza la movilidad social y satisfacción laboral (SL) en una muestra de 200 inmigrantes en Alemania procedentes de diferentes lugares de España, comparando resultados para hombres y mujeres y para grupos con diferentes características sociales o formativas. Las variables evaluadas son: movilidad social, satisfacción laboral, burnout, características del puesto y ajuste laboral. Los resultados muestran que mujeres y varones tienen niveles similares en SL, cinismo y agotamiento, en tanto que los hombres se perciben más autoeficaces. Las clases sociales inferiores y los trabajadores con menores ingresos puntúan menos en SL y autoeficacia. El cinismo, la autoeficacia, la sobrecualificación y las características del puesto predicen tanto la SL extrínseca (50’2%) como la intrínseca (58’2%). Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento de la realidad laboral actual de los trabajadores inmigrantes entre países europeos.This article analyses social mobility and job satisfaction (JS) in immigrants, considering his burnout at work and other labour characteristics. In a sample of 200 migrants in Germany from different parts of Spain results for men and women and for groups with different social and educational characteristics are compared. The evaluated variables are: social mobility, job satisfaction, burnout, job characteristics and labour adjustment. The results show that women and men have similar levels in JS, cynicism and exhaustion; more men are perceived self-efficacy. The lower classes and workers with lower incomes scored least in JS and efficacy. Cynicism, self-efficacy, overqualification and job characteristics predict both extrinsic JS (50.2%) and intrinsic (58.2%). This study contributes to the understanding of the current labour situation of Spanish workers in a European country

    Relevant aspects for an EF3-Evaluation of e-cognocracy

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    The search for an appropriate response to the new challenges and needs posed by the Knowledge Society in the area of public decisions has led to the development of a number of participation models whose value must be assessed and analysed in an integral manner. Using a theoretical model based on structural equations, the present work identifies the relevant factors for an EF3-approach to the democracy model named e-Cognocracy: it comprises a conjoint evaluation of its effectiveness (doing what is right), efficacy (achieving goals) and efficiency (doing things correctly). The model was applied to a real-life e-Cognocracy experience undertaken in the municipality of Cadrete, Zaragoza. The evaluation resulted in the extraction and identification of a series of relationships that allow the advancement of an EF3-participation acceptance model, in line with the TAM model of Davis and the work of Delone and MacLean, which can be used for the integral evaluation of any e-participation model

    Neighborhood Care and Neighborhood Bonds:An Unequal Relationship

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    Research in environmental psychology has found a positive relationship between place bonds and behaviors related to care and maintenance of place. Although this relationship has been analyzed in natural environments, it has been less frequently studied in urban environments and has yielded contradictory results. The aim of this study is to analyze behavior related to care and conservation of neighborhood and its possible relationship to place bonds, as well as to other variables that we think may be important in explaining this behavior. The participants were 407 residents from eight different neighborhoods with different sociodemographic characteristics in one Spanish city. The results indicate that the relationship between attachment and behavior is significant only in residents with higher socioeconomic levels. These findings may help to explain the contradictory results found in the literature. Other variables which are significant in explaining neighborhood care are social norms, residential satisfaction, and support for protection policies. Place identity was not found to be significantly correlated with neighborhood care

    Systemic decision making in AHP: a Bayesian approach

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    Systemic decision making is a new approach for dealing with complex multiactor decision making problems in which the actors’ individual preferences on a fixed set of alternatives are incorporated in a holistic view in accordance with the “principle of tolerance”. The new approach integrates all the preferences, even if they are encapsulated in different individual theoretical models or approaches; the only requirement is that they must be expressed as some kind of probability distribution. In this paper, assuming the analytic hier archy process (AHP) is the multicriteria technique employed to rank alternatives, the authors present a new methodology based on a Bayesian analysis for dealing with AHP systemic decision making in a local context (a single criterion). The approach integrates the individual visions of reality into a collective one by means of a tolerance distribution, which is defined as the weighted geometric mean of the individual preferences expressed as probability distributions. A mathematical justification of this distribution, a study of its statistical properties and aMonte Carlo method for drawing samples are also provided. The paper further presents a number of decisional tools for the evaluation of the acceptance of the tolerance distribution, the construction of tolerance paths that increase representativeness and the extraction of the relevant knowledge of the subjacent multiactor decisional process from a cognitive perspective. Finally, the proposed methodology is applied to the AHP-multiplicative model with lognormal errors and a case study related to a real-life experience in local participatory budgets for the Zaragoza City Council (Spain)