510 research outputs found

    Impacto de un plan de mejora para la reducción y prevención de diferencias de inventario en una empresa del Retail Óptico del Perú

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Gestión EmpresarialEl objetivo del presente trabajo, es determinar el impacto de la aplicación de un plan de mejora a la gestión de las diferencias de inventario, en una empresa líder del retail óptico en el Perú; evaluar y presentar las acciones que permitieron disminuir la cuenta de diferencia de inventarios (Shrinkage) y prevenir los riesgos de pérdidas por fallas en los procesos, robos y fraudes diversos. La metodología mostrará mediante el análisis de involucrados y enfoque de rediseño de procesos, plantear mejoras para la reducción y control de las diferencias de inventario. Acortando los tiempos de control de los procesos, que aseguren una reacción inmediata a los factores que generan diferencias de inventario. Mediante la aplicación de procesos de control y el uso de herramientas de seguimiento, como el aplicativo de inventarios semanales, el cuál brinda información oportuna y relevante para la gestión de las diferencias de inventario. Los resultados muestran una disminución significativa de las diferencias de inventario desde la aplicación de los procedimientos de control y seguimiento mediante el aplicativo. Se ha logrado generar un ambiente de control dentro de la compañía, logrando el compromiso de todos los involucrados en la gestión de las existencias, con la prevención y disminución de las diferencias de inventario. La aplicación del plan de mejora para la reducción y prevención de diferencias de inventario generó un encogimiento en el ratio, de 1.75 por ciento en el 2013 a 0.47 por ciento en el 2016. Esto demuestra que se tiene que seguir gestionando y controlando este plan, desarrollando y mejorando el mismo, para asegurar que los factores de pérdidas del sector retail no sean un riesgo significativo para la empresa. En la actualidad, la correcta gestión de las diferencias de inventario en las empresas, representa una gran oportunidad para los profesionales de la carrera de Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial, porque es un campo de acción para el cual están preparados y el cuál tiene mucho por desarrollar.Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    La regulación de las concesiones de obras y servicios en las nuevas directivas europeas. Visión crítica de la regulación en Navarra

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    Hasta la aprobación de la Directiva 2014/23 las concesiones a nivel UE estaban reguladas de forma parcial (sólo las de obras, no las de servicios) e incompleta, lo que se traducía en que muchos Estados miembros tipificaban de concesiones lo que en la práctica son contratos públicos. Por ello, la principal novedad de esta Directiva radica en regular de manera autónoma, uniforme e «íntegra» las concesiones para distinguirlas definitivamente de los clásicos contratos de obras o servicios, puesto que aquéllas ya no se definen por referencia al objeto de éstos, sino con base y fundamento en el riesgo operacional que necesariamente debe ser asumido por el concesionario. En este trabajo se hace especial hincapié en la definición de concesión, que queda supeditada al concepto de riesgo operacional, sin el cual aquélla carece de sentido. Ahora bien, se trata de un concepto ambiguo que debe ser integrado con criterios interpretativos.Until the adoption of Directive 2014/23 EU level concessions were regulated in part (only works, not services) and incomplete, which resulted in many Member States that typified concessions which in practice are public contracts. Therefore, the main novelty of this Directive is to regulate autonomously, uniform and «in full» concessions to definitively distinguish classical works contracts or services, since those are no longer defined by reference to the object of these, but the basis and foundation for operational risk must necessarily be assumed by the concessionaire. In this paper special emphasis on the definition of concession, which is subject to the concept of operational risk, without which it is meaningless. Now, this is an ambiguous concept that must be integrated with interpretive criteria

    Effects of Environmental Stress on the Pollen Viability of Ornamental Tree-Species in the City of Granada (South-Eastern Spain)

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    Atmospheric conditions, as well as pollutants, can induce changes in the viability and germinability of the pollen grain. This process frequently occurs in cities due to the high rate of air pollution that can alter the quality of pollen, affecting its biological functions. In this work, the effect of different environmental stress factors, mainly UV-B radiation and polluting gases (CO, NO2 and SO2), on the viability and maturity of the pollen of four ornamental tree-species present in the green infrastructure of Granada, namely Acer negundo, Carpinus betulus, Olea europaea and Cupressus spp. is analyzed. Differential staining techniques were used with fresh pollen collected in areas with different exposure to environmental stress to detect intact cell membranes (Trypan blue) and the state of maturity (Pyrogallol red). It was observed that the species from sectors more exposed to environmental stress registered a low viability and were affected by factors such as UV-B radiation and atmospheric pollutants. On the contrary, the pollen from tree species growing in peri-urban forests presented a higher rate of viability and less effect of pollutant factors. Differences were also observed according to the species/genus and according to the sampling area. This modification in the morphological and/or organic composition of the pollen wall may cause a loss of quality in the reproductive processes of plants, and it may be bioindicator of the process of progressive degradation that plant species can experience in urban environments under conditions of environmental stress, and prevent the impacts that can affect other species

    Influencia del tiempo de cosecha en el secado del hongo Suillus luteus

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Tecnología de Alimentos y Productos AgropecuariosLa presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar, mediante una evaluación sensorial, la preferencia de los consumidores, en cuanto a las características de color, textura, sabor y aceptabilidad general, sobre hongos secos comestibles Suillus luteus cosechados a diferentes días (8, 9, 10 y 11) con un pre-tratamiento de escaldado en agua (100°C) y disolución de ácido cítrico (0.5 por ciento), para luego ser secados a una temperatura de 55°C con una velocidad de 1.5 m/s. En la primera etapa se caracterizó los hongos a diferentes días de cosecha en cuanto a humedad, dureza y color. Para humedad no se encontró diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos; para color se determinaron los valores de luminosidad (L*), croma (C*) y valor b*; para textura se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos del día 8 y 9 con los días 10 y 11; para dureza se evidenció que disminuye conforme avanza la maduración del hongo. En la segunda etapa, se secaron los hongos bajo los parámetros mencionados, se realizó las gráficas de curvas de secado para cada tratamiento, se obtuvieron los valores de humedad de equilibrio y valores de humedad crítica. Posterior al secado, se determinó la actividad de agua (aw) para todos los tratamientos y se obtuvo un valor menor de 0.6, en la cual no se presenta proliferación de bacterias. En la tercera etapa se realizó la evaluación sensorial de los hongos secos para los atributos ya mencionados: para el color se obtuvo una mayor preferencia en el tratamiento del día 8; para la textura la preferencia fue para los tratamientos del día 9 y 10; para el sabor los tratamientos del día 10 y 11; finalmente para la aceptabilidad general se obtuvo una mayor preferencia por los tratamientos del día 8 y 9.The aim of the present investigation was to determine the preference of the consumers by means of a sensorial evaluation, in terms of the characteristics of color, texture, flavor and general acceptability on dry edible fungi Suillus luteus harvested at different days (8, 9, 10 and 11) with a pre-treatment of blanching in water (100°C) and a solution of citric acid (0.5%), then be dried at a temperature of 55°C with a speed of air 1,5 m/s. In the first stage, the fungi were characterized at different harvest days in terms of moisture, hardness, and color. For moisture, no significant differences were found between the treatments; for color the luminosity values (L*), chroma (C*) and b* value were determined; for texture, significant differences were found between treatments on day 8 and 9 with days 10 and 11; for hardness it was evidenced that it decreases as the maturation of the fungus progresses. In the second stage, the fungi were dried under the mentioned parameters, the graphs of drying curves were made for each treatment, the equilibrium moisture values, and critical moisture values were obtained. After drying, the water activity (aw) was determined for all the treatments and a value of less than 0.6 was obtained, in which there is no proliferation of bacteria. In the third stage, the sensory evaluation of the dried mushrooms was carried out for the mentioned attributes: for color, a greater preference was obtained in the treatment of day 8; for the texture the preference was for the treatments of day 9 and 10; for the flavor the treatments of day 10 and 11; finally, for general acceptability, a greater preference was obtained for the treatments on day 8 and 9

    Accurate Algorithms for Spatial Operations on the Spheroid in a Spatial Database Management System

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    [EN] Some of the most powerful spatial analysis software solutions (Oracle, Google Earth Engine, PostgreSQL + PostGIS, etc.) are currently performing geometric calculations directly on the ellipsoid (a quadratic surface that models the earth shape), with a double purpose: to attain a high degree of accuracy and to allow the full management of large areas of territory (countries or even continents). It is well known that both objectives are impossible to achieve by means of the traditional approach using local mathematical projections and Cartesian coordinates. This paper demonstrates in a quantitative methodological way that most of the spatial analysis software products make important deviations in calculations regarding to geodesics, being the users unaware of the magnitude of these inaccuracies, which can easily reach meters depending on the distance. This is due to the use of ellipsoid calculations in an approximate way (e.g., using a sphere instead of an ellipsoid). This paper presents the implementation of two algorithms that solve with high accuracy (less than 100 nm) and efficiently (few iterations) two basic geometric calculations on the ellipsoid that are essential to build more complex spatial operators: the intersection of two geodesics and the minimum distance from a point to a geodesic.Martínez Llario, JC.; Baselga Moreno, S.; Coll-Aliaga, E. (2021). Accurate Algorithms for Spatial Operations on the Spheroid in a Spatial Database Management System. Applied Sciences. 11(11):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11115129121111

    Enhanced gene delivery in vitro and in vivo by improved transferrin-lipoplexes

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    AbstractCationic liposomes and the complexes they form with DNA (lipoplexes) constitute the most promising alternative to the use of viral vectors for gene therapy. One of the limitations to their application in vivo, however, is the inhibition of gene delivery by serum. In a previous study, we demonstrated that transferrin (Tf)-lipoplexes were superior to plain lipoplexes in transfecting HeLa cells in the presence of high concentrations of serum. With the goal of obtaining efficient gene expression in vivo, we evaluated the efficacy of Tf-lipoplexes (containing DOTAP and cholesterol) in transfecting primary hepatocytes and adipocytes in the presence of high serum concentrations. The association of transferrin with cationic liposomes increased luciferase expression compared to plain lipoplexes in primary cells as well as in HepG2 and 3T3-L1 differentiated adipocytes. The complexes were not cytotoxic and were highly effective in protecting DNA from attack by DNase I. An efficient and reliable method was developed to prepare lipoplexes containing both Tf and protamine sulfate, where the latter was mixed with transferrin, followed by the addition of cationic liposomes and DNA. The resulting protamine-Tf-lipoplexes increased significantly the levels of gene expression in cultured cells and in various tissues in mice following i.v. administration

    Editorial: diet, inflammation and colorectal cancer

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    This Research Topic was designed to provide the reader with an overview of the impact of body weight and adiposity, as well as of specific food compounds on the inflammatory status in health and disease states, such as CRC. We collected original and review articles featuring the role of specific food compounds in the regulation of immune response and their potential therapeutic implications, the effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), oligosaccharides, polyphenols and body weight in the modulation of inflammation and long-term disease outcomes, highlighting the link between diet, inflammation, and CRC

    Protective effects of fermented goat milk on genomic stability, oxidative stress and inflammatory signalling in testis during anaemia recovery

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    Oxidative stress is a harmful factor for male reproductive function, and a major cause of infertility. On the other hand, fermented goat milk has positive effects on anemia recovery and mineral metabolism. This study evaluated the effect of feeding rats with fermented milks during anaemia recovery on molecular mechanisms linked to oxidative stress and inflammatory signalling in rats reproductive system. Forty male Wistar rats were placed on a pre-experimental period of 40 days (control group, receiving normal-Fe diet and Fe-deficient group, receiving low-Fe diet). Lately, rats were fed with fermented goat or cow milk-based diets during 30 days. After feeding the fermented milks, Total antioxidant status (TAS) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) increased and 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), 15-F2t-isoprostanes and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) decreased in testis. DNA oxidative damage in testis germ cells was lower with fermented goat milk. Fermented goat milk reduced IL-6 and TNF-α in control animals, increasing INF-γ in control and anaemic rats. NRF2 and PGC-1α protein levels increased in testis after fermented goat milk consumption in control and anaemic rats. Fermented goat milk also increased TAS and decreased oxidative damage, protecting the main testis cell bioconstituents (lipids, proteins, DNA, prostaglandins) from oxidative damage and reduced inflammatory activity, preventing injuries to testis germinal epithelium. Fermented goat milk enhanced lipolysis, fatty acids degradation and immune response, attenuating inflammatory signalling, representing a positive growth advantage for testicular cells.Jorge Moreno-Fernandez was supported by fellowship from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Spain) and is grateful to the Excellence Ph.D. Program “Nutrición y Ciencias de los Alimentos” from the University of Granada. This study was supported by Andalusian Government, Excellence Research Project No. P11-AGR-7648

    Combined effect of high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) and antimicrobial from agro-industrial by-products against S. typhimurium

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    The inactivation potential of HHP treatment (200 MPa-2 min) was evaluated against Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in cauliflower and mandarin by-product infusions at 37 and 10 °C. By-product infusions exerted a strong antimicrobial effect used alone, achieving 5 log cycles of bacterial reduction for cauliflower by-product infusion after 10 h and for mandarin by-product infusion after 80 h, at 37 °C. The HHP treatment caused only one log cycle of cellular damage, but when inoculated cauliflower or mandarin by-product infusions were subjected to HHP treatment the antimicrobial effect against S. Typhimurium was enhanced, achieving 5 log cycles of inactivation in 6 h at 37 °C in both cases. Inactivation curves were adjusted to the Weibull equation and the kinetic parameters (b and n) were obtained. When HHP treatment was combined with by-product infusions, the inactivation rates were greater than when either of the by-product infusions was added separately. In conclusion, a synergistic antimicrobial effect against S. Typhimurium appeared to take place when HHP treatment was combined with cauliflower or mandarin by-product infusion. These infusions could be considered as an additional microbial control measure to guarantee the food safety and food quality of pasteurized food products that are stored under refrigeration.M. Sanz-Puig is grateful to the CSIC for providing a contract as a researcher working actively on project AGL 2013–48993-C2-2-R. The present research work was funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and with FEDER funds (AGL 2013-48993-C2-2-R).Peer reviewe