2,995 research outputs found

    Identification of electroactive sites in Prussian Yellow films

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    Prussian Blue films were electrogenerated on the surface of the transparent ITO electrodes. The electrochemical oxidation to the Prussian Yellow form was investigated by means of in situ voltammetry and vis–NIR spectroscopic techniques. Changes of the whole spectra between 400 and 950 nm were analyzed and three characteristic wavelengths were selected to in situ follow the electrochemical changes of the films. Voltammetric peaks and absorbance derivative curves at these three wavelengths were deconvoluted and were interpreted such as the overlapping of different electrochemical processes. The correlation between these overlapped processes has allowed proposing three different electrochemical processes for the interpretation of the whole electrochemical response. One of these processes corresponds to the oxidation of View the MathML source units where the electrical charge is balanced by the exchange of neighbor potassium cations. The second one is associated to the oxidation of View the MathML source trapped sites and the third one also to the oxidation of View the MathML source units but in this last case, the absence of neighbor potassium cations causes that the electrical charge balance takes place by the exchange of some anions such as the chloride. These processes have been identified on the basis of previous results and on the interesting information provided by the coupling voltammetry and absorbance derivative curves at these characteristic wavelengths

    What does literature teach about digital pathology? A bibliometric study in Web of Science

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    La patología digital (DIPA) se ha convertido en una disciplina efectiva que genera un entorno gráfico para diagnosticar e interpretar la información patológica de las personas. Al analizar la literatura existente sobre DIPA, se produjo una brecha de conocimiento al no informar un estudio que ha analizado bibliométricamente las publicaciones sobre el tema. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la producción científica y el rendimiento alcanzado por el término patología digital en la base de datos de Web of Science (WoS). Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una metodología basada en la bibliometría, complementada con la técnica de mapeo científico para buscar, registrar, analizar y predecir la literatura científica sobre el estado de la cuestión. Hemos trabajado con una unidad de análisis de 1222 documentos reportados desde la base de datos de WoS. Los resultados muestran que no hay un tema de investigación en el campo de estudio de DIPA que se destaque del resto. Se puede observar una brecha conceptual en el desarrollo temático, dado que no hay un tema que se repita en todos los periodos, donde las conexiones son más temáticas que conceptuales. Hay documentos clave para diferentes temas. Los temas principales han sido muy diferentes a lo largo de los años como la telepatología y la inteligencia artificial.Digital pathology (DIPA) has become an effective discipline that generates a graphic environment to diagnose and interpret the pathological information of people. When analyzing the existing literature on DIPA, a knowledge gap was produced by not reporting a study that has bibliometrically analyzed the publications on the subject. The objective of this study is to analyze the scientific production and performance achieved by the term digital pathology in the Web of Science (WoS) database. For this, a methodology based on bibliometrics has been carried out, complemented by the scientific mapping technique to search, recorder, analyze and predict the scientific literature on the state of question. We have worked with an analysis unit of 1222 documents reported from WoS database. The results show that there is no research topic in the field of study of DIPA that stands out from the rest. A conceptual gap can be observed in the thematic development, given that there is no theme that is repeated in all periods, where the connections are more thematic than conceptual. There are key documents for different topics. The main themes have been very different over the years like telepathology and artificial intelligence

    Caracterización de los sistemas de producción de la raza ovina Lojeña

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    La raza ovina Lojeña es una raza en peligro de extinción, las condiciones medioambientales donde se desarrolla la hacen artífice de una carne única pero también de unos niveles de producción algo menores a los de otras razas ovinas españolas. Son explotaciones con un tamaño medio de 610 ovejas, muchas de ellas en producción ecológica, familiares y como ocurre en otros sistemas de pequeños rumiantes españoles, con una edad media del ganadero superior a los 45 años y con poco relevo generacional. Es necesario trabajar en aumentar algo los índices productivos, rentabilizar las cualidades que tiene su carne y revalorizar su papel medioambiental y social

    Spatiotemporal evolution of U and Th isotopes in a mine effluent highly polluted by Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)

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    The spatiotemporal evolution of both U and Th isotopes in a mine effluent highly polluted by acid mine drainage (AMD) was evaluated. The acidic tributary, which born from the outflows of an abandoned sulfide mine, flows into the Odiel River. AMD comprises an important source of natural radionuclides, presenting concentrations of 238U and 232Th, two and four orders of magnitude higher, respectively, than the background values of surface continental waters. These natural radionuclides behave conservatively along the mine effluent (pH < 2.5) throughout the hydrological year. Under AMD conditions uranium is in the hexavalent state U(VI) and the main dissolved species are uranyl sulfate complexes. The polluted tributary has a significant impact on the Odiel River acidifying its waters during the low flow season and increasing up to one order of magnitude the activity concentrations of U and Th isotopes. U presented a conservative behavior in the Odiel River during the low flow season (pH ≈ 3), however it is removed from the liquid phase in the wet season (pH ≈ 6), probably due its coprecipitation/adsorption onto Al-phases. Th shows a high sensitivity to small increases of pH, and it is strongly coprecipitated/adsorbed with or onto Fe-oxyhydroxydizes in the river.This research was funded by the University of Huelva and the Operative FEDER Program-Andalucía 2014–2020 (UHU-1255876, UHU-202020); The European Regional Development Fund through the Agencia Estatal de Investigaci´on (research grant PID2020–116461RBC21 and 116461RA-C22), and the Andalusian government (I+D+i- JAPAIDI-Retos project PY20_00096). Jos´e Luis Guerrero thank the Spanish Ministry of Universities for the Margarita Salas research grant. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA

    Two-channel Kondo Lattice Model on a ladder studied by the Density Matrix Renormalization Group Method

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    Using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method we study a two-channel Kondo lattice model on a half filled ladder. Our model involves an on-site s-wave and a nearest neighbor d-wave coupling between the local moments and the conduction electrons on the ladder. By changing the relative strength of the two Kondo interactions we examine the evolution of the system from a conventional Kondo insulator with a singlet at each site to a new kind of semimetallic state formed by overlapping of Zhang-Rice-like singlets. The DMRG is used to study how the spin and charge correlation functions evolve between these two regimes

    Non-invertible transformations and spatiotemporal randomness

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    We generalize the exact solution to the Bernoulli shift map. Under certain conditions, the generalized functions can produce unpredictable dynamics. We use the properties of the generalized functions to show that certain dynamical systems can generate random dynamics. For instance, the chaotic Chua's circuit coupled to a circuit with a non-invertible I-V characteristic can generate unpredictable dynamics. In general, a nonperiodic time-series with truncated exponential behavior can be converted into unpredictable dynamics using non-invertible transformations. Using a new theoretical framework for chaos and randomness, we investigate some classes of coupled map lattices. We show that, in some cases, these systems can produce completely unpredictable dynamics. In a similar fashion, we explain why some wellknown spatiotemporal systems have been found to produce very complex dynamics in numerical simulations. We discuss real physical systems that can generate random dynamics.Comment: Accepted in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chao

    Incidence of complications in breast reconstruction with autologous tissue in a third level hospital

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    Background: The objective of this study is to analyze the incidence of complications after breast reconstruction with pedicled or free flaps at the hospital general de Mexico "Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”. Methods: A retrospective, single-center study, including 44 female patients, who underwent immediate or delayed breast reconstruction after breast cancer, between 2019 and 2020, and had at least a 2-year follow up, evaluating the association between patient risk factors (age, history of radiotherapy, presence of overweight or obesity and immediate or delayed reconstruction) with the presence of complications such as seroma, hematoma, wound infection or wound dehiscence. We analyzed data with SPSS software, v23.0. Results: There was no statistically significant difference for the presence of complications associated with risk factors studied. Conclusions: We need more prospective, multicenter studies, including larger sample and strict follow up of patients

    Descriptive analysis of histological types in women undergoing post mastectomy breast reconstruction

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    Background: Breast cancer is a pathological entity that widely compromises the life and quality of life of affected women; in addition to the great affectation to the current health services. Therefore, maintaining an accurate and complete cancer registry program is one of the most important factors in implementing national cancer control programs and evaluating the results of screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Among the current limitations in the studies, there is a gap in the study of the population undergoing breast reconstruction. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out at hospital general de México “Dr. Eduardo Licéaga” with the information from the clinical records of the period 2019-2020. Patients undergoing breast reconstruction after mastectomy with histological report were included. Through non-probabilistic sampling, a population of 138 women was formed. For data analysis, frequencies and percentages were calculated for the qualitative variables; while for the quantitative variables, mean and standard deviation were calculated. Results: 138 women who underwent breast reconstruction were included, the mean age was 49.9±10.85 years, the mean BMI was 26.80±4.62 kg/m2, the secondary educational level predominated (34.8%), radiotherapy was applied to 34.1%, reconstruction was late in 75.4%, the most frequent reconstruction technique was TRAM flap (44.2%), the histological type of invasive ductal carcinoma predominated (68.1%). Conclusions: In women undergoing post-mastectomy breast reconstruction, the histological type of invasive ductal carcinoma predominates.

    Evaluación de la proximidad de sistemas ovinos de la raza Segureña a un modelo de producción agroecológico

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    La sociedad europea demanda cada vez más que la producción de alimentos sea respetuosa con el medio ambiente, cuidando además su calidad nutritiva. Muchos de los sistemas pastorales de pequeños rumiantes presentes en España cumplen con la mayoría de los criterios de sostenibilidad. Los sistemas de la raza Segureña se basan en un modelo pastoral en una de las zonas más desfavorecidas del territorio español. Con el presente trabajo se pretende valorar la cercanía que dichos sistemas tienen a un modelo agroecológico optimizado. Los resultados muestran un valor de cercanía o proximidad del 64,4%, pudiendo este valor aumentar realizando algunas modificaciones funcionales o de manejo. El manejo alimentario es el aspecto que tiene una mayor proximidad, en cambio los factores relacionados con la sanidad son los que presentan menores valores de proximidad. Potenciar los aspectos agroecológicos que favorezcan la sostenibilidad a través de criterios que sean fácilmente comprensibles por los consumidores, mejora las posibilidades de comercialización de los productos de estos sistemas en nichos de mercado especializados