1,449 research outputs found

    Rpd3L and Hda1 histone deacetylases facilitate repair of broken forks by promoting sister chromatid cohesion

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    Genome stability involves accurate replication and DNA repair. Broken replication forks, such as those encountering a nick, lead to double strand breaks (DSBs), which are preferentially repaired by sister-chromatid recombination (SCR). To decipher the role of chromatin in eukaryotic DSB repair, here we analyze a collection of yeast chromatin-modifying mutants using a previously developed system for the molecular analysis of repair of replication-born DSBs by SCR based on a mini-HO site. We confirm the candidates through FLP-based systems based on a mutated version of the FLP flipase that causes nicks on either the leading or lagging DNA strands. We demonstrate that Rpd3L and Hda1 histone deacetylase (HDAC) complexes contribute to the repair of replication-born DSBs by facilitating cohesin loading, with no effect on other types of homology-dependent repair, thus preventing genome instability. We conclude that histone deacetylation favors general sister chromatid cohesion as a necessary step in SCR

    Niobrara Water Use and Reuse

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    Studies on electromagnetic turbulence and edge phenomena in fusion plasmas

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    The magnetic well depth if one of the principal actors when the stability of a confined plasma is analysed. It is the main stabilising mechanism in the TJ-II stellarator, as this is an almost shearless device. This and TJ-II's ability for changing the currents of its coils make the Spanish stellarator a perfect candidate for magnetic well studies. This thesis presents an exhaustive study on plasma performance and stability under theoretically unstable magnetic well conditions. NBI-heated reproducible plasmas were successfully produced even for the most stability adverse conditions and a link between the Alfén Eigenmodes and magnetic well depth was found. Visible light emission at the plasma edge of the JET tokamak has been studied with an intensified fast visible camera since the installation of its ITER-Like Wall. A method to characterize the evolution of ELMs in the divertor and relate the recorded signal with other diagnostics at JET has been developed. A large Matlab library orientated to treat and share the data produced by the intensified fast visible camera has been made available to the users of this diagnostic.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Plasmas y Fusión NuclearPresidente: Enrique Ascasibar Zubizarreta.- Secretario: Luis García Gonzalo.- Vocal: Antonio López Fragua

    Vaginal Probiotics for Reproductive Health and Related Dysbiosis: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    This research received no direct external funding. A.L.-M. was granted with the IniciaTC programme—OTRI-UGR. Infrastructure Reference Microbiota Laboratory funding projects FEDERIE_ 2019-198 and EIN-2019-103082.The authors acknowledge support from the Programs IniciaTC 2019, and INV 2019–2021 from the Plan Propio of the University of Granada. Part of results is from Ana López- Moreno doctoral thesis, Biomedicine Doctorate Program of the University of Granada.The use of probiotics in reproductive-related dysbiosis is an area of continuous progress due to the growing interest from clinicians and patients suffering from recurrent reproductive microbiota disorders. An imbalance in the natural colonization sites related to reproductive health-vaginal, cervicovaginal, endometrial, and pregnancy-related altered microbiota-could play a decisive role in reproductive outcomes. Oral and vaginal administrations are in continuous discussion regarding the clinical effects pursued, but the oral route is used and studied more often despite the need for further transference to the colonization site. The aim of the present review was to retrieve the standardized protocols of vaginal probiotics commonly used for investigating their microbiota modulation capacities. Most of the studies selected focused on treating bacterial vaginosis (BV) as the most common dysbiosis; a few studies focused on vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) and on pretreatment during in vitro fertilization (IVF). Vaginal probiotic doses administered were similar to oral probiotics protocols, ranging from >= 10(7) CFU/day to 2.5 x 10(10) CFU/day, but were highly variable regarding the treatment duration timing. Moderate vaginal microbiota modulation was achieved; the relative abundance of abnormal microbiota decreased and Lactobacillus species increased.FEDER-IE_2019-198EIN-2019-10308

    Impacto de la Educación Musical : una revisión de la literatura científica

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    Este artículo estudia el impacto de la educación musical cursada en las enseñanzas obligatorias a partir de una revisión de la literatura académica existente. La búsqueda en bases de datos especializadas proporcionó un total de 25 artículos publicados durante el periodo 2005 - 2016. Tras analizarlos se establecieron dos categorías de impacto: DENTRO, en relación con la propia disciplina y FUERA, con implicaciones más allá de la disciplina. Buena parte de las publicaciones analizadas contemplaron el impacto de acuerdo con temáticas que sobrepasan lo que es estrictamente la educación musical obligatoria abarcando aspectos personales, intelectuales y/o sociales. En consecuencia, se presenta una conceptualización de impacto en educación musical que va más allá de los aspectos mensurables asociados a las políticas educativas de reforma.This paper examines the impact of school music education through an academic literature review. The search in specialized databases provided a total of 25 papers published during 2005 - 2016. The analysis revealed two categories in relation to impact: IN, that included those issues within the discipline, and OUT, with implications beyond it. Many of the analysed publications considered the impact based on topics that go beyond what strictly school music education is, including personal, intellectual and/or social aspects. This study presents a conceptualization of impact on music education that surpasses the measurable aspects associated with educational policy reforms

    Teledermatology before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic

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    La teledermatología ha avanzado en aceptación y uso en los últimos 2 meses de confinamiento por SARS-CoV-2 más que en los últimos 20 años. Su repentina popularidad –aun entre los más escépticos– ha sido el resultado de buscar una respuesta a las necesidades de los pacientes, que se han encontrado bruscamente sin atención dermatológica presencial tanto en lo privado como en lo público. Incluso aquellos servicios que incluían la modalidad asíncrona tuvieron que generar sistemas que permitieran la atención directa (direct-to-consumer) entre el especialista y el paciente. El siguiente artículo propone algunas maneras prácticas de implementación segura para agilizar y optimizar las consultas dermatológicas, aplicables no solamente a tiempos de pandemia.The use and acceptance of teledermatology increased more in the last 2 months of the recent lockdown owing to coronavirus disease 2019 than in the preceding 20 years. This sudden popularity –even among the greatest skeptics– was driven by the need to offer solutions to patients in both public and private settings who suddenly found themselves unable to access in-person dermatological care. Even departments already offering an asynchronous, store-and-forward teledermatology service were obliged to create new systems to support direct interaction between specialists and patients (the direct-to-consumer model). This article suggests some practical ways to implement TD safely and to expedite and optimize teleconsultations; these ideas are not just applicable to a pandemic situation

    A new geometrical method for 3D evaluation of non-rigid registration methods for radiotherapy in prostate cancer

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    Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy aims at delivering a high dose of radiation to the tumour, while sparing the surrounding normal tissue to a maximum extent. Image registration is an essential tool for monitoring radiation therapies, since allows morphological comparisons in presence of anatomic variations. The evaluation of non-rigid registration methods is very complicated owe to the absence of a known pointwise correspondence. The use of analysis of variations in target volume delineations has been proposed in the past for the evaluation of non-rigid registration methods. Delineation of the target volume is usually accomplished by outlining the contour of the volume in each separate tomographic slice. In the studies of reference, the 3D surface is rendered from the contours by means of a Delauney triangulation. This geometrical method only works correctly for convex structures. However the volumes involved on pelvic anatomy, such as bladder or prostate including the seminal vesicles, have relevant concavities that introduce a huge error in the evaluation. A new geometrical method for the evaluation of convex-concave target volumes delineation is proposed

    Centro para el Green Building Council, sede del Mediterráneo

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    [ES] El final de la Avenida del Puerto de Valencia constituye el entorno para el emplazamiento de la sede del mediterráneo del GBC. Esta asociación se define como un organismo sin ánimo de lucro que, aunando a diferentes agentes de la edificación, promueve un cambio en el modelo actual de mercado favoreciendo otro más sostenible acorde con los ODS fijados. El proyecto desarrolla los espacios necesarios para este organismo en su sede mediterránea, suponiendo una muestra de los principios de sostenibilidad aplicables y tratando de erigirse como modelo.[EN] The end of Avenida del Puerto in Valencia constitutes the environment for the placement of GBC's mediterranean delegation. This association defines itself as a non-profit organization, being the nexus for different edification agents, promoving a change on the actual market modelo favouring more sustainability with fixed ODSs. The project develops the necessary spaces por this organism on its mediterranean site, being an example of the appliable sustainability principles, and trying to rise as a model.Aguilera Moreno, B. (2020). Centro para el Green Building Council, sede del Mediterráneo. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/142172TFG

    The relationship of football with the sociology and the values.

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    En este Trabajo Fin de Grado, hemos enfocado la sociología, a partir de su relación con el fútbol (un fenómeno social que se encuentra en auge y que permite el desarrollo integral de los niños y niñas que lo practican) y los valores, la práctica del fútbol se encuentra en auge en la actualidad (hemos observado que ha aumentado la práctica del fútbol femenino, en comparación con otros años). En concreto hemos estudiado la relación entre los valores sociales (compañerismo, respeto, frustración, etc.) con el fútbol y su importancia en la vida cotidiana. De base de este Trabajo Fin de grado hemos utilizado diferentes artículos los cuales están relacionados con los temas que hemos investigado (la sociología, el fútbol y los valores). La investigación se ha centrado en el análisis de los factores sociales, del grupo social que intervienen en el proceso, antes, durante y después de su práctica. Los valores que se transmiten deben tener relación con la vida cotidiana, como el respeto, el trabajo en equipo, etc. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de los cuestionarios realizados a los agentes que intervienen en dicho proceso, consiguiendo una participación de alrededor de unas 100 personas, entre, padres, madres, tutores legales, entrenadores y directivos del club. Esto nos ha permitido sacar diferentes conclusiones, que afectan a la sociedad y pueden servir de gran ayuda a clubes, centros de educación, familiares, etc sobre cómo afecta esta problemática en los niños y niñas. Gracias a los resultados obtenidos también hemos podido dar una serie de recomendaciones para abordar esta problemática. In this Final Degree Project, we have focused on sociology, from its relationship with football (a social phenomenon that is booming and that allows the integral development of the boys and girls who play it) and values, the practice of football is currently booming (we have observed that the practice of women's football has increased, compared to other years). In particular, we have studied the relationship between social values (companionship, respect, frustration, etc.) and football and their importance in everyday life. As a basis for this Final Degree Project we have used different articles which are related to the topics we have investigated (sociology, football and values). The research has focused on the analysis of the social factors of the social group involved in the process, before, during and after its practice. The values that are transmitted must be related to everyday life, such as respect, teamwork, etc. The results obtained from the questionnaires carried out with the agents involved in this process, with the participation of around 100 people, including fathers, mothers, legal guardians, coaches and club managers. This has allowed us to draw different conclusions, which affect society and can be of great help to clubs, education centres, families, etc. on how this problem affects children. Thanks to the results obtained, we have also been able to give a series of recommendations to tackle this problem

    Setting up a large set of protein-ligand PDB complexes for the development and validation of knowledge-based docking algorithms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The number of algorithms available to predict ligand-protein interactions is large and ever-increasing. The number of test cases used to validate these methods is usually small and problem dependent. Recently, several databases have been released for further understanding of protein-ligand interactions, having the Protein Data Bank as backend support. Nevertheless, it appears to be difficult to test docking methods on a large variety of complexes. In this paper we report the development of a new database of protein-ligand complexes tailored for testing of docking algorithms.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using a new definition of molecular contact, small ligands contained in the 2005 PDB edition were identified and processed. The database was enriched in molecular properties. In particular, an automated typing of ligand atoms was performed. A filtering procedure was applied to select a non-redundant dataset of complexes. Data mining was performed to obtain information on the frequencies of different types of atomic contacts. Docking simulations were run with the program DOCK.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We compiled a large database of small ligand-protein complexes, enriched with different calculated properties, that currently contains more than 6000 non-redundant structures. As an example to demonstrate the value of the new database, we derived a new set of chemical matching rules to be used in the context of the program DOCK, based on contact frequencies between ligand atoms and points representing the protein surface, and proved their enhanced efficiency with respect to the default set of rules included in that program.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The new database constitutes a valuable resource for the development of knowledge-based docking algorithms and for testing docking programs on large sets of protein-ligand complexes. The new chemical matching rules proposed in this work significantly increase the success rate in DOCKing simulations. The database developed in this work is available at <url>http://cimlcsext.cim.sld.cu:8080/screeningbrowser/</url>.</p