422 research outputs found

    Using GIS to deconstruct Iberian Iron Age landscapes: the territory of Kelin between 6th–5th centuries BC (La Plana d’Utiel, València)

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    The aim of this paper is to present a pilot study applying GIS to analyse regional processes among Iron Age societies in the Mediterranean façade of the Iberian Peninsula (Iberian Culture, 6th–1st century BC). This is the study of La Plana d’Utiel region (València, Spain), using GIS to analyse the emergence of the spatial and territorial complexity as reflection of the socio-cultural complexity of its inhabitants. GIS has provided us a powerful set of tools to study the landscape, the settlement pattern and the complex spatial relations among all our agents and objects. And most importantly, to analyse the complex process of a territory formation as the construction of places with functions and identities. This research underscores the necessity of developing a research that is holistic rather than atomistic, in order to integrate the many aspects of ancient Iberian society

    Dictionary of Archaeological Terms English-Spanish / Spanish-English.

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    Vocabulario de conceptos arqueológicos Inglés-Español / Español-Inglés. Dictionary of Archaeological Terms English-Spanish / Spanish-English

    Emergent Causality and the N-photon Scattering Matrix in Waveguide QED

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    In this work we discuss the emergence of approximate causality in a general setup from waveguide QED -i.e. a one-dimensional propagating field interacting with a scatterer. We prove that this emergent causality translates into a structure for the N-photon scattering matrix. Our work builds on the derivation of a Lieb-Robinson-type bound for continuous models and for all coupling strengths, as well as on several intermediate results, of which we highlight (i) the asymptotic independence of space-like separated wave packets, (ii) the proper definition of input and output scattering states, and (iii) the characterization of the ground state and correlations in the model. We illustrate our formal results by analyzing the two-photon scattering from a quantum impurity in the ultrastrong coupling regime, verifying the cluster decomposition and ground-state nature. Besides, we generalize the cluster decomposition if inelastic or Raman scattering occurs, finding the structure of the S-matrix in momentum space for linear dispersion relations. In this case, we compute the decay of the fluorescence (photon-photon correlations) caused by this S-matrix

    Onofre Valldecabres: Art Nouveau valencian ceramics in Cartagena

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    [SPA] La cerámica arquitectónica tuvo, en Cartagena, un desarrollo muy similar al resto del levante peninsular, fruto del auge en número y calidad de las producciones que se desarrollaron, sobre todo, en la Comunidad Valenciana. Ya en el siglo XIX el azulejo seriado es utilizado en Cartagena en sotobalcones y decoraciones puntuales de interiores. Pero es en la etapa modernista cuando tuvo su cénit y, además del uso masivo de azulejo seriado, se introdujeron también los paneles decorativos realizados por pintores cerámicos. La empresa “Onofre Valldecabres y hermano” fue una importante fábrica de azulejos de Quart de Poblet (Valencia), que ha sido muy poco estudiada y de la que apenas hay referencias. En Cartagena se conocía exclusivamente por su fachada en la Casa Llagostera, pero las investigaciones realizadas recientemente demuestran que Onofre Valldecabres estuvo presente en Cartagena más allá de esa obra. Esta comunicación pretende dar a conocer la historia de la fábrica, de sus protagonistas, el tipo de producción que realizaban así como el repertorio de azulejos que existen en Cartagena y en la comarca del Campo de Cartagena realizados por este destacado ceramista valenciano. [ENG] Architectural ceramics in Cartagena had a very similar development to the rest of the Spanish Mediterranean facade, as a result of the rise in number and quality of the productions that were developed, especially, in Valencia. In the 19th century the serial tile is used in Cartagena in “sotobalcones” [underbalconies] and punctual decorations of interiors. But it is during the art nouveau stage when it had his zenith. Thus, besides the massive use of serial tiles, decorative panels realized by ceramic painters were also introduced. The company “OnofreValldecabres y Hermano” was an important tile factory of Quart de Poblet (Valencia), which has been very slightly studied and has hardly references. In Cartagena it was known exclusively by itstile front in the Casa Llagostera, but recentresearch shows that OnofreValldecabres was present in Cartagena beyond this work. This communication tries to approach the history of the factory, its protagonists, the type of production that they made as well as therepertoire of tiles that exist in Cartagena and in the region of the Campode Cartagena, realized by these outstanding Valencian ceramists

    From the real to the imaginary. A flora and fauna database of the Iberian Iron Age.

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    'From the real to the imaginary,' a project developed between 2005 and 2012, studies Iberian flora and fauna in order to understand (and even approximate) the use and symbolism of plants and animals within Iberian Iron Age societies. Our methodology combines a paleobiological approach, based on palinology, anthracology, paleocarpology and paleozoology, with an iconographic approach. We record all the representations of plants and animals that appear on different Iron Age media: pottery, architectonic stone, stone sculpture, metallic objects and coins. All these data are catalogued taking into account the context and chronology of the archaeological remains for each entry. This information is now available in an open access database, which is updated regularly: http://www.florayfaunaiberica.org

    Iron, Fuel and Slags: Reconstructing the Ironworking Process in Iberian Iron Age (Valencian Region)

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    In this paper we present the archaeological data related to ironworks in the territory of Kelin (4th-3rd centuries BC). We have analysed the different phases of the process through the distribution of raw materials, iron oxides, production waste and manufactured products as well as some structures such as furnaces and forges. Furthermore, metallographic analysis allows us to know the nature and the phases of the ironworking process. Our goal is to reconstruct the operative chain from the mines to the resulting iron tools and weapons in order to approach deeply the importance and organization of ironworks in the Iberian society.In this paper we present the archaeological data related to ironworks in the territory of Kelin (4th-3rd centuries BC). We have analysed the different phases of the process through the distribution of raw materials, iron oxides, production waste and manufactured products as well as some structures such as furnaces and forges. Furthermore, metallographic analysis allows us to know the nature and the phases of the ironworking process. Our goal is to reconstruct the operative chain from the mines to the resulting iron tools and weapons in order to approach deeply the importance and organization of ironworks in the Iberian society.En este trabajo se presenta toda la información disponible en la actualidad sobre la siderurgia del territorio de Kelin entre los siglos IV y III a.C. Se analizan las diferentes fases del proceso de producción desde la distribución de materias primas, los desechos de producción y los productos manufacturados así como los hornos y forjas. Además, los análisis metalográficos aportan información sobre las fases del proceso siderúrgico. El objetivo es reconsruir la cadena operativa desde el trabajo en las minas a las herramientas y armamento, así como profundizar en la importancia y la organización de lo talleres siderúrgicos en la sociedad ibérica